Emachine Wont Boot Up Past Recovery Option?

Dec 29, 2012

smart failure predicted on hard disk 4 warning : imediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. a failure may be imminent.

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Emachine Wont Boot Up Past Recovery Option?

Dec 29, 2012

smart failure predicted on hard disk 4 warning : imediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. a failure may be imminent. press f1 to continue. what does this mean?

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Boot / Crash Dump And Primary Partition - System Recovery Option Incompatible

Jul 22, 2012

I have a brand new Windows 7 64bit build with a clean install from an Upgrade CD and noticed in BIOS that my 1st boot device must be "Windows Boot Manager" or it asks for the CD. I only have 1 storage device (SSD) in the system and when I look under Disk Management in windows, it shows a 100MB "EFI System Partition" in addition to the primary partition (which is labeled "Boot, Crash Dump, and Primary Partition" - so it seems to have the boot files on it).

My components are:
Intel i5 3570K
Gigabyte Z77-DS3H mainboard
16GB Crucial Ballistix
Intel 520 180GB SSD
LG BD optical drive
GTX 560ti

As I only have the one non-optical storage device I did not set any partition parameters at install. I Attempted to do a Startup Repair with the windows disc to maybe try and delete the EFI partition and got the "... System Recovery Options is incompatible with the version you are trying to repair" error. Not sure what that is. If Disk Management shows a healthy partition with "Boot" listed as being contained, why can I not select the SSD as boot device #1? I can boot perfectly fine with the Windows Boot Manager listed as boot device #1 and the SSD as #2, however it's not ideal.

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Download E627 Emachine Recovery Disk?

Aug 29, 2011

it may not fix but i need a recovery disk for an e machine 627,need a free one because it may not fix the problem

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Moving Unallocated Space PAST Recovery Partition, OR Destroying Recovery All Together?

Dec 25, 2012

I have Unallocated space at the very end of my hard drive, even after the 25gb Recovery Partition, this is due to copying my old hard drive onto this new one via Clonezilla, and it automatically keeping the unallocated space at the end. Can I either move the unallocated space around the Recovery Partition, or delete the Recovery Partition altogether? Sorry if I am being a little unclear.

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Emachine Laptop Won't Boot Up

Jul 11, 2011

my emachine netbook will show the boot menu but wont go to windows 7 like its supposed to..

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Free Windows 7 Boot Disc For Emachine Laptop

Jan 23, 2013

I have an emachine laptop, and it will not come on to go to windows 7, and it will not let me do the system boot or anything..

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DVD Drive Not Listed Option In Windows 7 Recovery?

Jul 8, 2012

My wife's nephew picked up a virus that Avast had flagged as newgeneration.com/x/x and oldschoolzz.com/x/. I have ran Malwarebytes, SuperAnti Spyware, and quarantined trojans that were found several times (also tried it in safe mode). They keep coming back so I was going to do a system recovery with the discs that I had burned when she first got her computer.The problem is that when I get to the screen to select the dvd drive nothing is populating that box to select.

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Installing Windows 7 After Factory Recovery Option

Nov 14, 2011

I've just used the windows 7 utility on my hp station pc which is called "restore to factory" and this seems like went smoothly, but when I try to reboot the pc, and after the "preparing pc for first use" there's a text box popping up witch says "could not complete installation of windows, to install windows on this computer, restart the installation" and then the system reboots again, and it all starts over. I dont know how to restart the installation, and I don't have any cd/dvd or usb, tried to download the windows 7 usb/dvd download tool, but as a first step it is requested a .iso file which I don't have, and don't know where to find..

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Creating F10 Option Recovery Partition To Restore Back?

Aug 8, 2010

I have a computer with the F10 option when I first turn on the computer. The hard drive failed so I have replaced it and installed windows 7. I am wondering if I can create a recovery partition when I turn on the computer and use the F10 option to restore back to when I first installed windows 7?

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One Option In My Laptop(hp 1020 G6 Pavilion) / Recovery Or Backup?

Jan 26, 2013

There is one option in my laptop(hp 1020 g6 pavilion) RECOVERY (D).

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System Recovery Option - Windows 7 On D Local Disk?

Feb 17, 2013

The start up repair can't fix it and I noticed that in system recovery option, the operating system says" Windows 7 on (D Local Disk" does that mean the windows directory transferred to Local Disk D? And another thing is that I can't boot the pc in cd/dvd, when i click f8 and click the CD rom the message" press any key" won't show?

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Disc ASUS Recovery Error 1029, Cannot Boot Into That Recovery Partition

Jun 23, 2012

I've gotten to the point where I need to just reinstall windows completely on my Asus G74SX (too many problems, I want to start fresh.). I encounter an error 1029 with Asus's recovery disks that I made when I had windows working: it says it is recovering all the way to 100% then doesnt work. I am in the process of trying it again so I'll see if it actually managed to wipe my hard drive like it said it was doing, and maybe if it did actually work and reinstall windows.However, I'd like to be able to get into the recovery partition because I would prefer restoring it with Asus as they recommend me to. However, when I hit F9, their target to get there, it doesn't do anything and just reloads the boot screen, with the Asus logo on it. I don't have an actual Wndows recovery CD so that's not an option, and at this point since my hard drive has likely been wiped by these recovery DVDs, I don't think going into Ubuntu and fixing the MBR will do me much good anymore.It may be worth noting that before I last restarted, I marked the Windows partition as active because of a tutorial here, making it so that recovery partition isn't active anymore.

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Pc Won't Boot Past Windows 7 Log?

Jan 20, 2012

From the 2 options given I chose "Start Windows Normally"....After pressing Enter it will not go beyond the black screen where it says "Starting Windows" and inmediately reboots to the "Windows Error Recovery" again.I then chose the other option which is "Launch Startup Repair", entered the Disk, wait for it to load system files but it reboots to the Disk loading the files again like an eternal loop.Tried the F8 Advance booting options, chose "boot in safe mode with command prompt", it starts loading but then it reboots itself again!!I don t know what is going on, this is very strange, yesterday I worked all day in the computer..My system specs are these:>XFX Nforce 750i SLI>Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2666 MHz>3x2gb Corsair CM2X2048-6400C5 DIMM DDR2 PC2-6400U DDR2-800 (5-5-5-18 3-22-6-3)>ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series>WD Caviar Blue 500gb

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HP G62 - 144DX Won't Boot Past HP Screen?

May 16, 2012

I can't get into the BIOS options to see what's wrong or to boot from a flash drive or CD, either. It just sits at the startup screen with the HP logo and says something to the effect of "Press the ESC key for startu options". Pressing ESC, however, does nothing (none of the F keys help either, I tried that).Anyway, here's how I messed things up. I was trying to install openSuse to my Windows 7 computer. First I went into my start menu and searched partitions, so I could change those. When I was first installing openSuse told me it was going to format all of my partitions, so I backed out to change those manually. I shrank my largest partition, which has the Windows operating system on it by the maximum it allowed (16,142 MB or something like that. It was a little under 16 gigs).

After doing that openSuse told me it was going to install to sda6, I believe, and when I checked the memory of the partitions it seemed to match up. When I went to install it after making the changes, it didn't say that it would format my partitions. I figured that this meant I was good and everything would install fine, and it definitely appeared to. I didn't change any settings or anything, but instead just installed everything as default from my flash drive using the 4.7 GB DVD download for a 32 bit PC (mine is a 64 bit, but I wasn't paying attention).

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Bios?

Aug 6, 2012

In the chaos of moving to a new house yesterday, a box my friend was moving ripped and a bottle of beer smashed onto my open and powered on laptop, scattering both liquid and glass everywhere. We immediately powered down and removed the battery, and placed the laptop upside down and mopped up the excess liquid from the outside as much as possible, and set it to dry upside down on a towel.My laptop is a Lenovo U330, I had my brother install Windows 7 on it for me last year, but he kept the disks so I don't have any of them.Several hours & some blowdrying later, we attempted to start up the laptop (I would have preferred to wait longer, but I needed to know if mine would work in case I needed to borrow my friend's for the week). The laptop will load the lenovo startup screen, and then flash the windows loadings screen (with the option to press f2 or f12) for a few seconds before recommending that I run startup repair. Which if I select it, will freeze after a few seconds. Usually my laptop's pretty noisy, but while the battery light flashes as if there is activity going on, there's no noise coming from it at all.

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Will Not Boot Up Past Loading Screen

Nov 15, 2009

Ok, so iv put this computer together, installed windows 7 Ultimate 32bit and i got it up and running perfect for like a day.

The next morning i switched it on and was working good for couple of hours then it seemed like the whole computer started to slow down and i got a blue screen error. so i rebooted and tried to start windows but, it then says windows is loading files then goes to the logo loading and after that it just goes to a black screen!? iv tried everything to get it back running safe mode, low res mode, repair, boot from disk etc but nothing.

So i thought i would try and put the HD in another computer and wipe it to re-install windows but when i put it in another comp it does the same thing.. does the logo loading and then to black screen

Iv found that when i remove the HD from my PC and boot from the windows 7 disk then it gets to the windows 7 installation bit so do you think it could be a problem with the HD?

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0xc0000428 Can't Get Past Boot Manager

Dec 19, 2012

I have windows 7 on my laptop and I attempted to update my OS to windows 8, which was mounted to a blank DVD, in hopes of wiping everything due to continuous blue screens of death and automatic restarts. It looked like the installation was going to go through until the system restarted and the windows Boot Manager screen came up. It says the digital signature for this file couldn't be verified. When I boot up windows 7, system ecovery tools appear. Startup repair doesn't do any good. I can't restore because of no restore points. How can I revert back to get my laptop working again? I don't have a windows 7 boot disc

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Pc Won't Boot Past Start Screen?

Aug 29, 2012

I just reformatted my computer everything running fine until I accidentally in installed a Microsoft thing I don't remember the name... After uninstalling it quickly went to blue screen of death and now when I try to boot the oc it goes to the loading windows then blue screen of death and restarts. I've tried putting a disk in to reformat but it won't load the disk, it just shows the blue background you get while installing windows.

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Dual Boot - Lost The Option To Boot Into XP

Nov 24, 2009

When my computer wouldn't turn on in the morning I did the usual diagnostics; unplug things one at time test with spare components etc... Any way I qucikly figured out the PSU was dead so I ordered a new one and was back up and running. However when I reassembled the computer after unplugging everything (and removing the m/b) I plugged the HDDs back into different SATA ports from which they orginally came. When I came to boot the computer up I got the error message: 'BOOTMGR missing' or it may have been 'NTLDR missing' I can't remember.

I fixed this problem by using the 7 startup repair utility. I have no problem booting into Windows 7, but I have lost the option to boot into my XP install on anther disk. I looked in the boot tab under System Configuration and the only OS showing is this Windows 7 install. So my question is this: how can I get the choice of which OS to boot back?

(I should mention that the XP install is on a different disk from the 7 install).

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Not Getting Option Too Boot From Cd Changed Boot Sequence Still Not Getting It?

Jan 14, 2012

I am trying to install a password recovery cd on laptop. I changed the order in bios but still not giving option too boot from cd. I even logged in as a guest and put an audio cd in .It didnt give option too play. I think its the cd drive. What can I do?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Windows Splash Screen - Will Boot To Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2011

WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode.

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot Past Microsoft Logo

May 4, 2012

I can't access system recovery or most of the advance boot options. I have tried using repair cds and install cds but the computer refuses to boot from cd drive my laptop is an hp model g61. I don't really know what other specs you need I have noticed it always stops when loading a certain driver atipcie.sys. The full error I get is: "Stop: c0000135 the program can't start because %hs is missing from your computer try reinstalling the program to fix the problem". I'm not even sure what that program is.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past The Loading Screen?

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that windows 7 wont get past the loading screen when its loading the OS. I have noticed that it will work when i have only 2GB(one stick) in but when i try to put all 8GB(4 sticks) in, it wont work. This same thing happened when i was trying to install windows 7 from a fresh install.

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Desktop Won't Boot Past Slash Screen

Jan 18, 2013

my gateway 5260 stopped booting past the splash screen or loading screen in all instances...startup repair, loading windows normally and safe mode. It did this gradually first loading into safe mode and startup repair and now nothing boots up... i have changed my RAM... tried a recovery disk... tried himen's boot cd and trinity rescue kit 3.4...... tried windows defender scan.. no viruses... no RAM errors.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Acer Splash Screen?

Jun 12, 2011

I have an ACER extensa 5630Z. It's been running all day, and I looked over and it had restarted and got stuck at a blank screen with a blink cursur, Every reboot will show the Acer splash screen, then straight to the blank screen with the blinking cursor. Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I've hit F2 and can get into the bios, but other than that I don't know what to do..

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Dell XPS Windows 7 64-bit Won't Boot Past Classpnp.sys File

Feb 10, 2013

I've been scouring the internet trying to fix a boot issue with my Dell XPS 420. It worked fine last week but on Saturday started to blue screen. I installed a new HD and installed a fresh copy of Win7 64-bit. I reinstalled my ATI video drivers but nothing else (e.g. I had to update a load of codecs for Win7 on the other install). I tried booting again from the original hard drive and everything came back with no errors. I left the PC up overnight, and now I get the same blue screen with various errors. So I disconnected from that hard drive and tried to boot from the fresh install, now it blue screens there as well. So I hit F8 and tried to boot in Safemode with Networking. Hangs at the casspnp.sys file. Then tried to boot from the DVD and repair but the repair only gets so far and yet another blue screen.I have 8gb of RAM onboard, and I have an ATI 2400 video card installed that is jacked into a Panasonic plasma display. Other than that, I've not customized anything else. I've ruled out the RAM as I swapped it out. Could be the DVD as it was having what appeared to be I/O issues. However, it seems to work fine with I press F12 and boot from the DVD. I have this PC connected to a Port Authority KVM. I've reset the KVM as well. I also have a USB hub in the mix as well. I reseated my RAM, the DVD cables.

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PC Won't Boot Past Dell BIOS Screen / Just Keeps Rebooting

Oct 6, 2011

having problems with my PC rebooting since restarting to finish the installation of the latest Windows Update. Loads only to the Dell BIOS screen and then reboots again. I can hit F2 or F12, but not sure what to do when I do. I thought that running in Safe Mode and uninstalling the last update would be the way to go, but not sure how to get into Safe Mode.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past EVGA P55 Splash Screen After Update

Jul 18, 2010

I have been using my Windows 7 x64 system for about 5 months without a problem. I booted it yesterday, and an autoupdate occurred as soon as Windows 7 started up. It looked like this autoupdate made changes to /COMPONENTS. As soon as it finished, the system rebooted, and got stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. It was stuck there for about 10 minutes, so I manually shut down the computer. Every time I turn it on now, I get stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. I can not get into safe mode or anything. Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this? Did some stupid Windows autoupdate crash my new computer? I am turning those off if that is what happened.

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Windows 7 Newly Built Computer Won't Boot Past Logo Sometimes

Feb 23, 2012

Alright I am running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on my newly built computer. My computer can successfully boot past the bios and get to the logo screen. Then I get to the Windows logo which is a hit or miss. Sometimes it will boot successfully and I will have no problems whatsoever and I can enjoy my computer without worrying about anything. Then sometimes it will get hung on the logo and it will just stop responding. I don't know if this is an issue with my HDD or maybe my power supply. I think that this may be a problem with my power supply because I notice that my keyboard LED turns of when it hangs like that. The only question then is "why is this not a consistent problem that I can isolate?"

Here are my specs:
Case: Coolermaster HAF 922
CPU: Core i7 3930k (3.2 ghz stock; will OC to 4)
Motherboard: x79 Asrock Extreme 4 (x5 sata 6.0 Gb, x2 usb 3.0 ports, PCI-e 3.0 support, and quad-channel memory)
RAM: 8 gigs (2x4 gig's) of 1600 DDR3
GPU: x1 Radeon 6870
PSU: 600 Watts
HDD: 500 gig's 7200 RPM (Seagate baracuda)
Cooling: closed loop liquid cooling, Tuniq TX-2 High Performance Thermal Compound, and the standard fans on the case
Optical drive: LG 12x Blu-Ray reader and DVD combo drive
Monitor: 22" LED 1920x1080 -- ASUS VS228H-P (21.5 viewable)

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Boot Screen Option

Jul 4, 2009

I had winxp sp3 and Windows 7 7127 x64 on dual boot (xp on c:/ and 7 on d:/)

I replaced xp sp3 with Windows 7 7264 x86 ...at first I couldn't login to Windows 7 7127 because the dual boot seemed to be gone. I fixed it using easybcd so now I have dual boot again for 7127 x64 and 7264 x86 .

The problem is that now when I boot 7127 it has a vista boot screen (probabbly because of easybcd not having a Windows 7 option). How can I change it back to the Windows 7 boot screen? Does anyone have any clues?

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