Change Boot Sequence In Disc Management Windows 7?

Aug 28, 2011

Bluetooth keyboard doesn't kick in until too late so can't F2 to enter boot setup.Can I do it from disc management programme or from a command prompt.I'm trying to upgrade to win 7 64 bit from win 7 32 bit.

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How To Change Boot Sequence Of OS (Windows 7 / Ubuntu)

Aug 1, 2011

I installed ubuntu. After that my windows 7 is at the bottom of the boot sequence. How I change it to first.

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How To Change Boot Sequence Hp Pavilion 750

Sep 22, 2011

I have two internals my primary C: uses Win 7 O.S i would like to put Linux fedora on the second drive . i have a disk but it does not pick program automatically the documentation say to change boot sequence i thuoght it was F2 but pressing that right at the beggining does not stop windows from booting.

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Change Key Bard Sequence In Laptop?

Mar 13, 2012

my keys are changed in my lap top.... now symbol " is in the postion of @ ....

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Boot Sequence Finds 2 Instances Of Windows 7

Jun 20, 2011

I recently installed windows 7 home premium on my new SSD drive. I previously had windows 7 installed on a 2GB HHD drive (same win dvd, same serial). I booted with windows dvd, and formatted the old c: (which had windows on it). The HHD drive had 2 partitions and i kept the other one ,which only contained one folder with aprox 10 GB of random files, but nothing windows related).

Windows is now up and running from my SSD disc, but in the boot sequence two(!) windows 7 installations are shown, and I'm asked to choose which one i wanna boot with. The top alternative works as intended, but the other one tells me to make a windows repair with the windows dvd. I do not want to repair this (non existing) instance of windows. I want it removed! How do I make it disappear?

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Windows 7 Boot Sequence Takes 4 Minutes

Nov 11, 2010

My wife has a Compaq PC, bought 3 months ago, with an AMD Sempron 2.7 Ghz and 2.00 GB of ram. Windows 7 takes a full 4 minutes to boot. I've disabled all non-essential external devices, and completely reinstalled Windows 7. Still has the same problem.

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Windows Wont Start / It Freezes During Boot Up Sequence

Aug 9, 2012

Windows wont start it freezes during the boot up sequence.(when the windows starting comes up). I tried safe mode it freeze during that but it stopped at Windowssystem3ddriversAtiPcie64.sys..I tried start up repair, it froze during that, the blue wallpaper of the repair screen comes up though but after that it just freezes. I tried my last good configuration it froze during that as well. This happened after i restarted the computer 5 or 7 consecutive times because i was trying to get into safe mode. I did not log in i just restarted again from the login screen

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Not Getting Option Too Boot From Cd Changed Boot Sequence Still Not Getting It?

Jan 14, 2012

I am trying to install a password recovery cd on laptop. I changed the order in bios but still not giving option too boot from cd. I even logged in as a guest and put an audio cd in .It didnt give option too play. I think its the cd drive. What can I do?

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WD Passport Drive Showing Up With Unallocated In Disc Management?

Jul 2, 2012

So it was working fine, i turned off my computer and went to bed, when turned it on the next morning the drive was no longer showing up so i checked disc management and it was in there as unallocated, the only options that are there when i right click are:Im running Windows 7 ultimate x86 (32bit) on PC and the External Hard Drive is a Western Digital 1TB Model WD 070A USB device.

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Editing Boot Up Sequence?

Sep 25, 2011

I had a dual boot, xp/Win 7, The HD with the XP crashed. Reinstalled XP and now don't have dual boot option. Tried for 2 days to get it to work but to no avail. I reinstalled Win 7 on a different HD than the old install. Got the dual boot option back. Here's my question, can I edit the boot sequence to redirect to the old Win 7 install instead of the new one? So I don't have to re-install all my programs.

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High Fan Rpm No Boot Sequence

Dec 4, 2011

I'll give you a general overview of what has happened with my computer lately so we can get the big picture, I run windows 7 home premium -64bit with a asustek p7p55 lx mother board a nvidia 560 graphics card. As for the beginning of the problem, it started with my ram, I had 4gb installed and wanted to up it so I got another 4gb set (4 cards total as the board has 4 slots) it ran fine for a while but I had an issue where it wouldn't start, I decided to clean it out since it was super dirty and during trial and error found that the first ram slot was not working, I have since then had to buy 2 4gb sticks and run 10gb of ram. I recently have and issue same as when I tried to use all 4 slots that the CPU fan runs at high rpm and the boot doesn't even start. I don't get beeps or anything and so my computer is left useless! Since I upgrade my graphics card the case my computer in fits it but it had an attachable funnel type thing to channel air to the CPU, I'm wondering due to the graphics cards size I can not put that on so I have left the case off, speed fan has never shown any high temps. The computer was running fine for 2-3 weeks and then it just died.

if it does boot, it stays black and beeps once long then three short beeps, this is the same as it uses to do and I fixed it by removing the first ram slot. I've tried all of the slots and tried resetting the ram memory or what ever it's called. I forget.. Starts with a c and I'm on my phone so I can't look it up.

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Nothing In Bios Boot Sequence

Feb 21, 2011

When I go into the Bios Boot screen there is no CD, HD etc option. Blank? Any suggestions please?

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Western Digital Drive Showing Up With Unallocated In Disc Management?

Nov 24, 2011

So it was working fine until one of the latest windows auto update, i turned off my computer and went to bed, when turned it on the next morning the drive was no longer showing up so i checked disc management and it was in there as unallocated, the only options that are there when i right click are: Offline, Properties and help.Im running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on a sony vaio VPCL118FG and the External Hard Drive is a Western Digital 2TB Model WDBAAU0020HBK?

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Gateway Dx4850 Boot Sequence?

Oct 15, 2012

Infected with FBI virus also in safe mode. Trying to change boot sequence to use a recovery disk suggested but cant get past the bios F12 password. Blank tried but comes back "invalid password"

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Black Screen Hang In Boot Sequence

Dec 3, 2011

In the boot sequence, after the "starting windows" screen, Windows will freeze in a black screen as long as 15 seconds before proceeding to the "welcome" screen.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+, x64 Family 15 Model 107 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 2046 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 51199 MB, Free - 15553 MB; D: Total - 40754 MB, Free - 18391 MB; E: Total - 102421 MB, Free - 29962 MB;
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., GA-MA78GPM-DS2H
Antivirus: ESET Smart Security 4.2, Updated and Enabled

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Change Of Physical HD Designations In Disk Management?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a Dell Studio XPS 9100 computer with Windows 7 Prof installed. The computer has two physical hard drives that came with the computer. The seccond physical hard drive was not partition or formatted when I received the computer. I divided the second physical HD into three partitions, Page File (D), Image Backup (E), and Data Backup (F). The first physical HD had the following volumes when it came from Dell: OEM partition (39 mb), Recovery partition (10.8 gb), and OS (C) (71 gb)When using Disk Management, normally I would see the HD designation of Disk 0 for the OEM partition, Recovery partition and OS (C) partitions This morning after booting up the computer and looking at Disk Management, I am now seeing the volumes for Disk 0, Page File (D), Image Backup (E), and Data Backup (F). For Disk 1, I am now seeing OEM partition, Recovery partition, and OS (C) partitions.Is it possible for physcial hard drive designations to change and still have the computer operate normally?

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Change Simple Volume To Primary In Disk Management?

Jul 25, 2011

i haved shrinked my hard and the disks are now dynamic and with green border in the top

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Boot Manager Missing When No Disc In Disc Drive?

Oct 13, 2011

So I have an bit of an odd and I think unique problem (as many searches came up with no solutions). Simply put, my boot manager is missing, but only when my windows install disc is not in the disc drive. It started several months ago and I just left it be, let the disc it int he disc drive and it was not that big of a deal. But just did a clean install couple days ago I re-installed windows 7 ultimate 64-bit on my computer (using an upgrade disc if that makes a difference).I formatted the drive with what I guess is a quick format (the option the install disc gives you). I have tried doing a repair with the install disc but no problems are found every time I try.

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USB Flash Drive Is No Longer Seen As A Drive Or In Disc Management

Sep 26, 2012

I know, should have a backup, I was actually about to create a backup when the flash drive failed on me unfortunately. My newest backup is from about 5 days ago, so I'd prefer to be able to restore the current files.

I moved the drive over to another computer and tried to save a file but when I checked again the file was gone, like it never saved at all. Subsequently, after removing and plugging it back in the computer did not detect the drive (or see it in disc management). It does show up as a generic USB drive in the device manager, but there are no properties for it.

When I add it to a computer, it still adds drivers for it, but then nothing happens after that. It may also be a hardware problem, since the drive fell on the ground pretty hard a while back, but seemed to be working fine. There isn't an easy way to open it up and check.

I also tried using a few data recovery programs, but they couldn't detect the drive either.

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Disk Management Boot Drive?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a disk which is partitioned into 3 = 1 is just the mft files no drive allocated, c: is my operating system and d: was the operating system. I need to change C: to boot now rather than my d:. When i start up, I have to press f1 to get started and 2 win 7 shows up. I have to move the arrow down to select the second to boot up, how do I change it,

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Random Boot And BSOD Memory Management Stop 0x0000001A

Jun 27, 2012

I have been experiencing random reboots which very often fail and occasional BSOD crashes, the last one refers to memory management. I am running Panda cloud antivirus and malwarebytes.Original OS was preinstalled retail version win xp proff. Current OS full retail version win 7 64bit home premium Hardware new Dec 2006. Dual boot 2 x sata hard drives?

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Change The Default Disc Drive?

May 1, 2011

How do I change my default disc drive from G to L? My old DVD/RW drive is not compatible with Bluray discs.

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How To Change From Dynamic To Basic Disc

Jun 12, 2011

i have a acer laptop having 500 gb hd. Isince i want to dual boot ubuntu with windows 7 i was planning to install it on Local Disk F so i shrink the Drive F for swap area required for ubuntu. I shrink it to 4500MB and new partition was created showing 4.5GB of space. Then i right click on it to create new volume. I keep on clicking next till a warning came.I click ok to that and my whole disk got converted to Dynamic disk. Now my problem is that my os is still booting even after converting to dynamic . I dont know how.
Since i have only one hd how can i use Partion wizard since i can't unallocate the whole HD.

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Can't Boot Windows 7 From Disc

Jun 11, 2011

I have a few corrupted system files, so I tried booting the precompiled rescue disc from neowin as well as my Windows 7 disc. When I try to boot form the disc it says Windows is loading, then gives me an error 0x000000d. Can some one tell me whats wrong here?

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Disc Drive Won't Allow To Change Ownership Or Permission

May 28, 2012

Ever since I've had my computer there has been an extra drive on it. it was called microsoft (Protected). It has absolutely nothing on it, and it has no use. I have been trying to delete it to no avail, so I renamed it to annoying drive.

Whenever I try to access it it gives me an access denied message. It has no owner, or even permissions, and when I try to change it to me, or the admin, it gives me the same message. I went to the list of things on the computer, and I can't even find it. I then attempted using lock hunter to find out what was blocking me from changing the file. Also to no avail. It says that there is nothing protecting it.

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Installing New Windows 7 With Boot Disc?

Jun 5, 2011

So originally when I bought my Laptop it was Windows Vista. A while ago I upgraded to Windows 7 by downloading the OS and a valid serial key form a third party distributor associated with my school. Next week I`m putting together a new desktop PC, and want to install Windows 7 on it. I have another valid serial key to use for the registration, however do not have a boot disc to use. Wil the System Restore Disc that I can create using the wizard on Win 7 be able to boot and load a new OS on my new desktop or will i have to create a boot disc another way.Also, I still have the original installation files saved in My Downloads, although not in .iso format but expanded and just saved as files.

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Create Windows 7 Boot Disc?

Aug 24, 2011

Okay so I have searched online for how to create a Windows 7 Boot Disc, but to no avail. I have blank dvds, I have a legit operating system, and I have an activation code. I have no idea where to go from here and find boot files or installation files or create ISOs etc.

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Can't Boot Into Windows 7 Repair Disc

Jan 15, 2013

I just created a system repair disc by clicking "Create a system repair disc" on my computer. The disc was successfully created, then I went to boot it up in VirtualBox and I get a Toshiba error: F3-F100-0003. How could this be? I don't think VirtualBox or the repair disc would have anything to do with Toshiba. I created this disc with a factory preinstallation of Windows 7 on a Toshiba laptop. Did Toshiba put a custom disc image on the computer which will be burned to the disc? Does VirtualBox use the host computers BIOS? (maybe not possible because there was a Windows 7 cursor in front of the error box) Does Microsoft use Toshiba technology in their repair discs?

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Can't Get Computer To Boot From The Windows 7 Disc

May 19, 2012

Can't get past the windows did not shut down properly window where you do the rcommended rpair. It does not do anything but try to rpair.

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My CD/Rom Won't Boot Windows 7 Pro Install Disc

Jul 6, 2012

I just got a new battery for my computer, because the old one died. When the old one died, it messed up the files on the hard drive. I used a windows xp pro installation disc to wipe the hard drive (or delete the partition), then set it as slave with another hard drive as master. Both hard drives are were wiped clean, nothing on them, and now the computer is actually running pretty fast. So, I tried to run the Windows 7 installation cd to install Windows 7 (Nyaha! Redundency!) to the new primary drive. Here's the problem. It won't boot the disc. I went to the BIOS and set it to boot the CD/ROM first, second, and last. It still won't boot the Windows 7 CD. Now, I have 3 CDs for Windows 7, my family has three different computers. I tried the 64 bit one, and the two 32 bit one's, but it will. Not. Work. It just does not boot any of them. It says "Boot Failure from Previous Device.

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Make Windows 7 Boot Disc From Scratch?

Mar 19, 2011

is it possible to make a Windows 7 boot disc from scratch? By scratch I mean, I want all the programs I currently have installed on my PC and some items in my secondary drives to be there too, in other words, can I take my current Windows AND the programs/items I have on my drives, and put them together as one installation, so that when I format my computer and reinstall Windows, my basic programs, like Photoshop, After Effects, etc, are still there, so there is no worry about downloading it? That's my main point, I have to install Windows 7 and the programs I have in like 30 computers, it would take forever if I ALSO have to download programs like Photoshop, I don't have the best internet in town anyways.

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