Start Search Programs And Files Not Working Properly

Feb 2, 2009

Its been happening ever since I installed Windows 7.

For example, When I click Start, type "CC" in the search box, the Start menu displays what I intend to start (CCleaner) but when I press enter I get this:

Its acting completely wierd!

On top of that, when I right click the entry, I get a menu which is expanded towards the left awkwardly.

I also recall that I have unchecked "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties." in the properties of my Windows 7 boot drive.

And since the programs are installed there, I think the problem might be related.

I have checked it again but it dosen't have any effect!

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Start Menu Search Programs And Files Not Working?

Nov 10, 2011

Just recently I have found that typing a program name into the start menu no longer returns the programs that match. I tried to install a hotfix which didn't work (update not applicable to my computer). I've seen other posts about deleting a registry key, but I don't have that registry key in the first place. I've also rebuilt the search index with no success

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Start Menu Search - Programs, Files Categories

Oct 8, 2009

I want to customize my start menu search. In Vista, I just told the indexing service to search only in the start menu folder, and monitored the folder myself (added and removed shortcuts as I wish). It was great, and it replaced Launchy very comfortably. I made shortcuts to folder locations on my computer for very quick access (Start+mus+enter would open my music folder, etc.)

In Windows 7, the shortcuts to folders will fall under the "files" category (instead of the programs category), which takes about 4-5 seconds just to show up, even though my whole index (just the start menu folder) is only 73 items (shortcuts), and pressing enter would open up the 'See more results', instead of the first entry. Basically, the start search looks at program shortcuts first, and considers other shortcuts to be normal files. Is there anyway to make the start search consider all shortcuts like program shortcuts?

BTW, if anyone can tell me why I can't edit my sig with WYSIWYG or with tags (as you could in Vistax64 forums), I'd appreciate it a lot.

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Search Programs And Files (from Start Menu), Tooltips

Sep 20, 2009

Please correct me if im wrong but im sure the last time i used the search bit on the start button the i could see the location (path) of folders/files on the tooltip, but now i cant?

Did i imagine it or has something changed?

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Windows 7 Search Isn't Working Properly

May 1, 2011

I've made sure that the file typoe that I'm searching is included in the searches, I've indexed search on my computer to make sure everything is inluded but it's still not finding what I'm looking for. I'm searching for an image file(.png) that I know is on my computer(and I have several of them that start with the name that I;m searching) and none of them come up?

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Can't Search Programs In The Start Bar

Dec 10, 2009

I recently installed windows 7, and it generally runs great, but...

apparently there is supposed to be a little search bar in the start menu so when you click start you can just start typing to search for a program...

but mine doesn't seem to exist. Where can I enable it?

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Start Menu Search Won't Find Certain Programs

Nov 5, 2012

When using the search function from the start menu in Win 7 only apps from my C drive show up. Any programs installed on my other drives I can only find manually. Is there any way to force Windows to search all drives with the built in options?

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Couldn't Search Programs And Files

May 19, 2011

I click Start and type but I coundn't search.

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Search Files And Programs Does Not Work

Jul 12, 2011

The file search in the start menu does not work at all. As soon as I begin to type no items match your search appears in the search window. I am running windows 7 Home Premium. I have tried many suggestions from other post and none seem to work.

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Windows 7 Search Programs And Files Displays No Results

Oct 22, 2012

In my case the search does not work for any user profile! From the search programs and files when I type in a command or program name here's what I get blank icons "programs, control panel, documents, Microsoft Outlook, Files" If I press on one of them I recieve a pop up saying "These files can't be opened. Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened". If I press on the "search more results" then the search I'm looking for is found, which in my opinion search and indexing is working from within explorer but not from within the "search programs and files" from the start Menu. Fromm within Outlook 2010 I'm also able to locate any email easily.

Here are the list of things I tried so far.
- Don't have or can't find so I couldn't delete the following key "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFolderTypes{EF87B4CB-F2CE-4785-8658-4CA6C63E38C6}TopViews{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
- Deleted indexing and created it again.
- I cannot restore PC to a previous state as I do not have any restore points
- Search does not work in safe mode either
- search is enabled under Windows Features
- Search service is running
- Installed these 2 hotfixes KB2268596-x64 and Windows6.1-KB977380-x64

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How To Delete E-mail Files On Windows 7 Start Search Bar

Jan 6, 2013

So basically whenever I search a word on Windows Start Search bar, all my emails that associate with that word show up as a file, many that are supposed to be deemed private and confidential to me...... I tried to delete it but it wont let me so I was wondering if anyone has the same problem or knows how to fix this.... Been stressing over it for so long

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Start > Windows Doesn't Search For Files In Other Harddrives

Jun 27, 2012

When I search for programs on the search function when you hit the windows button it only searches for files found on the same harddrive I installed Windows on (C: SSD 120GB). I have all my other files, pictures games movies etc on my E and F harddrive. However when I search for the names on the search bar nothing pops up, can I fix this somehow?

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"all Programs" Search In Start Menu: Strange Behaviour

Mar 16, 2009

With Vista I became a big fan of the search capacity into the "start menu - all programs" when I need to launch a software.

But in Seven (currently using 7000 x64) I'm a little bit disappointed about some strange thing in there.

I've got 2 softwares that I use often:

- Mediacoder (for encoding video files)

- M.Play Home center (for my IR module and remote control)

For the first of this two I start to type: M E D I A ... But as long as I do not type MEDIAC (and more) the only choice Seven propose to me is Mediaplayer and MediaCenter.

For M.Play I need to type M.Play H without what it still propose to me MediaCenter and Mediaplayer.. and only this 2 !!

I really do not understand why typing M.P give me the only choise of WMP and WMC ! It should display M.Play Home Center. As it should display Mediacoder when I start to type Media.

And Under Vista it give to you the most used answer. If you have multiple possibility, the first on the list will be the one you often chose.

In Seven, the choise is WMP and WMC.. until you type enough letter which became quickly annoying. This thing is supposed to make faster the way of launching apps... but not in Seven

Does your Seven work like that ?

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Cannot Start X86 Programs From Exe Files

Sep 16, 2011

I've run across a weird error that is making me bang my head against the wall.. I am running windows professional x64

I cannot seem to start any x86 programs from their shortcuts, or exe files. The problem exists in both regular and safe mode. When I click the exe or shortcut, the process comes up in the task bar using a tiny amount of memory (~100K) and just sits there.

I CAN run any program from cmd using the start command (start path o.exe), and I also can run any x64 programs that I have installed. I have tried sfc /scannnow and chkdsk /r.

Also, if I add a program to the startup list (registry or startup folder) it starts up fine on boot.

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Windows 7 Search Files And Folders Vs Outlook 2007 Search?

Mar 24, 2011

some specifics and pinpoint the differences (or maybe a good website) that would pinpoint the differences between the Windows 7 search and the outlook 2007 search? I know the outlook search searches through email but are there other difference I am overlooking between the two?

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Corrupt System Files And Programs Not Working

Dec 26, 2012

I am having some issues with some programs not working on my computer. I tried uninstalling them and reinstalling but they just fail on load.

I opened up command prompt and ran SFC/ SCANNOW and received a message about corrupt files.

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Selecting Multiple Files In Windows 7 - Not Working In Certain Programs

Jun 18, 2012

In Windows 7 I have no problem selecting multiple files in a normal folder for example. The problem is when using a program (such as Freestar AMR MP3 Converter) I cannot select multiple files at once. This can make using the program extremely tedious and time-consuming if there are large numbers of files to convert. It is not just this one program that does it, because other programs also fail to allow me to select multiple files. Again, I must state that this only seems to happen when using certain programs and not generally in Windows 7. Also, a small unrelated question: how do I get out of 'Libraries' view in My Documents and basically disable the Libraries view permanently, and just have it normal like in all earlier versions of Windows?

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Search Torrent Files With Windows 7 Search?

Dec 19, 2011

how i can search for torrent files with windows 7 search function?when i look for my downloaded files (downloaded via µtorrent),then i can i only find my downloaded files,but no torrent files(the torrent file still exists in my µtorrent program,so i am sure i still have the torrent file).

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Start Menu - Add Search Connectors To Start Menu Search

Jun 29, 2009

How to Pin Search Connectors to Search and See More Results in Start Menu ?

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Windows 7 Not Updating, Indexing Not Working, Search Not Working?

Sep 2, 2012

The problem likely started when I cloned my drive to a new Seagate drive using a Seatools *Seagate** utility, which I believe is actually made by Acronis. The final fix was installing new drivers for the Hard drive from Intel "Intel Rapid Storage Technology"

Symptoms =
Failure code when trying to start indexing = 0x8e5e0247
Search function would not work properly
Indexing was not working
Could not get Windows update to install

windows 7 indexing is not running acronis clone Intel Rapid Storage Technology 0x8e5e0247 windows update not working

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Programs Won't Open Properly

Dec 17, 2009

OS: Win 7 HomeP 64bit

Recently Installed programs: Dragon Agerigins/DX update

I installed those both last night and played with no issues. Now today I turn on my PC and some programs won't open properly. My browser(Chrome) works(more on this later) and a few others do as well, but things like GameSpy Comrade, and Dragon Age, and Crysis 32/64bit will not open properly. When I click to open it loads for a bit than the program freezes, or it loads than does nothing. In both cases the program shows up in the task manager processes. If the program freezes it shows up in the task manager as running.

Solutions I've tried:

Restarting the computer
Virus scan(No results)

Can anyone give me some ideas?

Also chrome opens 3 times in the processes but I only have one window and one tab open. Is this normal?

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Laptop Won't Start Up Properly

May 1, 2012

My sons Windows 7(64 bit) laptop won't start up properly, I suspect he pulled the battery off while Windows was still open. I hope someone can help, I have tried the following start ups several times.With a normal start up, it gets to the "Starting Windows" page, loads for a while and then restarts.With a Safe Mode start up (all versions), it gets to:Loaded: Windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys, hangs for a while and then restarts.With a Startup Repair (recommended) start up it gets to the login screen - well sort of. The background picture appears with a cursor, but there are nothing else.I have created a system repair disc from my own Windows 7 (64 bit) laptop and have booted from that.This does the same as a Starup Repair, with the addition of choosing a keyboard, it doesn't progress ot offering me an account to log in to.

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Windows 7 Does Not Start Properly?

Jan 31, 2012

my windows 7 fails to start properly. When I start up my toshiba laptop there is a beeping alarm which lasts for about 2 minutes. Then when I finally gwet the desktop open and type something only a few of the keys on the keyboard function properly

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Error Executing Programs - Gadgets Not Being Displayed Properly

Nov 7, 2010

I decided to disable Avast Antivirus a week a go and start using Microsoft Security Essentials instead. That's when the problems started (which might be just correlation, not causation).

a) When I try to run an .exe file from Total Commander, I get "Error executing program".
b) When I try to run an .exe file from FreeCommander, I get "Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened."

I tried to change all internet settings to "Lowest security" (tried all - intranet, internet...) but problem remained.

c) StartSearch (which I usually use to run applications that don't have icons among the frequently used) doesn't find anything. For example, I type in "Photoshop" and all it finds are blank icons named "Programs" "Documents" "Control Panel" and "Pictures".

I tried fixing the file associations in registry (changing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileDefault to "%1" %*) but nothing changed. The only way I can run .exe files now is to locate them in Start Menu, locate them using Windows Explorer or via command line.

d) Windows Gadgets stopped being displayed properly.

I have no other clues what might be preventing .exe files from working properly.

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Some Programs Won't Go To Start Menu's Recent Programs List

Dec 30, 2010

No matter how many times I launch Skype or iTunes, they just won't get added to the Start Menu's Recent Programs list.

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Slow/crashing Programs, Programs Disappearing From Start Bar

Feb 3, 2013

Every time I start up normally into Win7 everything is fine for a couple of minutes. I'll open a few programs, then after a few minutes of them running they'll hang and enter the 'not responding' mode. (firefox, steam, IE). If I don't already have task manager running the system will basically be unresponsive and the only thing I can do is reboot manually. If I have task manager running I can sometimes end a process or two but some will remain open & unresponsive. Any programs that are working (including task manager) disappear when I minimize them and no programs appear on the task bar, (though they can be retrieved with alt+tab).

McAfee also has 'real time scanning' permanently disabled.

This is all very strange as there was nothing wrong four days ago when I was away, and the symptoms occured within 2-3 minutes of booting up this evening. The system runs in safe mode.

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Windows Failed To Start-up Properly

Nov 12, 2012

My problem is that on occassions say every 2nd or 3rd start-up my laptop states that Windows failed to start-up properly, and gives me the option of repair or start windows normally So as the recovery states on screen is recommended this is usually the route i take but i have also run start as normal which gets me going. this is maybe not as serious as other posts I've read but it's becoming very frustrating, my laptop is a Lenovo G575 and i'm running windows 7 home premium.[code]

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Computer Wouldn't Start Up Properly

Sep 11, 2010

Anyways, I am fixing a computer for a friend and his computer wouldn't start up properly. It would start up with the Windows 7 Boot logo and then go to a black screen with the mouse hanging there. I could move the mouse but nothing else would work including ctrl+alt+delete.I then used my Windows 7 usb pen backup install to install Windows 7 on the laptop and it would still hang at the black screen.I then used a program called killdisk, put it onto the usb pen and made it bootable, and it formatted everything off the hard drive. I then went to start the computer and it was still starting with the Windows 7 logo but just stayed there.I then used my Windows 7 off my usb pen and it didn't work. I also tried my Windows 7 disk and it didn't work.I faced this problem on this laptop before but it had Windows Vista on it (which was about 8 months ago) and put Windows 7 on it (8 Months ago).

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Start Menu Search Gone?

Mar 24, 2009

after i did some tweaking on windows 7(first time ever) i somehow disabled the start search on the start menu. Now when i open the start menu i cant search which is bad.

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Start Menu Search Gone?

Sep 13, 2011

Did you re-boot in between the removal / adding? yes of course i did reboot. btw, for clarity, the search box is present in the start menu, but when i type anything , it shows nothing

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