Creating Workaround To MS Lockout Of WMP11 Installers On Windows 7

Mar 27, 2012

way to install windows media player 11 onto windows 7? I do not like how heavy handed WMP12 is with libraries (as i went in to my registery and deleted any key referencing them) and while WMP 12 doesnt produce any errors or problems with my registery modifications. I find that i have to worm through a now disabled directory to actually get to my music.

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Get Rid Of A Lockout?

May 19, 2011

Every time I attempt to access my server, I get a screen with my name and the statement "locked out" If I click on select alternate user, I get the screen with my name and usable access.

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No Installers Working On Windows 7?

Jul 8, 2012

I use a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit version on my samsung laptop... Everything seemed to be perfectly fine but soon I noticed that during the installation of any program as soon as I change the target directory the installer stops working with an error poping up ''setup.exe has stopped working''... The windows reporting also does not report a solution.. I am in extreme trouble as I cannot install the software on the default directory and the error arrives only on changing the installation directory.

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Windows 7 - Can't See The Text In Y!Messenger And Some Installers

Sep 16, 2010

I did several thing before restarting and seeing this glitch: Removed KIS completely, registry cleaner, junk file cleaner, reinstalled KIS.At first, there was a glitch with windows gadgets too, but I found out this solution: Vista Sidebar Gadgets Broken - Vista Forums and it fixed my gadgets too. The problem was similar, expect I could not see the background of the weather gadget.I have a few pictures to better describe the problem: - Fixed - Current Glitch - Current Glitch - Current Glitch As you can see, the text it's present in the y!messenger window ... but not in PM windows nor the archive.I remember that I had this problem in Vista and XP too ... in XP I had to reinstall the OS ... deleting Windows directory and leaving the rest. I don't recall to have found a solution to this then ... but it was only the yahoo thing. I don't remember having the same problem with some installers.I've used other installers after the problem appeared and they looked and performed as normal. This error seems to affect only y!mess and a particular type of installers. Everything else seems to function properly.I did a SFC scan. It found no problems at all. That's why I think it can be fixed without having to reinstall windows 7 or using the backup image.

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How Many Uses Do Windows 7 And Ms Office Installers/disks Have

Jul 9, 2011

I am looking at reformatting my computer, the only thing holding me back is a matter of software. I have a windows 7 professional 64-bit disk which came under the OEM licence, and I purchased Microsoft office 2010 on-line (I have an installer and a disk I had shipped to me). Would reformatting my computer and reinstalling windows require me to use one of my uses of either of the mentioned pieces of software? And where could I find how many uses I have (if it is indeed limited).

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Windows 7 Updates And Installers Can't Find Internet Connection

Jun 4, 2012

Running W7 Home Premium on HP Pavilion laptop. Also running Panda Internet Security 2012. Recently, it seems that when I try to install new programs or update programs already installed I get a response that an internet connection cannot be found. I have the ability to surf the net, and programs that automatically update themselves are working fine ie: Microsoft Security Updates, Panda, Firefox. Programs that fail to update/install new: Real Player, Google Earth, Malwarebytes and a couple of others. I've tried turning off the firewall to my Panda AV, but still have an issue.

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Account Lockout Threshold For Invalid Logon Attempts

Mar 19, 2010

How to Set Account Lockout Threshold for Invalid Logon Attempts ?

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Missing CD/DVD Driver Workaround That Works

May 11, 2009

This is how i got windows 7 to install when all else failed.

this IS NOT for dual boot, you WILL LOSE all data currently on your drive,

Back up, or combine with a dual boot tutorial if you want.

(Also great if you cant boot from a thumb drive, or dont have a dvd drive)

download windows 7 iso

download and install 7-zip if you dont have it

download and burn Gparted Live CD

download and burn hirens boot cd (everyone should have this, even if you choose not to follow this tutorial)

Boot from Gparted Live CD, Default Settings (first option)

select 'dont touch keymap'

enter for language, enter for mode

Resize current partition so you have around 2 GB unallocated space

create new partition on 2 GB of unallocated space (change 'free space following' to 0, create as Primary, File system NTFS)

apply, Quit, Exit, reboot into windows

windows will boot, then tell you it has finished installing new devices. go ahead and reboot again if it asks you to

browse My Computer, you now have an additional 2 GB Local Disk.

right-click drag the windows 7 iso into this drive. select 7-zip > Extract Here.

once files are extracted, boot up Gparted once more. delete your other partition**

**if you want to just resize your old partition so you leave your old OS on the drive for backup or dual boot, feel free, but im not covering dual boot here, and im not responsible for lost data, or boot problems getting back into XP.

(leave the 2GB Partition alone)

Then Create a New Partition on the unallocated space (create as Primary, File system NTFS)

apply, Quit, Exit.

Reboot, this time into Hirens Boot CD

boot up Hirens Boot CD, open up Fdisk under partition tools, and set the 2gb drive to active.

this will allow you to boot up this drive partition as if it is the windows 7 disk, bypassing your dvd drive and eliminating missing drive errors.

reboot (you may have to press esc or something during to boot process to select the drive to boot, but both times i did this it booted right up into the windows 7 drive with no problems.

seems like a lot of steps, but it really only took about 10 min extra once you have gparted and hirens burned.

again, i only did this twice, once to figure it out, and once to write this walkthrough. it worked perfectly both times, but i cant garuntee it will work for you.

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Firewall And Network Printing Workaround

Jul 3, 2009

Usually I disable Windows Firewall because it's annoying to hit "allow" every time i run each of my 30-40 games for the first time. I use avast! and nothing else, since I usually don't visit "adult" sites or anything out of the ordinary. I was thinking about getting zone alarm, though.

Well I need network printing to be enabled for the rest of my family to print without having to kick me off, but for network printing to be on windows firewall must be turned on. Is there a workaround, or do I just need ANY firewall turned on, not just Windows Firewall?

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Wireless Connection Workaround For Standby Or Hibernation

Oct 12, 2009

How to Workaround the Wireless Connection Issue in Standby ?

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Game Installers Won't Running?

Dec 13, 2012

I downloaded a bunch of game torrents yesterday from The Pirate Bay, ranging from Halo to Angry Birds.Each time I open the installer for any of these games (I've tried Angry Birds:Star Wars, Portal 1, and Halo 1), Windows acts as if it's loading something, and then goes back to normal, whether I run as an administrator or not. I have Win7 64-bit, 6 GB RAM, DirectX 11, an AMD Quad-Core 2.4GHz athlon II x4 610e processor, and an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series graphics card. I also used Steam to run Portal:First Slice, a free demo, and it ran fine. The only problem I can think of is that they aren't the Windows 7 versions? I can't imagine that would be a problem, though.Not sure which route would be the best to most effectively optimize my PC for gaming, so any suggestions are welcome. Keep in mind I'm on a Dell All-In-One PC, so components upgrades/additions might be a bit complicated. I plan on taking the games to school on a flash drive so I can try them during my computers class on the systems there.

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Installers Use Wrong Drive / Partition, Fix

Feb 11, 2009

Okay, I'm dual booting Windows 7 right now, as drive G: (Vista is C: ).

My problem is that installers like to use C: rather than G:, is there a setting somewhere where I can make my absolute main drive G:, rather than C:?

Some installers correctly use G:, while others (NSIS based, some others) use C: -- perhaps it's an installer issue, I don't know.

When I try to install Microsoft software, the installer extracts temporary files.. okay, but it extracts them to my external drive, and often they are not removed. How can I stop that from happening?

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RunDLL 2 .Exe Adware Installers On Startup

Feb 8, 2012

When I start up my PC I get 2 RunDLL .exes trying to install adware on my pc. I did msconfig and disabled them on startup but I'm still worried since the virus scanners (Anti-Mal & Avast & SuperAS) haven't fully cleared all traces of it.

More depth:

Was browsing net for streams after QSS went down the other day, visit one site - "" I think it was, and Zonealarm informs me that Twain.dll Client is trying to access the net, I immediately deny it. 4 or 5 seconds later, Avast tells me a (ozifgf98894lk).exe is running and I choose to not open it. Everytime I restarted PC from there, the .exe would run on startup, deactivate task manager, open internet explorer and try to connect to but it didn't seem to do anything. After a few restarts I managed to get rid of it by quickly accessing temp files and renaming the 4 .exes it produced then deleting them the next restart, SuperAntiSpyware detected a 'Adware.PTECH' virus and removed it. However everytime I restarted, it would still inform me that Windows cannot find the .exe files it's looking for. How can I get rid of this?

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Sony Vaio Laptop Cursor Random Movement Workaround

Aug 23, 2011

I recently bought a new Sony Vaio laptop and got on great with it until I noticed an aggravating problem.

Whenever I was typing some text, the cursor had an annoying habit of jumping all over the place, so I'd find myself typing text in the middle of a sentence I'd completed earlier.

It turns out that if you use a mouse without disabling the touchpad, the two conflict with each other, which results in this erratic cursor behaviour.

Why use a mouse you may ask. Well, I suffer with arthritis from time to time and a wireless mouse is easier to use than the touchpad.

So, if anyone has a Sony Vaio and is experiencing the same problem just go to:

Start>All Programs>Vaio Control Center>Categories Tab>Expand Keyboard & Mouse>Double-click Built-in Pointing Device>Uncheck Enable box>Apply>OK>Yes.

This disables the touchpad and stops the erratic cursor movement.

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Creating New Folder Ends Up Creating 2 Or 3 New Folders?

Jan 7, 2013

Under computer I go to my drive of folders. When I click new folder either by right clicking or by hitting new folder the system then creates 2 or 3 new folders at one time. I then have to go back and delete the extra folders. At first I did not mind because it only happened once or twice and now it is every time.

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Account Lockout - Unlock A Locked Out User Account

May 6, 2010

How to Unlock a Locked Out User Account in Windows 7 ?

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Workaround For Files That Cannot Be Accessed ("Access Is Denied")

Mar 11, 2012

A few thousand of my pictures could not be accessed anymore after I had to re-install my whole computer after a crash. They all got the error message: "Access is Denied". Also copying and deleting is impossible.With the great free tool UNLOCKER I could still delete them.Then, searching for an explanation, I found forum posts trying to explain that the error message had to do with older Windows versions, different folder systems, links instead of real files. I didnt understand at all, but wanted to follow up the advice 'take ownership an change permissions'. So I went to the Reccle Bin and restored the unaccessible files. Surprise!After restoring their behavior was completely normal.

1. Install UNLOCKER

2. Rightclick on the unaccessible files (group selection possible) and select DELETE.

3. Go to the recycle bin, select the same files, right click and select RESTORE.

4. Files should be accessible now.

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Creating Borders In Windows 7?

Dec 11, 2010

A friend says that she cannot create a border to a windows document in Windows 7. Presumably she is using M/S word. She usually produces an invitation to the annual Christmas lunch with a border of Christmas trees around the page.

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Creating Shortcuts With Windows Key?

Jul 1, 2012

The keyboard shortcut WinKey + E opens up windows explorer. Is it possible to make your own custom keyboard shortcuts with the windows key? I've not had any success in mapping the Windows Key.

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Creating Windows 7 Installation DvD

Nov 9, 2010

I'm having a few issues with a second computer I have and want to reformat. Sadly I don't have an installation DvD laying around anywhere. So I need to make one so I can re-install after cleaning it out. I've tried to find some info on this, and perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places, but I can't find anything of use on it.

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Creating Customized Iso Of Windows 7

Jun 25, 2010

i wish to make a customized iso of windows 7, so that i can get all softwares ready to use after every time i install windows 7 in my computer(s). Customized iso can be made in UBUNTU LINUX using REMASTERSYS software. Is there any software like that for windows 7?

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Creating And Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 3, 2011

I bought a new acer notebook computer. It did not come with any recovery cd,s or instructions on how to create one in case of system or hard disk crash.

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Creating Image For Other OS From Within Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

I work for a company which needs to make small specialized PCs running Windows so they can run a specific program, hopefully on an 8gb CF card. I'm in the process of stripping down a copy of Windows 7 to be small enough for that, but that's something else. I need to be able to install the reduced copy of Windows 7 and our own software and then probably use Norton Ghost to create an image that I can just apply to every one of these computers we make in the future. Is there a way of creating this image from within my main OS instead of just creating and booting to a separate partition?

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Creating A DOS Partition On A New Windows 7 Desktop?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a new desktop computer with Windows 7. How might I create a DOS partition in the unused portion of the new hard drive. I would like to be able to use QuickBasic v4.5, and able to share the files I create in the DOS volume with the primary NTFS 64bit OS volume.

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Creating A Windows 7 Image Of The C: Drive Only

Jun 18, 2011

I recently installed an SSD in my laptop and moved the HDD to the secondary drive (I have room for two). I did a few of the prescribed steps for optimal SSD usage (moved user profiles to HDD, moved temp directory and page file, etc). Initially I was able to image only my C drive (about 30GB required). This was when I could still dual boot to my original partition on the HDD.

I've since removed the old Windows 7 install from the HDD and made it a single partition. However, now when I try to make a drive image I'm unable to deselect my HDD when creating an image. I'm given no option except to create an image for both drives with a resulting size of 209GB. I'm already backing up my user data already and don't want to include it in the image.

When I view the disk manager my HDD (drive E) is Disk 0 and my SSD (drive C) is Disk 1. I've run bcdboot c:windows /s c: to ensure I have the boot files on my SSD. I'm able to boot my machine on the SSD if I disconnect my HDD but it doesn' like that my profile isn't available. I've also tried to change the disk order in my laptop BIOS but I don't have the option of changing the order of the individual disks.

What I want to do is be able to do is image only my SSD and not the entire system. I also want to do it on a regular basis and avoid having to open up my laptop and disconnect the HDD.

Is this related to the order of my disks in the disk manager or is that just a red herring? How do I make it so I can only select the SSD when creating a disk image?

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Windows 7 Creating Image And Restoring To Different PCs?

Oct 1, 2012

I've been placed in charge of setting up new PCs at work.These are tablet PCs and the hardware in each is identical...I've now setup one PC to function EXACTLY how I want it.My question is, what's the best way to image the entire drive and then load it onto subsequent PCs (please nothing like PXE) the restore will be done from a USB thumb drive.

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Creating A New Internet Shortcut On Windows 7

Aug 29, 2011

Im currently having problems creating a new internet shortcut on windows 7. I have never had this problem before as i already have a number of different shortcuts for my favourite websites on my desktop. But, now when i try to create a shortcut an error comes up simply saying Explorer.exe Cannot create shortcut. The icon appears on my desktop, but when i click ok and cancel, another error box comes up saying "Item not found, could not find this item, This item is no longer located in c:, verify the items location and try again." I dont know whats suddenly caused it and i have tried a system restore but to no avail.

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Windows Explorer Not Creating New Items?

Jan 7, 2013

when i create a new object in any folder (eg adding a new folder) it does not appear at first. When i go to a different folder and then back to the new folder location, the object then appears. when i change the text of the new object again it does not change, it is still "new folder" or the previous name. then if I go to a different folder and back to the location of the renamed folder it has been renamed. it has to be a problem with windows or my hard drive

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Creating A Windows 7 Pro And SP1 Bootable Disk?

Sep 12, 2011

I have my Windows 7 Pro install disk which does not have SP1 on it. I have Roxio Creator and I want to create an bootable disk image with Windows 7 Pro and SP1 so when i install Windows 7 it was also install SP1. Can I do this with Roxio Creator or will this take something else?

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Creating Custom Shortcuts In Windows 7?

Mar 10, 2012

But I'm not entirely sure if it can do one of the primary things I would like to use it for. I know it has a plethora of short-cut keys intended for gaming (12 near the thumb and 5 others spread along the mouse). What I would like to do is find a way to program these keys to do things outside of gaming. I do play games, so they will be used for their original purpose, but I would like to use the mouse as a remote control. For example, when I play music in iTunes, or movies in VLC, I would love to program some of the shortcut keys to work as volume, play/pause, fast-forward/rewind keys. That way I could sit back on my couch and use the mouse like a real remote.I've tried to Google information on how the mouse works, but every source/review site I find only presents the basics that are written on the box.

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Creating Partition After Windows 7 Installation?

Dec 28, 2012

How I will create more partitions on our system. Bcz I cant more partition on installation time bcz system not permitting to do this job.what I do???

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