Laptop Won't Boot With Ssd And Hdd Installed After Os Swap

Oct 7, 2012

i bought a new laptop, an asus g75vw best buy model. i knew it had a slow hdd so i got a ssd while i was there. i searched online how to swap windows to the ssd and found what seemed like a good artilce on [URL] (link How To Migrate Windows 7 to a Solid State Drive - How-To Geek). so i did everything here, brought the os over, and the 200mb system partion thought i was ready to go so i removed the hdd and tried to boot, missing bootmgr. i replaced the hdd and left the ssd in, now windows will not boot with both drives installed, and i cant get it do boot from the recovery disk either. i am really at a loss here, i was hoping to just try to redo what i did to the ssd

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How To Swap Boot HDDs ?

Aug 21, 2009

i have an odd 5900 RPM HDD that i need to swap out. i'm going to swap it out mainly because it's better suited for storage/backup rather than being my main HDD for usage/boot-up.

i don't want to reinstall Windows 7 (7100) and i want to copy everything from HDD "a" to HDD "b". any ideas/suggestions/comments?

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Laptop Hard Drive Swap

Jun 27, 2011

Can I swap out my old hard drive from my HP dv6 to a refurbished same model? The 1st one's MOBO burned up but Hard drive was not damaged. Want to be able to access the stored data. Hoping swapping the HDs would be the easy way

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Run CCleaner Then Swap And Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 26, 2012

I just wanted some advice from people with first hand experience at upgrading motherboards without re-installing windows. I'm upgrading from my ASUS P8H61-M LE to Gigaabyte B75-D3V. Also means I can dual Sli my GPU.Anyway, I've read that you can just swap the mobo and boot in safe mode and windows 7 will change the drivers. I've also read to go into safe mode to remove the old drivers, reboot and run CCleaner then swap and boot into safe mode.

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Installed New Hard Drive, Windows 7 Won't Boot On Laptop

Sep 28, 2012

First, the information as it is. I had a hard drive issue that I'm working on currently, trying to recover I suppose what is a crashed hard drive. There are tons of errors on it, but that's not the question I have right at the moment, but some background.

I have tried to reinstall Windows on a brand new 2.5" Seagate 500GB 7200rpm HDD. I formatted the drive using the windows 7 ultimate installer and booted it using a USB booter made from the windows 7 download tool.

When I booted it up and tried to get it going, it gave me a hardware error saying "Windows wasn't able to configure the hardware and try startup repair" or something to that effect. I read around and it said that since my BIOS says the HD is in raid configuration that it needed some Intel Raid driver, which I installed and tried running, but it didn't seem to work. It says now "windows cannot repair this computer automatically". The problem signature is as follows:

Problem Event Name StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385


Primary HDD in the BIOS is recognized as 500GB RAID is On as well. Trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

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Motherboard Swap On Dual-boot Windows 7 / XP System?

Mar 6, 2011

I want to keep XP for compatibility reasons with some older hardware I still use often. I have XP installed on one hard drive and Windows 7 installed on another. When I installed Windows 7, I just went with the option for it to install a boot manager, and have been using that one ever since to dual boot my system. Nothing special, but it works.The current motherboard is an ASUS model, and has always had problems with the USB section (it took me quite a while to realize it was a motherboard problem, though). Then it began to develop problems reading the DVD drive several months after I installed it (back when it was only an XP system). Once again, not suspecting the motherboard, I replaced the DVD drive, thinking it had gone bad -- it hadn't, works fine in another system. And pretty soon thereafter the current drive began to work sporadically, and now doesn't work at all. Same as before.

This ASUS mb has a 3-year warranty, and it's not quite 2 years old. So, I should probably just suck it up and jump through the dozen or so hoops they toss in your path to get the mb repaired/replaced. Still, I'm guessing that if I'm successful, I may end up with a mb that is different enough from the one I have now where it's gonna break Windows 7 and XP.

I went through this when I originally replaced the motherboard, and ended up having to completely reinstall XP, reactivate it, and then d/l all the updates. I guess I'll be looking at having to do this now for both OSes, eh? If I have to reinstall both OSes, I'm thinking that I should install XP first, then Windows 7, mostly to preserve the dual-boot capabilty?

If I don't get satisfaction from ASUS, I'll probably just drop back 10 and punt, and go with a new mb. I'm gonna try to avoid this though because it's getting harder and harder to find mbs with PCI slots (I need three). I guess if I do this, it will probably amount to the same amount of work as if ASUS sends me a board that is substantially different from the old one.

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Dual Boot Snow Leopard On Laptop With Windows 7 Already Installed

Feb 17, 2012

Is this possible? I do not have a windows 7 cd, is this necessary? What version of Snow leopard do I need, and what other programs? If you know of a good tutorial, please post it! I'm new to partitions and bios and stuff.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Ubuntu - How To Make Swap Partition

Jan 16, 2011

I am thinking about dual-booting my system with Windows 7 as the main OS, and linux ubuntu as a secondary. I have a few questions:

1. How much space should I leave for ubuntu's partition?
2. How do I make a swap partition (or whatever it is called, for swapping files between OS's)?
3. Can I set it up to automatically boot into windows unless I am holding down a specific key, or something similar?

BTW, my HDD is ~500gb, but my current (factory) windows partition is 450gb.

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Installed Windows 7 In Laptop,but Accidentally Installed It In D-driv?

Nov 19, 2011

i had installed windows 7 in my laptop,but accidentally i installed it in D-drive,now both C & D drives are showing program files,program files x86,windows folders,my D drive is full

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Windows 7 Boot Files Or Boot Manager Installed In Wrong Partition?

Dec 25, 2012

this is what I did, since I have no CD-ROM, to install Windows 7 I created a partion X: NTFS and set it as the ACTIVE ONE, the put there the Windows 7 installation files, and opened prompt command to type bootsect.exe /n60 X: , next I restarted my computer, and automatically it booted into the Windows 7 setup, I installed Windows 7 on the partition C: and formatted the partition C:, everything installed and after the installation finished, a multiple choice menu appears that reads:[CODE]

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Installed New Boot SSD / Internet Connectivity On Boot Up

Feb 7, 2012

I recently installed a new SSD and put my OS on it but every now and then when I boot up it just wont get an internet connection.Once its booted up and I restart Windows though its fine.It doesn't happen everytime but 50% or so I'd say on boot up.I'm thinking its something to do with how fast its booting up now and for some reason my network settings or drivers have not had a chance to load or something and its not getting a handshake with my router.

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Put The Swap On The HDD ?

Sep 28, 2011

Should i put the swap on the HDD ? I have 1 SSD OCZ Vertex 2 and 2 x HDD WD 6400 AAKS.

PS I have 3 GBDDR3

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Installed New HDD, System SSD Won't Boot

Sep 8, 2012

I have a 260 GB SSD with my Windows 7 system on it, and I connected an old laptop HDD. Afterwards, it booted from the laptop HDD, and I did some perusing to run my Windows 7 disk and boot from that to "activate" my OS on my SSD.I tried this, but it doesn't display anything. I have disconnected all of the other HDDs (two laptop HDDs total) and now nothing is listed in terms of disks with Windows on it. It says, "If your operating system isn't listed, click Load Drivers and then install drivers for your hard disks." I can do this, and it brings up my SSD with all of the folders. Would this be a place to load a driver? I am not sure what I am looking for.I have spent about an hour looking elsewhere online but it doesn't seem that any body else has had my problem (or I wasn't able to find it). It recognizes my SSD in the BIOS, but it simply won't load from it. As well, when it was loading from my laptop HDD's OS (Windows 7 Professional 64-bit), I was able to access my C: drive (the SSD) and all of its folders.

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Installed 7127, Now Can't Boot Into RC

May 15, 2009

Here's my setup, I was dual booting XP and Windows 7 RC1 7100 on two separate partitions and that was going swell.

When I found out 7127 got leaked I decided to use GParted to clear my XP partition and I installed 7127 on that partition. I can still see my files from the RC1 7100 partition but my bootmanager doesn't recognize another operating system on my PC.

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Installed New HD Left Old HD In New HD Won't Boot?

Apr 23, 2011

I just installed a new HD and didn't think to take the old one out first. I installed windows 7 enterprise 64 bit and after installation could boot to either HD.When I removed the old HD, the new one would not boot giving "Disk Boot Failure" I have tried to repair the boot with a repair disk but no success. Maybe hook old drive up and boot to the new drive and copy the boot files from the old drive to the new one?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After New MB Installed?

May 9, 2011

I installed a new motherboard for my Windows 7 Home Premium system and was surprised to find Windows won't boot now. I tried repair option from the install disc but didn tried the in place upgrade but after selecting the Install now option I end up with a message that the system was booted from the install disc and I need to start Windows normally and then insert the install disc again which of course won't work when Windows can't boot.I made a new install on a test hard drive to check my motherboard and it is working fine. What can I do? I would like to boot on my regular drive with all my data and programs and not have to go through the long process of finding and installing everything anew.

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How To Swap Out C Drive

Feb 22, 2011

I guess I need a way to copy my current C drive to a new drive so that the new drive can replace the C drive. Or perhaps there's some alternate way to replace the C drive with a newer and larger drive.I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium.

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How To Swap Displays

Jan 29, 2012

So, I have been searching mindlessly around to figure out how to swap my displays (IE. display 2 as display 1 and vise-versa) and I finally figured out in Catalyst control center, you can swap these displays, I currently have it configured in the control center like this: url...Is there any way to fix this? I restarted, and in Windows, it's still configured like that, but in the center, it's the way I want it. And I know it's not configured right because when I record my desktop with FRAPS, it records like it's configured the Windows way.

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How To Swap OS Of 2 HDDs

Aug 16, 2012

I have 2 HDDs that I want to switch the OS of each one to the other. One is a laptop 140GB HD that has Windows 7 64-bit and the other is a Desktop 150GB HD with Windows XP 32-bit. The laptops HD was pre-installed with the OS and the Desktop is unknown. Just as an fyi the laptops cd drive is broken and the desktops doesn't burn. What are my options on how to switch the two?

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Can I Swap From Windows 7 64 Bit To 32 Bit

Jun 21, 2012

I was wondering if I could change my system from a 64bit to a 32bit...I have a OEM copy of windows wich I bought online and it is 64bit I want to change it to 32bit.

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Windows 7 Installed On Non Boot Partition?

Sep 19, 2012

So long story short, my current os (w7) is installed on a non-boot partition of a now internal drive that used to be external. This wasn't an issue/I didn't notice because I had another unused internal hdd which DID have an old bootable os partition, and then I'd just choose the correct instance of Windows when that one booted.I have to get rid of the old HDD with the bootable partition. Is there anyway I can change the non bootable my currant OS is on to a bootable partition (ie thru windows, cmd, bios etc)

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PC Will Not Boot With 2nd Pci-e Video Card Installed

Jun 21, 2011

I have an XFX motherboard (x58i), model # MD-X58I-CH09. It has three PCIe slots. I have an Nvidia GEForce GTX 260 graphics card in one of the PCIe slots (middle of the motherboard). This is running two 22" displays with no issues at all.

I also have a Asus ENGT430 video card with HDMI output that I want to load into one of the other PCIe slots. When I do this, the computer will not boot properly. It starts (displays the splash screen for windows7), but after that it appears as if there is some sort of conflict. Probably a driver conflict but I cannot even see anything or log in to the PC. Will the mother board support two different graphics cards? If so, what do I need to do to get it to work. I have not installed any drivers for the ASUS graphics card because the instructions have you do this after booting. With Windows7 I didn't think I would have to install anything.

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Installed Windows Seven, Now Can't Boot To Vista

May 17, 2009

I installed windows seven and it boots up automatically without giving me the option to boot into my old vista partition.


I am sure this is something simple, but I can't get it working.

I had vista installed and I used partition magic to repartition my hard drive on my laptop.

I made the new partition come before my old partition, because I wanted windows 7 to be my primary eventually.

I think it may have someting to do with making the vista partition active, but I am notentirely sure how to do that.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 64-bit With (pre Installed) Xp 32-bit

Jul 18, 2011

My installation was FAILED!!! i have windows xp 32 bit pre-installed (in C drive), I was trying to install DUAL BOOT xp with Windows 7 (in D drive NTFS) using ISO image file of Windows 7 64bit ultimate (present in my HHD), i mounted the ISO file of windows 7.The installation started normally but in the FINAL step (Finalizing installation) when system restarts to perform configuration etc, but instead of that i got message "Failed to install windows and rolling back changes".mportant NOTE: Using virtual dvd rom, i mounted and install Windows 7 "32 bit" all right!!! There was NO problem at all of dual booting windows xp 32 bit and windows 7 32 bit on the same hard disk (on different drives)so my question is Windows 7 64 bit cant be dual boot with pre loaded Xp 32 bit ??? or tell me how to do it please..i got 4 gb ddr2 ram and i want to run 64 bit OS windows 7 to utilize it maximum.My system info;Dell OptiPlex GX620 2.8 ghz, 4 gb ram, ATI 4350HD-512 mb Hard disk space on D Drive is 25GB

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Windows 7 Installed But Will Not Boot On System

Dec 11, 2011

I have a custom built system. windows 7 installed but it will not start up in this system. A friend put the hard drive into his system and Windows started up fine on his. I ran the memory check on windows and it never said that there were problems but you have to be able to get into windows to see the report so i can't be totally sure. The motherboard was sent back and checked by the mfg. and i doubt that the processor could be bad if it was able to install windows 7 onto the hard drive.

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Installed New Hard Drive - Won't Boot From CD

Nov 24, 2009

I just installed a new WD 500 GB hard drive into my DELL computer. I am trying to install windows 7 from a dvd but it will not boot. Does anyone know what the problem is.

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How To Create Boot Cd From Installed Windows 7

Oct 27, 2012

how to create bootable dvd from insatalled window 7 from my pc

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Can't Boot Windows 7 After Installed Centos 6 To 2nd Hdd

Feb 3, 2013

I have window 7 in 1st hdd, installed centos6 in 2nd sata hdd (note, I disconnected data cable before installing centos from mother board)After completion of installation centos, I reconnected the data cable to the 1st hdd and reboot and I didn't see the option for booting to windows at all.

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How To Swap Hard Drives

Jun 3, 2011

I have two laptops that are identical...HP Compaq nw9440. I have a 100gig drive in LAPTOP#1, and a 750gig drive in LAPTOP#2. Both drives are running an identical Windows 7 Enterprise typical install. Can I put the 750gig drive in to LAPTOP#1? Can I create and save an NTBTLOG.txt file from each laptop (I.E. ntbtlog-LP1.txt) and select either one during the boot-up? The reason is LAPTOP#2 is not running very well. It has been dropped and I fear the motherboard may have a crack in it causing random boot problems. Sometimes the laptop doesn't even recognize the hard drive.

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Swap Partition For Windows 7?

Nov 23, 2011

how to configure Windows 7 use a Swap Partition instead of a Swap File. I heard it is possible to do so using special drivers. Another question is how much of a performance difference it actually would make over using a Swap File.

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How To Swap The Display Numbers 1-2

Jun 19, 2012

I have a question which i am unable to solve yet hope any one help me out here
what i want is Display 1, tv connected by HDMI and my Display 2 monitor to DVi, now main or primary display is my LCD monitor which is connected with DVI, what i want is to swap the numbers of display i want that my DVI should be identify as 1 not as 2 so how can i do it?

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