Windows 7 Fast Cloning And Booting From Multiple Partitions?

Jul 21, 2011

So what I do now is:1) Delete "DosDevicesC:" in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMMountedDevices" and some other DosDevices that will have an other letter booting the clone.2) Using the free MiniTool from, I delete a partition I don't need anymore and clone the one running in it. PS: PartitionWizard will reboot and clone it unless I copy an other not active partition (previous clone) which can not have been booted yet so "DosDevicesC:" is still absent.3) Now I need to run "bcdboot f:windows /s f:" in a cmd/dos-window or batchfilewhere "f:" is the new created clone. Or use EasyBCD.4) Then I also use the free version of to be able to hide and protect the other not needed clones or original partition when booting and using a clone.

So I don't really need the BCD bootmanager from Windows 7. It gives only more things do to to prepare the cloned partition. I even don't need the "DosDevicesC:" in the registry, because I need to take it out before cloning. Is there a way to skip or delete the BCD and boot into the only not hidden active partition called C:, which will have any other serialnumber?Is there a way to keep "DosDevicesC:" out of the registry or change it after making a clone-copy. Maybe be able to change the registry from a non active partition with a simple batchfile. Or maybe even have "DosDevicesC:" be deleted everytime when windows is booting before it is automaticly been rewritten into the registry with the active partition?

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Microsoft Tool For Windows 7 64 Bit Fast Booting

Mar 18, 2011

I have dell desktop inspiron 580, i5, 4 gb ram and 500 gb hard disk and my permanent problem is, inspite of changing hard disk, mother board and ram, the computer freezes at ms logo level and does not ever go further. Then the ceremonial tapping of F8 and hitting 'start up windows normally' 4/5 times (sometimes more) after a bit of suspense, suddenly it gets into the welcome sign and goes on. How long can I continue like this? My manufacturers are most willing to change the parts under my present warranty, but I do not think that is the permanent solution for this. I have run the 'win 7 recovery media' disk given to me many times to go back to the factory set up, then installed the McAfee, Skype and Adobe flash player which are required for my use as usual that is all.

Then as usual the reminder for dell, java and McAfee updates come up, I click it to give permission that is all. Even after the McAfee download (it is asking for restarting the computer) it never restarts for my click and freezes at the ms logo level, as if it loves the logo very much and is attached to it permanently. Again start tapping F8 and by chance I get the booting just in case. All partitions in my computer are totally empty and in C only it is showing 93.1 gb free out of 117 gb. I have only the preloaded factory set up only. I am even afraid of downloading movie downloading software of Bittorrent although widely recommended.

I am 70 year old, non technical, using my computer for movies online streaming (no downloading), email and skype viewing with my contacts only. I always delete address bars before shutting down, never click sites asking for mail id or pass words.

I read a lot of answers in the website (all subsequent letters/answers are contradicting the prior ones) and nothing seems to effective (some I have tried). The start up booting I think is a universal problem and win 7 64 bit has no breakthrough method for this.If I use the full hard disk like a software professional, would it be different or worse!

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Windows 7 Pro Multiple Existing Partitions

Sep 27, 2012

I have a 6 month old Samsung ultraportable that has developed Windows problems and I am trying to re-install Windows 7 Pro. The history is that Windows 7 Home Premium came pre-installed, and I upgraded to 7 Pro right after I bought it, with no problems. Everything has been great until the last 2 weeks when the laptop would not start. After trying multiple times to recover, including the Windows recovery disc and Samsung's internal recovery options, I have given up and am now attempting a clean, fresh re-install. I have already done this once (yesterday) and I am having the same non-start problems.

In an attempt to do this in a truly clean way, I want to wipe out everything that might be leftover. My question is how to do this, particularly regarding the partitions that are already setup on the laptop. Here are the partitions that setup is finding:

Disk 0 Partition 1, 10.6 GB/0.0 MB free; "Primary"
Disk 0 Partition 1, 4.3 GB/4.3 GB free; "OEM (Reserved)"
Disk 1 Partition 1, 100 MB/70 MB free; "System"
Disk 1 Partition 2, 446 GB/393 GB free; "Primary"
Disk 1 Partition 3, 19.7 GB/959 MB free; "OEM (Reserved)" - this one is also named "SAMSUNG_REC"

1. Should I leave all these partitions intact, or delete them and start over?

2. If I should leave them intact, into which partition should I install the fresh version of Windows 7 Pro?

3. What is your advice on whether other partitions should be set up for A) programs, and B) data (documents, photos, music, etc)?

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Any Way To Get Windows 7 Backup To Use Multiple Devices / Partitions?

Jul 3, 2012

I finally gave up on Backup My PC and went to Win 7 backup, but my external drive does not hold more than 2 backup cycles' worth of data. I'd like to use excess space (in a separate partition) on a 2 TB internal drive to offload some backups, but I can find no way of doing this.

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Multiple Windows 7 OS Linked To Sealed Off Partitions?

Aug 16, 2010

I want to create three Windows 7 OS on a disk partitioned into three primaries. I would like these individual OS not to be able to reach each other during use. Sealed off from each other so to speak. Is this possible? The second disk I have partitioned into three, each partition I want to link to each individual OS and have them sealed off from eachother as well. Is this possible?

disk 1 OS 1 --> disk 2 partition 1.
disk 1 OS 2 --> disk 2 partition 2.
disk 1 OS 3 --> disk 2 partition 3.

Can these 3 systems with their corresponding linked partition on disk 2 be completely sealed off from each other?

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Booting From An External HDD, 3 Partitions And 3 OS's?

Feb 16, 2013

I work with three kinds of computers. One is on my desktop, new windows 7, dual core, that I use for lesson planning. The second are the computers in the classrooms. I am guessing that they are all almost identical, xp purchased 4 years ago. The third is a server used in the computer lab. I would like to buy an external hd and partition it 3 ways - and install win 7 (english) while it is hooked up to my desktop, install xp (english) while it is hooked up to one of the classroom computers and then install another OS while it is hooked up to the server. I want to be able to connect the hd to the computer, power it on and choose either either partition d:, e: or f: depending on the computer it is hooked up to. I know that I can boot from an external hd but I have never tried putting 3 OS, one to each partition, on an external HD.

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Creating Multiple Partitions On A SSD?

Mar 19, 2012

If you create 2 partitions on a hard drive and copy a LARGE file from one partition to the other the copy is very slow with lots of head movement.I wonder if there is the same overhead/concept with an SSD?Yes I do realise an SSD is memory but I want to know if you partition an SSD and copy from one partition to the other is there a corresponding degradation? Considering interface turn around etc?Or, in other words, if you copy from one partition of an SSD to another partition on the same SSD will it be as fast as copying from one SSD to another completely separate identical SSD?

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Clone HD To New HD With Multiple Partitions?

Sep 11, 2011

I have Ghost 15 with windows 7 home premimum. I am upgrading my HD on my laptop. To a bigger HD. I can create the individual images but I can not restore onto the new HD.

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Dual Booting With Partitions In General

Dec 24, 2010

i am dual booting 7 64 bit and ubuntu linux,i was wondering if anyone has any issues with this type of setup or just with partitions in general

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Have Multiple Recovery Partitions, Which To Delete

Aug 30, 2012

i was setting up my new laptop to be a dual boot machine (W7 + Ubuntu) but got an error message that i was already at the maximum number of partitions on my HDD. there is my C drive, a G drive called data (19.53GB, containing recovery_dvd 1, 2, and 3 .iso's) and two recovery partitions ( 11GB and 100MB, the 100MB one says it is active. are both recovery drives and the G Data necessary? i burned what thought was a recovery disk when i got the computer, but looking back i think i accidently burned a system repair disk instead. i also have a backup on an external harddrive (it confirms it in the backup and restore window). 180GB in C drive so its too much to backup on to dvds at this point, unless that's what recovery_dvd iso's in G drive are for? they are small enough to burn, so i would be happy with doing that and removing both recovery partitions if necessary.

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Backing Up A HD With Multiple Partitions And Operating Systems?

Dec 4, 2011

I just finished setting up a triple-boot-system with Windows 7 and 2 Linux distros, and it got me thinking about the perils of making backups.Should I treat every individual partition as if it is it's own Hard Drive, meaning I only Image 1 partition at a time?Or should I image the whole drive as one, imaging all partitions?

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How To Make Multiple Partitions From Single Pre Partitioned Disk

Nov 11, 2012

I recently bought a dell inspiron 14r laptop. It came with windows 7 Home premium which was pre-installed. The problem with it is, the whole 640GB was allotted to a single drive C. I want to repartition the hard disk into 6 drives. But they didnot gave me the windows 7 installation disk or its serial. What should i do now? I had created the recovery discs using the manufacturer's recovery media.

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Creating Multiple Aligned Partitions On SSD With System Reserved Part

Sep 13, 2012

I'm about to install my new 256gb SSD. This will have 3 partitions;

100mb System reserved partition
80gb Windows OS partition
The rest will be used for VHDs

So, using disk part.. are these the correct commands in the correct sequence (Having unplugged my spinners first so diskpart only sees one drive

select disk 0
create partition primary size=100 align=1024
create partition primary size=80000
select partition 1
format quick fs=ntfs

Should I also be formatting the S/R partition? I will create the final partition via disk management when windows is installed. This will result in 3 partitions, all properly aligned etc. Yes? Or am I on some far off planet?

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The Video Moves So Fast As If They Are Fast Forwarded But The Voice Lag Behind?

Sep 17, 2012

I dont really trust what they say because when I checked the review.. its not that good.. so finally i plan to ask from this forum instead, hoping to get answers..What are the best VCD burning program you guys ever used? I want the one that can accept all types of video and convert it on its own and burn it... Easy to use is a must...I have tried the latest Nero but its not good at converting Mp4 files... because when i burned them... the video moves so fast as if they are fast forwarded but the voice lagg behind... there goes my CD wasted...And i have tried Ashampoo as well but they did not recognize mp4 files, only mpeg... i have video converter but what i want is one program to do it all.. drag the video to the program and all i have to do is wait til its done..hoping to get your replies soon.. any software will do... i prefer the simplest and easy to use.. it can be free or paid.. but if paid make sure its worth it

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Multiple BSODs After Booting From Hibernation

Nov 9, 2012

My Windows 7 Ultimate X64, on an E6510 pc experiences most the BSOD after it has booted in a morning after being hibernated the night before. The details of the BlueScreen description is:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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Cloning HD In Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2011

I am running W7/64 in a Dell Inspiron. I discovered that Windows Backup did not give me back my folders when I needed them and I don't want to use it again. In all previous OSs I have used Apricorn/Acronis which backed up from BIOS and produced an external HD copy which would boot automatically and restore the complete disk, or one could select folders and files to move back. Simple and elegant.

i searched for "clone" information in "Windows 7" and got information mostly for other XP, Vista, etc. But I did see that the free XXCLONE was mentioned and I would like to hear from anyone who has used XXClone in Windows 7 to report on its value, problems, etc.

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Windows 7 Corrupted After Cloning

Aug 12, 2010

I'm transfering all my data to a new hdd using gparted. My ubuntu partition went fine but my windows 7 is corrupted or broken. I tried twice to clone the partition but the new one is behaving oddly. url...first when windows starts theres nothing on the screen, i have to ctrl+alt+del and create a explorer.exe process, then I can't navigate because any attempt to enter "computer" or any explorer windows returns a warning with "no such interface supported". All my data is still there but is currently unusable.I really want to clone it because reinstalling everything is going to be too much time consuming.

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Cloning Windows 7 On SSD To Larger One

Jul 27, 2012

I originally did a fresh install of Windows 7 onto an SSD, which has now become too small. Using the Windows 7 utility today I created a system image onto an external standard hard drive. I'd like to restore the image onto my new, larger SSD. Is preparation such as alignment needed, or does going from one SSD to another take care of that? I'm assuming I can resize the active partition using Disk Management afterwards.

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Cloning Windows 7 Disk Signature?

Sep 19, 2011

I have used a linux live cd to create an exact image copy of a 320gb hdd on an external HDD by doing:

root@ubuntu:/media/backup# dd if=/dev/sda of=2011-09-19.img bs=32256
9922896+0 records in
9922896+0 records out
320072933376 bytes (320 GB) copied, 8851.48 s, 36.2 MB/s

Windows 7 ultimate is installed on that HDD. I just want this image so if the hdd fails i can buy a new hdd and restore the image to the new hdd.However is there some disk signature problem if i do this? Because the new hdd would have a different disk signature from the one of the old hdd. I have read that this can cause an error message during boot along the lines of 'The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.'. Do i have to manually edit the MBR using a hex editor to match the new hdd? How do i even find the correct signature of the new hdd?

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Windows 7 64 Bit Cloning On To Blank Hard Drive

Jul 29, 2012

I have this current set up on my computer: 250Gb HDD ( C drive) - contains windows 7 64 bit OS, steam and other files. 360Gb HDD ( D drive) - Partially deleted and defunct windows vista. Some games and files on.

I recently purchased a 3Tb internal HDD, and wish to create the following setup:

3Tb internal HDD (C Drive) - contains the 250 and 360 GB HDD's cloned onto it. 250 and 360 Gb HDD's - Completely wiped and used for backup and storage.

I would also like the 250 and 360 Gb HDD's to be recognised seperately, AS IF they were seperate drives, while remaining on the same 3Tb HDD.

I can only use free software. I also do not want a RAID setup.

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Cloning A Hard Drive With Windows 7 Installed?

Jun 11, 2012

My company clones hard drives for deploying our software (each software comes with a new computer and a new windows license). We clone the drive to avoid installing the mother board drivers, windows updates, sql server, etc etc each time. This worked great with Windows XP but with Windows 7 we get a boot error on the clone: "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem..." We are a small company and it really is a pain to re-install everything for each new release we do.

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Windows Won't Start After Cloning Hard Drive

Feb 1, 2011

i just cloned the OS hard drive in my computer from an 80GB to 160GB (both IDE) using acronis true image enterprise edition.

the clone process completed fine, but when i try to start the computer with the new hard drive plugged in (power and data cables disconnected from the old drive) i get the 'disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter' message when the OS is supposed to startup.

i booted to the windows 7 OS disc and chose the repair option which detected that there was a startup issue with the disk and apparently fixed it, but when i restarted the computer i still get the same error message. i also used the startup repair option from the windows OS disc but it didn't detect any issues.

the interesting thing is that i can boot the new hard drive while the OS disc is in the DVD drive, but if i take it out i get the message again. i've also tried changing the jumper settings on the hard drive (master/single to cable select) but that didn't make a difference.

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Multiple Users On Multiple Windows 7-64bit Systems?

Feb 13, 2013

We have three medical clinics and the front desk staff float from clinic to clinic depending on their schedule. I only started here a few months ago and I am working on upgrading their Dell xp systems to Windows 7 systems.The problem begins to crop up when say a user named Sally will come in and sit down at this system for the first time.. Well, she needs to login, click on outlook icon, let it find her exchange PST and copy settings to her user profile, then she launches the application for the scanner that she uses to scan in ID's and insurance cards for every patient coming in.. The scanner is set to default settings and needs to be tweaked on color depth and double sided, etc.. Then after that, she needs to launch her Medical EMR application.. and then choose various options in the citrix client, ..TL;DR - Each user needs to spend 20 minutes resetting the defaults at this updated system.
Well this is fine except, I am planning on updating 2 front desk systems at each clinic, the user Sally will need to do all these things EACH time she finds herself sitting down at a system I just swapped out the previous evening.My thought is this, put a single system down in one clinic and let it sit a week giving most of the float users a chance to work on it for a day, setting all of their preferences etc.Once I get a bunch of them with user profiles on the local drive, grab an image of that drive and just deploy that to each system I roll out..Couple issues I am running into:First would be that I would have to register each Windows 7 copy with a new serial, which I have The next issue is, we have a mis-mash of Dell optiplex systems. 330's - 380's even a couple 320's..

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Cloning 6 Identical Pc's From One Reference Pc With Windows 7 Home Premium

Apr 18, 2012

I bought 6 identical win 7 tablet pc's. (Acer Iconia W501) one for each of us in the famliy. They come with a lot of crapware and the initial startup - process and cleaning took forever. Now my neighbor want the same setup. All the computers are exactly identical. Before we had Windows XP machines and by using the cloning software from Easeus I took ,from just one of the pc's, a complete Cartion sector copy to an external USB harddrive. Then using a easeus boot cd on any of my other identical XP machines I could simply clone this single copy back to any of the identical xp machines, and they would work fine. The question is then : Is this possible with Windows 7 home premium machines ? They all have their seperate windows license, so will 6 identical cloned machines be able to work. Can windows "feel" that it is not the original windows it came with, but the system software from its "sister". I am reluctant to just try it out, since none of the new tablets came with a Windows 7 install disc. Once im a through the startup cloning, can I rely on this one copy to be enough for future rescue-clonings ? or do I need to take a clone of each pc?

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Cloning Windows 7 Partition To External HDD W/ Mac OS Extended Format

Nov 10, 2012

I recently switched from a Mac to a PC. I cloned my system partition of my PC to my external hard disk, and I only realized later that the external HDD was in a Mac OS extended (journaled) format. I thought I would have to format that partition as NTFS and re-clone afterwards. I tried to remove that partition using Disk Utilities on my Mac but got an error message. Surprisingly, though, when I connected the external HDD to my PC, I can access that partition under My Computer, and when I open Disk Management that partition is listed as NTFS.

1) How can I tell if the cloned partition on my external HDD is ok?
2) Should I reformat it and start from scratch instead?
3) If so, should I be making an image OR a clone of my system disk (so that I can boot from my external HDD and restore my system if my internal HDD fails)?

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Windows 7 Too Fast?

Jan 2, 2010

Not sure how this has happened, but when Win 7 starts up - it is flashing, rapidly (th coloured logo) and then when it gets to the log in screen, the little hourglass(well, round thing) is spinning so fast, it is like it is on speed or something.When I go to type in the password to log in, each letter I type repeats to fill the entire screen log in box.I hanaged to get into the Win 7 after using the "hold Shift 8sec" thing for the keyboard, but win 7 after that is crazy. Any click I make is like 100 clicks, everything is running at hyper speed. I cannot access my CD rom and clicking on firefox or win explorer flashes rapidly and opens and closes quicker then I can keep up.I am running a dual boot with win xp (which I am using now), so it seems my keyboard, mouse and motherboard are alright.I tried a REPAIR with Win 7, and it said there was a START UP error that was fixed, but it is not and things are still running at hyper speed.This is after an update last night when turning off the computer

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Cloning Program Drive And Data Drives From XP To Windows 7 Laptop?

Sep 28, 2011

I am trying to moved everything---program files as well as data files---from one laptop to another. The source is XP, the destination Windows 7 Home Premium 64. From what (little) I understand, most imaging programs clone everything, including the XP register and boot drive. But how can you then boot the Windows 7 machine to run the programs that were originally instaled in XP?I know I can just drag over the data files and re-install all the software, but I am not sure I will live long enough to complete that task.

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Windows 7 And 40GB SSD Filling Up Fast

Jan 5, 2012

I just finished a new build and I installed a 40GB SSD thinking it would be enough for just the Windows 7 OS and some drivers. Well, it so happens that the 40GB's rapidly decreased to roughly 2GB's of space... To be honest, I'm not sure how those 40 GB's were used up so fast. I have a couple of programs installed on it such as:

-AVG Anti Virus
-NVIDIA Drivers
-Motherboard Drivers
-Google Chrome

I'm not sure what can bee deleted but I want to delete some of the Windows Service Files such as Windows Mail and etc. but every time i go to delete the folders, it says can't delete because i need permission from TrustedInstaller? I don't know if it was a good idea to buy the 40GB SSD or if I should have gotten something like 80GB. I still have time to return it but I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do because this problem can be fixed or if I should just go bigger.

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Windows 7 Used To Be Fast Now Extremely Slow ?

Mar 19, 2012

My desk top used to be what I considered very fast and now same computer alot slower.If it is comming out of an idle mode it will take at least 3 minutes to load a web page. The hard drive is working very hard, it is always running and the light blinking sometimes when not even being used.After being used for 5 min. or so the web pages do load faster but not as fast as they should.Sometimes I get a I.E. not responding message. It's almost like the hard drive is checking something or doing some other work at the same time.I have to the best of my ability cleared out old files and cleaned up what I can. The hard drive is maybe 25% full.

Specs: Dell studio XPS
Intell 2.67 GHZ
Ram 3. GB
64 Bit

I am running Kaspersky anti viris and have run the scan more than once, it says no problems.

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