Firewall And Network Printing Workaround

Jul 3, 2009

Usually I disable Windows Firewall because it's annoying to hit "allow" every time i run each of my 30-40 games for the first time. I use avast! and nothing else, since I usually don't visit "adult" sites or anything out of the ordinary. I was thinking about getting zone alarm, though.

Well I need network printing to be enabled for the rest of my family to print without having to kick me off, but for network printing to be on windows firewall must be turned on. Is there a workaround, or do I just need ANY firewall turned on, not just Windows Firewall?

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Printing And The Windows Firewall

Sep 10, 2009

I set up a network printer and for some reason, Windows won't print to it (no error, the jobs just queues indefinitely) unless the Windows Firewall is disabled. I tried making a rule to allow outbound connections for all programs on all ports (which it seems to me should be the same as turning the firewall off), but no luck. I looked at the port the printer is using and its some WSD port, but there isn't an option to allow one of these under the firewall rules. What is WSD? And does anyone have any suggestions about how to make this work?

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Comodo Firewall - The Network Firewall Is Not Functioning Properly

Mar 4, 2009

I've recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Beta Build 7000 and I have Comodo Firewall 3.8.65951.477 64-Bit installed as my firewall. I get this problem that I can't solve at all .

When I click on " Run Diagnostics" I have this :

Indeed, I click "Yes" and this is what comes next :

PS : The Windows 7 Firewall is desactivated!

Anybody haves an idea on this problem, please ?

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Printing To XP On Network

Jan 3, 2010

I have been struggling for days to find a solution with an annoying printing problem on my new Windows 7 (64bit) HP Laptop. I can not print from my HP Laptop to any printers on my older XP Desktop wirelessly over my home network. I can open files from my shared folders on my XP desktop from my Windows 7 Laptop, etc. I can see all of the printers when I "Add a Printer" - but it tells me that:

"Windows can't find a driver for Canon iP4300 on the network."

I cannot find a driver manually and have installed a Windows 7 compatible driver for the iP4300 on my Laptop, etc. - no luck.

When I connect the same XP Printer directly to my Laptop by USB cable - it prints find. But, I can't seem to find a solution to my wireless problem.

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Printer Not Printing Usb & Network?

Sep 9, 2011

I using windows 7 pro 32bit, I install printer HpLaser 1020 on Usb and Tosiba Estudio 255 on Network. I using both Printer on Earliest, but this 3 day not printering on both Printer. I check the Printer driver in Printer setting it ok. And also check Printer spooler on services, he is not start so i can restart on the printer spooler, after 2 min i check it the spooler automatically going stop. I restall the Driver also can't install the Printer driver.

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HP 7200 Network Printing

Feb 8, 2009

Okay, so the included Windows 7 driver works but it doesn't have the scan drivers included. I have downloaded the Vista x64 driver (which does work in Vista 64 FWIW) but I can't get it to install properly. It gets to the screen where it asks how I'm connecting, I say "Network" and it just gets hung there in an endless cycle.

If I can't get this to work, I'm gonna have to down-grade back to Vista - and I don't want to!

Any ideas?

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Network Printing Problem

Feb 23, 2009

I have a build 7000/x64 installation that is part of a W2K3R2 domain. The domain has 2 networked printers available on the W2K3 server. When I attempt to install one of them (HP970C and a HP5MP) the wizards see the printers and guide me to the install, but when I select the desired printer, I just get a "connecting to printer" dialog, and nothing ever happens. I've tried this with two different Windows 7 systems with identical results. The printers work fine with the other Vista and XP systems. I think it worked OK on a W7x86 install I tried previously (not 100% positive, though).

The net is that I cannot connect to networked printers. Any ideas out there?

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Printing From IE On Wireless Network?

Aug 3, 2012

Our group has a wireless network. We can print to the laser printer with no difficulty if we are printing from word or email. If we are printing from IE, you can see the job go through the spooler queue and printer makes a 'startup' noise - then nothing. No print. No error.

Makes it difficult since we are a real estate company and our MLS listings are on the internet.

Oh - and I'm told this doesn't happen if we use firefox or chrome!

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Network Printing Is Giving Error

Oct 22, 2010

I am new to Windows 7, and am unable as yet to get my documents to print from any program. I have installed multiple printers (different manufacturers) in an attempt to find something compatible, but I believe my problem to be tied to the network.
I am running Windows 7 64 bit, with Office 2007. I have installed a Xerox Phaser 6360 DN printer via the network at work. The printer is connected, as I can open the properties and see that the yellow toner is low. Newest/compatible driver from Xerox website is installed; yet whenever I send a document (or test page) to the printer, in the status window after a few minutes the status changes from "Printing" to "Error - Printing".

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Network Computer Printing Problem

Dec 14, 2009

I have two computers on my home network, one running Windows 7 Pro (connected to an HP 1020 printer) and one running Windows 7 Home Premium.

I can print just fine from the Pro computer (directly connected to the printer) but when I try to print from the Home Premium one, it goes into the Print Queue but just sits there. I have to restart the Print Spooler service and then it prints right away.

The printer is installed as a network printer on the Home Premium computer and I tried re-installing the latest driver from HP (the same one I used to install the printer on the Pro computer). The problem must lie in the Pro computer because the job comes in and sits in the queue, but the print spooler service, for some reason, just won't respond.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Printing From Win2000 To Win 7 Network Printer

Jan 3, 2010

I have a brand new Dell desktop that has Win 7 on it. I have an older laptop with Win 2000. I am able to get onto the Internet on my laptop but I can't figure out how to print to a printer attached to the Win 7 desktop.

Can someone help me?

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Network Printing - Cannot Access The Win 7 Computer

May 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 to the point now where I can access computers on our network but they cannot access the Windows 7 computer. Our XP PC sporadically can see our Windows 7 computer but that's all, it doesn't see the network printer connected to it. I've named and renamed the printer, added XP drivers to Windows 7 and I'm completely baffled at this point. (I have the firewall off on the Windows 7 PC). So far I'm not thrilled with Windows 7 and hope they don't attempt to release it anytime in the near future, my computers and network has always setup easily and ran flawless with XP and Vista but with Windows 7 it's been a battle all the way.

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Printing DOS Files To A Network Printer?

Apr 3, 2012

When I map LPT1: as follows:Net USE LPT1: \computernameprinetrsharename /PERSISTENT:YESit maps and works once or twice and then LPT1 is unavailabe if NET USE is typed in the promptr window.

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Network Visibility - And Windows Firewall

Aug 14, 2009

I've got an Asus P5W DH Deluxe mobo, which has dual Gigabit ethernet and 802.11g wireless onboard.

I'm using the wireless for my Internet connection - which works fine.

However, I also have a crossover cable plugged in to one of the ethernet cards, which I'm trying to connect to my laptop (Macbook) - so I can map a drive to transfer a large file over to it.

In Windows I've manually set up the LAN adapter and defined the IPv4 address:

Subnet mask:

Gateway: blank

Then set up my Mac in a similar way (but using

Tried pinging the PC from the Mac and received no reply. Figured it would be the Windows switched that off. Still no reply.

I used to do this in XP without any problems at all, so there's been some networking change that's affecting this.

The network connection is defined as "Unknown" and I'm not able to change it - would this setting result in my not being able to even ping the box?

PS - I have also plugged in a NAS box using the same cable and connect TO that FROM my PC (mapping a drive) without any outbound network traffic appears OK.

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Changing Printing Preferences For Network Printer?

Oct 22, 2012

I click on Devices and Printers. I right-click my Printer, then click Printing Preferences (it's a network printer). I change the Original Size to A4, then click apply. When I try to print, the Original Size is wrong! When I go back to my printer's preferences, my change is not there anymore.

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Can't Remove: Network Adapter Bitdefender Firewall NDI

Apr 21, 2009

I was once using bitdefenderTS2009, but then I uninstalled it and now I'm using 'Kaspersky Technical Preview for Windows 7'.

When I'm using Snipping Tool to save screenshot for my post at 'show your WEI score' thread on the forum I noticed this (see attachment)

I guess those are some leftovers from imperfect BDTS2009 uninstallation process. Any suggestion on how I could get rid of those?

For you know, I also have used the Uninstall Tool I got from Bitdefender website successfully.

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Application Locks Up When Printing Over The Network Via Print Server?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm having sporadic issues with many users connected over the network to a print server. If the printer is their default printer the application used to print will freeze/lockup until they log out / restart their machine. The only way to fix this (from my experience) is to set their default printer to something else (like Adobe PDF) or bypass the print server completely and do it by direct TCP/IP.

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Printing From Windows 7 Takes Long To Commence On Network Printer

Feb 5, 2012

I am running windows 7 Enterprise on my office laptops. They are connected to our lan via CAT 6 cables and a 100 Mb/s Switch. One of our central laptop has our printer connected via USB port. Printer model- Canon LBP 2900B LASER SHOT LBP2900B. Now the problem is, Whenever we send a print command via any of the networked machines, it takes Loooonnggg 2~3 minutes to start printing... The printing speed is normal once it starts, but "Commencement" lag is annoying. However, the printing starts instantaneously on the machine to which the printer is physically connected. The LAN is pretty healthy and gives consistent data speeds of 11~12 MB/s

I have already performed these steps on ALL machines:
1> Uninstall and re-install printer drivers
2> Update anti-Virus and Run total scans
3> Run defragment on HDDs
4> Ran a Scan disk for HDDs

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3rd Party Firewall Blocking Network Connection And File Sharing

Mar 26, 2011

I've tried both Comodo and ZA firewalls. I prefer either over Windows 7 built-in firewall. The problem I have is after installing either of these I have control issues with Network Discovery and File Sharing. More exactly, even though the system shows these two items are off and/or disabled (manually), Start> Computer> Network will start showing available computers to connect to, whereas, Windows 7 firewall will inform me that both items are turned off. I use a public WiFi so this is obviously not a good thing. How to deal with this 3rd party firewall/File Sharing issue? Is the fact that the 3rd party firewalls are blocking any connection attempts a sign that everything is okay? Or should I just stay with Windows 7 firewall?

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Turning Off Windows Firewall Turns On File Sharing & Network Discovery?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using kaspersky internet suite and disabled windows firewall. The problem is that turning the windows firewall off turns the pulic/home file/printer sharing and network discovery on.Turning on or off these settings starts the firewall.Disabling the firewall service permanently allows file sharing and network discovery for both public and home network,which cannot be turned off.I tried uninstalling kasperksky but nothing has changed.

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Missing CD/DVD Driver Workaround That Works

May 11, 2009

This is how i got windows 7 to install when all else failed.

this IS NOT for dual boot, you WILL LOSE all data currently on your drive,

Back up, or combine with a dual boot tutorial if you want.

(Also great if you cant boot from a thumb drive, or dont have a dvd drive)

download windows 7 iso

download and install 7-zip if you dont have it

download and burn Gparted Live CD

download and burn hirens boot cd (everyone should have this, even if you choose not to follow this tutorial)

Boot from Gparted Live CD, Default Settings (first option)

select 'dont touch keymap'

enter for language, enter for mode

Resize current partition so you have around 2 GB unallocated space

create new partition on 2 GB of unallocated space (change 'free space following' to 0, create as Primary, File system NTFS)

apply, Quit, Exit, reboot into windows

windows will boot, then tell you it has finished installing new devices. go ahead and reboot again if it asks you to

browse My Computer, you now have an additional 2 GB Local Disk.

right-click drag the windows 7 iso into this drive. select 7-zip > Extract Here.

once files are extracted, boot up Gparted once more. delete your other partition**

**if you want to just resize your old partition so you leave your old OS on the drive for backup or dual boot, feel free, but im not covering dual boot here, and im not responsible for lost data, or boot problems getting back into XP.

(leave the 2GB Partition alone)

Then Create a New Partition on the unallocated space (create as Primary, File system NTFS)

apply, Quit, Exit.

Reboot, this time into Hirens Boot CD

boot up Hirens Boot CD, open up Fdisk under partition tools, and set the 2gb drive to active.

this will allow you to boot up this drive partition as if it is the windows 7 disk, bypassing your dvd drive and eliminating missing drive errors.

reboot (you may have to press esc or something during to boot process to select the drive to boot, but both times i did this it booted right up into the windows 7 drive with no problems.

seems like a lot of steps, but it really only took about 10 min extra once you have gparted and hirens burned.

again, i only did this twice, once to figure it out, and once to write this walkthrough. it worked perfectly both times, but i cant garuntee it will work for you.

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Windows 7 Laptop Printing To Network Printer Prints Blue And Pink Instead Of Black Text?

Aug 17, 2011

i have a Toshiba laptop running win 7 I'm on a network where the printer is plugged into a desktop running win XP via a USB cable. If I print using the network printer from the laptop i get blue and pink lines where black should be.I have not tried to print a picture so i don't know the results of that.

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Wireless Connection Workaround For Standby Or Hibernation

Oct 12, 2009

How to Workaround the Wireless Connection Issue in Standby ?

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Creating Workaround To MS Lockout Of WMP11 Installers On Windows 7

Mar 27, 2012

way to install windows media player 11 onto windows 7? I do not like how heavy handed WMP12 is with libraries (as i went in to my registery and deleted any key referencing them) and while WMP 12 doesnt produce any errors or problems with my registery modifications. I find that i have to worm through a now disabled directory to actually get to my music.

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Printer Hang While Printing And Text Printing?

Oct 13, 2011

printer hang while printing and text printing

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Sony Vaio Laptop Cursor Random Movement Workaround

Aug 23, 2011

I recently bought a new Sony Vaio laptop and got on great with it until I noticed an aggravating problem.

Whenever I was typing some text, the cursor had an annoying habit of jumping all over the place, so I'd find myself typing text in the middle of a sentence I'd completed earlier.

It turns out that if you use a mouse without disabling the touchpad, the two conflict with each other, which results in this erratic cursor behaviour.

Why use a mouse you may ask. Well, I suffer with arthritis from time to time and a wireless mouse is easier to use than the touchpad.

So, if anyone has a Sony Vaio and is experiencing the same problem just go to:

Start>All Programs>Vaio Control Center>Categories Tab>Expand Keyboard & Mouse>Double-click Built-in Pointing Device>Uncheck Enable box>Apply>OK>Yes.

This disables the touchpad and stops the erratic cursor movement.

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Windows 7 Firewall Error Code 0x80070424 Windows Firewall Service Missing

Jan 3, 2012

Recently had a virus infection and noticed that the windows firewall service is missing. When trying to reset to recommended settings by using control panel received error code 0x80070424. Cannot access other computers or shared files/folders on home network. Saw a previous post dated 12-17 that appears to be the same problem.

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Workaround For Files That Cannot Be Accessed ("Access Is Denied")

Mar 11, 2012

A few thousand of my pictures could not be accessed anymore after I had to re-install my whole computer after a crash. They all got the error message: "Access is Denied". Also copying and deleting is impossible.With the great free tool UNLOCKER I could still delete them.Then, searching for an explanation, I found forum posts trying to explain that the error message had to do with older Windows versions, different folder systems, links instead of real files. I didnt understand at all, but wanted to follow up the advice 'take ownership an change permissions'. So I went to the Reccle Bin and restored the unaccessible files. Surprise!After restoring their behavior was completely normal.

1. Install UNLOCKER

2. Rightclick on the unaccessible files (group selection possible) and select DELETE.

3. Go to the recycle bin, select the same files, right click and select RESTORE.

4. Files should be accessible now.

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Printer Stopped Printing, Get Error Message "error - Printing"

Feb 27, 2012

System is HP desktop running W7-64 bit. Printer is HP Photosmart 7350, old but working perfectly until 2 days ago. Driver is Deskjet 5550 (closest one for this printer).

I've reinstalled the driver, plugged and unplugged the printer, and tried to print from different programs. As soon as the print button is selected the error condition shows in the Devices & Printers section. This happens whether the printer is turned on or not.

What can I do to get the printer running again?

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How To Set IP, Firewall, Etc

Apr 17, 2011

i want to ask something about my LAN connection, i use Laptop with windows 7 64 bit as my operating system, and i want to connect it with my PC to share file and play together using LAN, my PC use windows XP as the operating system., how to set IP, firewall, etc?

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What Firewall Do You Use ?

Jan 10, 2009

What firewall are you all using?

I have Avast! antivirus, I tried to install Comodo and Zonealarm as firewalls but both installs failed.

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