How do I add a program to the Open With menu? One of my co-workers does not have the option to choose Excel when she right clicks on text (.txt) files and selects Open With. I've already tried selecting Choose Program and navigating to excel.exe. That does not add it. Other users have the option. These text files are already formatted in a way that will open in Excel with everything in columns without going through the wizard. I don't have any problems editing the registry if that is required as long as I have detailed instructions.
when ever i start any video application it shows that something has gone wrong and prog is to be closed,and pror closes everything on desktop closes and disappear only to reappear again after some time.
I was able to open the windows it self but the problem is i can't open any program most of the time. i did virus scan system mechanic thingy but still it wont let me open a program. but 1 suspicious thing ive noticed is that is happening when im turing the internet on. Inspiron 530 with 4 gb mem quadcore processor, belkin n adapter wondows xp.
The second open used to give me an error, I fixed that by adding a registry at HKCR*, I had to add the Shell entry there, none previously existed, and then added openas, then command and the default key which I have set to"rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1" The second open takes a while to load (5-10 seconds) and then an "Open With" window appears, but it is the wrong one. It lists the "Recommended Programs" and "Other Programs". I would like the one that when you go over "open with" a list of programs pop up w/o going to this other window. I also downloaded ShellExView, and just to see disabled all of the shell menus, and nothing changed, it worked as it did above.
I am running XP.The program menu bars and then those columns where you access your programs some of the programs are off my screen. I know there's a way to either consolidate or create another column, but I can't remember what to call this in order to look it up.
This is a simple one but I cannot seem to find out how to delete the history for the Run program. I want to remove the past items I ran from the dropdown menu. I am running XP home.
In Windows XP, the Windows Explorer application is found under "start/programs/accessories". I clicked on the application listing there and dragged it on to my desktop. There is now an icon on the desktop for it, but it has disappeared from the apps listings in "start/programs/accessories". How can I restore the program listing there?
I've googled this until I'm worn out. I have too many programs in the right-click "open with" menu. Is there any way to remove some? a program maybe? I've posted in other forums and some of the help I get has me reading thru a dozen pages of detailed instructions.
I've got left over start menu items that no longer link to a program. How can I get rid of these? Are there any simple apps that find these and remove them?
I would like to organize my program shortcuts into folders in the Start, All Programs menu, but I can't find the main folder where these shortcuts are listed?
I recently deleted a Trojan virus from my computer, and thought I was all smart for being able to do so, but to my dismay, I opened my Start Menu to find that The "All Programs" button had somehow been removed from the start menu.Any ideas on how to get it back would be greatly appreciated. My English teacher doesn't seem like the type I could use the "My computer broke " excuse on.
The shortcut icons for frequently used programs that appear in the start menu below the Internet, Email, etc. shortcuts seem to have disappeared. I noticed it when I rebooted after having defragmented system files using PerfectDisk 8. I assumed the list just got cleared, but it seems no matter how many programs I open, no new shortcuts are ever created. The space just remains blank.I'm not sure if this has any bearing, but I'm also running WindowBlinds 6. I've had WindowBlinds for a long long time and have never run across this issue. Also disabling WB doesn't seem to fix anything.I'm sure the solution is something quite simple
When I click on my Programs Menu and it shows my programs the columns are huge. I don't know how they got so big but I would like to make them smaller because there is no room for new installed programs to show in the columns.
MSinfo32.exe when i open system info in system tools menu it opens help_ supportit should open advanced system info. o.k when i open advanced system info in the help_ support browser it opens another help support window. any ideas. im all updated xp.sp2 all no matter where i locate the MSinfo32.exe from backup or service pack files it does the same
i am using windows xp home edition, and for the past last 1 week, whenever i try to open any folder by double clicking a search page opens same as search in start menu, n when i right click the folder i found dat d first option dat should have been 'open' was now changed to search, n dis is d case with all d folders n my drive too.
I am running Win XP on a HP laptop. When I boot up a program always tries to load but it is one that I don't have or have tried to load. It always asks for the disk which I do not have. It is not located in the start folder, so I do not know where to go to delete it.
I'd like to delete My Pictures and My Music folders within My Documents. Though whenever I do, the My Pictures and My Music icons on the Start Menu will not open.
It's redundancy not to my liking to have My Pictures and My Music folders within My Documents folder, and to have My Pictures and My Music icons on the Start Menu; which lead to the same folders.
Is there a way to delete My Pictures and My Music folders within My Documents folder, while still retaining their Start Menu functionality?
whenever I start my laptop two windows search boxes open. This is irritating and it may be linked to the (more irritating) fact that in the right-click dropdown shortcut menu thing, the top option is 'search' instead of explore or open, so double clicking opens a search box, but I don't know. How do I change all that? I'd be really grateful for any pointers.
I recently restored my OS (Windows XP, SP2) and now the following happens;I "pin" items to the Start Menu, but when I reboot, they're no longer there (also, those items I removed from the Start Menu reappear) The Start Menu appears "open" everytime I reboot! It's as if I clicked "Start" and the menu gets opened.
I select "Run" from Start menu, enter "ipconfig" (or whatever) and black dialogue window flutters open, but closes immediately. Consequently, I am unable to run any commands in DOS. Oddly, when entering "Msconfig" the System Configuration Utility Box opens?
rid of Spyware and some sort of virus. I cannot open any programs such as MWord or programs like Limewire. My printer won't even print right. I have a Windows XP. Won't let me download programs either, the window will dissapear.
I used the windows xp home edition disk to reformat my computer. i also installed the chipsets and drivers for the motherboard (hoping its done right) and i had a couple of other cds, one being 'ATI CATALYST driver suite' which i dont really know what to do with and another for a pci modem. They came with the computer but i think you need to know about how the computer works to know what to do with them. Well anyway my programs such as windows media player, outlook express, search.... etc.
I use "Update Checker" and cannot open it. I've checked start up and it checked there. I right clicked it to open and it still does not. How can I get to to open. Should I uninstall and reinstall?
I was trying to get rid of a virus and went into group policy gpedit.msc, and well kinda disabled everything. now i cant open any applications apart from. task manager and program directories control panel and No i cannot open regedit,Cmd.etc, So i am wondering, how do i revert the settings on group policy, so i can open things again. I am running windows XP service pack 2 hardware specs dont matter.
I created a bit of a problem for myself. I was tryin to play Battlefield 1942 online when for some reason PkBstrB.exe wouldnt launch. So I got to playing around with it, and wound up setting it to open with wordpad so I could try and delete it. Next thing I know all my programs will only attempt to run with wordpad. not much I can do on that account now. How can I get this back to normal?
Every time I boot my computer.A lot of my program window folders open up automatically.I included a screen shot of what it looks like when they open on startup. I have done the MSCONFIG thing and gone to startup.
Few days ago I happened to come across a free anti-spyware program and install it. However it appear to be too intrusive and slow down my system and a few hours later I uninstall it.After that whenever I boot my system, there are numerous "Run As" dialogue box appear. The contents of the dialogue box are as follows: Which user account do you want to use to run this program? When I click "OK" the program will then proceed to run and which I have to click quite a number of "Run As" dialogue box for all the background program to run. If not it will struck there until I click "OK".Not only that whenever I run any software program the "Run As" dialogue box will appear and I have to click "OK" in order for the program to run.Some of the programs are affected as it cannot run properly.
I am running windows XP. While experimenting with the task bar options I caused a problem I cannot seem to fix. When I try to minimize an open program,instead of it closing and being displayed on the task bar, it closes and dissapears behind the task bar and I can no longer see it