Windows 8 Laptop - Password Protect Boot Up

Jul 6, 2014

I have a new laptop with Win8 on it and because of where I take it to I would like to protect it with a password in case it gets stolen. How do I set it up so when I turn it on I need to enter a password to allow it to boot up or get into it once it's booted up?

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Password Protect Folders In Windows 8.1

Nov 15, 2013

I want to password protect my folders in Windows 8.1 (NTFS). How can I do it? I do not want to hide the folder, but I want to implement a password.

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Windows 8 Password Protect Folder With Encryption Code

Jan 3, 2014

I recently used a code and encryption process from this link [URL] ..... and saved the protected folder to my desktop. My husband recently and unknowingly deleted it and it contained all of my pictures from the past 5 years. After he deleted it, I tried restoring it from the recycle bin and I think it mightve messed up the encryption or something because now I can't get back into it and it doesn't even ask for a password. It just says it's empty.

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Possible To Password Protect A Tile?

Aug 21, 2013

Is there a way to do this?

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Apps / Software :: Password Protect Whole USB Drive

May 2, 2013

Any application that can password protect the WHOLE of the USB drive not just a partition? I really need an app fast as I'll be using a USB to hold some pretty sensitive information.

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Windows Prompts For Password Only After Closing Laptop

Jan 17, 2014

I have an HP Envy and I would like Windows 8.1 to prompt me for a password both after I close (and open) my laptop lid and after waking it from sleep (Which it automatically does after 3 minutes of inactivity), however it only prompts for password after opening the lid (even if only closed for 5 seconds), and not after waking from sleep without a closed lid.

here are my settings:

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Accounts :: Acer Laptop / Windows 8 - Password Not Accepted On Startup

Apr 22, 2013

I have Windows 8 pre-installed on an Acer laptop. I have a specific password that I use on start up. However, I turned off the computer without using a proper shutdown and somehow the password has been changed because the computer will not accept the password I have used from the very beginning.

Unfortunately, although I live in Vancouver BC most of the time, I am currently in Basel, Switzerland until the end of May and I believe any record of my Windows 25 character code is in Vancouver; thus, I doubt I'll be able to restore Windows until I get back there.

I've been reading your forums and I gather that getting into safe mode in the Acer in Windows 8 is not easy. I've tried doing it the way the documentation says to no avail. I am able to get to system settings but do not find any way to bypass the startup password code.

With all the fiddling around I have done, now the cursor arrow doesn't show and I have to use <Tab> to move around the screen to restart. I restart with the <Shift> key down and that gets me into a mode where I can troubleshoot.

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Accounts :: Windows 8 Laptop - How To Reenable Password Login Screen

Oct 26, 2013

I removed the password login screen on my wife's Windows 8 laptop, so the laptop boots up to the Desktop with no login requirement. She no longer has Administrator privileges. Control Panel/User Accounts show a password protected Administrator user and Local Account Password protected Administrator user.

I want to run Chkdsk since her HD has a read sector problem but need full Administrator privileges to do so.

How do I restore the password protected Administrator logins?

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Maintenance :: Can't Boot From CD (windows 8.1) Missing Logon Password

Dec 1, 2013

Have a Gateway Desktop. Upgraded from 8 to 8.1.

Somehow I disabled the disabled Password Logon and its back asking for a password at boot.

Owner doesn't remember original password when setup.

I have a password blanking cd that I've used on both 8 and 8.1 pc's.

The problem is I can't boot from the CD and I can't, obviously, use that wonderful new setting, "Update", "Update and Recovery" and the option to boot with USB, CD etc. since I can't access the OS.

I have the BIOS set for the CD/DVD drive for first boot however boot options only show the "UEFI: ST....." drive.So I can't boot from within or without.

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Setup Installation :: Windows 8 Password Recovery - Can't Boot From DVD

Oct 4, 2013

It's too late for me to return the computer so I want to be able to use it, unfortunately I don't know his password and there's no chance he will tell me. I can't reset the password because it's linked to his email that I don't have access to.

So doing some research online I found some programs to recover the password that I could burn onto a disc and then boot from the disc. The problem is despite changing the boot order in the BIOS to but from CD/DVD (in my case I'm using a DVD), it doesn't boot from it and eventually just goes to the password login for Windows.

I disabled Secure Boot, I didn't have anything called Legacy Boot to enable, but I did disable something called Boot Quiet Mode, and once I did that when I first start the computer instead of getting a Gateway logo I get the Windows logo. I've searched the BIOS and can't find any other type of boot option.

I figure if I could get the darn thing to boot from disc I could try one of the many programs for password recovery but I can't get that far.

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Remove Write Protect On USB?

Jan 24, 2014

This just happened to me recently , I am unable to drag or delete files on the usb?, I tried the registry method, didn't work.

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Use Same Password And Computer Name For New Laptop?

Apr 2, 2014

as I use for my other laptop? Or would there be a safety issue and would it mean that the two laptops would have the same Microsoft account?

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How To Uninstall Conduit Search Protect

Feb 3, 2014

uninstall CONDUIT SEARCH PROTECT I cannot find this programme on my computer.

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Password Reset Disk For Laptop?

Feb 22, 2013

My laptop wouldn't accept my password, I tried about 9 times. Then I got a box stating:' You need a password reset disk', but how do I do/get that?

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Network / Sharing :: How To Protect Computer From Another One Attached To LAN

Jun 7, 2014

I fix computers when they get a virus etc. and want to be able to connect their computers to my home network while at the same time ring fencing their computer so that they can only access the internet (for updates and virus definitions).

I want to be able to prevent their machine from seeing and interacting with my computer and other "trusted" machines and devices on my network and I want all of my machines (Windows 8.1 and Windows 7) from having their media sharing services and shared folders etc. popping up in my machines.

I understand that I can setup VLAN's for this purpose but sadly my router Netgear DG834GT does not have VLANS.

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Windows8 Laptop Sends To Password Screen Again And Again?

Mar 10, 2014

I have a Windows 8 Pro Laptop by ASUS. I have been using Windows 8 for like 6 months now and yesterday I shut down the laptop like I do normally and in the morning when I switched it on, it asked me to enter password like it always does.

One thing I noticed is that the lock screen wallpaper was removed and it was blue, it was not showing my Microsoft Account picture. Now when I entered my password it took more time then it normally did and it showed "SIGNING OUT" and returned me back to my lock screen. I'm confused, I have entered the password for like 100 times.

- I can't enter safe mode.
- "Ease of Access" and "Shut Down" buttons on password screen are not working.

*Asus X401U
*AMD Processor
*350GB Hard Disk
*3GB Ram


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Autologon At Boot With Win 8 PC - No Need To Type Password

Mar 16, 2012

How to remove login password from windows 8 logon and login automatically without entering it

Netplwiz in Metro search will get you to the User Account screen that lets you uncheck a box that requires a password to be typed on boot. You need to type in your password in the two following boxes for this to work.

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Security :: Windows 8 / Bitlocker - No Password Prompt Appears At Early Instant Of Boot Process

Jun 2, 2013

I activated Bitlocker for my Operating system drive on a Windows 8 machine. But when starting the process I only can back up the recovery key. I have no dialog to choose how to unlock the drive. Thus even though Bitlocker is running, the PC can be turned and windows can be accessed by common user authentication. No password prompt appears at an early instant of the boot-process.

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Turn On Laptop - Password Field Automatically Filled With Asterisks

Nov 6, 2013

Every time i turn on my laptop, my password field is automatically filled with asterisks(*****). Not just few asterisks but the entire password field is covered till no more character is allowed. I have to press and hold backspace key for some time to empty it. The Laptop is Sony Vaio Windows 8 and works just fine apart from this. Yeah, sometimes it automatically fills those asterisks if i click on empty field, for example search field in "my computer". I scanned the Laptop with Avira and Malware Bytes but they found nothing. I even tried "System Restore" but the problem is still there. The Problem appeared suddenly out of nowhere. I didn't install anything and I haven't even connected it to the internet.

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Accounts :: Dell Studio 1537 Laptop / Win 8 - Password Reset Disk On CD?

Aug 25, 2014

I see the write-up on how to make a password reset disk on a USB flash memory stick. But is there a way to make a password reset disk on a CD?

1. Inserted a blank CD in the optical drive.
2. Opened control panel and clicked "User Accounts". But in the left panel there is no option "Create a password reset disk". All I see are:
Control Panel HomeManage your credentialsManage your file encryption certificatesConfigure advanced user profile propertiesChange my environment variables.

Do I HAVE TO insert a USB stick to see the password reset option? (I don't have a spare USB stick to test with)

Running Win 8.0 on a Dell Studio 1537 laptop.

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Msconfig Boot Settings Sat To Safe Mode - Forgot Password

Feb 11, 2014

I've booted into safe mode in windows 8.1 by setting the safe mode option in msconfig..

However, when I booted into safemode i realized that I've forgot my password because i usually use a pincode.

How to I get it out of safe boot again? - I've tried to access command prompt, but everything needs that password.

Is there any way to force it to boot up normally again?

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HP Laptop Won't Boot Into Windows 8.1

Jul 10, 2014

Last night, my HP laptop (would not turn off, so I took the battery out to shut it off that way. When I put the battery back in and tried starting it up, it started, but told me that it was "Repairing Disk Errors" so I waited for about an hour and a half, and it blue screened and restarted. It told me again that it was "Scanning and Repairing Drives" and when that was done it again said "Repairing Disk Errors" then blue screened AGAIN. When it restarted, a blue screen came up saying "Your PC could not start properly. You can try restarting or try other advanced options." I clicked "Advanced Options" and turned off my PC from there. This morning, I turned on the laptop and it gave me the same screen. I clicked "Advanced Options" and tried Refreshing my PC, but after a half hour, a screen came up saying "There was a problem refreshing your PC." I tried resetting my PC, but the same screen came up saying "There was a problem resetting your PC." I tried shutting off the laptop, and now it won't shut off.

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Sometimes Laptop Fails To Boot In Windows 8.1

Feb 24, 2014

After owning MSI GS70 for about less than a month I have noticed that sometimes my MSI wont boot up into Windows 8. It would get stuck on the MSI logo page without the little loading circle appearing. It would just stuck at the logo page. I had to force restart it. Sometimes after I force restart it would boot in the normal title page, but the Desktop Title would not be responsive. I then had to restart using the task manager restart button. (each shutdown I would usually unplug the power source and I would plug it back in before turning on the laptop.

Or is it more of a Windows 8 Issues?

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Windows 8 - Laptop Takes 30 Minutes To Boot

Aug 20, 2013

I have an old laptop from 2007. I bought windows 8 license (was using W7) and it was working great for the few months. After that it stopped. Now if I want to boot it, or restart it or shut it down it takes at least 30 minutes which huge sound coming from it.

I got a new laptop today, but I still want to use my old one. As I think a laptop is a girl, it has to be perfect

It takes 1 minute to enter the windows 8. And 29 minutes to enter the metro layout (it keeps loading).

What do I have to do.

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Installing Windows 7 On 8.1 Laptop As Dual Boot

Jan 19, 2014

Possible to install Windows 7 x64 on my laptop as a dual boot option? It's running Windows 8.1 upgraded from Windows 8. If it's possible(considering I'll be installing via partitioning my D drive), will I still be able to use applications installed on Win 8.1 on the newly installed Win7? (ie Microsoft Office '10; various Online Games) ...

And will I have to reinstall drivers? (ie Sound/Graphic Drivers)

Asus K46CA
Intel i3-3217 1.8ghz
4GB Ram
Intel HM76 Express Chipset
Intel HD 4000 Graphics
Windows 8.1 Single Language

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Insert Boot Media Error - Windows 8 Laptop

Dec 14, 2013

Ok so my computer just started randomly making this error and I dunno what to do. Heres a pic of the errors. What do I do? I even went through my cisco ITE chapters, on computer maintence and couldn't find the source of the problem...

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Setup Installation :: Dual Boot Windows 8 And Ubuntu On Laptop

Aug 25, 2013

I have been researching installing Ubuntu alongside Win 8.on my daughters laptop. I already boot Ubuntu & Win 7 on my desktop pc, but I have read some horror stories about installing Ubuntu with Win 8., mostly in regard to the uefi boot system in Win 8., as well as, its a laptop as opposed to desktop.

I have been told that i must enter the bios first and disable secure boot. Most of the tutorials I have read are very complex. Then i read a tutorial from this website, dated 2011 that appeared to be simple, and similar to my own Ubuntu/Win 7 installation, however it was dated 2011.

Dual Boot Windows 8 And Ubuntu : Windows 8 Guides

The only difference with my intended installation is that I will use a dvd as my Pc does not have a USB Boot option.

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Cannot Boot Toshiba Laptop Windows 8.1 / Created Duplicate EFI Partition

Dec 25, 2013

I can not boot my Toshiba laptop Windows 8.1 computer after I was attempting to resize partitions. I got in over my head. Now I'm stuck and cannot boot.

I believe the problem is I somehow created a second copy of my EFI partition. Now I have two "system" partitions of the same size.

Cannot boot, but got a command prompt. Ran "bcdedit" and got:

"The boot configuration data store could not be opened.The requested system device cannot be identified due to multiple indistinguishable devices potentially matching the identification criteria."

Other things I uncovered:

Diskpart> list partition
Partition 1 System
Partition 2 System
Partition 3 Reserved
Partition 4 Primary
Partition 5 Recovery
Partition 6 Recovery

(note both partitons 1 & 2 say "System" for type.)

Diskpart> Select Partition 1detail partition * Volume 2 System NTFS Partition 352 MB Healthy Hidden
Diskpart> Select Partition 2detail partition * Volume 3 FAT32 Partition 352 MB Healthy Hidden

I conclude that Partition 1 equates to Volume 2, Partition 2 to Volume 3. However there is no longer a "System" label on Part 2/Vol 3 once drilled down to details. Also its FAT32.

I am hoping/praying that I could "delete" one of the duplicate partitions. But scared to make any such move. Not sure where to go from here.

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Browsers/Mail :: Home Page Doesn't Come Up On Boot - Windows 8 Laptop

Feb 6, 2014

Windows 8 Laptop. My homepage doesn't appear when I boot. Basically, I get a page that I looked at last. First thing I did was go to Internet Options to make sure the box which says to open with home page is checked and it is. Browser is IE.

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Enter Password Black Screen Doesn't Accept Correct Password?

Aug 12, 2014

I tried booting up my PC which has Windows 8 installed and it was working fine until yesterday.

It has a "Enter Password" screen upon start-up and I think it's a virus because it only lets me enter 10 characters and even though, I do put in the correct password, it still says it's incorrect. The computer also shuts down after 3 unsuccessful attempts.

I have attached a picture of the screen.

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Lenovo Laptop With Windows 8 - Lost UEFI Boot Manager After Installing XUbuntu

Jan 26, 2014

I have a Lenovo laptop that came with Windows 8 pre-installed. I decided I want to dual boot with XUbuntu.

I shrank my partition and left space for the linux distro. I installed xubuntu into the free space, and even set the bootloader installation to be in that partition as well.

Then after installation, I only get the GRUB bootloader. How to get Windows 8 back and I finally be able to boot into either OS.

However, I have lost the blue UEFI boot manager that Windows 8 should display.

So I get EasyBCD on Windows, try lots of options to regain an original boot manager. But instead of the typical blue UEFI screen, it created a black screen with my boot options (and the linux option doesn't boot from there).

So to summarise, my boot sequence is like this:
-Switch on laptop
-See GRUB, with default pointing to Windows. I am able to boot to linux from here.
-Click Windows and then see Windows Boot Manager (black) with Windows and Linux
-Click Windows and it boots. Click linux and get an error.

I have secure boot enabled, and I installed xubuntu in secure boot mode.

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