Error Executing Programs - Gadgets Not Being Displayed Properly

Nov 7, 2010

I decided to disable Avast Antivirus a week a go and start using Microsoft Security Essentials instead. That's when the problems started (which might be just correlation, not causation).

a) When I try to run an .exe file from Total Commander, I get "Error executing program".
b) When I try to run an .exe file from FreeCommander, I get "Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened."

I tried to change all internet settings to "Lowest security" (tried all - intranet, internet...) but problem remained.

c) StartSearch (which I usually use to run applications that don't have icons among the frequently used) doesn't find anything. For example, I type in "Photoshop" and all it finds are blank icons named "Programs" "Documents" "Control Panel" and "Pictures".

I tried fixing the file associations in registry (changing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileDefault to "%1" %*) but nothing changed. The only way I can run .exe files now is to locate them in Start Menu, locate them using Windows Explorer or via command line.

d) Windows Gadgets stopped being displayed properly.

I have no other clues what might be preventing .exe files from working properly.

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Driver Installation Not Executing Properly?

Sep 1, 2012

Recently I started getting notifications and the such that said "Windows is not genuine." after letting a friend use my computer, I backed all my files up and re-installed Windows 7, but the drivers for the WLAN card didn't install correctly (probably because i had to borrow the boot disk from someone). So I used a friend's computer to download the drivers from HP, but after running the installation it opens for maybe a second (at least I can see the icon appear in the taskbar) and closes again. The model of my PC is HP 2000-299WM Notebook PC and is running windows 7.

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PC Crashing On Executing Programs After Restoring To Factory Defaults

Dec 19, 2011

I have an Inspiron N4010, and one night, it worked perfectly, and the next morning it wouldn't start. So I had to restore my PC to the factory image. Now, many programs on my computer crash only minutes, or even seconds, after executing them. I do not understand why. I have not deleted any files, I have not messed with anything, and I have kept my PC up to date, as well as protected. There is no reason for why my computer runs the way it does.

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Graphics Not Being Displayed Properly?

Aug 6, 2012

Graphics not being displayed properly?

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Icons On Desktop Aren't Displayed Properly

Jan 9, 2013

[URL] icons on my desktop aren't displayed properly..

i have try to rebuilt my iconcache .. but can't able to do

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Gadgets Partially Invisible And Programs Missing Parts

Oct 3, 2012

I noticed something was wrong when I could not login on Skype when the input boxes did not show up.I noticed the gadgets, which have been installed since installation a year ago, suddenly were hardly visible and are non-functional. The option button is also missing.The machine is a Toshiba laptop, with all update functions active, ie drivers should all be up-to-date. I'm running Windows 7 64 Home Premium SP1.I tried switching off aero, but that did nothing. Changing resolution and graphics settings also did nothing for me.

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Gadgets - Allow Or Prevent Installation Of Unsigned Gadgets

May 12, 2009

How to Allow or Prevent Installation of Unsigned Gadgets in Windows 7 ?

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Gadgets - Restore Default Gadgets

Mar 6, 2010

How to Restore the Default Windows 7 Gadgets ?

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Some Users Displayed On Welcome Screen, Others Not Displayed?

Aug 2, 2011

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1.Have 7 standard users created in the User Accounts. Only 5 user icons displaying on welcome screen. All 7 users are required to and do have passwords set.Creating a new user does not add that new user to the welcome screen.Deleting a user does not move one of the other users onto the welcome reduced the number of user icons to 4.All users have valid User directories and if I force the login prompt instead of icons, they can login successfully.This happened about a week ago and may be the result of some software my son installed. Not sure.There is not an "Other User.." icon...just 5 valid user icons with 2 missing.

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Programs Won't Open Properly

Dec 17, 2009

OS: Win 7 HomeP 64bit

Recently Installed programs: Dragon Agerigins/DX update

I installed those both last night and played with no issues. Now today I turn on my PC and some programs won't open properly. My browser(Chrome) works(more on this later) and a few others do as well, but things like GameSpy Comrade, and Dragon Age, and Crysis 32/64bit will not open properly. When I click to open it loads for a bit than the program freezes, or it loads than does nothing. In both cases the program shows up in the task manager processes. If the program freezes it shows up in the task manager as running.

Solutions I've tried:

Restarting the computer
Virus scan(No results)

Can anyone give me some ideas?

Also chrome opens 3 times in the processes but I only have one window and one tab open. Is this normal?

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Start Search Programs And Files Not Working Properly

Feb 2, 2009

Its been happening ever since I installed Windows 7.

For example, When I click Start, type "CC" in the search box, the Start menu displays what I intend to start (CCleaner) but when I press enter I get this:

Its acting completely wierd!

On top of that, when I right click the entry, I get a menu which is expanded towards the left awkwardly.

I also recall that I have unchecked "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties." in the properties of my Windows 7 boot drive.

And since the programs are installed there, I think the problem might be related.

I have checked it again but it dosen't have any effect!

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Administrator Is Also Locked Up To All Drives After Executing

Jan 28, 2012

what should i do to unlock it? only one account is created and thats me as an administrator...when i executed the files only to restrict other users, i as well was locked up? is there any means to unlock it? system restores doesnt work too not even when i login to safe mode or computer repair boot.

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Task Scheduler Not Executing A Schedule Application?

Aug 24, 2011

I have created a task that is suppose to launch Goldmine every day at a set time. The task appears to have launched successfully, ie Task Scheduler reports "The operation completed successfully." However I know it isn't actually launching.When I run the task manually the application never launches, when I check Task Manager the gmw.exe process is running but the application never opens, nor does it show in the application tab of Task Manager but whenthe task completes (Goldmine is set to shut down after 5 minutes) the task then reports as stated above.The Actions tab is set to "Start a program" and the path is the UNC path to the exe on my GM server.Security options are "Run whether user is logged on or not" and "Run with highest priveleges", the user account is a Domain Admin.

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Shortcut For Shutdown - Command Not Executing When Set Time To Hibernate

Jul 8, 2009

I am making a shortcut for shutdown. So I am using command
shutdown -h for hibernate
shutdown -l for logoff

But whenever I use time for it, like:
shutdown -h -t 120
Where t 120 is number of secs after which the command will execute then the command doesn't executes. This command works fine for restart shutdown -s -t 120. I can use hibernate with time.

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Executing Exe Files On Mapped Home Server Drive

May 4, 2009

I'm already asking me a while wether it's possible to deactivate the annoying security warning ("Do you want to run this file") when I run exe files on my samba share.

I put various portable apps there and i want to use them as usual files on the local computer. Is that possible? I don't know exactly for what keywords i should search, so i didn't find anything yet. Thanks, best regards, kappen

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Error: Email Client Not Properly Installed

Feb 23, 2010

I purchased an HP Pavillion All-In-One with Window 7 pre-installed on my computer. I successfully downloaded windows live mail. However when I try to send e-mail through my Verizon with msn mail account, an error message appears stating "email client not properly installed". If anybody has any suggestions, directions or help it would be greatly appreciated.

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'Default E-mail Client Not Properly Installed' Error Message

Sep 7, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop, using Windows 7 (64bit) with IE9. I use Gmail and have installed their Notifier. When I attempt to use a webpage link to send an email or document, I get the error message, "default email client not properly installed".I have no clue what this means or how to fix it, so I attempted to research it online.I'd like to keep this a simple as possible. Can anyone walk me through the steps? I think I'd like to use Google & not Windows Live (have no idea why though), then I heard Post Box Express was simple, then I was told to press 'options' in my Notifier, but that went nowhere.

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How To Set Gadgets On Top

Aug 24, 2011

How do I set Gadgets to always one top? Seen several sites say open Windows Sidebar Properties. The properties program seems to be missing on my system.Is this only available on Vista system and removed from W7?

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Gadgets Are Not Working?

Jun 19, 2011

I have windows 7 starter and my gadgets do not work. the clock shows up as a black box, the slideshow does not show anything, etc. The only options I get next to the gadgets when I 'hover' my pointer is 'close' and 'move'; I do not get the 'options' or 'resize' keys. I have tried everything! Turned off and on UAC; turned windows programs on and off for gadgets; all of the registry editor settings are appropriate (zone 0 set at 0, there is no parasite in the zones); I have also tried setting up another user account..

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[GADGETS] CPU Meter Gone

Nov 25, 2012

Recently I noticed my CPU being pushed to 100% by a trojan (igfxupdate) though not knowing the cause of the usage I simply tried restarting the computer, though when the computer restarted my CPU Meter was gone. I have now completely removed the virus but my CPU Meter never showed up. It isn't in my list of gadgets and it doesn't reappear when I click restore gadgets, however, it seems to have all of it's files (in my windows siderbar folder). So I am at a loss as to how to fix it and I can't simply reinstall it because it comes with windows. I was really a big fan of this gadget and now that it helped me catch this virus I feel naked without it. I know I can download a different CPU Meter but I like the simplicity and reliability of the windows one?

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Gadgets - Customize

Feb 15, 2010

How to Customize Existing Windows 7 Gadgets ?

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Gadgets - Turn On Or Off

Apr 29, 2009

How to Turn Windows 7 Gadgets Feature On or Off ?

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How To Install Gadgets

Oct 31, 2012

Is there any way i can still instal gadgets like cpu temp ones?

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How To Download Windows 7 Gadgets

Aug 13, 2012

Does any know where you can download Windows 7 gadgets from now that Microsoft is no longer supporting them?

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Source For Desktop Gadgets?

Dec 13, 2012

Does anyone know a good source for desktop gadgets? I know Softpedia and Cnet but is there any more?

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Gadgets Not Working In Windows 7 X86

Mar 19, 2011

I've had problems with my antivirus and their support site said to input the following in the command prompt. Now my network gadget doesn't see my network card, my GPU Monitor gadget doesn't see my Graphics card, and my 7-sidbar gagdet won't load properly and is displaying the message "WScriptError: Error: -2146827859, Automation server can't create object" what to do so that my gadgets work again?

regsvr32 msoeacct.dll /s
rem regsvr32 wab32.dll /s
rem regsvr32 wabimp.dll /s


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Gadgets Not Displaying Correctly?

Jun 11, 2010

For some odd reason, about a month ago all gadgets in my win 7 ultimate stopped working correctly and now look like this when extended:Not even samples for the clock are displayed correctly anymore, instead I just get this red X-es.I've tried many things already, such as repairing windows for the dvd and so on but none have worked.

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Desktop Gadgets And Little Customs Are Gone

Jun 1, 2011

Somehow, my pillow, very gently, accidentally fell on the keyboard.For some reason, this caused my background to go back to some default picture, my desktop gadgets were gone, and other little customizable things (such as window colors and not hiding the taskbar) were also gone. So I changed everything back to the way it was and I was happy.

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From Where To Download Windows Gadgets

Jun 14, 2012

Which is the good websites to download windows 7 gadgets?

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Can USB 3 Ports On A New Pc Be Used With All Older USB Gadgets

May 29, 2012

Can USB 3 Ports on a new pc be used with all the older USB gadgets that were plugged into the USB 2 Ports originally on an older pc? O.K. To use USB 2 cables if not worried about achieving the faster speed of USB 3.I realize the faster speed of the 3 won't be realized, but any other potential problems? Is 3 fully backward compatible with 2?

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Gadgets - How To Move Them Closer Together ?

Sep 12, 2009

Trick to Moving Gadgets in Windows 7 Closer Together.

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