Laptop Won't Start Up Properly

May 1, 2012

My sons Windows 7(64 bit) laptop won't start up properly, I suspect he pulled the battery off while Windows was still open. I hope someone can help, I have tried the following start ups several times.With a normal start up, it gets to the "Starting Windows" page, loads for a while and then restarts.With a Safe Mode start up (all versions), it gets to:Loaded: Windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys, hangs for a while and then restarts.With a Startup Repair (recommended) start up it gets to the login screen - well sort of. The background picture appears with a cursor, but there are nothing else.I have created a system repair disc from my own Windows 7 (64 bit) laptop and have booted from that.This does the same as a Starup Repair, with the addition of choosing a keyboard, it doesn't progress ot offering me an account to log in to.

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Windows 7 Toshiba Satellite Laptop Will Not Start Properly Many Times In A Week?

Jan 29, 2013

I have a toshiba satellite laptop with Intel Pentium, with Windows 7 and it will not start for the 5th time this week, I need it for coursework it just won't Windows 7 disk, I have uninstalled all the recent software I have installed..

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Windows 7 Does Not Start Properly?

Jan 31, 2012

my windows 7 fails to start properly. When I start up my toshiba laptop there is a beeping alarm which lasts for about 2 minutes. Then when I finally gwet the desktop open and type something only a few of the keys on the keyboard function properly

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Windows Failed To Start-up Properly

Nov 12, 2012

My problem is that on occassions say every 2nd or 3rd start-up my laptop states that Windows failed to start-up properly, and gives me the option of repair or start windows normally So as the recovery states on screen is recommended this is usually the route i take but i have also run start as normal which gets me going. this is maybe not as serious as other posts I've read but it's becoming very frustrating, my laptop is a Lenovo G575 and i'm running windows 7 home premium.[code]

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Computer Wouldn't Start Up Properly

Sep 11, 2010

Anyways, I am fixing a computer for a friend and his computer wouldn't start up properly. It would start up with the Windows 7 Boot logo and then go to a black screen with the mouse hanging there. I could move the mouse but nothing else would work including ctrl+alt+delete.I then used my Windows 7 usb pen backup install to install Windows 7 on the laptop and it would still hang at the black screen.I then used a program called killdisk, put it onto the usb pen and made it bootable, and it formatted everything off the hard drive. I then went to start the computer and it was still starting with the Windows 7 logo but just stayed there.I then used my Windows 7 off my usb pen and it didn't work. I also tried my Windows 7 disk and it didn't work.I faced this problem on this laptop before but it had Windows Vista on it (which was about 8 months ago) and put Windows 7 on it (8 Months ago).

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Cannot View Photos In WMC - Necessary Component Did Not Start Properly?

Feb 16, 2012

I have windows 7 so decided to have a go at the windows media center. Showed up all music but can't get my photos to show up? How to view my photos in windows media center. When I try to select photos. A box comes up with info "Media Player has a necessary component of Windows Media center did not start properly. Restart WMC"
I tried that sill no joy.

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Start Search Programs And Files Not Working Properly

Feb 2, 2009

Its been happening ever since I installed Windows 7.

For example, When I click Start, type "CC" in the search box, the Start menu displays what I intend to start (CCleaner) but when I press enter I get this:

Its acting completely wierd!

On top of that, when I right click the entry, I get a menu which is expanded towards the left awkwardly.

I also recall that I have unchecked "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties." in the properties of my Windows 7 boot drive.

And since the programs are installed there, I think the problem might be related.

I have checked it again but it dosen't have any effect!

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Windows 7 Laptop Won't Run Properly?

Jul 17, 2012

I downloaded Spec Ops The Line (Video Game) on my Dell Laptop w/ Windows 7. After that I got a quick black screen while trying to save a picture of coupons from ActivateRewards. My laptop completely froze and I had to manually shut it down, after I turned it back on an odd screen showed up saying Startup Repair. It said it would take several minutes so I left and came back only to see that it "Could not repair automatically." I then tried to see if I had any backups, like a fool I didn't back anything up. I can't start up Windows normally, or in safe mode due to it being routed straight to Startup Repair, and I can't use Startup Repair because it doesn't fix anything. I tried clicking "Dell Local Safe Data Restore" (Something like that) and it 'loads' something but doesn't work. I tried using the command prompt using this video.

Not sure if I can post links, so sorry if it's against the rules. As I was watching the video I realized it said 7 files copied, whereas mine said "Could not copy all files, Copied 5" . I tried using Startup Repair once more and now it loaded up Dell Datasafe Local Backup

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Windows 7 Laptop Won't Run Properly?

Nov 23, 2012

Windows 7 Laptop won't run properly, Startup Repair wont fix the problem aut

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Windows 7 Laptop Won't Run Properly?

Jan 21, 2013

start up repair offline. I have done all thing such as sfc and allbut problem could not resolve. what can i do

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Laptop Keyboard Don't Work Properly

Oct 2, 2011

A couple of weeks ago my keyboard on my laptop stop working properly. When i hit the tab button, it won't work. If i hit the shift button on the left side of my keyboard it won't work. I have to click on the shift button on my right side of my keyboard to use the secondary symbols like @#$%^&^&. My backspace button don't work properly and i have to hit it like 0 times so it can delete one letter.

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Laptop Speaker Are Not Working Properly

Nov 13, 2011

i am kapil i have no Bluetooth driver so please give me driver setup.and i am laptop speaker are not working properly.

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Laptop Acer Not Working Properly?

Dec 4, 2012

laptop acer i have sinc one month i noticed that my laptop screen look blurry and when ever i am on internte my comp going to freez and some times bottons not working and my comp is very slow

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Can't Boot Windows 7 Laptop Properly

Jan 3, 2013

I cant get onto my computer i start it up and my computer is a acer windows 7 so it say acar in big writing and then keeps repeating it self

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Laptop Graphics Card Not Functioning Properly

Jan 14, 2013

I am not really good with computers, I know something is wrong but not really sure how to fix it, I use Windows 7 Ultimate with a dedicated graphics card 2GB GDDR5 AMD Radeon HD 7970M and a intergrated graphics card Intel HD Graphics 4000 installed in my laptop, I used to be able to play Total War Shogun 2 (and other games) with my AMD Radeon Graphics Card, but for some reason my laptop decides to run on my Intel HD Graphics 4000 instead now. With my little knowledge that I have, when I go to device manager -> display adaptors, I can see both AMD Radeon 7970M and Intel HD Graphics 4000 there and my laptop shows that both graphics card are functioning properly (and up to date). But when I go to DxDiag, it only shows the Intel HD Graphics 4000, and when I disable my Intel HD Graphics 4000, my laptop cannot detect any graphics card.

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Laptop DVD External Enclosure Not Working Properly

Jul 1, 2012

I installed 2 hard drives using a caddy in my laptop, 1 SSD for the OS and 1 HDD for data. Every once in a while (once a year id say) I still need the DVD drive so I bought an external DVD enclosure (Generic). The problem right now is that windows doesn't recognize it or rather doesn't recognize it correctly.On windows 7 pro is a pic of the device manager so windows recognizes it a a disk drive automatically (changed it manually to optical drive) and adds a portable device (? WPD FileSystem Volume Driver). The drive appears in My computer but empty.

What Iv tried:

- chose manually all available drivers from windows in update driver.

- disabled power management on usb

- other usb port/computer (on Windows 7 32bits)

- using a power cable instead of the usb power cable

- google search for drivers using the device id ( USBSTORDISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_EXTERNAL&REV_1.12303030303030303030303030&0)

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Laptop Not Shutting Down Properly At Critical Battery?

Aug 10, 2011

When my laptops battery reaches critical it will usually hibernate as all of them do. When it's switched back on it'll give you the option to do a system resume. The past 3 times it hasn't though, it has brought up the black screen saying windows didn't shut down properly, and giving me the options to start in safe mode etc.

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Mouse Not Working Properly In Laptop Compaq?

Jun 5, 2011

Mouse not working properly in laptop compaq?

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Currently In Safe Mode As Toshiba Laptop Cannot Boot-up Properly

Nov 28, 2012

I am currently in safe mode as my Toshiba laptop cannot boot up properly. I get through the windows startup. All the icons on my desktop look normal, and then about 40 seconds later, a blue screen filled with information briefly appears before the computer shuts down and attempts to restart itself. It happens so fast I can't write down much of what was on the screen other than a data dump, with numbers counting down to 0 and then it does a restart on its own. I did a restore to November 20 and that did not help, so I did another restore for Nov. 9 and that too did not help. I did manage to open in safe mode and managed to find these errors in some event log :

c:usersjayappData empwer-582810-0.xml

Here is the hijack log :

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:06:07 AM, on 11/28/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Laptop Video Graphic Adapter Is Not Working Properly?

Aug 24, 2012

my laptop video graphic adapter is not working properly, if i want to play video game it won't display?

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After Installing Windows 7 Ultimate To Laptop DVD-ROM Can't Work Properly

Nov 14, 2012

MY LAPTOP IS HP 620 using before windows seven professional 64 bit then i install windows seven ultimate 32bit so from then dvd cant read?

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All USB Ports Do Not Work On Laptop - Drivers Installed Properly

Nov 26, 2012

It seems all the usb ports do not work on my laptop. My usb mouse doesn't work, and my other usb devices do not work either. All the usb drivers are installed properly as detected.

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Laptop Powers On But Screen Stays Black - Does Not Load Properly

Dec 1, 2012

I have a
Lenovo Laptop Thinkpad Edge E520
Intel CPU B960
Pentium Processor 2.2GHZ

Recently when I have powered up my laptop it occasionally doesn't load properly, the screen stays black. You can hear the laptop working fine but you cannot see anything. This happens once or twice a week, I usually hold on the power button for 5 seconds, then reboot and it resumes my hibernate settings as usual. Could this be because I always hibernate my laptop?

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Laptop With Windows 7 Hangs At Start Up Will Not Start In Any Mode?

Dec 8, 2012

F keys will not work either! I don't think I have a disc to restore from, what else can I do?

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Laptop Freezes Everytime Start It Up Normally But Can Start It Up In Safe?

Feb 7, 2012

My laptop freezes when i turn it on after a minute or two just enough time to maybe sign in but i can go into safe mode and it wont freeze but you cant do anything in safe mode that

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Laptop(Dell Core I3 Vista. Laptop Freezes To Start?

Jan 30, 2013

Laptop(Dell core i3 vista. Laptop freezes to start?

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Cant Start Laptop In Normal Mode Only On Safe Mode When Try To Start?

Feb 16, 2013

i cant start my laptop in normal mode. when i start in normal ,mode i stuck in black screen only the mouse pointer is appear, when i wait it reboot again but still i get stuck in black screen

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Laptop Won't Start Up

Oct 14, 2011

Last night I got on my laptop and it was working fine once it was done doing system and windows 7 updates. It restarted itself after 5 minutes of it being on, then did it again after another 5 minutes. Now, I am just getting the beginning Toshiba Satellite screen, a black blank screen with a blinking cursor then it shuts off. It keeps repeating this process untill you hold the power button to turn it off. I have tried changing the setup back to default settings and did a HDD/SSD recovery and nothing is helping. I need this computer. It's for school and it is essential to my college courses

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Laptop Won't Start Up?

Oct 25, 2012

This is what my laptop says when I try to start it " STOP: c0000135 The program can`t start because %hs is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling th program to fix this problem."

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Laptop Won't Start Up Again

Aug 15, 2011

my lap top wont start up again

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Asus Laptop Won't Start Up

Jan 8, 2013

My Asus laptop won't Start up , I have tried system repair , system restore , system image recovery and even windows memory diagnostic but it still won't start up

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