Deleting Partitions During Windows 7 Install?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a Asus Eee Pc 1005ha that i want to install windows 7 on. I'm running xp with a single hdd (149.05gb total) that has 4 partitions set up like this. C: 72.06gb NFTS (system), D: 72.05gb NFTS, PE: 4.89gb FAT32 (unknown partition), No Volume: 47mb unknown type (EFI system partition) this partition displays diagonal lines in disk management. I want to remove these so I only have one C: drive (149gb) where win 7 will be installed. How would I go about removing these during the install procedure? Should i just delete the no volume, PE and D: drive? Or should I delete all 4 partitions? Little confused on this rather ask before I do something wrong. From what I read the 47mb partition is the asus boot booster which speeds up boot time which I don't think I need with win 7.

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Deleting Partitions VS. Formatting During Fresh Install?

Nov 7, 2012

I recently installed a fresh copy of Windows on my SSD. During setup I opted to delete all my old partitions on the drive, however I did not format the drive. Will this decision have an impact on the performance of the drive? Should I have reformatted the unallocated space on the drive to get better performance?

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Deleting Old Partitions?

Apr 13, 2011

In error from a brand new hard drive (and build), I installed the 32-bit version of windows 7 onto my SSD. Upon the product key screen was when I noticed the issue. I input my product key, got windows loaded and then booted from the 64-bit CD instead.Here I chose the custom install feature and went to overwrite my old partition from the 32-bit version but it would not let me. I tried deleting it as well and I could not. I've since loaded 64-bit windows but I do notice that approximately 8Gb is down on my SSD.So at this point, I think I may have 2 options but I'm not sure how to go about either:1) Format the SSD completely so it is in a state like it came out of the box.2) Delete the old partition and gain 8Gb of space on the SSD while using 64-bit windows.

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Deleting Ubuntu Linux Partitions

Dec 12, 2009

I currently partitioned my drive so I can have a dual boot of Windows 7. How would I go about deleting the Ubuntu partitions, so I have just Windows 7? I don't want to just delete the partitions because the computer boots off of GRUB. Can you guys help me out?

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Deleting Partitions, Format The Whole Drive

Jul 3, 2009

Ok, I have my WD 160GB Vraptor partition and dual booting Vista & Win 7 ultimate x64. Disk 0

My 750GB Samsung used to be my old XP + Vista dual booting and it is partitioned as such. Disk 1

I have finished transfering all the pertinent data to my USB WD 320Gb Passport so now I want to format the whole drive and leave it as Back-Up for Data, Videos & Music + the ocassional game that doesn't fit on my Primary drive.

Here's the kicker, I am new to Vista & 7, if I remember correctly, in XP I used to go to Disk managment, select the disk and tell it to format it and it was done (I never did this often so I could be confused).

At any rate, the choices I get with Win 7 are:

If I right click on Disk 1, my only choices are, Convert to Dynamic Disk or Offline Right clicking on either of the other Disk 1 partitions gives me more choices. Format, Shrink or Delete volume My issue is that I do not want to have 2 more partitions but a full drive. I am sure that one of those options is the one I may need but I just don't know which one to choose and I really hate to work twice (if not more) to get to where I want to go.

any help tips or directions you guy may want to throw my way?

P.S.: I think I am over thiking this and as soon as I delete the volume, the partitions will go away and I am going to end where I want but I just like to be sure.

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Install Windows 7 Without Deleting Programs And Files?

Jan 5, 2013

I am currently Dual Booting Windows Vista and Ubuntu 12.04 on an Acer machine. I would like to install Windows 7 in place of Windows Vista, but would like to keep the files and programs I currently have installed on the Vista partition of my hardrive.

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Deleted Partitions And Can't Install Windows 7?

Jan 10, 2013

I have just deleted all partitions on my laptop hard drive to install windows 7 and messed something up...I know cannot install windows 7 as it just sticks at the setup is starting screen..can I put the drive in my pc (running xp) and save it somehow ? I have nothing on the laptop to repair or anything as far as I can see ...

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Inaccessible Partitions After Windows 7 Install

Sep 15, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 next to my old Windows XP (so it's a dualboot situation). I have 2 physical HDD's (320 GB each) and 6 logical drives (2 + 4 primary partitions, all NTFS). After installing Windows 7, two of 4 partitions in one hdd have become inaccessible - disk manager still shows them, but I can't neither set a drive letter, nor view properties. I get the following error:

"The operation failed to complete because the Disk Management console view is not up-to-date. Refresh the view by usin the refresh task. If the problem persists close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management or restart computer."

Both of the inaccessible partitions are fine in Windows XP. Any ideas or solutions ?

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Make 9 Partitions & Install Windows 7 ?

May 28, 2012

I have a 500 GB Hard Disk.I want to make 9 partitions of various sizes & Install Windows 7 64 bit ( Ultimate ) in the first partition.I installed this Hard Disk as slave to my current Hard Disk & tried using disk management but it makes all partitions as Primary & doesn't give me a choice to create an extented partition within which I can make 8 Logical partitions.

I have very limited knowledge of Hardware.Also do I need to make any partition active & if yes how & what does active do ?

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Deleted The Partitions Can't Install Windows 7?

Feb 10, 2013

I have a little problem.I have windows XP and I wanted to install Windows 7.All went well till the part where I deleted the existing partitions and created new ones.The problem is after this step the installation failed and an error message appeared :,,Windows cannot install required files. The file may be corrupt or missing. Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 - Dynamic Partitions?

Apr 10, 2011

Damn Windows Update started installing a video card driver. My system is a Dell Vostro 430 and has an ATI HD 4350 (I think), but however, for some stupid reason it can only work with Dell's video driver. So when Windows Update installed the official driver for me, by the time I realised what it was doing it was too late. My screens went black; an incompatible driver screwed everything up.

Worse yet, it was still installing updates, so I was scared to turn my computer off in case it would create major problems. After waiting for four hours I decided it was time to pull the plug. After restarting the computer, it kept rebooting when it started loading Windows 7, and then soon after it didn't even get that far; it told me there was no compatible SATA device found and it refused to boot full stop. Trust this to happen at assignment hand-in week. I've got so much work to do.

I went to the library and downloaded an Ubuntu ISO and burned it to disc. I also got a legit ISO (I'm a student and use MSDN) of Windows 7 x86, since Windows 7 x64 had its problems with the software I use for my course. First of all I backed up all of my uni work using Ubuntu as a live CD, which worked okay. I moved other important data from my Windows (main) partition to my other partitions (Music, Games, TV/Films, etc) since I knew I was going to be formatting my system partition for a reinstallation.

I have two HDs installed. A 500GB one and a 1.5TB one. The drives seem to still be working since I could access them in Ubuntu. However, most of the partitions were formatted as dynamic partitions, not basic. It seemed that the partitions on my 500GB drive were basic, whereas the ones on my 1.5TB were dynamic. This is why it disallowed me to install Windows 7 on the 1.5TB drive. (It dislikes dynamic partitions for whatever reason.) However, I formatted the original basic system partition and started installing Windows 7 x86 on it. It got to 100% and was finalising installation, until it halted, told me the installation had failed, and that I'd need to restart and try again. Every time I have tried, it has failed at that point.

I don't know what the heck to do. I can't remove the partitions that exist because they contain a lot of data that I really want. I also have no means of backing up the data. I have no DVD discs left (and it would take a damn lot to back up hundreds of gigs), and no external HDs. Just for the sake of trying it out, I tried installing 7 x64 and got the same error, so I don't think it's x86-specific.

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Moving Windows 7 Install Between Partitions / Drives Or Controllers?

Sep 17, 2012

Is it possible to move my Windows 7 installation from the partition (both the Sys. Reserved & OS partitions) of one drive on one controller to the partition of another drive on a different controller, AND have it boot? I know "something" would have to altered, but I'm not sure "what" or "how". Is this even possible without going through a lot of hoops. Specifically I have an installation of W7x64 installed on the 1st partition of the master drive on a PATA controller. I want to move it to the 1st partition of the master drive on my SATA controller.

FROM PATA0 {sys reserved}{OS install}{data}
TO SATA0 {sys reserved}{OS install}{data}

I also have another install on the 2nd partition of my SATA4 controller and want to move it to the 1st partition of my SATA0 controller

FROM SATA4 {data}{sys reserved}{OS install}
TO SATA0 {sys reserved}{OS install}{data}

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Cannot Install Windows 7 On Other Partitions - Delete And New Icon Disabled

Nov 8, 2012

I cant installing windows 7 or 8 on any partition (D, E, F, G) except C partition, so I try to delete them and create a new partition but I cant also (delete and new icon are disable).

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Windows 7 Installed-how To Setup Partitions/boot Loader To Install Linux On Second Hdd

Nov 11, 2011

I have a PC with 2 hard drives- the first hard drive has a single partition and windows 7 64-bit is installed on this hard disk.Now I wish to install CentOS 6 on the first partition of the second hard disk.I have created the dvd for installing Cent OS also.How do I configure the boot loader in Windows? If I install Linux on second hard disk, will this overwrite the Windows Boot Loader? How do I create a dual boot system so that the windows boot loader correctly shows linux as an option, so that I am able to load either Windows 7 (existing) or Linux(on second hard disk- not yet installed)

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Deleting A Directory Structure Without Deleting The Name Of The Root?

May 9, 2012

With the command prompt of Windows 7 SP1, how do I delete a directory structure with their files without deleting the name of the root directory?

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Clean Install Using Partitions

Nov 10, 2009

I have a Vista Home Premium laptop and a Windows 7 upgrade disk. I want to clean install 7, but I want to keep hold of my files (I know I'll lose my programs). My laptop came with two partitions on the hard drive, C for the OS and D which I've used for files and backup. My question is this: can I clean install Windows 7 onto C without losing all the files that are on D?

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Inaccesible Partitions After Win 7 Install

Sep 15, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 next to my old Windows XP (so it's a dualboot situation). I have 2 physical HDD's (320 GB each) and 6 logical drives (2 + 4 primary partitions, all NTFS). After installing Windows 7, two of 4 partitions in one hdd have become inaccessible - disk manager still shows them, but I can't neither set a drive letter, nor view properties. I get the following error:

"The operation failed to complete because the Disk Management console view is not up-to-date. Refresh the view by usin the refresh task. If the problem persists close the Disk Management console, then restart Disk Management or restart computer."

Both of the inaccessible partitions are fine in Windows XP. Any ideas or solutions ? ;/

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Will A Clean Install Wipe Partitions

Mar 11, 2012

I have a drive with 2 partitions 450GB each and a 100GB partition which I use for files shared on a SVN. Currently I am using windows 7 home premium but I just got Ultimate from a friend who gave it to me as a gift. Can I install ultimate on one of the partitions and leave the rest untouched? I have important files like documents/spreadsheets for work and family photos on my primary hard drive that currently has home premium, I use the other partition for easy organization of all my games. So my question is that is there a way for me to install ultimate on that second 450GB partition and then delete windows boot files and everything from the other one to make ultimate the only bootable partition? If not then are there any cheap external drives, preferably eSATA, that I can use because I am on a budget?

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Deleting Program Files (x86) To Install Recovery-DVD To Factory Setting?

Nov 4, 2012

I was trying to restore the computer the FIRST TIME I got it, but I've found out that the Recovery copy won't make any changes because I have two(2) Program Files for Internet Explorer, one is for 64bit OS, and the other is 32bit (x86).I've tried to enter in the command prompt: takeown /f "C:Program Files (x86)" /r /d n and it displays ERROR: The current logged on user does not have ownership privileges on the file (or folder) "C:Program Files (x86)". But I am the administrator and the owner of this Hitachi Laptop Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit OS.I could not play any movies via internet, and I don't know what plug-ins are missing, so I want to restore the computer to its Factory setting.

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Doesn't Prompt To Delete Partitions, Do Fresh Install

Dec 29, 2009

I'm trying to install Windows 7 x64 on a machine that currently has the Windows 7 RC on it. When I boot from the DVD, it immediately goes into "Windows is loading files...", which it does for 30 minutes or so and then reboots, at which point I get a message that says that Windows cannot start because files have changed.

Normally when I boot from the DVD, the first thing it asks me is whether I want to create/delete partitions, do a fresh install or an upgrade, etc. I'm not getting any of that. Anyone know what's wrong?

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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Deleting Old Windows?

Aug 20, 2011

I recently had major problems accessing the internet and some other problems, so I reinstalled Win 7 Home Premium. I had problems reinstalling anmd had to do it a couple of times. I now find in explorer that I have Windows.old, windows.old000 and windows old.001. They do not shown in uninstall. They are taking up a lot of space and when I try to delete them I get messages saying that I need system permission to delete some files, so the folders will not delete. How do I get rid of them.I originally wanted to reformat the hard drive (after backing up everything I wanted on an external HDD) but at teh command prompt I was told thatI did not have sufficient privileges.Can anyone tell me how I can get the privileges to reformat the HDD.I have also found now that my internet connection is running so sloww as to be useless. It is down loading at about 600 BYTES per sec.

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Deleting Windows 7 Upgrade?

May 6, 2011

I thought that re-installing Win7 Upgrade over Vista using Custom install would get rid of ALL the win7 files. This needed to be done as the virus that got that computer was next to impossible to get off. After re-installing (twice to make sure) there are still files from the original install over Vista. The windows.old and windows.old.000 files are both referring to Win7. What I would like to do is this: Uninstall everything from Win7, taking me back to Vista, doing a recovery (alt-f12) so I have clean Vista then install Win7.

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Windows 7 Keeps Deleting My Files

Jul 2, 2010

My windows keeps deleting files with an .lz extension right after they are downloaded to there . It deletes them for ABSOLUTELY no reason . The antivirus doesn't scream , nor the folder and files are in C: or in a system folder. The folder is mine and those files are needed for a game , so every time i start the game it downloads them again and again. I Observe how they comeup in the directory , and right after they are downloaded , windows deletes them (they dissapear).

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Deleting Everything And Installing Windows 7?

May 15, 2011

I am helping my girlfriend installing Windows 7 on her Lapptop. What i/ we wanted to do is remove 'everything' from the laptop( os, programms, data ) and install the new OS.

I managed to install Windows 7 but was under the impression that it would delet all other data by doing so. Now we have a C: drive with all the sensetive data ( program files etc ), and a E: drive which has all the old data( not programms ) from before the new OS installation.

We have allready made backup of the data we need. I want to remove 'everything' from the E: so that all the space will be available. How can i do this? Can i just Ctrl+A and delete eveything or is there some other way to clear out the disc?

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Windows Auto-deleting .exe Files?

Feb 18, 2011

Everytime I try to extract a file to my desktop, the .exe shows up for a second and then dissapears but the other files remain. I turned off McAfee and rebooted but still no luck. The file I'm trying to extract is a trainer for a game if that helps any.

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Windows 7 - No Boot After Deleting DR0 With TDSSKILLER

Aug 21, 2012

Anyway, I'll get straight to the meat. I have in my possession a Gateway laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. The person who owns this laptop ran TDSSKILLER, and deleted the TDL file system it detected (DR0). Now, naturally, it will not boot into Windows. To be more specific about the OS, it is Windows 7 Home Premium OA Acer Group. I do not have the original OS media. What can I do to get the system back up and running?

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Deleting A Windows Image Backup?

Nov 3, 2012

I have a windows image backup which is taking up 60gb. I need to delete it but i dont know if its safe to just delete normally.

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Deleting Space Before Windows 7 Drive?

Nov 17, 2010

Okay, my hard drive is set up as follows:

[OEM Reserved-------][2GB FAT Partition][Windows 7 System Reserved][Windows 7 Actual OS]

Can I delete the first two without it rendering my Windows 7 installation unbootable?

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How To Format Windows 7 PC Without Deleting Files

Sep 25, 2011

How to format pc windows 7 without deleting any file?

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Format Pc Windows 7 Without Deleting Any File?

Oct 16, 2011

how do i format my pc using window 7,without deleting files?

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