My System Reboots Itself

Jan 23, 2012


The computer reboots itself. I've checked processor for heat sink problems, thinking this is an hardware issue.I've attached required files

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System Reboots Several Times During Startup Only?

Mar 26, 2012

I have Windows 7 on Intel D945GPM MB, 3 GB RAM. System always reboots itself several times duing startup (3-4 times, including 1-2 BSOD). Took 4-5 minutes. After 3-4 times, Windows 7 loads normally, then I can use it the whole day without any problem what-so-ever.

After I shut it down or go into hibernate, then I have to repeat this multiple reboots again each time.

I read extensively about it. If it is driver or hardware issue, I don't understand why it ends up stable after 3-4 times. I don't have any problem with any problem with devices after Windows loads up eventually. The reboots only happens during startup.

Safe mode or Windows repair does not make a difference. I tried them all. It is so strange. I just have to wait for system to reboots itself 3-4 times.

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Random Reboots When System Is Idle

Jun 24, 2012

Is Windows 7 - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64 - the original installed OS on the system? YES - an OEM or full retail version? Retail OEM - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer.What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years old - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS? 3 months

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System Reboots When Start 3ds Max Software

Aug 17, 2011

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 116
BCP1: 8655B510
BCP2: 8E21B9B0
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000002
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1 Files that help describe the problem: C:WindowsMinidump�81711-14742-01.dmp
C:UsersSAMAppDataLocalTempWER-32307-0.sysdata.xml Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

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System Reboots When Plugging In USB Cable?

Jan 8, 2012

This event happens maybe once every 20 plug-in attemps and only when I'm slightly up or down from a straight push in. The device doesn't matter. The port in question is one of four on the front panel of the case. The rebooting only happens with one port. Never had a problem with the other three. I haven't pulled the front of the case because it happens so infrequently.

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System Reboots After Windows 7 Logo Screen

Aug 29, 2012

My PC reboots its self after windows logo I have got it to work before by doing a system restore but I would have to do it twice to get it to work. I have a mini dump which I will upload.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump - 82812-24913-01.dmp

Read our privacy statement online: [URL]
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

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Windows 7 System Reboots After Sleep Mode

Nov 13, 2012

My Windows 7 laptop reboots when I put it in sleep mode or when it falls asleep automatically?

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Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access Then Reboots Itself

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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Can't Image: Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access, Reboots

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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System Randomly Reboots Due To Kernel Power Errors In Event Viewer

May 6, 2012

As of recently, I just upgraded my system to the following configuration:

Intel i5 2500K 1155 socket CPU
Gigabyte Z68A-D3H-B3 revision 1.3 mobo
8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 RAM
(2) 60GB OCZ Solid 3 SSDs (One for each partition that I'm running on my system)
2TB Western Digital SATA HDD
nVidia GeForce GT430 2GB DDR3 graphics card
Rosewill RD 500-2SB 500 Watt PSU
Rosewill Challenger Mid-Size ATX case

Prior to installing the software, I had tested the memory, CPU, HDDs, everything. All checked out OK. My system hosts two SSDs to run two partitions: One is Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, the other being Windows XP Professional 32-bit. The additional 2TB HDD is basically to store the tons of data that I have on, and I use the Windows 7 My Documents folders to have everything map to the HDD to acquire my data, download to it, etc.

The issue that I seem to be running into, is that every time I load up the Windows 7 partition, no matter how long I leave everything running, if per say I was to leave it running overnight, when I wake up in the morning, it will show that the PC has rebooted. Upon checking the event viewer, I am seeing multiple entries specifying that the error was caused by a kernel-power error, listed as event 41. Reviewing this info, I later noticed that it was causing a bugcheckcode of 265 everytime the issue occurs.

Ideally, I would like to think that it was hardware related, or driver related, as it mostly occurs when I play movies or videos, but when I boot the Windows XP partition, I never come across any of these issues whatsoever. Granted, the XP partition is used primarily for work when I do remote stuff from home, but granted I want to watch a movie on it I can also. Also, when loading the eventvwr on the XP partition, no kernel-power entries are listed. So clearly, this is occuring on the Windows 7 partition, and not the Windows XP partition. Since I dont really think this is due to hardware issues.

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Reboots When Shut Down?

Aug 28, 2011

when i shut down my computer ,it keeps starting up and the only way to shut it down is to hold down power button for 10 secs.

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PC Reboots Every Day With No Warning?

Nov 27, 2011

It does it once a day,yesterday it was about 3:30 pm today it was 11:30 am its done it at 9 pm and I have windows update service disabled on the msconfig startup.

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Nothing Saves After Reboots?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a little problem with my laptop here, I am using Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit and everytime I reboot, nothing saves at all. This is quite annoying since I downloaded a 14GB game and it just vanished after reboot, now I got to download it again. I know there is a way to disable this thing, but I can't figure it out

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Reboots Every Hour

Sep 1, 2009

i have had windows 7 64bit version installed for a couple months on my pc, and these 2 days it's kept rebooting. it goes off (no shut down message, it all happens all of a sudden), and after a second or 2 the machine boots up again. before loading the os the pc prompts me to choose if i want to start windows normally. i press enter and windows starts up with no problems at all. when a system error occurs, after rebooting it usually notifies me that the system was recovered from an error. but it displays no message.

now, my question is this. i heard that before the coming out of the windows seven final version, microsoft would have you install an update that reboots your machine every 2 hrs to "suggest" people buying the os... how kind of them, really... whatever, is this possibly the case? if this is, i guess i gonna downgrade to windows vista till i can buy windows 7.

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Computer Shuts Down And Reboots On Its Own

Jul 27, 2011

I have just bought a new PC with Windows 7. Ive only had it four days and today my computer store replaced my MB cos my computer has taken to shutting down and then restarting all on its own. the problem is Ive just got it home and its doing the same thing.

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Computer Reboots Once Only On First Start Up

May 26, 2011

I have a desktop computer AMD 3.0 ghz dual core processor, 4gb ram, win7 ultimate(legit), 1 TB HDD(new) and an asus m2n-mx se plus motherboard. every time I turn my machine on, it goes through the POST and finishes boot up sequences and then start to load windows. Some times it finishes and I get to my desktop while other times It reboots only seconds into the win7 loading procedures. this has happened for quite a while and I am beside myself for an answer. I have even flashed the ROM to update that. I have unhooked all drives except for one. I have even unhooked the DVD drive to eliminate that. still the problem is here. the only thing that I havent replaced yet is the motherboard, which I may do and get another video card and run dual video cards but I need this gremlin gone.

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Random Windows 7 Reboots?

Aug 27, 2012

while I'm surfing the web or playing games and whatnot... My computer just reboots all of a sudden. And not just once, but once it reboots, it reboots again several times before I manage to log in or sometimes after I log in but not even get to the Desktop, or it halts completely when the windows Symbol appears (The one with the four dots which turn into a flag or something) so I have to turn it off by keeping the power button pressed. Also, the reboots are usually accompanied by a screeching sound.

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Computer Freezes And Reboots?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3 mother board with a phenom II x4 965 3.4 with 2 4GB PNY sticks of DDR3 ram, all of which I just got from someone. Also a NVIDIA GeForce 440 connected to it at the moment for the graphics card and a 500 watt power supply. Two hard drives are connected to it, 1TB and a 80GB I use just to run windows off of. I have windows 7 Ultimate edition installed. The power supply graphics card and hard drives come from a computer that worked perfectly, and so did the cables FYI so I doubt any of those are the issues.Upon installing windows it froze, and rebooted, multiple times until during the instillation phase and first time set up boot. When I finally got it to install I constantly got the same problem where the computer would restart or freeze when I was doing something. Some times it would freeze/reboot when I opened a program, other times when I closed a program, sometimes when I just moved the mouse. It also restarts or freezes at boot sometimes when it gets to the window logo or Gigabyte splash screen. I have tried;

Switching the power supply
Installing windows on another hard drive (It froze during install also)
disconnecting everything and plugging it back in multiple times...
Toying with the bios settings


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PC Reboots After Going Into Hibernate Mode

May 15, 2011

After almost a year of "no problems" operation my PC has suddenly developed a strange will of its own on shut-down.I always put my PC into hibernate mode rather than switching it off. I use the START/Shut Down/Hibernate series of steps. Suddenly recently, my PC still goes into hibernate, as previously, but after approx 2-3 seconds the PC suddenly restarts! The only way to end PC use is now to shut it down completely which is a pain as it takes far longer to restart next time I use the machine.

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Laptop Reboots Itself After I Shut It Down?

Jun 22, 2012

I had an HEUR:Virus.win32generic virus detected by my Kaspersky. I coud not get rid of it, so I deleted the file that it was in. All I remember is that the file ended in avgcorex.dll.Everything else works fine on the computer now except that when I go to start and shut down. The laptop shuts down but it turns itself back on right away.

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Computer Shuts Down And Reboots On Its Own?

Jul 27, 2011

I have just bought a new PC with Windows 7. Ive only had it four days and today my computer store replaced my MB cos my computer has taken to shutting down and then restarting all on its own. the problem is Ive just got it home and its doing the same thing

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Random Reboots After 5 Minutes

Jan 18, 2009

Starting today my pc had those random reboots while in windows 7. It started when I was away. When I got home I logged in and 5 minutes later it would reboot. I am now in Vista and do not have the same problem.

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Inspiron 580 Random Reboots

Nov 3, 2012

So the title pretty much says it: quite randomly, the computer will freeze for a couple of seconds, and then reboot itself. The 'repair options' screen displays on the next startup. I always ignore it and continue to boot. I have actually been working on this machine for months. So I tried to fill out as much hardware info as possible in the registration form, so it should be viewable on my user account page. It's a Dell Inspiron 580 running Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64. I have professional Avast AV and firewall software running on this machine, as well as Malwarebyte's pro scanner (for flash scans). I have been up this machine's a$$ inside and out looking for malware, locking down IE, the firewall, installing security updates, etc, and I am convinced this is not a virus of any kind. I even threw on an IP firewall, fired up Wireshark, and let it go for an hour looking for FTP/SMTP logins or other suspicious activity, but it was all quiet.

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Windows Reboots When Ask To Shut Down

Jan 11, 2013

i run Windows 7 x64, at times when i ask to shut down, it does this and 1 second later it restarts, any i dea what might cause this?

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Can't Get Windows 7 Running - Reboots

Jan 13, 2011

I've got a new home built system. All the parts are new. The specs are listed below.

I can load Windows (retail OEM DVD Home Premium 64 bit), but after the second reboot in the installation sequence, the system shuts down. I can power up, and it will get to the 'Starting Windows' screen, pause, and then shut down. About one in four times, it will complete the boot and load. The event logs show event ID 20010 and 1074 initiating the shutdown. Subsequent reboots will shutdown as well. Occasionally, I can make it start in debug or safe mode, but not every time.

I've not yet loaded any specific drivers. Memtest passed with no errors and the WD diagnostics say the HDD is okay. I've unhooked everything from the board except the video card, DVD, and HDD. I've tried re-formatting and re-installing multiple times.

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Laptop Reboots Over And Over Again At First Start-up?

Feb 18, 2011

I bought an ASUS X52J laptop 2 months ago. Worked perfectly up until yesterday - I couldn't play any videos at all. Games worked good, but no videos at allTried updating Flash player, video drivers, than downgrading both - no resultsSo I decided to do a freah install of Windows 7, like with every PC that I had so far - since all that OEM crap is really choking the machine. Anyways, installation goes good until the part when it's supposed to start first time. This is how it goes-BIOS screen-Little gray line and "Windows is loading files"-Black background, some "lights" in the middle and all that "Setup is checking video performance", "setup is editing registry", "preparing Your PC for first start-up" - or something like that. hen, I suddenly get a GRAY background image(instead of blue), a spinning mouse cursor, and it restarts. And it does the same thing again. And again. And again. And again. I even left it like that for half an hour, but nothing changed.

Tried booting in Safe mode. Got the black background with "Safe Mode" in each corner but it suddenly restarts. That's it.So I tried to use ASUS Recovery - the F9 on BIOS Screen. Starts and then I suddenly get a HUGE red ERROR over my screen. In the upper left corner's "ASRecovery - OS File DEPLOY ERROR !So now I'm stuck without an OS. And I don't know what to do

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Reboots By Itself Then Lose Internet

Apr 25, 2012

I turned on my computer, it ran perfect for about 5 minutes then decided to reboot itself. After it rebooted I lost all internet connections, still had local connections to printer, scannner.After attempting to reset router and modem three times I finaly did a system restore.I got back internet connection for about 5 minutes then it rebooted again and again no connection.System windows 7 ultimate 64, intel based, I7,home built, had never had a problem till today system has been up and running for over a year.

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Windows 7 Random Reboots?

Nov 20, 2010

I just upgraded my PC with a new Mobo, Processor, cooler, and an SSD for the OS. I play World of Warcraft. It seems as though it only restarts when I'm running WoW. I left the computer on for 4 days with no restarts. This is with a completely fresh install of 7 with all updates and the proper drivers for my system installed. Within less than 1 hour of starting WoW my system reboots, and now it does it approx. every 15-30 min if running WoW. Sometimes sooner, sometimes longer..This is the only error that comes up in the Event Log

Event 6008, EventLog The previous system shutdown at 1:45:28 PM on 11/20/2010 was unexpected.
- EventData
1:45:28 PM

System Specs:

Mobo - msi890FXA-GD70
CPU - Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition (not overclocked)
RAM - Kingston DDR3 (PC3-8500F), 533MHz, 1066
GPU - Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+
HD - Corsair CSSD-V64GB2
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit

I've read that event 6008 is a thermal event... meaning something's overheating... but i've been monitoring everything constantly and there's nothing running hot at all. In fact, everything is really cool within this system.

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Windows 7 Reboots At Startup?

Apr 24, 2011

Have a windoes 7 laptom that got the win 7 home security virus...during manual extraction, exe extensions no longer work, now constant reboot loops even going into safe mode...

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Sometimes Reboots During Windows 7 Startup

May 16, 2011

I've just moved from WinXP Pro to Win7 Ultimate with a clean* install and am getting strange rebooting behavior sometimes.

I've read the post "Random reboots in Windows 7 x64 - PSU issue?" but other OSs on my computer don't have a problem and I don't know enough about win7 boot mechanics. I've also run memtest enough to know it's not my memory.

Striker II NSE w/ Q9450
8 GB 1333 ram (4x2GB)

*My system is dual-booting with linux and linux runs very well with no crashes or rebooting. One thing though is that I can't install the Win7 service pack x64 because it's complaining about being unable to access the System Partition. Probably because I overwrote the MBR with linux for dual booting purposes, and yet half the time windows starts just fine.

It seems to happen only during startup or shortly thereafter. If I can make it 60 seconds past login then it seems to be okay.

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Random Reboots With No Error

Dec 28, 2009

So, I just got a new PC recently from Velocity Micro,

Core i7 2.8 GHz overclocked to 3.3 GHz
8 gigs of ram
500 gig HD
Windows 7 Home Premium x64

So the first few days I was receiving blue screens, with the heading

I went into the startup options and i believe it was Quickstep that I turned on, haven't experienced the BSOD since then.

Recently, certain games (Champions Online and Lord of The Rings Online) have been causing my computer to randomly reboot.

I can't really run programs like Prime95 or Memtest, because with the overclocked system they always find errors.

I want to know if I should be worried about this and what I should do. Velocity Micro tech support has yet to respond and I fear they may just have me send the damn thing back for repairs (2 weeks without a computer). Any suggestions on this topic would be extremely helpful. I am not terribly familiar with hardware. More software. Please if you do want to have me try something concerning bios or voltage, explain it to me because I will most likely not have done it before.

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