Free Windows 7 Boot Disc For Emachine Laptop

Jan 23, 2013

I have an emachine laptop, and it will not come on to go to windows 7, and it will not let me do the system boot or anything..

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Emachine Laptop Won't Boot Up

Jul 11, 2011

my emachine netbook will show the boot menu but wont go to windows 7 like its supposed to..

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Can't Download Java On Windows 7 On Emachine Laptop

Jul 10, 2011

Can't download java on windows 7 on emachine laptop

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Missing Acer Laptop Boot Disc For Windows 7?

Oct 29, 2011

my daughters acer laptop has the following message: windows failed to start. a recent hardware or software change might be the cause.. etc.. insert windows installation disc and restart. we do not have the installation disc.

file: windowssystem32winload.exe

status: OxcOOOOOOf

info: the selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

How can I get a boot disc?

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Free Download Emachine Em350 Series Webcam Driver

Jan 25, 2013

free webcam driver for emachine eM350 series window 7 laptop

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Drivers For Emachine Laptop DVD Drive?

Apr 20, 2011

i have lost my dvd drive completely i have no idea how, it says that the drivers are gone how can get them

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Driver Power State Failure Blue Screens On Windows 7 Home Premium EMachine Laptop?

Jul 24, 2012

I recently have been getting blue shutdown screens on my laptop. I will give you plenty of information about my computer. I put all the information about the Blue screen dump files and my System Information file in an attachment. I hope this helps. I recently found out you could save the System Information file as a text and also as an .exe. This is how it happens, I will be using my computer and then the computer will become very slow and unresponsive. It is not completely unresponsive but it will be so slow that I cannot use it, then after about 3 minutes of this slow unresponsiveness the blue screen will show up and say driver power state failure and shutdown. I recently formatted the computer because it had been doing this before so I restored it back to factory defaults about one month ago.

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Emachine Wont Boot Up Past Recovery Option?

Dec 29, 2012

smart failure predicted on hard disk 4 warning : imediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. a failure may be imminent. press f1 to continue. what does this mean?

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Emachine Wont Boot Up Past Recovery Option?

Dec 29, 2012

smart failure predicted on hard disk 4 warning : imediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. a failure may be imminent.

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Compressed C Drive On Acer 5515 Laptop No Recovery Disc To Boot

Jan 8, 2012

compressed c drive on acer 5515 laptop no recovery disc to boot

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Boot Manager Missing When No Disc In Disc Drive?

Oct 13, 2011

So I have an bit of an odd and I think unique problem (as many searches came up with no solutions). Simply put, my boot manager is missing, but only when my windows install disc is not in the disc drive. It started several months ago and I just left it be, let the disc it int he disc drive and it was not that big of a deal. But just did a clean install couple days ago I re-installed windows 7 ultimate 64-bit on my computer (using an upgrade disc if that makes a difference).I formatted the drive with what I guess is a quick format (the option the install disc gives you). I have tried doing a repair with the install disc but no problems are found every time I try.

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Emachine Windows 7 Lost?

Sep 12, 2011

A family member of mine downloaded something that I'm assuming had malware on it [twas from an ad on the side of a website...chances are great]. When the computer was shut down and then turned back on..voila..Windows failed to start. I tried to do startup repair but it could not fix the issue. I cannot access the System Recovery options because there is a password apparently that NO one remembers putting on the desktop, so we can't access it. It went from being able to access startup the computer taking forever to boot to the "starting windows" screen just for another black screen to appear that says to insert something to boot from. [No, I didn't press F12 or anything to cause this to appear]. The computer seems to be getting worse. I've tried to even do a clean install of Win7, but now all of a sudden my drivers are missing and cannot be found. I've tried downloading them from this website: [URL]

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Can't Boot Windows 7 From Disc

Jun 11, 2011

I have a few corrupted system files, so I tried booting the precompiled rescue disc from neowin as well as my Windows 7 disc. When I try to boot form the disc it says Windows is loading, then gives me an error 0x000000d. Can some one tell me whats wrong here?

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Install Windows 7 Pro On An Emachine EM350.?

Sep 27, 2011

if i can install windows 7 pro on an emachine eM350.?

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Installing New Windows 7 With Boot Disc?

Jun 5, 2011

So originally when I bought my Laptop it was Windows Vista. A while ago I upgraded to Windows 7 by downloading the OS and a valid serial key form a third party distributor associated with my school. Next week I`m putting together a new desktop PC, and want to install Windows 7 on it. I have another valid serial key to use for the registration, however do not have a boot disc to use. Wil the System Restore Disc that I can create using the wizard on Win 7 be able to boot and load a new OS on my new desktop or will i have to create a boot disc another way.Also, I still have the original installation files saved in My Downloads, although not in .iso format but expanded and just saved as files.

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Create Windows 7 Boot Disc?

Aug 24, 2011

Okay so I have searched online for how to create a Windows 7 Boot Disc, but to no avail. I have blank dvds, I have a legit operating system, and I have an activation code. I have no idea where to go from here and find boot files or installation files or create ISOs etc.

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Can't Boot Into Windows 7 Repair Disc

Jan 15, 2013

I just created a system repair disc by clicking "Create a system repair disc" on my computer. The disc was successfully created, then I went to boot it up in VirtualBox and I get a Toshiba error: F3-F100-0003. How could this be? I don't think VirtualBox or the repair disc would have anything to do with Toshiba. I created this disc with a factory preinstallation of Windows 7 on a Toshiba laptop. Did Toshiba put a custom disc image on the computer which will be burned to the disc? Does VirtualBox use the host computers BIOS? (maybe not possible because there was a Windows 7 cursor in front of the error box) Does Microsoft use Toshiba technology in their repair discs?

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Can't Get Computer To Boot From The Windows 7 Disc

May 19, 2012

Can't get past the windows did not shut down properly window where you do the rcommended rpair. It does not do anything but try to rpair.

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My CD/Rom Won't Boot Windows 7 Pro Install Disc

Jul 6, 2012

I just got a new battery for my computer, because the old one died. When the old one died, it messed up the files on the hard drive. I used a windows xp pro installation disc to wipe the hard drive (or delete the partition), then set it as slave with another hard drive as master. Both hard drives are were wiped clean, nothing on them, and now the computer is actually running pretty fast. So, I tried to run the Windows 7 installation cd to install Windows 7 (Nyaha! Redundency!) to the new primary drive. Here's the problem. It won't boot the disc. I went to the BIOS and set it to boot the CD/ROM first, second, and last. It still won't boot the Windows 7 CD. Now, I have 3 CDs for Windows 7, my family has three different computers. I tried the 64 bit one, and the two 32 bit one's, but it will. Not. Work. It just does not boot any of them. It says "Boot Failure from Previous Device.

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No Windows 7 Disc But Laptop Wants One?

Dec 3, 2011

Laptop crashed wanting its windows 7 disc- but didn't come with one- and restart it.How do I get a disc and will it be the answer. What else can I do to fix this?

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Acer Emachine E627 Windows 7 Bsod

Jan 6, 2012

Each time I turn on my laptop it shows a little blue screen then quickly changes to a black screen. The black screen states that windows was not shut down properly and to try one of the sfe modes and those do not work. I do not have any back-up or restoral disks, so what can I do.

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Make Windows 7 Boot Disc From Scratch?

Mar 19, 2011

is it possible to make a Windows 7 boot disc from scratch? By scratch I mean, I want all the programs I currently have installed on my PC and some items in my secondary drives to be there too, in other words, can I take my current Windows AND the programs/items I have on my drives, and put them together as one installation, so that when I format my computer and reinstall Windows, my basic programs, like Photoshop, After Effects, etc, are still there, so there is no worry about downloading it? That's my main point, I have to install Windows 7 and the programs I have in like 30 computers, it would take forever if I ALSO have to download programs like Photoshop, I don't have the best internet in town anyways.

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Unable To Boot From Windows 7 Upgrade Disc

Aug 16, 2010

I am trying to perform a clean/custom install of Windows 7 Professional 32-bit on my VAIO SZ-650N. I have the upgrade disc and though its primary purpose is to upgrade from Vista to Windows 7, it is confirmed to work with clean installs as well. Since I want to perform a clean install, I must boot the installation from the disc and not within the OS. The problem is that when I insert the disc into the drive and start up the computer, it'll pause for a moment longer than usual, as if it detects that the CD is there, like I can hear the disc spinning in the drive, and this little gray underscore will blink on the screen, but it will never give me the "Press any key to boot from CD" message and it'll eventually just load up my OS.The disc is in perfect condition and I can view its contents and run it from within the operating system...I just can't boot from it. Even the directions for clean/custom installs that come with this disc say that it must be done from the disc, not when the OS is loaded. The problem can't possibly be my BIOS startup order, because first of all the disc drive is selected to load first thing and when I insert other bootable CD's such as my beta copy of Windows 7, I can boot from it fine.

Edit: It will not let me do a custom install from within the OS regardless because it is unable to detect any drives/partitions to install Windows 7 onto. And the "advanced" option isn't there...I'm guessing because it's impossible to wipe the drive clean when the OS is already loaded.

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Unlock Laptop Windows 7 Without A Disc?

Feb 1, 2012

My friend has got a laptop and he has forgot the password can i unlock it with out a disc.

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Unlock Laptop Windows 7 Without A Disc?

Jan 29, 2013


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Any Free Software For Playing Blu-ray Disc

Jan 10, 2013

Is there any free software for playing Blu-ray Disc

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EMachine EL 1850 Hang On Start Windows 7 Ultimate

Jul 4, 2012

I have zero history of this box. I aquired it from a friend. eMachine EL 1850 Win 7 First power on, asks to start in repair or normal Starting with repair, hangs on Starting Windows screen. Screen does not full load, 'Starting Windows' is very light in the back ground. No colors over this text. Power off/Power on same message Starting with normal startup, it hangs at almost the exact spot, except 'Starting Windows' text is fully visible, and you can see two color dots from the rest of the logo starting to appear.

I've never seen a computer freeze at this point ever. So starts the battery of tests. Physically, the computer looks OK on the inside. No burn marks, etc. Delete key takes me to CMOS. Settings are correct. Attempt restarts with USB settings disabled yields same result as before. F8 takes me to start options. Every single option yields same result:

Safe Mode
Safe Mode w/Networking
Safe Mode w/Command Prompt

Like eight different options, no success. Alt + F10 takes me to a screen with a command line (no prompt) and nothing else Will not boot from Windows 7 CD. All attempts to do so yield same results as above. Safe Mode stops loading after Classpnp.sys I am utterly stumped. We have tried everything we can think of and it all takes us to the same half loaded loading screen. We tried a DOS boot disk, but were unable to see it completely thro as the disk seemed to be made incorrectly.

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Change Boot Sequence In Disc Management Windows 7?

Aug 28, 2011

Bluetooth keyboard doesn't kick in until too late so can't F2 to enter boot setup.Can I do it from disc management programme or from a command prompt.I'm trying to upgrade to win 7 64 bit from win 7 32 bit.

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Full Format And Reinstall Windows 7 Without Boot Disc

Feb 9, 2013

I have an HP G62 laptop which came pre-installed with Windows 7. I would like to fully remove all data on the HDD and reinstall Windows 7.The 'Computer' section of the Start button shows the following HDD (not sure if these are partitions or not, but I'm assuming that they are!):

Local Disk ( C: )
Recovery ( D: )

I had a quick look at the D: drive and it showed a few setup files, all of which seem to be related to MSOFFICE. :-?I have been reading about data destruction programs that will absolutely wipe the drive and remove all data; I would like to do this and then reinstall Windows 7 so that the laptop effectively becomes a 'new' one.

1. How do I go about formatting the HDD with a data destruction program and then reinstall Win 7, since I do not have a bootable disc?

2. How reliable are such data destruction programs? Is there any margin of error? (I am a bit concerned about all the sensitive information that I have saved on my laptop such as bank details, family photos, etc.)

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Windows 7 Home Disc Not Supplied With New Laptop?

May 18, 2011

My niece got a Toshiba laptop on Christmas, and now it is messed up from a virus. It's a Toshiba C655D-1087 that came loaded with Win7 Home 64 bit. No CDs came with it. Toshibas' website does have all of the drivers available on-line. I cannot find anywhere to download Win7 so that I can do a HDD wipe and reformat/ re-install. The Win7 product key code is affixed to the bottom of the unit, Just need a valid way to obtain the OS for a clean install. I personally have Win7 Pro 64 bit, but I don't believe that I can use that with a 7 Home key.

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Play Bluray Disc In Windows 7 Laptop?

Dec 14, 2011

how can i play blu-ray disc in my laptop (windows 7) ,i don't had software.

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