Deleting Ubuntu Linux Partitions

Dec 12, 2009

I currently partitioned my drive so I can have a dual boot of Windows 7. How would I go about deleting the Ubuntu partitions, so I have just Windows 7? I don't want to just delete the partitions because the computer boots off of GRUB. Can you guys help me out?

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Installed Ubuntu Deleted The Ubuntu Partitions

Jul 4, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Mini 110-1116NR, then deleted the partitions that had Ubuntu on them, not knowing that Ubuntu comes with GRUB2, and sets itself as the default boot for that system. Now that GRUB2 is not installed, since it was on my only HDD, it looks for the GRUB2 partition, which does not exist.

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Installation Of Ubuntu-Linux-12.04-1?

Jan 30, 2013

I intends to install Ubuntu-Linux-12.04-1 in my Laptop (HP Probook 4410s) in which Windows 7 is already installed. I want to make it dual bootable with Ubuntu-Linux-12.04-1. However during installation one of step i.e. "This Computer currently has Windows 7 on it. What would u like to do" the options are two 1 Erase and use the entire disk or 2. Specify partition mannualy. If I opt option 1 it will earse entire disk which I don't want to do so. I have recently installed in Acer make PC the optionwas differnt. If I go through option No. 2 I don't know about option No. 2 it requires root file system to be defined.

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Use Virtualization Software That Is Able To Run Linux/Ubuntu?

Jan 9, 2013

easy to use virtualization software that is able to run linux/ubantu. I am NOT using this for any important work at all. I am just using this to try it out and to show off to my friends thats all. So I just need a virtualization software to run ubantu.

System spec:

i7 2600k stock
gtx 560
8gb g.skill ripjaws X
fsp 500watt 80plus gold
crucial m4 64gb
1tb seagate barracuda

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How To Reclaim Memory After Deleting Linux Partition

Mar 26, 2012

So I recently deleted my linux partition on my computer. After doing this I have over 160gb of free space I need to relocate to my c:/ drive. I used computer management to delete the linux partition, now I'm staring at the green box telling me I have free space. So, what to do? Picture included!

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Installing Windows 7 & Deleting Linux Kubuntu?

Feb 4, 2012

I've never used Linux and cannot figure out how to make it go away. Purchased Windows 7 Home online and tried to download it.Unfortunately I can't figure out how to run the installation... and now my computer won't even connect to wireless.

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Which Is The Best Operating System Windows 7 Or Linux (Ubuntu)

Jul 7, 2012

I personally prefer windows 7 instead of Ubuntu, because we can install any software in windows which is external and in Ubuntu we cannot install any software externally but their is not any requirement of any antivirus with Ubuntu.

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Install Ubuntu Linux On Windows 7 Computer?

Aug 9, 2010

lol tried to download and install/run ubuntu in a seperate partition following online directions but when rebooting and choosing ubuntu instead of win 7 just get error msgs. can run it off a cd while using Windows 7 but of course one cannot save anything or make changes permanent. so I create a partition, install the ubuntu...then what to get it to work? btw downloaded something called wubi and that doesnt do anything either.

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Reparing MBR After Deleting Ubuntu?

Dec 3, 2011

Wow, Ubuntu was a major pain to delete. After deleting/re-installing Ubuntu just to be able to get a MBR, I was finally able to get EasyBCD to set a new Windows MBR. But, when it boots, both Windows (WDP/Windows 7) installations have (Recovery) next to them? How do I resolve this? They both boot fine, just unsure why Recovery is listed next to each and would like to correct it.

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Deleting Old Partitions?

Apr 13, 2011

In error from a brand new hard drive (and build), I installed the 32-bit version of windows 7 onto my SSD. Upon the product key screen was when I noticed the issue. I input my product key, got windows loaded and then booted from the 64-bit CD instead.Here I chose the custom install feature and went to overwrite my old partition from the 32-bit version but it would not let me. I tried deleting it as well and I could not. I've since loaded 64-bit windows but I do notice that approximately 8Gb is down on my SSD.So at this point, I think I may have 2 options but I'm not sure how to go about either:1) Format the SSD completely so it is in a state like it came out of the box.2) Delete the old partition and gain 8Gb of space on the SSD while using 64-bit windows.

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No Longer Use Linux And Uninstalled Ubuntu Operating System From Partition

Sep 18, 2012

I used to have a seperate Linux Partition on my Hard Drive.I no longer use Linux and uninstalled the Ubuntu Operating System from the partition and re formatted the partition in windows, but when i go to the Hard Drive Partitioning Utility with Windows wont allow me to re expand my main partition to include the other, now empty NTFS formatted, partition.

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Deleting Partitions During Windows 7 Install?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a Asus Eee Pc 1005ha that i want to install windows 7 on. I'm running xp with a single hdd (149.05gb total) that has 4 partitions set up like this. C: 72.06gb NFTS (system), D: 72.05gb NFTS, PE: 4.89gb FAT32 (unknown partition), No Volume: 47mb unknown type (EFI system partition) this partition displays diagonal lines in disk management. I want to remove these so I only have one C: drive (149gb) where win 7 will be installed. How would I go about removing these during the install procedure? Should i just delete the no volume, PE and D: drive? Or should I delete all 4 partitions? Little confused on this rather ask before I do something wrong. From what I read the 47mb partition is the asus boot booster which speeds up boot time which I don't think I need with win 7.

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Deleting Partitions, Format The Whole Drive

Jul 3, 2009

Ok, I have my WD 160GB Vraptor partition and dual booting Vista & Win 7 ultimate x64. Disk 0

My 750GB Samsung used to be my old XP + Vista dual booting and it is partitioned as such. Disk 1

I have finished transfering all the pertinent data to my USB WD 320Gb Passport so now I want to format the whole drive and leave it as Back-Up for Data, Videos & Music + the ocassional game that doesn't fit on my Primary drive.

Here's the kicker, I am new to Vista & 7, if I remember correctly, in XP I used to go to Disk managment, select the disk and tell it to format it and it was done (I never did this often so I could be confused).

At any rate, the choices I get with Win 7 are:

If I right click on Disk 1, my only choices are, Convert to Dynamic Disk or Offline Right clicking on either of the other Disk 1 partitions gives me more choices. Format, Shrink or Delete volume My issue is that I do not want to have 2 more partitions but a full drive. I am sure that one of those options is the one I may need but I just don't know which one to choose and I really hate to work twice (if not more) to get to where I want to go.

any help tips or directions you guy may want to throw my way?

P.S.: I think I am over thiking this and as soon as I delete the volume, the partitions will go away and I am going to end where I want but I just like to be sure.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Linux Ubuntu - Fine Or Terrible Idea?

Oct 22, 2012

I would like to install Linux Ubuntu on my laptop alongside Windows using dual boot. However, people keep telling me that it is not a good idea this to be done on a laptop because of driver comparability and stuff like that. So is it OK if dual boot Ubuntu and Windows on a laptop or it is a terrible idea?

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No OS Blackscreen / Possible Partitions Deleted / Ubuntu

May 20, 2012

Last night one of my friends was "guiding" me through an installation for Ubuntu to a flash drive. I was doing it on my current computer. I removed some partitions from the installation thinking it would just remove them from the list, I then tried to install it on the flash drive. (I also changed some of the NTFS FAT 32's around and stuff, But i don't know what that means)It then brought me to a black screen with a blinking underscore.After doing everything below, it now says Missing operating system.So I might have made things worse.I have tried the recovery Cd which I burned off of another windows7 computer, I tried bootrec.exe as well.I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. I am currently using the same computer, but on the trail version - "try ubuntu" of ubuntu. All of my files seem to be intact. Also, when I ran one of the recovery options it had a box for listed OS's and none displayed, it also said select drivers to install to disk and brought me to system32. (I had no idea what to look at, at that point)I also did.Nothing seems to be working and I'm out of ideas and running short on time to get my work done.

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Unable To Use Windows Partitions In Ubuntu

Sep 10, 2009

I am using VMWare Workstation 6.5.3 in my Windows 7. I have set up Ubuntu Linux as a virtual machine & added the partitions (NTFS) from my existing physical disk via Add disc in VM settings window. Problem is

though they are visible in Ubuntu but when i try to open them i get the below authentication window..

"troy007" is my user id in ubuntu.

in spite of typing the correct password, i get the below error message

Nothing happens on clicking "Retry" or "Continue" & if i click "Abort", the ubuntu session gets disconnected.

Wats wrong?

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Deleting Partitions VS. Formatting During Fresh Install?

Nov 7, 2012

I recently installed a fresh copy of Windows on my SSD. During setup I opted to delete all my old partitions on the drive, however I did not format the drive. Will this decision have an impact on the performance of the drive? Should I have reformatted the unallocated space on the drive to get better performance?

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Windows 7 Installed-how To Setup Partitions/boot Loader To Install Linux On Second Hdd

Nov 11, 2011

I have a PC with 2 hard drives- the first hard drive has a single partition and windows 7 64-bit is installed on this hard disk.Now I wish to install CentOS 6 on the first partition of the second hard disk.I have created the dvd for installing Cent OS also.How do I configure the boot loader in Windows? If I install Linux on second hard disk, will this overwrite the Windows Boot Loader? How do I create a dual boot system so that the windows boot loader correctly shows linux as an option, so that I am able to load either Windows 7 (existing) or Linux(on second hard disk- not yet installed)

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Create A New Partition For Ubuntu / Have Maximum Number Of Partitions

Jan 21, 2011

I need to create a new partition for Ubuntu, but I have the maximum number of partitions. I have tried converting the disk to dynamic, but it says that there is not enough space available for that. What should I do? (The 75 gb unallocated space is where Ubuntu should go)url...

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How To Uninstall Any Linux Distro After Successfully Installing Both Windows And Linux

Oct 3, 2010

How do i uninstall any linux distro after successfully installing both windows and linux.i dont want to lose my MBR. [or] will it (Windows) rewrite it again.i am a bit scared to do it myself as i was going to do a secure deletion of the partition.

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Deleting A Directory Structure Without Deleting The Name Of The Root?

May 9, 2012

With the command prompt of Windows 7 SP1, how do I delete a directory structure with their files without deleting the name of the root directory?

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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Windows 7 Got Reformatted By Linux?

Jun 27, 2011

i was trying to install linux on a usb drive so i could easly have a portible computer in my pocket but when i ran the linux for the first time meaning the portible usb worked it reformatted my windows 7 ultimate and ALL the data i had on it i do need this data but i can deal without it all i need is to format my computer back to windows 7 ultimate.

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Windows 7 Concurrently With Linux?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to install Ubuntu Linux(latest version)concurrently with Windows 7 Ultimate(x86), so that I can Use both OS on my PC and just boot from whichever one I want. Is that possible, if so, advisable?

My specs: 2048MB RAM; Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz

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Converting Windows 7 To Linux?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a Gateway netbook pre-installed with Windows 7 Starter. In just 7 months it has got viruses and is full of error messages, not able to uninstall the programs causing this mess, and my web browser keeps redirecting me to alternate websites which I never typed on the address bar. I am sick and think about completely deleting the whole C disk from the Windows 7 (backup my files first) and try to replace Windows 7 with some type of free Linux OS. My netbook has no CD drive nor floppy disk drive, only USB drives. My questions are:

1. Can I really get rid of all the Windows 7 files already pre-installed?

2. Can I install and run Linux OS efficiently in my netbook?

3. How can I install Linux OS on my netbook from a USB flash drive?

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How To Remount Partition From Linux

Jul 8, 2012

i have had a startup registry file corrupt after restoring to factory defaults. this has forced me to re-install the os. my DATA partition is no longer mountable through linux but shows on the set up when i try to install to the DATA drive it states a file is corrupt on the disk that i burnt. my files are saved in a backup folder buts its 100GB ( i have no means of transferring or storing it). windows cannot repair the os: this is why im forced into a reinstall. how do i remount the partition from linux? how do i reinstall windows while keeping my files bearing in mind it does not function (assuming the above fails).

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Does Windows 7 Have Anything Like The Linux Chroot

Mar 1, 2011

Does Windows 7 have anything like the Linux chroot?I have an application where some of the parameters lock up the system requiring a cold boot.I appear to be one of the very rare users with this problem.I'd like to run through more parameters to give the developers more specific information about what might be causing the problems. As you can understand, hitting a param and crashing can get tedious really quickly.I'm hoping there is a process that let's me isolate the app so when it crashes I can close it gracefully rather then cold booting.

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Reformating A Linux Drive W 7

Nov 3, 2009

Is there anyway to reformat a Linux partition on Windows 7? I know XP/Vista didnt recognize Linux Partitions as being a partition but 7 did as I was asked to select a partition to install on. Is there an easy way to reformat it without having to reinstall linux to uninstall back into NTFS?

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Is Win 7 More Secure Than Linux And Leopard ?

Apr 14, 2009

will Windows 7 be the most secure operating system ever? Microsoft seem to think so. Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner made the following bold statement yesterday: Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we've ever built. It's also the most secure OS on the planet, including Linux and open source and Apple Leopard.

It's the safest and most secure OS on the planet today. Everything that we've learned in Vista will be leveraged in Windows 7, but certainly when we broke a lot of the compatibility issues to lock down user account controls, to lock do wn the ability to manipulate states and all the things, that was a very painful process for us to grow through, but we had to do it.

And the reason that Windows 7 will be successful is because of the pain we took on Vista. Because from a compatibility standpoint, if it works on Vista, it will work on Windows 7. If it doesn't work on Vista, it won't work on Windows 7.

I'm glad he stopped short of saying that Windows 7 will be the most secure operating system in the universe!


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Linux Live Cd's Freeze

Feb 20, 2011

I have taken the sound advice of not partitioning, but rather load linux via USB. I have 2 brand new commercially produced Linux live CD's and they both freeze
I am told this could be result of ACPI.

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Windows 7 Concurrently With Linux?

Oct 25, 2011

Would like to know, I want to install Ubuntu Linux(latest version)concurrently with Windows 7 Ultimate(x86), so that I can Use both OS on my PC and just boot from whichever one I want. Is that possible, if so, advisable?

My specs: 2048MB RAM; Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz

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