Backing Up Quicken 2004 Files To CD Rw - Intuit Do Not Work

Nov 17, 2003

Going crazy trying to back up my Quicken 2004 files to CD-RW. The instructions for doing this from Intuit do not work. I have the latest patch which is release3. It claims that the built in CD burner program in XP will open if I click on file then backup. Nothing happens. Where is the built in Cd burner program? Dell was no help as was Quicken.

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Error On Starting Quicken 2004 Basic

Dec 2, 2008

Upon starting Quicken 2004 Basic, I got a notification that I had to reinstall Quicken,Upon starting an uninstall of Quicken 2004, I got an Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:WINDOWSInstallerQuicken 2004.msl. I have used Windows install clean up, and have run a registry cleaner. I also have gone into the registry, and deleted anything pertaining to Quicken. No matter what I try, Quicken won't reinstall, because I can't uninstall the previous Quicken.

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Microsoft Work 2004 Excel Spreadsheet

Aug 21, 2010

I have just installed microsoft work 2004 when I go into excel open page up, I thing I want to know is that i want to produce 12 months on this spreadsheet how do i get it so each month is at the bottom of grid and I click on ones I want, I thing these are call sheets.

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Norton Antivirus 2004 Never Live Update The Definition Files

Aug 27, 2005

Norton Antivirus 2004 never Live Update the definition files. Last month downloaded a definitions file from directly Symantec web site. By now it is already one month old and I have to download again the LARGER definition file. I have a slow dial-up connection.

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External Disk - Backing Up Files

Mar 30, 2007

I got me a 500 gig external disk, that does not come with much s/w. What are some good s/w out there that allow me to manage my backups. I have XP Home.

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Backing Up System State - Restore Sensitive Files

Oct 3, 2005

I am sole installer and user of my XP Home SP2 machine. I have Administrator rights; (I checked to make sure in Safe Mode as the actual default Admin).In trying to backup my System State, it "fails" 75% into it saying I don't have permission on certain sensitive files and that restore will fail.

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Virtual PC 2004 DOS Win3.1 The Sage Continues

Dec 6, 2008

I have hit another wall. Using W2K-Pro I installed VirtualPC 2004-SP1. I then installed DOS 6.22.I began the win3.1 install and at the end of the second disk when it launches win3.1-Setup and asks for a Name and Company the Virtual Machine hangs. No mouse, no blinking cursor.I can right-Alt to shut down the VM. OK, so I though it might be the USB mouse and keyboard so I shut it all down and plugged in a M$oft PS/2 mouse and keyboard. Same problem with the win3.1 install. Not to be beaten, I went to another PC also running W2K-Pro. Exact same issue with win3.1. Not be be beaten again, again I installed VPC-2004 on an XP-Pro, damn me, same again at the end of the win3.1 second diskette. I have tried installing DOS and win3.1 onto a 486 machine and it installs fine so I doubt it is a faulty diskette.

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Window Upgrade - Can't Install Norton Antivirus 2004

Jul 2, 2005

I installed Window XP upgrade and didn't realize that it would disable my Norton antivirus 2004. After installation, Windows informed me that Norton would have to be reinstalled. I tried reinstalling it, but couldn't until the disabled one was uninstalled. When I tried to uninstall it, there were some files that the uninstall program couldn't find, so the uninstall failed. I need to know how I can get the disabled one off my system so that I can reinstall Norton again.

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Unable To Find Mobility Radeon Drivers Since 2004?

Jul 12, 2007

I recently bought a Acer Travelmate 8000 laptop from ebay, it has a Mobility Radeon 9700 in it. Trouble is, because Acer arent in ATI's list of approved venders or something, I cant install the ATI mobility drivers, OR indeed, the normal Radeon drivers. Anyone have any way around this, or any other ideas.

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How To Backing-up?

Aug 9, 2009

I have read that its best to back-up your file before installing sp3 could anyone tellme how I can do this Safely and Correctly so that I don't lose any of the information I have on my Computers Hard drive.

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Backing Up On Dvd Disc

Mar 25, 2008

My OS is Win XP Home. My question is that I noticed on most dvds it will say "data" and aside from pics and videos, can I use a dvd disc to backup my PC? And if so, would +R or -R ake a difference? I'll be using the windows backup wizard that's in my notebook.

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Backing Up To C Partition To CD

Feb 25, 2010

after messing around with several backup programs, Paragon has proved to be the most practical HOWEVER when I select to backup my C partition it wants to back up over 8 GIGS of data. Converting gig to meg and seeing as CD's can hold only 700mb that's about fifteen CD's that I'm going to have to use! I don't even think that there's a Flash drive large enough to back up what these recovery programs want to back up.I've upgraded and patched .net up to 3.5 (1.1 is broken for some reason). I've upgraded and patched XP Home to service pack 2 and have upgraded and patched IE to release 7.I have various utitlity and virus scanner programs on my system but doing an file observation through Advanced System Care, I have nowhere near 9 gigs of data that I need to back up.So the only thing I can think is that Paragon is trying to back all the formated trash data from the umpteen system formats that I've done.I've used several wipers and asked Paragon to exclude auxilary files but still insists that I have close to 9 gigs of data to back up?

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Backing Up Registry

Dec 6, 2005

I have 2 pc's i is xp home the other xp pro I made a backup of my registry on my xp home pc did it no bother using acronis true image I tried to do the same on my xp pro pc and when I typed regedit in the run box it went straight to a dos box with just rubbish on it I could make no sense of it. The registry editor and the export registry pages never came up.

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Backing Up SP2 Installation CD

Sep 18, 2006

I bought a full copy of Windows XP with SP2 included to install on my Intel Mac. Since it was a fairly expensive piece of software, I wish to protect this investment by creating a backup copy of the installation CD, in case anything should occur that damages the one that I bought. How can I do this so that the backup CD will install properly? I know very little about images and creating bootable discs, so any guidance would be very much appreciated. One problem that I know I wish to avoid: a fellow that I asked at a computer store said that he had tried but failed, finding that the new copy would not accept the serial number once he had installed it.

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Installing XP: Backing Up Everything Is Required?

Dec 24, 2004

I am seriously considering replacing my ME with XP and I was wondering if someone could kind of walk me through the procedure. Do I need to back up everything or just some things. How do you format? Also, if I decide to keep the ME, how do I go about reformatting it?

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Backing Up Pre-configured Computer 100%

Nov 27, 2005

I need to backup my pre-configured computer (drivers/XP) its a dell laptop, and i got no drivers -CD's- with it. What is the best way to make a duplicate copy of the harddrive (3 gugs)as I'm going to get a nre Hard drive soon?

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Backing Up Outlook Email

Dec 17, 2005

I really hope someone out there will help me to solve my problem.Im using outlook express to check my i want to reinstall my xp from scrap.The problem now is I dont want to lose my message.I just want to back up my message only,not the whole hard drive.

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Questions For Backing Up Data?

Jun 5, 2008

1.Could someone give me a suggestion/tips about doing backup?
a.The good place for backup?
b.How often I should do it?
c.The good method for backup?
2.I also have a HD that I made two partition on it, one partition is NTFS and the other is FAT32. How I should backup that HD?
3.What is the filetype system of a CD/DVD?

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Backing Up Whole System With All Applications And Softwares?

Sep 14, 2005

I want a means of backing up my whole system, applications, data, and everything including the operating system to a separate hard drive. If my hard disk dies I don't want to have to reload the operating system and all its updates, reload all my software and their updates, recreate users This literally takes days.I want to be able to put in a new hard drive and completely recreate my entire system from my backup drive and be back up and running in a couple hours.

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Microsoft Guided Help Works Well For Backing Up Registry?

Dec 15, 2006

Microsoft Guided Help works well for backing up my registry and it is certainly interesting to watch it run.

What type of program is it that runs on-line?

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Backing Up The Registry: Msisadrv.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

Sep 20, 2008

I was trying to backup the registry of my Windows XP Home edition desktop, and I was going to use the program ERDNT. Mistakenly, I copied the folder over from my Vista laptop, forgetting that it carried backups of my Vista registry. So I launched the program, and mistakenly, restored my Vista registry backup onto my XP computer. I panicked, and tried doing a system restore right after. Now, everytime the computer starts up I get an error saying that msisadrv.sys is missing or corrupt. What can I do?

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System Wont Boot: Backing Up Data To A External Drive?

Aug 10, 2009

Well like alot of people I made the mistake of selecting safeboot in the boot.ini file in the msconfig file after my comp got a virus and would not boot into safemode. The hard drive is in two partitions: the C drive used to contain windows, and the D drive which has the data i am trying to save. I don't have a Windows XP disc because it was already on the comp when i bought it. I have attempted to restore the windows files with Bart PE bootup image disc but it wiped out Windows XP completely from the C drive in the process, but the Data drive is still showing up with all its files intact.

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What Is Newer Microsoft Office 2004 Or Microsoft Works 4 5a

Jan 6, 2010

not sure which is the older ms office 2003 or ms works version 4.5a?

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Can't Get The To Work Runas In Batch Files

Jan 20, 2009

i cant seem to get runas to work in a batch file runas /env /user:domainadminuser cmd
exit it works when manually entered into a command window, just not in a batch script. all that happpens is the command is echoed in a continuous loop.

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Missing Files Maybe? No Commands In Cmd Work?

Aug 9, 2005

none of the commands i use in command prompt work and i get this wierd error when i play one of my games (counter strike) saying that there is something wrong with my half life launcher when there isnt. the game works fine but as soon as i close the error the game closes. but more importantly ive been told that i have system files missing? if this is the case how do i get them back?

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Applications Wont Run:make The Exe Files Work Again?

Feb 2, 2005

i installed spy bot search and destroy and on reboot it seems that the program has decided not to let me run any exe files/applications! im running xp and i cant find how to make the exe files work again. the error message i get when clicking anything is "this file does not have a program assosiated with it for performing this action.Create an association in the folder option control panel"

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Changed A Few File Types / Files Don't Work

May 29, 2005

I am having 2 problems. My boyfriend changed a few file types and named a program to open them. (One was Sims2 Pack files) now the files don't work. How does one change them back, when one doesn't know what opened them in the first place? Also I have some DOOZIES of virus/and or/spystuff. (One of the things is a red ball with an x in it, that sits in my systray. I found out that it is impossible to clean (ie format) my C: partition.

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Upgrade To WMP 10 And All Existing Mpeg Files Don't Work

Jun 10, 2005

I upgrade to WMP 10 and all my existing mpeg files don't work. I just get sound and a black screen. I see quite a few others posting similar problems. It now appears that my DVD Encoders are no longer compatible with WMP 10. Hmmm they were fine with WMP9...what gives? now it appears I must PURCHASE a new set of encoders, conveniently located through the WMP10 "Plug-Ins" drop down menu. And don't think you can go back to WMP9, it also seems that my system restore point created before the upgrade mysteriously fails to work.

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Outlook Express - Open PDF Files Doesnt Work

Feb 25, 2007

I have had a slightly annoying problem with Outlook Express which I use as my default mail client. Everything seems to work fine apart from when I try to open PDF files directly from OE, it tries to open them with notepad, which obviously doesn't work. I can save them anywhere else on my computer, my documents for example, and opening them from there works fine. I have the latest Adobe Reader. I can't find anyway to tell OE to open these attachments using Adobe Reader.

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Not Work With Home Network For Sharing Files And Printers

Apr 1, 2006

I am running a Windows XP SP2 with 768 Ram and a 2.66 GHz Pentium 4 CPU. I recently purchased a 20GB Maxtor OneTouch II USB hard drive and it came with Retrospect HD to back up my comptuer. The program will not do anyhting if i click setup so I can set it up to back up my computer. It also says ''updating status'' the whole time. Ihave left it at this screen for a long time and still nothing happened. I downloaded and installed the updrade for this from Maxtor's website, and it is still doign the same thing. Any suggestions on how to get this prgram working so I can back-up my computer?

If I use this to back-up my computer, and I use its restore feature, will I get problems on my computer that I currently have? (the main problem is with Windows Firewall, becuase i cannot enable it. My ocmptuer got infected a couple months ago and ever since is says it is controlled by Group Policy. For more detals on my problem click here I am using ZoneAlarm, but it will not work with my home network for sharing files and printers even though I have the IP address unblocked).

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Computer Won't Connect To Internet / Files Wont Work

Feb 27, 2006

my computer wont connect to the internet, some files wont work and it all started after i finished scanning with mcafee

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