Window Too Big For The Screen / Hide A Part Of The Windows Over The Top Border?

Apr 7, 2012

I have been encountering a problem with a small netbook which has a 1024 x 600 screen resolution. The problem is that the window of some application is un-resizable ( I've also tried to download a small registery hack which makes it possible to resize un-resizable windows, but it seems like it won't work with that one)So, as you know, it is possible to partially hide a window on the left, right and bottom borders of the screen, but it is impossible on the top border, where the window would just go down again (while it can't be maximized though ).Is there any way to make it possible to hide a part of the windows over the top border so I can see the bottom of the window ?

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How To Hide Or Move ALT+TAB Dialog To Another Part Of The Screen

Jan 25, 2011

I would like to hide the ALT+TAB dialog, but I don't want disable it.

Or... If it is possible I would like move ALT+TAB dialog from center of the screen to the lower right corner of screen and reduce size of this dialog.

I'm recording part of my desktop and I do not want to be recorded this dialog.

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When It Loads Desktop, There Is A Tiny Window In The Top-lefthand Part Of Screen?

Feb 21, 2012

I've been experiencing this strange thing happening with my windows 7 startup. When it loads my desktop, there is a tiny window in the top-lefthand part of my screen. And when I open task manager it's named window1, I can close it and my computer still runs fineBut I'm just curious if anybody else has encountered this problem or knows how to stop it from opening every time I boot

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Dragging Title-bar Of Window Moves Border Separately

Nov 21, 2011

When I click and drag on the title-bar of a window the window border moves to the new location then when I release the mouse the window springs into the re-located border.This has only started to happen after I changed the partition size of my c: drive. Obviously, some setting has been changed and I have no idea as to how to reset it.

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Drag Top Border Line Of Taskbar Downwards To Hide Taskbar?

Aug 20, 2011

Is there a method/hack or a 3rd-party program that allows the user to hide the taskbar by dragging its top border line downwards, after un-locking the taskbar? I remember I could do that under Win9x.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Black Screen, White Blinking Border

Jun 14, 2010

I tried Linux yesterday, and wrote over my previous Windows bootloader files with GRUB.

I later that day (as I could not boot into Windows 7), I deleted the Linux partitions with Windows 7 DVD. Now, after BIOS I just get a white blinking border on a black screen.

I tried

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbdc
bootrec /scanos (Total identified Windows-installs: 0)

I also tried the "automatic" systemrepair (1st choice in the DVD menu, with no luck)

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Screen Resolution Change, Border Around Screen, Etc

Jun 30, 2012

for the past month i have had an issue where before the log in screen would show, it would be a blank screen with a cursor, that i could move. (It worked normal in safe mode) I normally would just ignore this problem and it seemed to go back to normal after a little while. Well yesterday it didn't go away, so i went online looking for a solution, in safe mode. I've read to disable/enable drivers, re-install drivers, just plenty of things. And the result of all this is that my screen resolution wont go back to normal, and there is a black border around my screen, around a half inch. Also, my computer has been running EXTREME slow lately.

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Black Border Around The Screen?

Oct 12, 2012

I seriously don't know what happened to my computer recently. Yesterday I was trying to boot my computer in safe mode and when I turn on computer in normal mode, it showed a black border around the screen. I tried to check my setting(resolution and graphic card setting but still, the problem exists) My resolution is 1366 by 768 which is the native resolution and my graphic card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M. The border is about 1cm think, it is around the whole screen and my screen size is 14.1inch.

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How To Hide Window's Title And Icon

Jul 27, 2011

I wanna hide this: How can i do it?

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Hide Titlebar And Window Borders?

Sep 2, 2012

Is there a way to completely hide titlebars and window borders on all windows?

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Display And Hide Window Slow?

May 25, 2012

When I open or close the application, it slowly?

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Magnify Part Of Screen Permanently

Nov 25, 2009

I like the Windows gadgets, but many of them are too darn small for me to use (like most of the CPU meters). Are there any programs that will let you magnify certain parts of the screen permanently?

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Start Up Screen Skips - Or Is That Part Of It?

Oct 23, 2009

when the windows logo appears it makes a design and then says windows, but right before your desktop or username pops up it does a little skip. i can't explain it, but near the symbol it looks like it has a little blue line. Anyone know what im talking about. maybe u have to just look closely. its like a stutter, but its very minimal. Im assuming my 7 is installed correctly everythin works fine all my updates updated and everything im just wondering why it does that. is that part of the intro?

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Hide An Account On Welcome Screen?

Apr 9, 2011

losing access to your Administrators account I figured now would be a good time to setup a secondary FULL Administrators account. I have done that.

But what I'm looking to do is HIDE that secondary account from the welcome screen and if I need it hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to get to the old style log on screen and type in the secondary user name and password.

In XP it was easy to hide user accounts from showing on the Welcome screen with the Powertoys add on. I'm not finding it that easy in 7. In fact most of what I have read states that the only way to do this it to set the account as NOT ACTIVE. I don't want to do that. I want it active I just don't want to see it on the Welcome screen.

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Hide An Account From The Welcome Screen?

Jul 8, 2011

how would I do it? The account would still be usable for it's privileges, granting access for standard users when necessarily, but not be visible at logon.

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Hide User Account On Log-on Screen?

Oct 30, 2012

As the title implies, how can i hide user account on log-on screen and useCtrl+Alt+Del key to unhide the hidden user account like on Windows XP..

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Hide Admin Account At The Start Up Screen

Jan 26, 2012

I am using a windows 7 Home prem. 64bit I want a computer with no administrator privilege. The start up screen should only show one standard account. There should be no other account to see when I start up the PC.

And when the standard account wants a admin privilege, a box should appear where I can type in the password.

What I tried was activating the default administrator account by "net user administrator /active:yes". After setting the password I deactivated the admin account inorder to hide it at the start up screen. But when the "standard account" wanted to use the admin privilege it asked for the password with no field to type it into. Apparently disabling the administrator account means; not able to use the admin password either. I had to restart the PC in "Safe Mode Command Prompt", go into the admin account, activate the admin account(net user administrator /active:yes), restart the PC and so on.....

Long story short; I don't want to have the admin account to be like "IN YOUR FACE" when ever the user "STARTS UP" this computer.

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How To Hide Other User Icons At Login Screen

Mar 14, 2012

I am the primary user of my computer and would like to see only my icon at the Sign On screen. There are 2 other infrequent users and I would like to hide their icons and just show mine. Recently on two occasions when I booted up the Sign On screen had only my icon and I was pleasantly surprised. I was not aware this was even possible, and still do not know what I did to make this happen. It seems to me that there is a way to adjust the software to make this happen at every boot up. I spent hours seaching this site but could not find any information on how to accomplish this.

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Hide The Administrator Account At The Login Screen

Sep 25, 2009

I have 3 accounts, plus an administrator login (in an educational environment).

Does anyone know how to hide the Administrator account on the login screen but keep it enabled?

I found this article, but it doesn't achieve what I was hoping for.

Displaying only 1 user at the login screen.

And why doesn't crtl-alt-del not work anymore at the login screen?

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Password Protecting Boot Screen Menu And Hide OS Disk

Apr 6, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to

a) change the text on the Windows 7 boot screen in a multi boot situation from "Previous Version of Windows" to "Windows XP" for instance.

b) To actually password protect the menu so that only a certain user could boot into a particular OS .

I don't really want to use a 3rd party boot manager - but of course I suppose the other philosphy is if a user is not authorised to a particular application then why show it on the menu as a possible choice.

There should be some way of getting a logon prompt at boot and depending on the users privilege level display the boot options.

Another question -- On Windows 7 the XP partition is hidden (in Windows explorer).

On XP the Windows 7 system files are "viewable" as a separate disk drive. I like the hidden partition idea much better as the OS shouldn't be aware of the other OS.

This to me seems a not very good idea to allow the possibility of "tampering" with system files - especially by a previous version of an OS.

I could almost understand it if Windows 7 showed the XP system disk but not the other way round.

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Hide/Un-hide Button In Notification Area?

Aug 22, 2011

The hide/unhide arrows on my taskbar have disappeared and I can't figure out how to get them back. I went to properties and clicked on unhide inactive icons, but I still have the same 3 showing and none of my other ones.

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Window Screen Bigger Than Monitor Screen

Feb 12, 2010

i find that my windows and desktop are bigger than my screen

how do i sort out the problem?

i have a 19 wide screen 1440 x 940

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Yellow Border And Tint On Windows Live Photo Gallery

Jul 5, 2011

Suddenly I have a yellow border around windows live photo gallery, and the photos have a yellow tint to them. This has happened in the last week and I have done a search, but not come up with any solution.

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Windows 7 Won't Start, Always Ends Up At Window Recovery Error Screen

Oct 27, 2012

I have a dell desktop computer with windows 7. As soon as you turn it on it goes straight to the "windows error recovery" screen where it has the option to either start system recovery or start windows normally. If I choose system recovery, it just gets stuck on a screen that looks similar to the backround of the loggin screen, but it's just the backround and my mouse. It will stay on this screen for hours until I turn it off. If I start windows normally, it will have the regular "starting windows" screen then it will flash back to the "windows error recovery" screen. If I try booting into safe mode, or loading the last good configuration, it will always bring me back to "windows error recovery". I have the 2 recovery disks I made when the computer was first bought, but when those are inserted, nothing happens and I'm not sure how to open them, it just always ends up at the "windows error recovery" screen. This computer is only about a year old and I have no idea what to do. I just need it to start up again.

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Border Disappears When Pasting Into Outlook?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm trying to paste an MS Word Document in Windows 7 with a Page Border into Outlook and the Border disappears. I've tried Googling and nobody seems to have this problem. I've tried Control A to Copy Text Control C to Copy All & Control V to Paste & the Border disappears. The recipient is requesting a Word Document as opposed to putting it in Notepad.

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Smaller Border Folder Selection

May 31, 2012

is there any way to change the invisible border when selecting a file to just the size of the folder or what Xp Was also is there any .dll i can copy from Xp to make it possible to arrange them in the order i want

[------------------------] <<<<<<<< ultra huge invisible border
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ [ folder ] ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

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Thumbnail Previews - Change Border

Dec 22, 2009

How to Change the Thumbnail Previews Border in Windows 7 ?

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How To Move Window Off The Top Screen?

Jan 22, 2013

I can't really explain it, cause my keyword lead me to Alt+Space+M.

It's different because the way it works just different. In Ubuntu, You can Hold down ALT Button and drag a window whenever you want to go. (This kind of ability I want to talk about)

I encountered some installer like AutoCAD, even with full resolution of my laptop (1920x1080) The window still show 90% of it, which is bad because the important button are on the bottom like [Next] [Cancel] [Install] [Finish], etc. I tried to drag it to the top, but Windows 7 won't let me do that. Also, the installation screen doesn't have ability to Maximize.

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Aero Border Effects On Dual Monitor

Oct 18, 2009

Just wondering if its possible to have the border effect on each side of the screen with dual monitors. Mine are only on the far right and far left, no middle as it seems logical if you have 2 monitors you might want to have 50% coved with one window and have the 2nd 50% with another window, then you could full screen a 3rd window or just have 2 more halves. but the current way it works is 2 halves then a big empty space in the middle or 2 full screens.

I love the easy and quick way to organize/resize the windows but its very inconvenient to do this manually for half of the screen.

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When Any Screen Maximized Cannot Seen Bottom Of The Window

Jul 30, 2012

I cannot seen the bottom of the screen or window(full window or bottom tab) when it is maximized. I am facing this problem since two days,earlier it ok( i use to see full window when it is maximized).

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Enlarge Password Window On Welcome Screen

Sep 16, 2009

Anyone know if one can enlarge the window for entering a password on the welcome screen?

Possibly due to my screen resolution settings, the login area for my password is quite small. Once the password is entered and the system finishes booting - everything is the size I like - which is on the larger side since I tend to sit relaxed and away from the 20" screen.

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