Computer Freezes In Shutdown Screen

Dec 14, 2012

I recently acquired a SC101 network hard drive and installed the program for it. Now, my computer keeps stalling at the shutting down screen (after the desk top closes, just the blue screen).

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Computer Freezes At Shutdown Loading Screen But Not In Safe Mode?

Dec 28, 2011

My computer always freezes at the shutdown loading screen (When i restart and shutdown). But when im in safe mode it shuts down normally. It Freezes for about 15 min each time then it goes back to my desktop and says an unexpected shutdown happened.

achine Specs-
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Intel Core i5-2500 CPu 3.30GHz
PH61A-P35 (B3)
8 GB
Graphics Card(s)
NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GT


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Windows Freezes At Shutdown Screen?

Feb 13, 2013

Sometimes, but not always, when I am restarting or shutting down my computer Windows freezes at the Shutdown screen, the little circle thing just stops spinning and nothing happens. I just built this computer a few days ago, installed every possible update/driver. Not very savvy when it comes to BIOS stuff or whatever the root of this issue is..

I am running the following:

Gigabyte X77 UD3H Motherboard
Intel 3570K
Corsair Vengeance 2x4GB Memory
GeForce GTX 660 GPU
Windows 7

Only programs outside of stuff that came with MB, GPU, etc is League of Legends. I noticed Easy Tune 6 was installed with the MB disc, messed around with it a bit but read bad things so deleted it. Thats all i can think of..

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Computer Freezes And Shutdown

Jul 25, 2012

I'm currently stuck in a hell hole, because I really have no idea what is wrong with my machine at this time. Several things I have noticed is that the crashes never happens when I'm playing video games, even high demanding ones. It's weird because it does happen when browsing the internet, and mostly happens when I'm rendering a video.
When the freezing process starts, slowly applications, one by one becomes not responding. I currently have Realtemp, and while the freezing happens, the temp was around 55F, while my TJ max is 105. In my task manager > performance, my cpu usage drops down all the way down to 1% when the freezing happens. And finally even the mouse won't move, forcing me to force shutdown. I think the computer shuts itself down after a while since when coming back home, it's in a POST situations, giving errors like no bootable device, or system fan failure.

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Computer Freezes On Shutdown/hibernate

Aug 5, 2011

I have an ASUS G51JX-X2 laptop with 8 GB RAM (4 2GB chips). I've had this computer for about 18 months without any problems. A couple of days ago, I noticed that the computer hung up when trying to hibernate. The screen was black and the hard drive light was off, but the touchpad, wireless, bluetooth, and power lights remained on. I left it and went to work, and when I returned it was still in this state so I held the power button to shut it down. The computer started normally, but then that night when I went to shut the computer down, it did the same thing. I made some changes to disable the services at start up in an attempt to narrow down the problem and I discover that is I choose restart, the computer shuts down and restarts fine (although it sits with the screen black and the lights on for a while). It will not shut down or hibernate though. what's going on:

I thought I might have gotten a driver update so I looked at Windows Update and I hadn't gotten anything since 7/21. I did get one on 8/3, but that was after I started having problems. Using msconfig I disabled the start up services (except MS) and start up items to see if that helped and rebooted. The reboot worked, but then the shutdown failed again. I read in some forums that it might be related to the wireless, so I used the switch on the front of the computer to turn off wireless and bluetooth before shutting down - no luck. I thought it might be a problem with the memory since that's a relatively recent upgrade so I created a boot CD and ran memtest86+. It ran all night through 4 passes and no errors. I ran chkdsk on the hard drive just to be safe and it didn't find any errors. I checked to see if ClearPageFileAtShutdown was set to 1 in the registry, but it is 0. I checked to make sure that the bios is up to date and it is (version 208).

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Screen Freezes But Computer Doesn't?

Nov 14, 2011

Im having a really strange issue on my computer, im running windows 7 x64

basically what happens is im using my computer and suddenly it freezes. At first I thought the whole computer freezes but I soon realized this is not the case. My mouse pointer remains free and i can move it while everything else freezes. The strange part is that the actual computer doesnt freeze, I know this because of some things I observed in this "frozen" state:

- if i have itunes running before it freezes , I can still hit the pause/play buttons and switch songs after it freezes by clicking on them in the itunes interface. The selected song plays, and hitting the pause/play buttons do what they should, but nothing changes on the screen, it remains "frozen"

- if i double click a program from a desktop icon I get the loading mouse pointer as if the program is loading but the screen remains frozen so i dont actually see the program pop up.

so basically what I thought was my computer freezing is really just my screen freezing, the computer is running fine in the "background" as I can still do certain tasks, but the screen doesnt update to reflect these tasks.

What could be the problem? I had this same exact issue like half a year back and it one day just went away so I never bothered with it but here it is, its back and its really annoying because i have to hard restart my computer every time it happens.

Sometimes it happens out of nowhere, but I noticed it happens most of the time when my computer "shakes". Like when i get up and bang my knee on the desk, it freezes. or when i walk like an elephant in my room, it freezes.. etc. But sometimes it happens when im sitting perfectly still also so I dont even know if the shaking is really what causes it

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Computer Freezes And Sometimes The Blue-screen Shows Up?

May 19, 2011

I have a pc since 2007 with the following characteristics:Processor - Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Box;Motherboard - Asus P5K Deluxe WiFi-APMem Ram- OCZ DDR2 4GB PC2-6400 Gold GX XTC 5-5-5-12Internal Harddrive - Seagate 500GB SATAII 16MBGraphics- Sapphire HD2900XT 512MBDVD/CD - LG DVD-RW GSA-H44N 18XTower - Thermaltake Soprano DX BlackPower Source - LC-Power 850W Arkangel V.2.2 140mmMonitor - Samsung 206BWSO - Windows 7 64bitsEarlier this year it started freezing when running new games and the fans made a lot of noise. After a while it started freezing all the time so I decided to clean it up. It had tons of dust that I removed and I even applied thermal paste MX3 to the processor. Everything went well for a few months but now the freezing has restarted. Basically, I turn it on and it freezes while doing small stuff like opening firefox or steam whithin a minutes.

Normally the screen goes black but the lights in the tower stay on and the fans keep working. I have to manually reboot and then it just works normally with no more freezings. This is a temperature scan that I made just before one of the freezes:Sometimes a blue screen appears and the following error is issued:Assinatura do problema:Nome do Evento de Problema: BlueScreenVers�o do SO: 6.1.7601. de Regi�o: 2070Informa��es adicionais sobre o problema:BCCode: 116BCP1: FFFFFA8003DF94E0BCP2: FFFFF88003A93408BCP3: 0000000000000000BCP4: 0000000000000002OS Version: 6_1_7601Service Pack: 1_0Product: 768_1I have all the lastest drivers installed.

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Computer Freezes And Screen Turns Black?

Jul 3, 2012

Just got myself this (old) new computer, that I was going to use for a media center. But it randomly crashes, and i can't seem to figure out why. I formated it yesterday, so I doubt it would be a virus.Sometimes it goes black, and picture returns within a few seconds, but other times it freezes up completely. When I restart it (with the power button) I cant get pasted the BIOS screen, but if I unplug the power supply, and hit the power button a few times and then plug in the power, it starts up like normal. (does that make it a RAM issue?)Freezes have happened doing the following: Using XBMC (both in menus and while watching a video), while Internet Download Manager was running. While file transfer was running, and a few times while i wasnt at the computer.Specs:Windows 7 Ultimate x64ATI Radeon HD 5670Intel Core i3 CPU6GB RAMPhillips TV (Connected with HDMI)

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Computer Screen Freezes After Startup BSOD

Jan 27, 2013

Start computer from sleep, log into Teamspeak 3, open Play with Six and launch ArmA 2 OA ACE mod an play. But today, my computer screen freezed and I couldn't do anything except move my mouse. After doing a hard restart of my computer and getting an error(batch file f:dosmenu. BAT missing) and doing another restart and then I got a BSOD. I can only start my computer in Safe Mode.Im running Windows 7 Home Premium, Alienware M17X laptop.

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Screen Randomly Freezes But Computer Still Running?

Aug 8, 2012

So this has been happening ever since I got my computer. I took it in to see if a service could take a look at it and they ran a benchmark to get the usage to 100% for like 22 hours. Computer was still running fine he recommended me to get a UPS because it could be browning out but that solved nothing.

So what basically happens is that once a week or 3 times a day, it happens randomly, could be while playing a game or just browsing the web. What happens is that the monitor just freezes it is still on it is like a screenshot of my screen it stays still, cursor stops, audio stops, everything. The computer is still running fine it could be a failure in hardware but most likely not. It is not the monitor itself because it worked fine with the same monitor with my previous computer and I just got a new monitor last week.

I also noticed is if it happens once then it'll happen a few more times in a day then it'll stop for 1-2 days and start again, could just be a coincidence but I don't know...

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Computer Starts, Boots Up And Freezes At Black Screen?

Oct 7, 2012

but I was given it used from the previous owner and later found out it was refurbished. It is a Gateway NV53A. I have always had issues with BSOD's and Windows errors, and most of them either driver or memory related. I fixed and updated all drivers, but never did anything about memory except maybe some tests and they all came out fine. 3 days ago, I was using my PC just browsing a Web page and suddenly the screen went black. I thought it was the lcd, but I closed the lid to see if it would go into standby mode and it just stood there powered on and frozen... The only way it would react was if I manually turned it off holding power button.

Sometimes it does boot up, sometimes it gets farther than others. What I mean is, sometimes it gets past the Gateway logo and crashes there, sometimes it boots up to to the home screen, and sometimes it doesn't even boot... How far it gets depends on how long the PC has been turned off. Odd I know... Anyways, I found out my motherboard requires ram with 1066mhz fsb whereas the current ram sticks it has installed are 800mhz.... I was told new ram with 1066mhz would fix my issues and allow my PC tu boot and run fine as it always did, but I just wanted to be sure that's my Issue, and I also wanted to know how come the computer ran fine (with the exception of BSOD's and some errors occurring every now and then) before and now suddenly I'm screwed. I'm currently using two 2GB DDR3 Ram memory sticks. The brand and model of each stick is Nanya nt2gc64b88b0ns-cg

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Computer Shows A Blue Screen When Turned On Then It Freezes

Jun 30, 2011

my comp show a blue screen when turned on then it freezes

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Print Screen Button Freezes Computer Windows 7 64 Bit?

Apr 16, 2012

It just started Friday night, and I don't why it started, or I can't fix it. I tried reinstalling drivers for my keyboard, I tried disabling "Debug" in System Config, and even tried System Restore.

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Restart Windows 7 - Computer Freezes With Three Colored Dots On Screen

Oct 20, 2011

My Gateway runs great until a restart is requested by me or a program. A few days ago, it would restart just fine. When I select Restart, the computer appears to shut down fine, it beeps to restart, the Windows 7 screen begins to open but it freezes with three colored dots on the screen. It always stops in exactly the same place.

If I kill power, then boot again I get an offer for Windows to repair itself. If I let it, it cannot repair. If I select Boot Windows Normally, all is well. Except for this one problem, things are really running well. Odd. I've run Chkdsk, SFC/ SCANNOW, and PC Pitstop Optimize3. Nothing finds a problem or fixes anything.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 965 @ 3.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 4
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12279 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 , 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 953766 MB, Free - 875155 MB; D: Total - 953866 MB, Free - 824991 MB;
Motherboard: Gateway, TBGM01, , U00B092001094
Antivirus: Lavasoft Ad-Watch Live! Anti-Virus, Disabled

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When Go To Shutdown Computer / Always Have An Update Icon Attached To Shutdown Key

Apr 16, 2012

I have two windows updates that keep failing. When i go to shutdown my computer I always have an update icon attached to the shutdown key. The download is always 1of1. Then when i reboot, the update icon is still there. I'm thinking since the two updates are failing, it has something to do with the 1of1 update not downloading properly. I went to windows update to check for new updates, and the only one is the two that keep failing. My computer just blue screened on shutdown today, winch got me thinking i really need to fix this.

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Windows 7 Freezes During Shutdown

Dec 1, 2011

Everytime I attempt to shutdown Windows 7 freezes at the "Shutting Down" screen with the little moving circle. I looked in Event Viewer and all I'm seeing is a WMI Event ID10 error:

"Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected."

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Windows 7 Freezes On Shutdown

May 11, 2012

When i click on Shutdown, Windows closes on open programs then shows Shutting Down and that's where it remains even if i leave the Laptop alone for hours, i return and just see "Shutting Down", I can't install updates because it won't shutdown.

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Build 7057 Freezes At Shutdown

Mar 19, 2009

Im running build 7057 on my Asus G50vt-X1 laptop and for some reason when I go to shutdown it will freeze on the shutdown background and not shut down. I'm not quite sure why. I have manually changed the logon and shutdown backgrounds via a regedit but it wouldn't complete the shutdown long before that. Any ideas?

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Slow Shutdown, And Random Spike Freezes

Sep 18, 2011

I have recently started experiencing abnormally slow shutdowns (it will go to the windows login screen with the shutting down message and hang there for about ~5 minutes), and random freezes on my PC. The freezes happen from things as small as moving the mouse. I run a weekly virus scan, and have come up with no viruses, though it could be something not detected by my antivirus.

The PC is less then 2 years old.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0


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Shutdown Freezes / Unable To Startup Successfully

Jan 11, 2012

Yesterday when I went to shut down my computer, it froze. Not seeing any alternative, I manually powered it down. When later attempting to turn the machine on, I received an error (with no specific error message) saying that it was unable to startup successfully, and presented me with a menu for running diagnostics, backing up data, resetting to factory defaults, etc.. Being very short on sleep at the time, I decided "I'll deal with this tomorrow" and shut it down.

Just now, when powering up to try to deal with it, it started up fine. Thing is, without having done anything to fix the issue, I'm worried there might still be a problem with my machine, since I've been told failures to boot properly usually indicate something serious. The computer is an HP Pavilion dv7-6b55dx running Windows 7 64-bit service pack 1. I ran a virus scan and it came up clean, and a spyware scan is running as I type this.

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Windows 7 Always Freezes On Restart But Starts Up Fine After Shutdown?

Jan 4, 2011

I just built a new system today, and I have been running into some significant issues whenever I try to reboot. Basically, the system hangs up on the Starting Windows screen at the exact same instance whenever I reboot. This has been happening since I installed Windows 7 64-bit edition. After I booted and installed off of the installation DVD, it froze up on the first restart. I then tried to install Windows again. That worked, but it then again froze on the first reboot. I then had to manually shut down the pc and start it up again. Fortunately, it picked up where I left off and finished the Windows 7 install.After I installed Windows 7, I have had no problems whatsoever expect for when I restart, as the system freezes at the point specified on the image above. However, if I shut down my computer and then start it up, everything loads fine.

Here are my specs:

AMD Phenom II Black Edition dual core 3.2 ghz CPU (all four cores unlocked, overclocked at 3.8 ghz)
HIS Radeon HD 4670 GPU
BIOSTAR T A870+ mobo
Seagate Barracuda SATA 7,200 RPM 1TB HD
4 gigs G.SKILL DDR3 240-pin RAM

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Windows 7 Always Freezes On Restart, But Starts Up Fine After Shutdown?

Nov 15, 2012

Windows 7 always freezes on restart, but starts up fine after shutdown

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Initial Windows Screen Before Login Screen And Freezes / Then Sends Into Startup Repair

Mar 28, 2012

As of about 3 days ago my Dell Inspiron N7010 (Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit) fails to boot up. It gets to the initial Windows screen before the login screen and freezes, then sends me into Startup Repair. [code] I've tried running the diagnostics and get no error codes. I've tried restore points, memory diagnostics.. pretty much everything except factory image, with no success. I have a lot of government programs installed on this laptop, so.

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Add Shutdown To Lock Screen

Aug 23, 2009

anyone know how to do this, as it be a lot easier to have the shutdown menu there also and not having to click switch user.

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BSOD After Black Screen Right Before Shutdown?

Sep 11, 2012

When I shutdown, right near the end the screen goes black as one would expect and then for a fraction of a second I get BSOD and it will restart and let me know that it BSOD'ed. It's a new install of windows 7 on a new PC that is working well under stress testing. And i haven't messed with much but xbmc and some light overclocking without voltage changes. I've uninstalled anything recent and some tuners that the mobo manu had on their support page.

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Start Up Windows 7 Screen And Then It Freezes On This Screen?

Nov 4, 2011

Acer Aspire AS5741-5763 15.6" Laptop (2.26 GHz Intel Core i3-350M Mobile Processor, 4 GB RAM, 320 GB Hard Drive, Super-Multi Drive, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit) Mesh Blackmy acer laptop gets to the start up windows screen and then it freezes on this[URL]his is a picture of how it freezes)

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Computer Shutdown When AFK?

Oct 29, 2012

Im running on windows 7 professional, i5 cpu, 8gb ramcomputer is fine when i am using it, but when i leave it for long periods time such that it goes into sleep, it automatically shuts down, and when i turn it on again it says my computer did not shut downproperly and i get to chose whether to normal start up or go into safe mode

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Remote Shutdown Button From Locked Screen

Nov 3, 2009

how can i remove shutdown (red button) from the locked computer screen (brought by pressing Windows+L key)..

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Prevent Screen-shutdown When Switching User?

Sep 23, 2011

Is there a way that i can prevent the computer from turning off the screen while switching user? My screen reacts really slow when it gets turned off, then on again by the computer, so its just turns black for ages.

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PC Does Not Shutdown Blue Screen Appears After Turning Off

Dec 16, 2011

I cant restart my dell vostro 400 every time I turn it off or restart it a blue screen appears system fans are still working. My PC is vostro 400 dell 3.0 c2d e8400 4gb of ram 250gb of hard drive.

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Windows 7 Hangs At Shutdown Screen For Several Minutes

Jan 4, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium hangs for a prolonged period of time at the shutdown screen. It normally takes a few seconds only, but it now begins to hang for several minutes at the shutdown screen.

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