Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access Then Reboots Itself

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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Can't Image: Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access, Reboots

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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Disk IO Basically Stops And System 'freezes'

Aug 12, 2009

I have been running my machine without any problems for a couple of months, then it started to slow down - or more specifically I would initiate the move of a 10G file from one external (esatabox) to another (same box). Transfer will start at 60M/sec and run for a short time, then all disk IO will stop. Status bar is still 'pulsing' but not moving. After 10-20 minutes it will resume the move but now the transfer rate is 2M/s.

Pull up taskmgr and look at performance shows zero disk IO (it doesn't even show any disks).

Checked RAM

Created a backup image of the OS using the Windows 7 backup, created a recovery disk, booted to recovery disk and restored the image (I didn't change any of my disk settings i.e. raid to ide). Seemed to restore ok, but problem persists. Anyone have any clue??? Or could anyone point me to something in Windows 7 that may help diagnose this problem?

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Disk Activity Stops And System Eventually Freezes

Jan 27, 2013

With heavy(?) disk use, my system appears to stop disk activity. Resource Monitor shows nothing under Overview and Disk where there would be e.g. system and explore.exe listed as images before this condition.

I'm trying to copy 100-200GB from one disk to another. After some time, this condition happens but I can still to other things. The network is up, I can e.g. ping my LinkSys, ssh to work. Eventually, things will just freeze. Pulling the power cord is the only way to solve so far.

I did install new HW, a SATA controller, but can't remove it. The disk I'm copying to is 3TB WD Green. I need the new SATA controller to use > 2TB disks. I already know the old (onboard BIOS) SATA controller works, I've copied 500-1000GB overnight in the past. Right now, using smaller sized copies, things behave.

The new controler is a HighPoint Rocket 640L, basic disk step as before (i.e. no RAID). I tried manually updating to the latest Windows 7 64b drivers from HighPoint's site, but system tells me I have the latest.

I have a day or two before I can even RMA the adapter. I'd rather try a few things before ending up back where I am in a week if the next adapter has the same issie.

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Computer Freezes And Reboots?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3 mother board with a phenom II x4 965 3.4 with 2 4GB PNY sticks of DDR3 ram, all of which I just got from someone. Also a NVIDIA GeForce 440 connected to it at the moment for the graphics card and a 500 watt power supply. Two hard drives are connected to it, 1TB and a 80GB I use just to run windows off of. I have windows 7 Ultimate edition installed. The power supply graphics card and hard drives come from a computer that worked perfectly, and so did the cables FYI so I doubt any of those are the issues.Upon installing windows it froze, and rebooted, multiple times until during the instillation phase and first time set up boot. When I finally got it to install I constantly got the same problem where the computer would restart or freeze when I was doing something. Some times it would freeze/reboot when I opened a program, other times when I closed a program, sometimes when I just moved the mouse. It also restarts or freezes at boot sometimes when it gets to the window logo or Gigabyte splash screen. I have tried;

Switching the power supply
Installing windows on another hard drive (It froze during install also)
disconnecting everything and plugging it back in multiple times...
Toying with the bios settings


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Freezes Reboots And Hangs At Splash Screen?

Dec 5, 2012

About week ago my computer started freezing and rebooting and then hangs at bios splash screen (will stay there with nothing happening for hours if u let it) until you reboot it than it comes back fine until it does it again. The only thing I noticed is if the machine is off for a while it takes a lot longer for it to happen, If you restart it it last around 15 -20 mins.

1) Updated all drivers and checked device manger for errors.

2) checked and defragged drive C: drive (ssd)

3) checked both for events and dmp files (nothing ) made sure reporting was on

3) Ran windows mem check froze twice while testing once with both strips and once with only one strip installed

4) replaced ram
OS Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
MOTHERBD Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. P55A-UD3
PROCESSOR 2.93 gigahertz Intel Core i7 K 875


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System Reboots After Windows 7 Logo Screen

Aug 29, 2012

My PC reboots its self after windows logo I have got it to work before by doing a system restore but I would have to do it twice to get it to work. I have a mini dump which I will upload.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump - 82812-24913-01.dmp

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Windows 7 System Reboots After Sleep Mode

Nov 13, 2012

My Windows 7 laptop reboots when I put it in sleep mode or when it falls asleep automatically?

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WinPE Emergency Disk Won't Load, PC Reboots

Nov 20, 2011

I made a WinPE Emergency disk for recovery, I also made a partition backup of my system which I put on a USA 1TB external drive.Nothing is wrong with my system but I just wanted to check to see if I could access the backup image. But when I boot from the CD I get past the 'Windows is loading files' page, then to a different page with the EaseUS lgo, but the load ba only goes 1/8th of the way before my computer reboots itself.The same thing happens if I use the EaseUS Linux version of the CD.Could it be an error made during the burn process?

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My System Reboots Itself

Jan 23, 2012


The computer reboots itself. I've checked processor for heat sink problems, thinking this is an hardware issue.I've attached required files

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System Reboots Several Times During Startup Only?

Mar 26, 2012

I have Windows 7 on Intel D945GPM MB, 3 GB RAM. System always reboots itself several times duing startup (3-4 times, including 1-2 BSOD). Took 4-5 minutes. After 3-4 times, Windows 7 loads normally, then I can use it the whole day without any problem what-so-ever.

After I shut it down or go into hibernate, then I have to repeat this multiple reboots again each time.

I read extensively about it. If it is driver or hardware issue, I don't understand why it ends up stable after 3-4 times. I don't have any problem with any problem with devices after Windows loads up eventually. The reboots only happens during startup.

Safe mode or Windows repair does not make a difference. I tried them all. It is so strange. I just have to wait for system to reboots itself 3-4 times.

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Random Reboots When System Is Idle

Jun 24, 2012

Is Windows 7 - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64 - the original installed OS on the system? YES - an OEM or full retail version? Retail OEM - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer.What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years old - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS? 3 months

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System Reboots When Start 3ds Max Software

Aug 17, 2011

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 116
BCP1: 8655B510
BCP2: 8E21B9B0
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000002
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1 Files that help describe the problem: C:WindowsMinidump�81711-14742-01.dmp
C:UsersSAMAppDataLocalTempWER-32307-0.sysdata.xml Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

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System Reboots When Plugging In USB Cable?

Jan 8, 2012

This event happens maybe once every 20 plug-in attemps and only when I'm slightly up or down from a straight push in. The device doesn't matter. The port in question is one of four on the front panel of the case. The rebooting only happens with one port. Never had a problem with the other three. I haven't pulled the front of the case because it happens so infrequently.

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System Randomly Reboots Due To Kernel Power Errors In Event Viewer

May 6, 2012

As of recently, I just upgraded my system to the following configuration:

Intel i5 2500K 1155 socket CPU
Gigabyte Z68A-D3H-B3 revision 1.3 mobo
8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 RAM
(2) 60GB OCZ Solid 3 SSDs (One for each partition that I'm running on my system)
2TB Western Digital SATA HDD
nVidia GeForce GT430 2GB DDR3 graphics card
Rosewill RD 500-2SB 500 Watt PSU
Rosewill Challenger Mid-Size ATX case

Prior to installing the software, I had tested the memory, CPU, HDDs, everything. All checked out OK. My system hosts two SSDs to run two partitions: One is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, the other being Windows XP Professional 32-bit. The additional 2TB HDD is basically to store the tons of data that I have on, and I use the Windows 7 My Documents folders to have everything map to the HDD to acquire my data, download to it, etc.

The issue that I seem to be running into, is that every time I load up the Windows 7 partition, no matter how long I leave everything running, if per say I was to leave it running overnight, when I wake up in the morning, it will show that the PC has rebooted. Upon checking the event viewer, I am seeing multiple entries specifying that the error was caused by a kernel-power error, listed as event 41. Reviewing this info, I later noticed that it was causing a bugcheckcode of 265 everytime the issue occurs.

Ideally, I would like to think that it was hardware related, or driver related, as it mostly occurs when I play movies or videos, but when I boot the Windows XP partition, I never come across any of these issues whatsoever. Granted, the XP partition is used primarily for work when I do remote stuff from home, but granted I want to watch a movie on it I can also. Also, when loading the eventvwr on the XP partition, no kernel-power entries are listed. So clearly, this is occuring on the Windows 7 partition, and not the Windows XP partition. Since I dont really think this is due to hardware issues.

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Windows 7 Disk Boot Failure Insert System Disk And Press Enter?

Jan 5, 2012

windows 7 disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter

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Hard Disk Boot Failure Insert System Disk Press Enter

Mar 29, 2012

im usin 2tb segate new hard disk my system i cant able to boot my os and also my hard disk...its showin that hard disk boot failure insert system disk press enter ...i restarted many times its sayin the same my gigabite mobo bios my hard disk is not get detected sir....the problem is that wen im installin the new os for 2nd time its all went nice only sir but at the completion of the os it wil ask for the user name and password but in my system its frozen sir fully of black screen and i cant able to do anythin so i restarted my system from that im gettin this error as hard disk boot failure insert system disk press enter.....that my new hard disk and all of my data is in that hard disk only..this problem arises wen im installing the os for 2nd time sir.

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Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk And Press Enter?

Aug 27, 2011

I woke up this morning, and I found that my computer was displaying this message"Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter". There are a ton of needed documents on the computer, and I'm hoping that they can be saved some way.

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Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Oct 13, 2010

I've been having this error even after reformatting and reinstalling Windows 7 on my desktop. I've done reformatting / reinstalling Windows 7 several times, yet the problem still occurs. I'm thinking of my HDD as being corrupted or messed up. The problem occurred after I accidentally hit the CPU when I was stretching my foot. The screen froze after that. Upon rebooting it, 'Disk boot failure, Insert system disk and press enter' occurs. After I entered the DVD installer of Windows 7, the screen just hangs.

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Feb 17, 2010

I have been having a bit of trouble with windows 7 lately, namely that it won't start up right. When I boot from the drive normally, it gives me the classic "BOOT DISK ERROR: INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" message.

However, I soon discovered that if I boot from the Windows 7 cd and do not boot from it (By ignoring the "Press a key to boot from CD or DVD..." Windows 7 boots up fine.
I've tweaked my BIOS over and over, but the same problem persists. The drive is brand new and fine. What can I do?

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Disk Boot Failure Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Jan 10, 2013

My friend bought a new PC and needed to put am OS on it. He put in the W7 disk and the error message 'disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter' appeared before installation was shown. He has tried changing around BIOS and it also recognises the hard drive and DVD/ CD ROM drive. Here is the specification he was given:Case : CIT Reaper Black Mesh fronted Tower CaseMotherboard : Gigabyte 78LMT Motherboard TechnologyCPU : AMD Bulldozer FX 4170 4.2ghz 8mb CacheHard Drive : 1tb Sata Hard DriveMemory : 8gb DDR3 1600mhz MemoryOptical Drive : 24x Dual Layer Sata DVD WriterGraphics Card : Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 2gb GDDR5 With HDMIPower Supply : 750 Watt Branded Power Supply Also, he has tried booting BIOS in different order

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Windows 7 Loses Keyboard?

Sep 15, 2011

I am rebooting "Windows 7" more than any prior version of Windows for one simple reason. When my computer comes out of a sleep mode and I click to log on to an existing session, the keyboard can no longer be used. Often when I attempt to type on the keyboard, the mouse is then lost as well.

If I instead log on and then immediately do a restart - everything is fine. So, now I have fallen into the habit of restarting every time. It takes less time for me to do that then getting something started with the mouse and then freezing the system by trying to type something. So I just accept the restart and avoid the reboot. But, essentially the restart is a reboot.

Very frustrating! Then a few times I have gone directly to the Microsoft website and they do not even mention the issue in their database. It's like no matter how many people mention the same "windows 7" "loses keyboard", Microsoft just does not care. It goes against all the other facts that say "Windows 7" is the most stable version of Windows.

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Windows 7 Loses Display At Startup?

Jun 13, 2012

i just nstalled windows 7 64 bit ultimate on a custom build. i have video at the start then with the windows circle spinning the video just goes to black. the system works good in safemode.

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Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk

Sep 5, 2011

When starting the computer, I keep getting "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter". Nothing works other than putting in the boot disk and hitting the restart button on the tower. Then it will boot up and run fine. But how do I stop it from having to have the disk in order to load? Checked in the BIOS and the hard drive is the first load.

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Windows 7 Laptop Loses Display Settings

Aug 8, 2011

I have a new Dell laptop running W7. The screen tint is far too blue and I have found the controls in the display section where I can modify the colours (and gamma etc).

I can adjust everything with no problems, but much to my annoyance, when I boot up again, all the settings have reverted back to the factory, too blue settings.

(I think that the settings even get lost if the laptop powers itself down through the various hibernate/sleeps etc; although I'm not that familiar with all of those options so am not sure.)

So, my question is how can I get W7 to remember these settings?

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Monitor Loses Signal When Windows Boots Up

Sep 25, 2012

When I start my computer with drivers installed my monitor loses the signal when I should be receiving a log in screen. I can boot up fine in safemode and/or if I'm using Standard VGA Graphics Adapter. To my knowledge I do not have an onboard graphics card as there is nothing to plug an avi or vga cord into aside from my graphics card. I should also mention I tried using an NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT and experienced the same problem.

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Windows 7 Loses Focus (minimizes To Desktop)

Jul 15, 2012

Windows 7 keeps minimizing every hour to desktop no matter what is running. I ran process explorer just before the time it should lose focus and only one program launched a minute before it does so, taskhost.exe. I tried to run with all processes killed (including explorer.exe) and that also gave good result, it didn't minimize, however I know not which of the processes does this.I first noticed the problem as screensaver quits on it's own after a while (despite the fact it has to quit on click or key press)

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Non-System Disk Identified As System Disk?

Jan 25, 2012

I was going to make a disk image of a fresh Windows 7/64 install but when attempting to do so using the windows utility it insists on labeling and including in the image a completely separate data-only disk claiming it is also a system disk. Unfortunately it will not allow me to un-check for purposes of exclusion.

Probably should be looking at the root of the problem and determine why this Data Disk is labeled a System Disk. It is an older drive and has been used in a couple computer builds so may have at one time had an OS installed but I can find no indication of such, plus, I usually format before re-purposing.

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Windows / System Freezes Right After Boot-up

Feb 6, 2013

I've had this laptop for about 2 years, and recently (about 2 weeks ago) it's been very slow, freezing if I start chrome or other software, delay going into system options when I click ctrl+alt+delete. But today, it froze again and it wouldn't budge so I held my power button to turn it off and restarted it, and shortly after it booted up, it froze and the mouse wouldn't even bother to move or click anything, everything was frozen. I've tried restarting several times already but it still freezes, although safe mode works for me which is what I'm using right now, I've already used the "Last Known Settings that worked" feature and it can boot when I do a selective boot with just the drivers. But normal boot settings do not work.

Furthermore, I've ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool which showed no errors at all after it was fully completed. So I'm quite unsure what to do because I attend a laptop program at school and regularly use my laptop for work.I made sure my drivers are all updated by using Driver Genius Professional which I've had for quite a while.I've also tried to use system restore to many restore points but it just boots up and gives me the message of how it has failed.

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Intel LAN Adapter Loses Connection After Waking Up Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2011

I keep losing LAN connection within 1 minute after my computer wakes from sleep modeI cannot ping the router, the DSL modem and anything outside.Windows "repair connection" tool fixes the problem until the next time I put computer to sleep.have Windows 7 32 bit, integrated Intel LAN card. Can't blame McAfee because when I uninstalled it and replaced with Microsoft Essentials this behavior didn't change

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System Image On System Restore Disk Not Reading After Crash?

Oct 2, 2012

Using preinstalled Win 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP 6813w Pavilion. The original hard drive, a Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 1Tb crashed.1) System Recovery discs was made along with a System Recovery with System Image disc.2) A more current System Image was made on an external hard drive.The Hitachi was replaced with the same model. Checked bios to make sure it was installed correctly.Under System Recovery, Image Restore, Select a System Image Backup there is nothing in the table to choose from as far as a source (disc drive or external drive).A) System Recovery (3 discs) has the HP preinstall file folder on the 3rd disc but is not read by the System Recovery program.B) Under System Restore, Image Restore, Advanced, it asks for a network or driver to be installed. That opens up the directory of C: which is the external hard drive. Under WindowsImageBackup the computer name is identified followed by three entries:[CODE]It seems to me the Recovery and System Restore discs are not functional. Am not a technical person but I have taken this as far as I know how at this point.Printed out all the instructions from HP and Microsoft to follow step by step but the failed discs will not allow me to move forward.

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