Windows 7 Won't Start, Always Ends Up At Window Recovery Error Screen

Oct 27, 2012

I have a dell desktop computer with windows 7. As soon as you turn it on it goes straight to the "windows error recovery" screen where it has the option to either start system recovery or start windows normally. If I choose system recovery, it just gets stuck on a screen that looks similar to the backround of the loggin screen, but it's just the backround and my mouse. It will stay on this screen for hours until I turn it off. If I start windows normally, it will have the regular "starting windows" screen then it will flash back to the "windows error recovery" screen. If I try booting into safe mode, or loading the last good configuration, it will always bring me back to "windows error recovery". I have the 2 recovery disks I made when the computer was first bought, but when those are inserted, nothing happens and I'm not sure how to open them, it just always ends up at the "windows error recovery" screen. This computer is only about a year old and I have no idea what to do. I just need it to start up again.

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On Blank Screen No Error Messages Won't Start From Recovery Disk

Oct 17, 2012

My toshiba satellite wont start. goes straight to blank screen with flashing mouse no cursor. on blank screen no error messages wont start from recovery disk

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Windows 7 Error Recovery Screen?

Sep 17, 2012

I have been experiencing a problem that has occurred out of nowhere on my HP TouchSmart Tx2-1377nr laptop. I'll go step by step on what happens when I turn it on:1.Standard Boot Screen occurs.2."Windows Error Recovery" Screen. On this screen I have two options, launch startup repair or start windows normally.2a. If I start the startup repair it shows a loading files screen then I am met with the backround of my login screen. No user accounts are shown and all I can control from this screen is my cursor. After a couple seconds, a command prompt window flashes and disappears and from there on I'm stuck on this screen till I unplug the battery or emergency shut off.2b. If I start windows normally the 4 color loading animation starts. Then the computer just bluescreens, and restarts and I'm sent back to step 1.I've tried a lot of things. I've started it in safe mode, done every option off F8, done a lot with my BIOS, and tried reinstalling windows off the windows installation disk. When I try to install windows off the disk, it holds me on the setting up installation screen with the same backround as step 2a.

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Stuck On "Window's Recovery Error/Restart" Loop

Apr 27, 2012

I've recently purchased a pre-made desktop. Upon arrival and start up today- I got the window's recovery error screen stating that hardware/software changes may be at fault. I have only the basics plugged in-I have tried unplugging them all and making sure all connections are secure, trying my old graphics card, and even dropping the ram down to 2gb. I cannot start in safe mode, nor window's normally. Whatever I choose, it goes to the window loading screen with the little orbs for about 10 seconds and restarts my computer. And ends up going to the recovery screen again. I have a reinstallation cd, but it wont read it.

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Windows Error Recovery Screen Keeps Coming Back

Dec 23, 2011

My mothers Dell running Windows 7 has a problem where, soon after powerup, the screen goes to a Windows Error Recovery screen featuring two options, either A) Launch Startup Repair, or B) Start Windows Normally. If A is chosen, then it goes to a screen which says, Loading files at the bottom with a loading bar, then when the bar is full, the screen returns right back to the Windows Error Recovery screen. The same with starting normally.

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Error Recovery Screen Appears During Windows 7 Clean Install To SSD

Apr 29, 2012

I'm weeks of spasmodic attempts into replacing my old C-drive with a new SSD and a clean install of Windows 7, 32 bit. Here's the current loop: Following Sandisk's instructions on formatting SSD for use as OS with Win 7:

1) I verify BIOS - SATA is (as before) set to ACHI
2) I place Windows 7 upgrade disc in drive, hoping to use "Option 1 - normal clean install" (from Clean Install with a Upgrade Windows 7 Version )
3) I get "Windows Error Recovery" screen, stating "windows did not shut down normally" (white text on black screen), with two options - start normally, or startup repair.

- if I select "start normally," it merely returns (after a minute or two) to the same Error Recovery screen after some POSTs (nothing other than single-beep) - no request for my input, no "press any key," etc.
- if I select default ("startup repair") option load: "Windows cannot repair this computer automatically" ultimately results after a lot of attempting to repair, etc.

PC will still run Ok from old HD when connected, and shows the SSD in Disk Management with a "System Reserved" 100 MB (F) partition along with a 112GB (E) partition. I keep thinking I need to wipe those and try again, but not sure how or if that's even worth trying. I did have the same SSD up and running Win 7 for a brief time - didn't start at some point afterwards...

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Freeze Start Up Screen To Copy Error Message?

Jan 25, 2012

How do i freeze my Windows -7 screen to copy a error message? It goes by so fast?

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BSoD After Windows 7 Start Up Window

Dec 9, 2012

I went to the toilet for 5 minutes and when I came back, my computer was off so I tried restarting it and this happened. Its my custom built PC. Its been fine for a few months but a few weeks ago, It said before start up: SATA3G_6 Hard Disk:S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, backup and replace. I don't know whats happened.

Problem Event Signature: StartupRepairOffline
Problem Signature 01:
Problem signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 0
Problem Signature 05: unknown
Problem Signature 06: 01
Problem Signature 07: unknown
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

I've not created a back up or a disk image file so It better not wipe the memory.

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System Recovery Options Window Doesn't Appear

Sep 1, 2012

Problem 1: Computer wont boot past logo screen

Problem 2:System Recovery Options window doesn't appear. The little box with command prompt, startup repair, etc doesn't come up at all. Tried 2 separate repair disk and repair your computer in the advance boot options list, still no luck, pc still wont boot and recovery options are still not appearing on screen. Also I have waited over an hour for it to show.

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Can't Start Start-up Repair, Keeps Starting Recovery Management

Sep 3, 2012

I have an error that system32/hall.DLL is missing so I put in my windows 7 DVD ( I Have 4 DVDs for my windows, gateway, I always put the first one) so I could start start-up repair but when the windows files is loaded it keeps starting recovery mangment which gives me options to recover my hard drive to factory defaults (ie delete files on c and reinstall windows) ,why I don't get options to choose startup repair, how can I get it to start start-up repair?

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Emachines E525 Stuck In Recovery Maintenance Window?

Dec 16, 2011

I tried to reload the original factory format using f8/alt (due to virus). When it rebooted it went to "emachines recovery maintenance" window and inside the window said "please wait a moment". I went back several hours later and it still had the same message. I then purchased the reformat software from emachines website. I put the system disk software in the dvd drive and rebooted the system, hit f12 on the splash screen and it still gives me the same window and message. Is my hard drive fried or is there something else I can do to correct?

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Disc ASUS Recovery Error 1029, Cannot Boot Into That Recovery Partition

Jun 23, 2012

I've gotten to the point where I need to just reinstall windows completely on my Asus G74SX (too many problems, I want to start fresh.). I encounter an error 1029 with Asus's recovery disks that I made when I had windows working: it says it is recovering all the way to 100% then doesnt work. I am in the process of trying it again so I'll see if it actually managed to wipe my hard drive like it said it was doing, and maybe if it did actually work and reinstall windows.However, I'd like to be able to get into the recovery partition because I would prefer restoring it with Asus as they recommend me to. However, when I hit F9, their target to get there, it doesn't do anything and just reloads the boot screen, with the Asus logo on it. I don't have an actual Wndows recovery CD so that's not an option, and at this point since my hard drive has likely been wiped by these recovery DVDs, I don't think going into Ubuntu and fixing the MBR will do me much good anymore.It may be worth noting that before I last restarted, I marked the Windows partition as active because of a tutorial here, making it so that recovery partition isn't active anymore.

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Can Recovery Possible After Installing A Pirated Window In Sony Vaio Laptop

Dec 14, 2012

Can recovery possible after installing a pirated window in sony vaio laptop

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Windows 7 Start-Up Repair Completes But Window Fails To Boot?

Dec 14, 2012

After rebooting my system, it recommended that i do a start up repair. After the repair completed i recieved the black screen right before choosing USER , so i tried 3x more to repair which each completed but same outcome till the point it just says cant repair automatically . Then i tried to system restore which failed also , but the catch is my system boots fine from Safe Mode.

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Window's Won't Start Normally

Aug 24, 2012

My drivers all seem to be up to date and the computer used to work fine, we've tried reinstalling windows (once or twice) and the same problem still continues. Also tried replacing the C: drive with another harddrive which had Windows Ultimate on it, this worked for a while but then went back to the screen that is the problem. Safe Mode works but once I start normally it starts up but then at the end of the flashing of the windows logo it says "Not Supported" on the monitor and you cannnot start it normally. I tried Microsoft's "Fix It" help option and came up with "The current video card driver isn't compatible with the Windows Display Driver Model" The graphics card is Asus EAH5870 (ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series), Asus P7P55D Motherboard and I am also running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk (usb) Won't Start

Dec 4, 2012

I had a external hard drive that was no longer recognized by windows. I have an old(er) desktop without a hard drive sitting around so I plopped the corrupt drive into it (SATA2)

I have a bootable usb drive with the windows installation disk that I want to use to run chkdsk on the drive. When I start the computer I get the usual "windows loading files" with grey status bar then the "starting windows" splash screen. Then the screen goes black and I can hear the mechanical drive spinning in my case.

why I can't get the installation/recovery disk to fully load? I have tried booting without the hard drive connected and I am able to get to the windows 7 recovery console running. Boot order is set to boot from usb first

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Task Scheduler Ends Unexpectedly

Sep 13, 2012

I have set up Task Scheduler to execute batch programs using a programming language known as SAS. Normally things work properly, the task ends as expected, and a log file is created. Today, the task ended unexpectedly (actually, I know why, I set the task to end after 30 minutes, because the task shouldn't take more than about 2 minutes). The problem is that the log file that is being written by this program is now locked, and I cannot delete it or move it edit it. Other files used in this task have the same problem. If I try to delete it, I get the Windows message that says: "The action can't be completed because the file is open in SAS" (even though SAS is no longer open because the task has ended). This is completely repeatable, this has happened several times now, with identical results.

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Install Update During Shutdowns, Never Ends?

Jul 18, 2012

When I turn off my computer, it often says "please do not unplug or power off your machine, installing update 1 of 1".The message stays on for ever, and the actual update seems to materialize. Keyboard hits have no effect. I need to pull the power cable and re-start !What can I do to stop this from happening?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up (System Recovery Options)

Dec 16, 2009

Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on my computer and everything worked perfect the internet, music, etc... The problem is that when i resterted some screen said: System Recovery Options and I couldn't use the computer so installed W-7 again but now I'm afraid to shut down my computer because I don't want to re-install it again and again. What can I do to no get the System recovery options screen. My computer is a Gateway.

This is what the System Recovery Options screen says:
1. Select language
2. Select an [COLOR=#0072bc !important][COLOR=#0072bc !important]operating [COLOR=#0072bc !important]system[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] to repair and click Next. (I clicked Windows 7)
3. Password
4. (Then the screen) SYSTEM RECOVERY OPTIONS which includes the options of doing Startup Repair, System Restore, Windows Complete PC Restore, Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool, [COLOR=#0072bc !important][COLOR=#0072bc !important]Command [COLOR=#0072bc !important]Prompt[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], Recovery Manager.

I've done it 3 times and it doesn't work. and I'm getting tired of re-installing.

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Windows 7 Startup Recovery Wont Start?

Nov 6, 2012

I have a windows 7 home premuim laptop with 4gb ram from compaq (Model Compaq Presario CQ62) i use it mainly for gaming but recently when i trid to install The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 10th aniversary my computer restarted during the process and i was asked to boot up normally or use start up repair i choose normal then after a while it reset and asked me the same question. i choose startup repair and after 45 minutes

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Windows 7 Will Not Start, System Recovery Has Not Worked

Dec 23, 2012

Windows 7 will not start, System recovery has not worked

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After A Few Hours Gaming Next Boot Ends In BSOD

Nov 14, 2011

I am strugling with frequent BSOD.After a few hours of playing (FPS) at the next boot I get BSOD, corrupt registry, memory management error, etc, various stop codes. Windows repair cant help.What usually helps is: i.e: remove one stick of memory (no matter which one) or adjust memory timing (no matter which direction), or reload previous system image.After Windows 7 is started again everything is fine, I can put back the memory stick and I can play again hours.Sometimes, if I let system repairs to do its job then at the end I get a lot of corrupted files a lot of chkdsk fix, then some application does not start because of memory address violation error the end is always a system image reload.I tested the memories with memtest86+ (4 hours) and nothing (if everything was ok before) but when the BSOD starts I got errors if both stick in it, no errors with single stick. [code]

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Windows 7 Hangs On Start Screen And Cannot Run Start Up Repair

Nov 3, 2012

My dell n5030 laptop isnt getting past the windows start up screen. It boots up fine up to the part where the four balls become the windows logo, but then freezes there everytime. When i try to select the windows start up repair it blacks out the screen and I cant do anything.

I know its not a faulty hard drive because its newly fitted and this problem occured previously on a different hard drive aswell.

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Cannot Start Windows 7 In Safe Mode Or Use Recovery Function

Apr 15, 2011

I cannot start my windows 7 in safe more or use recovery function. Problem happened after windows 7 update, then after restart windows defender asked me to restart again, and then blue screen or auto restart forever. I would like to disable or uninstall windows defender as i can access the command prompt but I can't find how to do? How to uninstall windows latest update with command prompt?

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Windows 7 Recovery - Empty Start Menu Folders

Jun 5, 2011

I followed this thread [URL]to restore the items of the start menu. :thumbup2: However, I still have this isse of the folders in the All Programs section being empty.

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Window Screen Bigger Than Monitor Screen

Feb 12, 2010

i find that my windows and desktop are bigger than my screen

how do i sort out the problem?

i have a 19 wide screen 1440 x 940

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Unable To Start .jar File As A Window Service

Jul 8, 2012

I've a jar file which contains a very simple program of displaying "Hello" message in the console.I've pasted the code at the end of this thread.I want to run this jar file as a windows service.This service gets started without any hiccup,However,It simply wouldn't start the service.

I've tried running this service as using NET and Sc command.But in vain.Below is the error i'm facing C:Windowssystem32>sc start MajaService [SC] StartService FAILED with error 193.

Further, as a workaround I created a .bat file for executing this .jar file and again tried creating a window service for this .bat file,In this event i get the followingh error:

[SC] StartService FAILED 1053:

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

and below is my program:
class Hello implements Runnable


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All Programs & Start Menu Empty After Windows 7 Recovery Virus

Jun 5, 2011

my entire sunday has been consumed by this virus....I followed instructions on another topic but have not been successful in restoring my programs menu.

here is my log:

SystemLook 04.09.10 by jpshortstuff
Log created at 20:37 on 05/06/2011 by owner
Administrator - Elevation successful


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Windows 7 Home X64 SP1 Repair Disc - Unable To Start Recovery

Nov 10, 2011

I have successfully created a Windows 7 Repair Disc using the "Create a system repair disc" from Control_Panel->Backup_and_Restore

When I attempt to reboot, using the Repair Disc I have just created, everything appears to work - Loads files, Windows wavy flag, etc. however; just as I am about to get into the real stuff I receive the following message:

This version of System Recovery Options is not compatible with the version of Windows you are trying to repair.

This is exactly the ssame message I get if I boot from the original Window 7 DVD and elect Repair option

This is really important to me as when I use F8 during Post I do not have the options to repair the system here either and it freaks me a bit to be unable to repair the system should anything happen

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Remote Desktop Control Ends When User Presses Ctrl Alt Del

May 16, 2011

I have a Windows 7 network set up and whenever I connect remotely to another computer and lock their input such as their keyboard and mouse, the remote user still has the ability to press ctrl alt del, which then allows them to use their keyboard and mouse. My question is, is it possible to disable the ctrl alt del functionality in Windows 7 so that that Blue security screen does not appear? I have tried lots of remote desktop controlling software which has the option to lock the remote computer input, but they still can press ctrl alt del and unlock their keyboard and mouse. How do I stop this?

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Window Too Big For The Screen / Hide A Part Of The Windows Over The Top Border?

Apr 7, 2012

I have been encountering a problem with a small netbook which has a 1024 x 600 screen resolution. The problem is that the window of some application is un-resizable ( I've also tried to download a small registery hack which makes it possible to resize un-resizable windows, but it seems like it won't work with that one)So, as you know, it is possible to partially hide a window on the left, right and bottom borders of the screen, but it is impossible on the top border, where the window would just go down again (while it can't be maximized though ).Is there any way to make it possible to hide a part of the windows over the top border so I can see the bottom of the window ?

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