Computer Wouldn't Start Up Properly

Sep 11, 2010

Anyways, I am fixing a computer for a friend and his computer wouldn't start up properly. It would start up with the Windows 7 Boot logo and then go to a black screen with the mouse hanging there. I could move the mouse but nothing else would work including ctrl+alt+delete.I then used my Windows 7 usb pen backup install to install Windows 7 on the laptop and it would still hang at the black screen.I then used a program called killdisk, put it onto the usb pen and made it bootable, and it formatted everything off the hard drive. I then went to start the computer and it was still starting with the Windows 7 logo but just stayed there.I then used my Windows 7 off my usb pen and it didn't work. I also tried my Windows 7 disk and it didn't work.I faced this problem on this laptop before but it had Windows Vista on it (which was about 8 months ago) and put Windows 7 on it (8 Months ago).

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Special Keys Wouldn't Work Properly, Internet Explorer Would Crash, PDF Files Wouldn't Open, Etc

Jan 15, 2013

I was fixing a laptop that was having several issues, (special keys wouldn't work properly, internet explorer would crash, PDF files wouldn't open, etc) and I found a suspicious file (C:User<user>AppDataRoamingElofenmoma.exe) that was booting on startup. Virustotal hit me with only 3 results for a trojan, which is actually quite low, but this file was clearly the problem, the details seemed to be in russian and it's Regedit entry was random letters.

So I cleaned all evidence of this file and now the keyboard works properly, but I'm still having problems with executable. Most of the times when I open a program nothing shows up, yet the process is running, after opening it 3 or 4 times one window finally opens, but there's still 3 or 4 idle processes before it with no window in sight. Some times when I force close the first process all the other windows suddenly show up. I also noticed that the processes for setups, chrome, internet explorer tend to stay idle even after closing them normally (in the program itself, manually closing the process works).Usually I would just format the PC, but this is a very complicated PC to format, the owner has tons of certificates that he needs and most of them he doesn't even remember how to reinstall them again.

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PC Wouldn't Start Even From Restore After Wed Updates

Jan 13, 2012

Following the windows updates this wed, my pc wouldn't even start from a system restore.It was maybe heading that way as it was taking 20 minutes to boot up - despite 8 Gb RAM to help it along.I think one of the problems may be that it has never seemed top do many restore pointsd and there was only one choice for before the updates but even that didnt work. Now setting about the hours of work working out how to restore files from Livedrive.First thing I notice - can't set the time to 24 hour clock (12 hr clock irritates m,e). Despite going into setting and chhoosing the capital HH for hours it still stays as 12 hour clock.

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No System Restore Points After Windows Wouldn't Start

Nov 25, 2012

I got message in Word that there was insufficienmt memory to perform an operation so I rebooted. My PC wouldn't reboot and there was no last known good configuration so I ended up having to reinstall windows (had only installed it a month ago) Why should there have been no restore pointsa? Doesn't it automatically set them?

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Turned Computer Back On And Internet Wouldn't Work At All

Jul 9, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Home Premium on my sister's laptop, and when I was completing the first updates (like 100 of them), the computer gave me blue screen. I turned the computer back on and the internet wouldn't work at all! I reinstalled windows 7 again, and this time I didn't do any updates. I went to the device manager and selected the Atheros AR5007 driver and selected "update". Halfway through, the computer gave me BSOD. I rolled back the driver to previous version and all works well now.

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Laptop Won't Start Up Properly

May 1, 2012

My sons Windows 7(64 bit) laptop won't start up properly, I suspect he pulled the battery off while Windows was still open. I hope someone can help, I have tried the following start ups several times.With a normal start up, it gets to the "Starting Windows" page, loads for a while and then restarts.With a Safe Mode start up (all versions), it gets to:Loaded: Windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys, hangs for a while and then restarts.With a Startup Repair (recommended) start up it gets to the login screen - well sort of. The background picture appears with a cursor, but there are nothing else.I have created a system repair disc from my own Windows 7 (64 bit) laptop and have booted from that.This does the same as a Starup Repair, with the addition of choosing a keyboard, it doesn't progress ot offering me an account to log in to.

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Windows 7 Does Not Start Properly?

Jan 31, 2012

my windows 7 fails to start properly. When I start up my toshiba laptop there is a beeping alarm which lasts for about 2 minutes. Then when I finally gwet the desktop open and type something only a few of the keys on the keyboard function properly

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Windows Failed To Start-up Properly

Nov 12, 2012

My problem is that on occassions say every 2nd or 3rd start-up my laptop states that Windows failed to start-up properly, and gives me the option of repair or start windows normally So as the recovery states on screen is recommended this is usually the route i take but i have also run start as normal which gets me going. this is maybe not as serious as other posts I've read but it's becoming very frustrating, my laptop is a Lenovo G575 and i'm running windows 7 home premium.[code]

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Cannot View Photos In WMC - Necessary Component Did Not Start Properly?

Feb 16, 2012

I have windows 7 so decided to have a go at the windows media center. Showed up all music but can't get my photos to show up? How to view my photos in windows media center. When I try to select photos. A box comes up with info "Media Player has a necessary component of Windows Media center did not start properly. Restart WMC"
I tried that sill no joy.

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Start Search Programs And Files Not Working Properly

Feb 2, 2009

Its been happening ever since I installed Windows 7.

For example, When I click Start, type "CC" in the search box, the Start menu displays what I intend to start (CCleaner) but when I press enter I get this:

Its acting completely wierd!

On top of that, when I right click the entry, I get a menu which is expanded towards the left awkwardly.

I also recall that I have unchecked "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties." in the properties of my Windows 7 boot drive.

And since the programs are installed there, I think the problem might be related.

I have checked it again but it dosen't have any effect!

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Windows 7 Toshiba Satellite Laptop Will Not Start Properly Many Times In A Week?

Jan 29, 2013

I have a toshiba satellite laptop with Intel Pentium, with Windows 7 and it will not start for the 5th time this week, I need it for coursework it just won't Windows 7 disk, I have uninstalled all the recent software I have installed..

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Computer Won't Turn On Properly

Nov 1, 2012

i recently was playing a game and when the match finished my screen went black i turned my computer off and when i tried to turn it on it went system recovery it kept doing the same thing all day and now wont even turn on it just shows a amber light on the on button and says no signal on my screen.

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Computer Not Shutting Down Properly

Sep 16, 2009

I have a dual boot computer running Vista Ultimate and Windows 7 RC.

I recently built a new computer for my wife and loaded it with just Windows 7 RC pending delivery of the full retail version in October.

Both computers have a similar problem. Sometimes - but not always - after shutting down the computer using the Start>Shut Down button it appears to shut down but has actually gone into a deep sleep with a blank black monitor and will not wake up no matter what keyboard buttons you press. It will also not reboot when you hit the computer power button.

The only way you can switch the computer off is to hold the computer power button down for about 10 seconds - then press it again for a normal reboot.

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Wouldn't Load ANY Pages

Aug 19, 2011

I was using Google Chrome and it just suddenly wouldn't load ANY pages. My internet is working fine. So I used Firefox instead, as that seemed to be working fine. But today, that's being really slow. And most of the time goes into "Not responding." if it needs to load something like a video.

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Computer Not Going In Sleep Mode Properly

Jan 27, 2013

I've been having a major issue with my new computer. Whenever I'm working and need to walk away for a few, my computer will fall asleep but not all the way. As in, my monitor will turn off, but my computer won't. Once the monitor turns off there's no way in turning it back on without having to do a hard restart of the computer, which I know isn't healthy or good for my computer. I don't know what settings I could've messed with to have my computer not sleep correctly.

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IE Wouldn't Open When Clicked On Icon

Mar 30, 2012

I have Windows 7 Starter on HP Notebook and had IE7. IE wouldn't open when I clicked on the icon. Only opens in safe mode (with networking). I ran malware in normal and safe mode, nothing appears wrong. I ran latest updates and thought I had IE8, but no internet access for updates to work. IE still won't open in normal mode. In safe mode, I ran fixit, even reset internet, to no avail. I even ran regsvr32urlmon.dll and Shdocvw.dll without success.

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Laptop Wouldn't Wake Up From Hibernation

May 23, 2011

Earlier today, my laptop wouldn't wake up from hibernation, so i restarted it. I got it started and it said there was a windows error and suggested i boot up as normal. I did that and it was all running fine. But the sound wasn't working! The issue of sound not working has happened before so i just restarted the computer (because that has fixed the problem in the past). It started the boot up as normal and almost made it to the log in screen, but wouldn't pass the black screen before the log in. I thought that was very odd so i restarted it after waiting about ten minutes of nothing happening. It then started up with the suggestion to run the start up repair program. I highlighted that and hit enter. it started up, went to a black screen, then after about 3 or 4 minutes, loaded what looked like a blueish wallpaper. it didn't do anything after that for about 15 minutes, then it loaded the repair program. I ran that for 40 minutes but it didn't appear to do anything so i hit cancel. It then gave me the option to do a system restore, which i did. I restored my system to about 2 weeks ago, seeing as i didn't have any problems 2 weeks ago. It restarted and booted up, this time staying on the black screen for about 3 minutes, then going to the log in. It logged in perfectly fine, but there's still no sound. I tried opening the troubleshooter, but it won't open. For some reason, Google chrome works fine, and task manager does too, but some programs won't open. It's like, they try to open, and the task manager says they're running, but they won't appear on screen. Programs like, Steam client, iTunes, System recovery. Those were three different ones that i tried and didn't work. It appears to be quite random. I tried running Boost speed to see if it could diagnose a problem, but it said that it couldn't connect to the drives. I ran my antivirus software to see if it was a virus causing the problem, but it came up with the same error! I really am at a loss for what's going on! This laptop is only 5 or 6 months old. The drives shouldn't be failing already. [code]

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Wouldn't Recognise Any USB Hardware On Windows 7

Apr 22, 2010

I have been running Windows 7 on my pc for 3 months with great satisfaction (I upgraded/clean installed from Vista). However, tonight my pc wouldn't recognise any USB hardware (some of which I can only assume are internal, as my keyboard and mouse are PS2). Having looked online for possible fixes, it seems that running an upgrade from my installation disk would resolve the matter.My pc is stuck on the 'Starting Windows' page and won't proceed any further. I have rebooted - but although the bios page and boot setup page can have the cursor moved by the arrow keys, hitting the 'enter' key then freezes those pages. I have tried to select 'Windows 7' as the operating system rather than 'Starting Windows' but this also freezes the pc.I now have what seems to be a rather large paper weight with a fan inside it on my desk...can anyone offer a solution around this issue?

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Trying To Restore Laptop Wouldn't Boot

Feb 23, 2012

I made a recovery disk from another laptop which allows me to go into the system recovery options. I chose the first option use recovery tools the can help fix problems starting windows. I selected window 7 and then a window came up saying "add drivers". it says insert the installation media for the device and click okay to select the drivers. However I am starting from a recovery disk and I'm not sure where to find the drivers it is asking for.

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Computer Does Startup Repair If Not Shutdown Properly

Dec 1, 2011

Anyway, anytime my Sony Vaio computer isn't shut down properly, or the screen times out due to inactivity, it will show a screen that says "windows is loading files" and then proceeds to do a start up repair in which it will try to restore my device to a previous setting (or something like that). When i first got this computer, as with my previous HP, I could close the harm no foul. After having this one for a month it started doing this out of nowhere.

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Computer Will Not Boot Properly After Powering Off During An Update

Feb 28, 2012

So I have a HP laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit that turned off during an update not to long ago. I have been trying to get it fixed but I have ran out of options. After a long boot time to the login screen and after I get logged in, I can do nothing on my desktop. It lags and freezes like crazy. Then when I try to get in via Safe Mode, it just restarts.

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Wouldn't Go Past Windows Logo Screen

Oct 21, 2012

I'm having incredibly annoying issues with my windows starting up on my asus g73sw laptop. It wouldn't go past the windows logo screen. I thought my hard drive was probably shot, so I replaced it with a brand new solid state drive, fresh windows install. Worked perfect for one day, then the same problem. Tried completely fresh installs twice since then and never transferred any files at all in case they were corrupted. The computer will load now, but not before sitting on the windows logo screen for 5 minutes or more. I have checked the BIOS to make sure the solid state drive is boot option number 1.

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Computer Configured Properly But Device Or Resource Not Responding

Apr 28, 2012

"Computer appears to be configured properly but the device or resource [URL] is not responding". It's not the DNS cause that's all properly set and I've double checked, restarted computer and did a virus scan with security essentials.. came up with nothing. I'm connected to the router, just not the internet and when I go into my router and disable firewall it gets rid of the yellow triangle caution symbol and says internet access.. but I can't do anything..

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Computer Doesn't Start Can't Get Into Bios Or Advanced Start Up Setting

Sep 17, 2012

When i got home today didn't my computer work, my girlfriend has been the last one using it. So don't know how things were just before the shutdown or anything.when i turn on the computer i get to the screen where "touch bios" is and where i can see the options like Bios settings, boot menu, xpress recovery.but i cant press anything, and after about two seconds on that screen the PC shuts down again.The keyword lights up so there is a responds on it, but just doesn't work to press anything before it shuts down.I've got BSOD upto several times a day for a few months time.believe that my computer is affected by some virus or something is delaying my computer. might be an combination of several things.I got no external things hugged up to the stationeer computer right is a windows 7 x64 machine.
usually when i get issues i can access advanced boot up or bios, but can neither in this case..I wonder if it might be a hardware issue.

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Hard Drive That Runs Windows 7 Wouldn't Boot

Sep 13, 2011

my hard drive that runs my windows 7 wouldn't boot, so in the end I re-imaged it, and since then I have no sound. I updated my drivers, checked it wasn't muted in the bottom panel, changed my leads, tried different types of leads, directly attached it to my tv to ensure it wasn't a problem with the amplifier, went to ASUS's site downloaded the new drivers again directly from them, got a snazzy new aplication out of it but still no sound. Checked my graphics cards are in securely, checked they're showing up, updated those drivers, ran windows updates a few thousand times, ran mr fix it, he tells me that the speakers, headphones etc are not plugged in, but they are. At least that's what the good fellow told me before my asus driver update, I will check back with him after walking my dog.

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Downloaded Windows 7 On Old Computer And The Monitor Wont Operated Properly?

Jul 21, 2011

and everything works fine besides my monitor. I can only get 800 x 600 or lower. I bought on new monitor and downloaded its software but the same problem happened. What can I do to fix this

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What Default Mail Content Not Properly Installed Means On Computer

Oct 1, 2011

i received this message when trying to read my mail: Your default mail content not properly installed. what does that mean? How do I fix it?

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Screen Wouldn't Leave Power Save Mode Due To Lack Of Communication Between Tower And Screen

Aug 4, 2011

Replaced my VGA cable with and HDMI cable because screen wouldn't leave power save mode due to lack of communication between tower and screen. HDMI solves that. Now I have no internet connection. No signs of life. Cable guy comes over plugs his laptop into thing where the internet comes from... says the internet is working fine must be your computer and he leaves. So now that my screen is working I can trouble shoot - can't find a network adapter. I have no idea what that means, and it is not listed anywhere on my control panel list of drivers and things. Tried to reinstall whatever that is.. which is hard when your just guessing and clicking things. Bottom line is after using the drivers and devices disc and reinstalling everything that said "network" in the title there is still no signs of life. I don't have wireless so the whole adapter thing isn't making sense either.

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Click Start And Sleep Computer / Monitor Will Go To Sleep But Computer Is Still Running

May 20, 2012

Sometimes when I click start and sleep on my computer (windows 7) the monitor will go to sleep but the computer is still running. I cannot wake my monitor up so there is nothing I can do to wake it up besides manually turning it off using the button on the computer case.

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"Your Computer Has Less Than 128MB Of Physical Ram.iosd Requires At Least 128MB Of Memory To Function Properly"

Dec 10, 2010

I'm running a hotkey program that I ran on XP where it ran with full functions.On my Windows 7 machine it says "Your computer has less than 128MB of physical Ram.iosd requires at least 128MB of memory to function properly".

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Computer Won't Start?

Jan 5, 2013

I'm having some trouble starting my computer (posting from somewhere else). When I try to start it, it takes a long time then goes to a screen asking me to start the startup repair. When I do, it just seems to be frozen on some of the screens for a very long time and has never moved past it.

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