Every since I installed Update 1 to Windows 8.1, the Bing News App has stopped working. The computer will bring up the app after waiting 3 or 4 minutes. Once the app is up, it only stays up 5-15 secs then reverts to the desktop. The reason I know it is Update 1 that is causing the problem, is because I called for assistance from HP and after 2 of their "techs" got through with the computer it was completly messed up. I had to do a system restore. I chose a restore point going back before the update. After this restore the Bing News App worked. My next two steps were to get Norton AntiVirus working and then to again install Update 1. As soon as this was done, Bing News App quit working again.
I have also, uninstalled and reinstalled the app but this did not change it's performance.
HP Pavillion 500-210qe
System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6049 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, -2016 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 936873 MB, Free - 874801 MB; D: Total - 15477 MB, Free - 1873 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 2AF7
Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled
Since the latest Bing News app update came out, that can sync your settings across devices, mine wants to crash shortly after starting it. And this happens on multiple machines. I have managed to get into settings and turn off the sync of settings, turn off reading offline, and still no luck. It crashes every time. This even happens on a machine that just had Windows 8.1 completely reinstalled on it, and on my surface pro tablet which has had windows 8.1 on it for a while.
Since yesterday I noticed that the Bing News app crashes after I click on it. When I click on it, there's the normal animation of the tile flipping over and taking over the screen with the news icon in the middle. However, after 2 seconds the app crashes and brings me back to the Metro UI. I can still see the app open in the apps bar on the right but clicking on it keeps the app crashing. The Live tile is working properly but after I reinstalled the app (which didn't resolve the problem) it doesn't work anymore and there is no option to enable Live tile when right-clicking the app.
I didn't install any new drivers, software or updates (except for the Definition update for Windows Defender). All the other apps are working properly. Doing an SFC /scannow didn't find any integrity violations.
My specs: Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 64x (don't want to install 8.1 just yet) GTX 660Ti i5-3570K 8 GB RAM
Here's the log of the error I found in the Events log: App <AppexNews> is vastgelopen als gevolg van een onverwerkte Javascript-uitzondering. Hierna volgen de app-details: weergavenaam:<Nieuws>, model-id van toepassingsgebruiker: <Microsoft.BingNews_8wekyb3d8bbwe!AppexNews> pakket-id: <Microsoft.BingNews_2.0.0.308_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe> proces-id:<532>.
I have 4 Windows 8.1 systems and the Bing News app crashes after a few seconds to a minute on all four. It used to work fine so obviously, the settings (which are synced by OneDrive) must be corrupted.
Is there any way to clear the app settings? I tried uninstalling, rebooting, installing and that didn't work.
I tried turning off sync on all 4 machines, uninstalling the app, deleting sync data using the web, rebooting, and reinstalling but the settings just come back!
Today's Windows 8 update (from patch Tuesday this week) installed Bing Desktop. Now I have this ugly green desktop, and Bing does not show up in the installed applications.
I don't appear to be able to get videos working direct from 8.1 metro apps.
If I run videos/live streaming from within my browser everything works fine but from within metro, all I get is purple coloured dots going across the screen. I would assume that this could be a buffering issue but I might be wrong?
All add-ons - flash/java & silverlight as far as I can tell are up-to-date. The most likely problems are:
1. slow broadband (2 to 3 mbps) but from within the desktop, youtube etc works without any buffering issues.
2. I have Avast installed and I did read about problems with TV-Catch Up and I did read about the anti-virus plug in causing sites not to work. I have disabled it from within Firefox but TvCatchUp works whether its on or off from within the desktop browser but no luck direct from the app.
Everything worked fine from within Win 8 apps but not 8.1!
Most days when I turn my computer on but not open FireFox, Bing would open FireFox and insert itself as a Tab or two on FF. I have been trying to get it to stop opening FF and inserting itself onto tabs in my browser. We have 5 pages of suggestions and things I have tried but all has failed. I just want to be free of Bing.I tried to read your tutorial but I'm not understanding much of it. I was a long time XP user and when I had this computer set up, they modified 8.1 so I could use it more like XP, which I was very grateful for. I am well versed in the use of Windows Explorer and of Control Panel, though I'm not as familiar with some of the terms they use there. I don't know what a charm is (unless it's on a bracelet) and I need to know how to find the things mentioned in the tutorials.
1. Open PC settings, and click/tap on Search & apps on the left side.
I don't know where or how to find PC settings. I don't see it anywhere in Control Panel, nor Search and apps. So I gave up on that procedure.
2. To Turn Off Using Bing to Search Online using a REG File
I don't know what a REG File is. I downloaded Turn_Off_Use_Bing_to_Search_Online.reg. It was in Windows Explorer in Downloads. First I double clicked on it. It asked me if I wanted to run it and I said yes. It took me through a couple small screens and finally said: have been successfully added to the registry.Since it didn't act the way the tutorial said, I wondered if it had done what it was supposed to do. I went back to the downloaded file and right clicked on it and clicked on Merge and it took me through the same small screens and to the same final message.Is there something else I need to do? I still don't know where to find the slider that turns Bing off and on.
When I go to NEWS then I click on the picture with VIDEO, all I can see is a dark screen with an arrow on left top screen indicating going back. What's wrong with my computer or OS. Why it doesn't show the video.
From the desktop I click on the IE in the taskbar box and it loads and loads then says "this page can NOT be displayed" I then rebooted, and from the start screen I click on the e tile for IE and Bing comes up perfect with bookmarks, and all the frills. I then closed it and tried to get back to Bing by clicking on the IE box in taskbar on the desktop and nothing "this page can NOT be displayed" again. I then went to the start screen clicked on the Bing tile and it loads, but no bookmarks or frills. I then came to this site from there. The screenshot will NOT work in the "this page cannot be displayed" page. Google works fine.
I installed the MS updates yesterday, that's all I have done to this computer. It WILL take a screenshot of the desktop, and it WILL take a screenshot when I am in Google.
I have upgraded to Windows 8.1 and have had trouble opening the default Windows apps. So I removed the news app. Now I am trying to reinstall it with Powershell. How can I do this? I don't have an account with Microsoft and don't want to create one just for this. I don't see it listed when I type Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers
After yesterday's Windows 8.1 Update everything else is working well but the Bing News App has become unusable. Cold started or restored from Taskbar when suspended, the app allows me to browse news only a few seconds, then suddenly suspends and returns me back to desktop. See the video:
I've done everything I know in my efforts to get News App working (everything here except not contacted the publisher, Bing (Microsoft)).
Yesterday, while using File Explorer a problem occurred. I had a CD open showing files on the CD and I had a folder open (that is on my desktop) and was copying files from the CD to the desktop folder. I am not sure what I may have done, but after closing the File Explorer, it is no longer working correctly. When I left click on the folder icon on the taskbar on my desktop nothing is shown on my desktop. The taskbar icon shows that File Explorer is open and if I hover my cursor over it, a 'mini' is shown (just above the taskbar) of what is open, but will not expand to view on the desktop, just shows the 'open' page above the taskbar. If I open WORD or some other program and try to 'saveas' the files are shown and I can save the document. I down loaded a "file manager" from the Microsoft Store so I can get at and work with files, but I am not able to use the Win 8 File Explorer. I have done a normal shutdown and restart, but still have the problem. I tried to do a system restore, but the restore would not complete. (suggested I turn off antivirus).
I am experiencing some minor issues with my Graphics Card. Let me say first that this is an old graphics card, which was however updated to Windows 8. Today, when I updated the computer to 8.1, I came across a "Outdated Driver" error.
On this computer, I have a ATI (AMD) Radeon 2400HD Graphics. I did do a DxDiag and it is available here.
I recently update my Dell Inspiron 15r with an inbuilt ATi Radeon HD 8730M to Windows 8.1. Unfortunately, after the update only the Intel HD card worked. I re-installed the drivers from the Dell website but they did little to solve the problem except fix CCC. Games such as Assassin's Creed Revelations which used to run at 60fps at maxed out settings now stutter at medium to low. I bought this laptop because of its dedicated card and it is a shame it is not working. I have the Windows 8 re-install disk supplied by Dell but I would like to fix this problem rather than shy away from it.
I have purchased a new Windows 8 laptop and I'm looking to get the latest Windows updates in order to be able to upgrade to Windows 8.1. Every time I attempt to access windows update, either via the computer information or the start menu, it freezes. After a while it will eventually get to the actual update screen where I can choose to check for updates. Upon pressing this it freezes again, and will eventually resume checking. After a while I get the error code 80072EE2. I have tried using the Windows Update Troubleshooting tool and it does notify me that there are problems and corrupted files, but says it hasn't fixed them! Screenshot below:
If the Troubleshooter can't fix this, what should I do to be able to update? I have previously performed a system refresh to attempt to fix this but it has not worked.
long time ago I downloaded Windows 8 Enterprise x64 from MSDN and activated via microsoft, and now I got RTM and GA from other sources (what I mean it's that I did not download directly from MSDN). Now that I have some time I make some tests.
The activated machine has never get internet connection, results:
Enterprise 8 and RTM iso:
-I use the Setup.exe with graphical options.
- That iso don't allow me inplace update, only install with keep data, keep data and aps and keep nothing. Using keep data and apps, I got 8.1 deactivated.
Enterprise and GA iso:
-I use elevated cmd ---> setup.exe /auto:upgrade (seem this option is the same as install and keep data & apps)
-Using graphical interface of setup.exe is the same as before, no inplace update. Using keep data and apps, I got 8.1 deactivated.
-My account password did not work, as it install english keyboard layout and set it to default (mine is Spanish)
-A new pop-up appear after install in the upper right corner telling me how to use the charm bar (something that did not appear on RTM)
Is this normal? Or should I think I download a bullshit with same SHA1 as MSDN? Why I can't make inplace update with an activated Enterprise machine and GA iso? and moreover, Why are this iso's so different?
Then how to make inplace update to Enterprise edition without internet connection?
My old computer was running Win 8.1. The new Computer came with 8. I only have one monitor so I was using Remote Desktop to access the old computer and transfer things over. At some point I decided to upgrade the new one to 8.1. Now they're both on 8.1 That's the only thing that changed, but Remote Desktop stopped connecting. I can access folders and such across the network. I can log into the old one with Team Viewer but Remote Desktop will not connect. It keeps saying the other computer is offline or does not allow remote connections (it does, I checked multiple times) is there something that changed in 8.1 that would stop Remote Desktop from working?
Out of curiosity I tried using Remote Desktop from my laptop and it connected to the old computer fine. So it must be something on the new one.
Edit: I've now also tried connecting from the new PC to the laptop with RD and it gave me the same error about the laptop being offline or something
Edit 2: Now I tried it again so I could get a screenshot of the error message and it worked fine.
I recently switched my pc from 2 AMD cards to 2 Nvidia cards, when i was preparing to install the 2 cards, i shut down my computer, during the shutdown it asked me to update and shutdown win 8 which i did. ever since i did that my audio devices are not detecting.. nothing i do is working.
When i use my plug and play speakers, they are not recognized... let me rephrase.. in the playback devices menu they show up as "Speakers" as they always have, then quickly disappear, then show up again, then disappear again, then back and forth over and over and over again..... i tried uninstalling my audio drivers and reinstalling. this did not work. i can get sound with the speakers, by just pluggin them into my TV, but i cant control the audio or the 5.1 surround from the tv, it just shows them as stereo...
Asus Sabretooh 990 fx R2 AMD 4.3 vishera FX 8 core GTX 780Ti (primary) GTX 480 Superclocked (dedicated physx) 850 modular psu 16GB GDDR3 g.skill
i never had this problem until A) new cards, and B) installed the win 8 update... But i rolled my computer back to a date before that update, and then turned updates off in case that was it..
i've also tried installing drivers directly from realtek, directly from my motherboard website. i've uninstalled and reinstalled, and stopped windows from auto installing during my realtek installs on the drivers...
just cant figure out why it flickers like that, the speakers work fine in other devices (e.g the tv).
Here is a screenshot of when i try to download drivers, i get an error 0xE0000247....
After the new windows 8.1 update (which inclided the home screen power off button) a net problem came out. In my wifi indication, it sais "limited", but when i enter the web, i can search in the internet without probs. When i go to net. and sharing center, i cant see any network. On my other laptop (win7) it shows the connection normally.
1)Intel 4670 K 2)Asus Sabertooth Z87 3)12 GB DDR3 ram 4)Windows 8.1 Pro x64 5)Razer DeathAdder 2013 mouse 6)Logitech Usb keyboard
My pc was working fine until yesterday night when july windows update was downloaded and installed.
Then when today morning i booted up my pc all my usb devices stopped working, I cannot use my mouse or keyboard when my windows is booted.
However, I am able to use my mouse and keyboard fine in UEFI bios without any issue.
I tried clearing cmos,changing ports,enable and disable legacy usb in bios,enable and disable intel xhci still my mouse and keyboard are not working when windows boots up.
I tried system restore using windows 8 cd but it ends up giving some error during restore and says unable to restore.
I am able to access my system registry and explorer using the windows 8 cd.
I have just installed aida64 extreme edition on Windows 8.1 and when I click on the update frequency page for the OSD icons this is not working it should be displayed in seconds. I've removed and reinstalled but its still the same.
I tried to use location on the Bing weather app and it was over 100 miles out. Couldn't figure out how to solve this so uninstalled it.
Then I did something obviously stupid, I did a restore. I thought that by 'all apps' WIndows 8 did not mean programs, but it evidently does (a slight rewrite would make that clearer to those of us who don't identify all apps as including programs).
Ok, I had to reinstall programs, a nuisance but that's all. However, all my Bing apps are now gone.
They appear in 'Your apps' in the store as in my computer named DOUGW-PC but a search doesn't find them. Reinstalling doesn't do anything either. I can install new apps and they show up fine.
I updated to 8.1 because supposedly, it was to offer features similar to win 7. Instead, it's even worse than win 8. Now, the sound quality on my laptop is lousy because the Dolby Audio driver receives an error message and isn't working. I went to Lenovo (I have a Ideapad N Series 580) and followed these instructions from Lenovo and microsoft, which unfortunately didn't work. I'm still getting the same error message. I wish I had never heard of windows 8.1! Many have had this same problem after installing 8.1. This instructions are from Answers.Microsoft, but didn't work.
Open Device Manager. (Right-click on the Start button and choose Device Manager).
Expand the Sound, Video and Games Controllers section.
Right Click on the Conexant Smart Audio HD item and choose Uninstall.
Still in Device Manager, click on Action>Scan for new Hardware.
The Conexant Smart Audio item will re-appear.
Right-Click on it and choose update driver.
Navigate to d:driversaudio.
When that's done, close Device Manager.
Open File Manager and navigate to D:driversAudioDolbyGUI and install Dolby Home Theater.
These instructions are from Lenovo and didn't work.
I just discovered recently I haven't received any windows update since 04/27/14. I was setup for automatic updates. The window says no updates available and no recent updates. When I select "check for updates" I get the messages "Windows could not check for new updates" & "There was a problem checking for updates. The error code is 80072F8F. I have checked the date time and they're correct. I have checked for viruses and malware. Nothing shows up.