How To Make Multiple Partitions From Single Pre Partitioned Disk

Nov 11, 2012

I recently bought a dell inspiron 14r laptop. It came with windows 7 Home premium which was pre-installed. The problem with it is, the whole 640GB was allotted to a single drive C. I want to repartition the hard disk into 6 drives. But they didnot gave me the windows 7 installation disk or its serial. What should i do now? I had created the recovery discs using the manufacturer's recovery media.

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Migrate Partitions / Data To A Single Disk System

Nov 16, 2012

A little background on my system's configuration. My system was/is configured is a two disk RAID0 with a system partition and two other partition for Windows and programs. I'm wanting to migrate the partitions/data to a single disk system. I created a system image using both the Windows backup software and Novabackup. The problem I'm having is restoring either of those images to a single disk. Is it possible to restore an image from a RAID configuration to a single disk? If so, what am I missing? No matter which image I try to restore from, I either get a fail from Windows or can't be done in so many words from Novabackup. I just want the RAID image on a single disk.

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Clone MBR Partitioned Boot Disk To GPT Partitioned Disk

Jul 4, 2012

My current hard drive is dying, so claims Windows and Hitachi Drive Fitness Test. I bought a replacement drive 3TB drive which requires GPT partitioning. I have 64 bit windows and a UEFI motherboard, so I know I can use the drive as a boot drive for a brand new installation.

My question is how do I move the entire contents of my old drive to this new drive and keep it bootable?

I asked on other another site and they suggested I first let the Windows installation disk partition the drive GPT correctly for Windows, then copy the contents of the old drive to the new one. However, another person on that site said that that would break all the symlinks (didn't know symlinks played such a crucial role in the OS) and that I should use a cloning utility that knows how to copy NTFS. Was this person off base, or is it impossible to create a bootable copy of a Windows installation by just copying all the files (this would be from live linux of some type, not Windows itself)? If it is impossible, is there a utility that can copy the contents of a partition correctly, without needing to clone the entire partition table? Also, I have no room to make an image of my old drive anywhere.

Finally, does anyone know if clonezilla can copy an mbr partition to a gpt partition automatically, essentially doing exactly what I need, or will it always copy the partition scheme as well?

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Can I Fix The MBR On A Multiple Partitioned Drive

Aug 30, 2009

So I installed Windows 7 RC from the file directory from XP onto my other drive previously. I ran into problems the other day with XP and Windows 7 no longer shows up in the boot menu to select.

What are my options here? I am presently downloading the Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK).

BTW, I can't find the original file for Windows 7 RC. Does anyone remember the name of it?

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Change The Way Files Are Saved On Partitioned Disk?

Aug 21, 2012

I just bought a new computer with a 256 disk partitioned into 2 drives: C (called OS) and D (Data). The computer writes everything to the smaller C drive, leaving D completely empty.I only have about 25G left on C and would like to find a way to change the way files are saved or some other workaround that will let me take advantage of the entire disk.I am not a very tech person - a mid-level user, so I need a solution, which will not create problems of programs not recognizing their paths afterwards.

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Connect To Multiple WIFI APs With Single NIC?

Nov 16, 2012

I would like to know the procedure to connect to multiple Access points with my laptop.For example, my laptop is connected to office WIFI for file sharing. Now, I would also like to connect to another AP for internet connectivity. If i currently do that, it disconnects from the previous network. how can i Simultaneous connect to multiple APs?

1 Wifi virtual miniport adapter by microsoft

2 this link, Microsoft Research Virtual WiFi - Microsoft Research However, I am not able to figure out how to use or configure these things.

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How To Set Multiple Desktops On A Single Screen

Jul 20, 2011

I'm looking for a software that lets you split a single monitor into 4 or more desktops.

Does anyone know any free software that does this?

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Hard Disk Partitioned - Windows 7 Loading Only With System Drive

Dec 20, 2010

I have one hard disk 150GB on my computer. I want to install Windows 7 and divide the drive into two partitions. When I did it using the instructions that I had during setup, Windows 7 load only with the system drive! Where did all the other memory gone? Can I return the lost memory without installing again Windows 7?

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Single Or Multiple Hard Drives For Best Performance?

Mar 23, 2010

I just rebuilt my desktop and installed Windows 7. I had thought to put My Pictures and My Music on separate Hard Drives from the Operating System and everything else; OR would performance be better with all on one hard drive and backing up the My Music and My Pictures to separate Hard Drives? I'm using i7 processor with 8G RAM and 500GB hard drives (3); with a 1 Tetrabit External MyBook.

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Have Multiple Emails Open On A Single PC Like On IPhone

Sep 28, 2012

How can I have my mail boxes to be open on a single PC? On my iPhone, I can check my 5 email addresses without signing in and signing out. It is a pain to have 3 different hotmail addresses while signing in and signing out.

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Merging Multiple Drives Into A Single WMC Listing

Jan 17, 2012

I have a C: drive and an E: drive on a Windows 7 X64 Media Center PC. Both have a directory called "Movies" ... when I start Windows Media Center and go to "Videos" I have a C:Movies AND an E:Movies.

Is it possible to merge both these directories into a single directory in Windows Media Center?

The C drive is 95% full so I can't copy the movies from the E: drive onto C: and the E: drive is 95% empty... so over time I'll add more movies to my collection (on the E: drive) and would really like to have ALL the movies from both C:Movies and E:Movie listed in a single directory and arranged alphabetically....

Ps. I've already tried adding both directories to the windows library 'Movies' directory but you can't access the 'Movie' library from within the Media Center!

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How To Extend Single Dvi Output To Multiple Hdmi Monitors

Jan 1, 2013

How to extend dvi output to multiple hdmi monitors? Have Samsung Series 7 Slate tablet computer running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Nature of computer prevents swapping out graphics card/module.

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Copy Multiple .wma Files In Different Folders To Single Folder?

Dec 27, 2011

I need to 'extract' .wma files from within many different folders to a single, main folder. It looks like this: Main Folder>Artist>Album>Track (.wma) but there are many artists. I want to get all the tracks from within the two subfolders into a single folder.

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Creating Multiple Partitions On A SSD?

Mar 19, 2012

If you create 2 partitions on a hard drive and copy a LARGE file from one partition to the other the copy is very slow with lots of head movement.I wonder if there is the same overhead/concept with an SSD?Yes I do realise an SSD is memory but I want to know if you partition an SSD and copy from one partition to the other is there a corresponding degradation? Considering interface turn around etc?Or, in other words, if you copy from one partition of an SSD to another partition on the same SSD will it be as fast as copying from one SSD to another completely separate identical SSD?

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Clone HD To New HD With Multiple Partitions?

Sep 11, 2011

I have Ghost 15 with windows 7 home premimum. I am upgrading my HD on my laptop. To a bigger HD. I can create the individual images but I can not restore onto the new HD.

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Windows 7 Pro Multiple Existing Partitions

Sep 27, 2012

I have a 6 month old Samsung ultraportable that has developed Windows problems and I am trying to re-install Windows 7 Pro. The history is that Windows 7 Home Premium came pre-installed, and I upgraded to 7 Pro right after I bought it, with no problems. Everything has been great until the last 2 weeks when the laptop would not start. After trying multiple times to recover, including the Windows recovery disc and Samsung's internal recovery options, I have given up and am now attempting a clean, fresh re-install. I have already done this once (yesterday) and I am having the same non-start problems.

In an attempt to do this in a truly clean way, I want to wipe out everything that might be leftover. My question is how to do this, particularly regarding the partitions that are already setup on the laptop. Here are the partitions that setup is finding:

Disk 0 Partition 1, 10.6 GB/0.0 MB free; "Primary"
Disk 0 Partition 1, 4.3 GB/4.3 GB free; "OEM (Reserved)"
Disk 1 Partition 1, 100 MB/70 MB free; "System"
Disk 1 Partition 2, 446 GB/393 GB free; "Primary"
Disk 1 Partition 3, 19.7 GB/959 MB free; "OEM (Reserved)" - this one is also named "SAMSUNG_REC"

1. Should I leave all these partitions intact, or delete them and start over?

2. If I should leave them intact, into which partition should I install the fresh version of Windows 7 Pro?

3. What is your advice on whether other partitions should be set up for A) programs, and B) data (documents, photos, music, etc)?

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Have Multiple Recovery Partitions, Which To Delete

Aug 30, 2012

i was setting up my new laptop to be a dual boot machine (W7 + Ubuntu) but got an error message that i was already at the maximum number of partitions on my HDD. there is my C drive, a G drive called data (19.53GB, containing recovery_dvd 1, 2, and 3 .iso's) and two recovery partitions ( 11GB and 100MB, the 100MB one says it is active. are both recovery drives and the G Data necessary? i burned what thought was a recovery disk when i got the computer, but looking back i think i accidently burned a system repair disk instead. i also have a backup on an external harddrive (it confirms it in the backup and restore window). 180GB in C drive so its too much to backup on to dvds at this point, unless that's what recovery_dvd iso's in G drive are for? they are small enough to burn, so i would be happy with doing that and removing both recovery partitions if necessary.

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Any Way To Get Windows 7 Backup To Use Multiple Devices / Partitions?

Jul 3, 2012

I finally gave up on Backup My PC and went to Win 7 backup, but my external drive does not hold more than 2 backup cycles' worth of data. I'd like to use excess space (in a separate partition) on a 2 TB internal drive to offload some backups, but I can find no way of doing this.

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Backing Up A HD With Multiple Partitions And Operating Systems?

Dec 4, 2011

I just finished setting up a triple-boot-system with Windows 7 and 2 Linux distros, and it got me thinking about the perils of making backups.Should I treat every individual partition as if it is it's own Hard Drive, meaning I only Image 1 partition at a time?Or should I image the whole drive as one, imaging all partitions?

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Multiple Windows 7 OS Linked To Sealed Off Partitions?

Aug 16, 2010

I want to create three Windows 7 OS on a disk partitioned into three primaries. I would like these individual OS not to be able to reach each other during use. Sealed off from each other so to speak. Is this possible? The second disk I have partitioned into three, each partition I want to link to each individual OS and have them sealed off from eachother as well. Is this possible?

disk 1 OS 1 --> disk 2 partition 1.
disk 1 OS 2 --> disk 2 partition 2.
disk 1 OS 3 --> disk 2 partition 3.

Can these 3 systems with their corresponding linked partition on disk 2 be completely sealed off from each other?

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Make More Partitions So That Every Partition Has Its Own OS?

Jul 20, 2012

I want to make 3 partitions. The first one will contain Windows 7, the seond one xp, and the third ubuntu.

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Windows 7 Fast Cloning And Booting From Multiple Partitions?

Jul 21, 2011

So what I do now is:1) Delete "DosDevicesC:" in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMMountedDevices" and some other DosDevices that will have an other letter booting the clone.2) Using the free MiniTool from, I delete a partition I don't need anymore and clone the one running in it. PS: PartitionWizard will reboot and clone it unless I copy an other not active partition (previous clone) which can not have been booted yet so "DosDevicesC:" is still absent.3) Now I need to run "bcdboot f:windows /s f:" in a cmd/dos-window or batchfilewhere "f:" is the new created clone. Or use EasyBCD.4) Then I also use the free version of to be able to hide and protect the other not needed clones or original partition when booting and using a clone.

So I don't really need the BCD bootmanager from Windows 7. It gives only more things do to to prepare the cloned partition. I even don't need the "DosDevicesC:" in the registry, because I need to take it out before cloning. Is there a way to skip or delete the BCD and boot into the only not hidden active partition called C:, which will have any other serialnumber?Is there a way to keep "DosDevicesC:" out of the registry or change it after making a clone-copy. Maybe be able to change the registry from a non active partition with a simple batchfile. Or maybe even have "DosDevicesC:" be deleted everytime when windows is booting before it is automaticly been rewritten into the registry with the active partition?

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Make 9 Partitions & Install Windows 7 ?

May 28, 2012

I have a 500 GB Hard Disk.I want to make 9 partitions of various sizes & Install Windows 7 64 bit ( Ultimate ) in the first partition.I installed this Hard Disk as slave to my current Hard Disk & tried using disk management but it makes all partitions as Primary & doesn't give me a choice to create an extented partition within which I can make 8 Logical partitions.

I have very limited knowledge of Hardware.Also do I need to make any partition active & if yes how & what does active do ?

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Creating Multiple Aligned Partitions On SSD With System Reserved Part

Sep 13, 2012

I'm about to install my new 256gb SSD. This will have 3 partitions;

100mb System reserved partition
80gb Windows OS partition
The rest will be used for VHDs

So, using disk part.. are these the correct commands in the correct sequence (Having unplugged my spinners first so diskpart only sees one drive

select disk 0
create partition primary size=100 align=1024
create partition primary size=80000
select partition 1
format quick fs=ntfs

Should I also be formatting the S/R partition? I will create the final partition via disk management when windows is installed. This will result in 3 partitions, all properly aligned etc. Yes? Or am I on some far off planet?

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Covert Single Disk To RAID And Vice Versa

Feb 1, 2012

1)You have two hard drives in your PC. Drive A contains Windows installation and other files. Drive B is an empty drive. Your Motherboard supports RAID 1(additionally 0 and 5) and you want to setup hardware RAID 1. Is it possible to switch HDD to RAID mode, enter RAID BIOS, create array using drive A, copy drive B content to drive A and run RAID 1 using two drives(drive A should rebuild array on next restart and copy mirror drive A on drive B)

2)You have two drives, drive A and drive B running in hardware RAID 1. You need to format drive B, copy drive A's content oto drive B(which should be non-raid drive now) and install non-raid drive B on another PC.

3)You have three drive A, B, C. Drive C contains Windows and other files. You need to setup RAID 1 using drive A and B and then copy Windows from drive C to newly created array consisting of drive A and B.

All three scenarios require no Windows re-installation.

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Replace Files In Multiple Directory, From A Single Directory?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a 10 files that have all been categorised into about 40 folders. These files have been damaged.I have a backup of all these files, but they are not categorised and sit in a single directory.Does anyone know of an easy technique to batch replace the damaged files with the originals?

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Divide Disk Into C: And D: Partitions?

Jan 22, 2011

My new computer came with one c: partition. I want to shrink it and use the avaialble space to set up a second partition which I want to format as vfat.

I've done this before with a machine running vista. I found something under partitioning a disk, which had me link to computer management. I think I see what to do, but I can't find computer management anywhere else. Is it one of several hidden programs available through the control panel? Is there some other way to bring it up?

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Win 7 Upgrade And Disk Partitions

Nov 17, 2009

I will be upgrading form windows xp to windows 7 soon. I know there is no direct upgrade option from xp and that I will have to perform a clean install. I have created a couple of True Crypt disk partitions to store private data. Will those partitions be erased after the install or will they remain? Also, can I create another new disk partition to store the data I want to transfer over to windows 7 or will that be erased durring the install as well? I want to know if I need to go and get an external HD.

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Disk Management Bug With Ext3 Partitions?

Jun 25, 2011

I've just ran into what appears to be a bug with Disk Management under Windows 7. THe problem seems to go back all the way to OS reporting themselves as NT 5.2 or greater. XP x64 has the problem, Win2K3 server does and Windows 7 does. I don't have any version of Vista to check, so I don't know for sure but I'd bet its there as well. THe 32-bit version of XP which reports itself as NT 5.1 doesn't have the problem.

At any rate, the problem is Disk Management seems to count all Linux partitions as primary, even those which are logical volumes inside extended partitions on MBR drives. As such, if this erroneous count exceeds 4, it will refuse to create any more primary partitions, even though there are less than 4 actual partitions in the MBR table.

who dual boot with Linux could confirm this behavior. I've reported it on some of the MS forums, but no one seems to be interested.

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How To Make A Multiple Copy Batch File

May 30, 2011

Below is a batch file I created to copy all the files from a program called A5V5. This batch file works to copy the files to two different drives What I want to do is if the J: Directory is not availble (This is a flash drive) that it will copy to the E: directory which is a second HDD and not leave a "The system cannot find the drive specified" when the flash drive is not inserted.

@echo off
cd c:
cd program files (x86)
cd A5V5
cd Ranch Mobile, Inc
Copy *.* "E:Ranch Mobile" (This is a second hard drive for backup files only)
Copy *.* "J:Ranch Mobile" (This is a Flash drive that is not always inserted)

I like the way batch files work and I can do these simple ones but when it comes to doing the more complicated ones I am at a total loss.

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Bootloader Removed While Dividing Disk Into Partitions

Oct 17, 2011

I've divided my disk into partitions and accidentally removed bootloader of windows and now I get "boot mgr is missing", so I cant load my windows. I have a disk and put boot order in BIOS but it still does not give me an opportunity to install windows, so I have only openSUSE right now, and 2 partitions of windows with C: and D: disks. How to restore this bootloader or at least make install windows 7?

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