Windows 7 System Reboots After Sleep Mode

Nov 13, 2012

My Windows 7 laptop reboots when I put it in sleep mode or when it falls asleep automatically?

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Windows 7 Reboots After Resuming From Sleep And Hibernate Mode?

Jan 23, 2012

My Windows 7 is:- x64 Home Premium SP1- the original installed OS on the system.- an OEM version. Came pre-installed on system.- The age of system (hardware) is 8 Months.- The age of OS installation is 8 Months.- Never re-installed.Hardware is:Sony VAIO VPC-EB46FXIntel Core i5 CPU M480 @2.67GHz

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System Not Booting After Being Put In Sleep Mode?

Feb 12, 2013

I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 bit on a system using an ASUS P5Q Pro motherboard.henever I'm away from the computer for an extended time, I always go to Start and put it in sleep mode. I've never had a problem with it waking back up and resuming until today. I had to leave the house for a while, so placed it in Sleep mode, but then realized I'd forgotten to do something, so before it actually went into sleep mode and shut down, I started moving the mouse to stop it. Nothing happened and I eventually heard the usual pop of the speakers indicating it had shut down into sleep mode. The monitor was blank. I kept moving the mouse, but instead of waking up and going back into Windows, I heard the same beep as heard when rebooting, and the Cmos stuff appeared on the screen as if booting, but then stopped and I saw "Press F2 to load defaults and continue" ....which I did. It started to do something then stopped with no HD activity and nothing on the screen. Nothing.

No activity. I then shut it down using the button on the front of the case and let it sit for a couple minutes. Pressed the On button and heard some activity with the green light and red activity light lighting. Sounded like a normal boot with the beep, speakers popped on, and it looked like something was going to appear on the screen, but....nothing. I could see the monitor had been activated....just nothing displayed. All activity stopped within a few seconds with only the green light still on. The internal fans were running, but nothing happening. Again, I shut it down using the power button, and shut the power supply off as well. I let let it sit and tried again.....same thing. It starts to do something, then quits with just the green light on and the internal fans running. It simply will not boot...and until this episode has been running great.

It seems to have something to do with pressing F2 and loading the bios defaults. I'm wondering if it may be locked in sleep mode. I contacted the guy who builds my systems and is unfortunately out of town and I'm in the middle of a magazine layout. We tried everything, but it simply won't go past that one point. It's not even POSTing. He suggested removing the motherboard battery in order to reset the bios and if it happens to be locked in sleep mode, removing and replacing the battery will delete any sleep mode settings.After reading about similar issues, I removed the motherboard battery and changed the jumper for 10 seconds to reset the bios and finally was able to get into the bios setup.

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System Lock On Waking From Sleep Mode

Jan 17, 2012

I get intermittent freezing on waking from sleep mode, and indeed occasionally it wakes up immediately after sleeping.

I looked in the event manager and after 2 separate occasions of it freezing on waking up, it's come up with vwififilt as the culprit. I hope I've uploaded a screengrab correctly.

I can't find anything online which distinguishes why this file is not loading and causing a freeze on waking from sleep mode.

Any ideas on what I can do to remedy this problem? And also why I might be getting this sporadic problem of the system waking immediately after sleeping?

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Cannot Wake Up From Sleep Mode - Restarts System Instead

Jul 28, 2011

My previous OS is Windows Vista Starter w/c is very much annoying IMHO, so I installed another OS which is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Edition in a partition and this is the one I'm using at the moment. But the problem is the sleep function..Every time I put my Laptop to sleep and when I'm waking it up to resume the task I'm doing it restarts my system instead which is pretty much annoying..

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Reboots On Waking From Sleep?

Apr 28, 2012

I have a Lenovo e525 laptop with windows 7 ultimate x64 and a second hard drive where the dvd drive was, when I wake from sleep any of the following can happen: - It wakes but the screen is dimmed and the brightness buttons don´t work so I have to reboot. - It wakes to the screen off, I have to reboot. - It wakes then after up to 30 seconds an error pop up shows and the laptop reboots without shutting down. - It wakes then after up to a minute it reboots without shutting down. - It wakes fine and I can use it, 1 out of 10 times.

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Windows 7 Reboots During Startup - Even In Safe Mode?

Dec 8, 2011

I have a Windows 7 installation that I seem to be in an 'endless loop' on. First off, if I just let the system reboot, it comes to the windows 7 splash screen and then reboots again. This will happen endlessly if I let it.If I hit F8 during boot up, I do get the Windows 7 menu. I have tried using the 'repair' options, but they don't succeed in solving the problem. I have tried going into Safe Mode and that also reboots after getting to the 'CLASSPNP.sys' driver (at least that's what it displays on the screen).

So I thought I would just 're-install' Win 7. I boot from my Win 7 DVD, and my options are 'upgrade' or 'clean install'. If I do 'upgrade', the DVD tells me that I need to start Windows first and then run Upgrade. Of course, I CANNOT do that since Windows 7 won't start! I'm afraid to do CLEAN INSTALL as I don't want to lose all the files

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Computer Reboots After 'starting Windows', Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 21, 2011

Computer rebooted after 'starting windows' When starting in safe mode, it rebooted after loading classpnp.sys

This happened after I installed MSE and it detected a Trojan located in c:/windows. On hindsight deleting it was a bad idea.

I've tried using startup repair as well as sfc/scannow. I've also ttried unplugging the hard drives as well as changing the hard drive mode in the BIOS from ide to ADHCI and back.

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PC Reboots After Going Into Hibernate Mode

May 15, 2011

After almost a year of "no problems" operation my PC has suddenly developed a strange will of its own on shut-down.I always put my PC into hibernate mode rather than switching it off. I use the START/Shut Down/Hibernate series of steps. Suddenly recently, my PC still goes into hibernate, as previously, but after approx 2-3 seconds the PC suddenly restarts! The only way to end PC use is now to shut it down completely which is a pain as it takes far longer to restart next time I use the machine.

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Reboots - Booting In Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2009

Reboots and Reboots, Tryed dual boot, Have too revert too prev Installation, Tryed everything Booting in safe mode, safe mode Comand prompt ect...

I Have a AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+ 3.0 gigs of ram Radeon HD 3870 X2,, Dam It And They Want us 2 pay for this &*(%(*&^( &&^^^%%6 Sorry But I still Can't get my Vista &^%$#@$#$%^ Running either,Thank god the beta is free,Maybe ill try a Mac with linux....

Should i try i install it over Vista Instead,Last vista Beta fried my HDD.

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Computer Reboots When Loading Safe Mode?

Jan 4, 2013

Yesterday I left my pc running, and when I came back, found a black screen.Rebooting, I came across some random characters in the POST and also in BIOS, after which, the same black screen. I googled this, removed the video card and the bios and post look normal now( i use the onboard video), but when trying to load windows, the pc reboots.I tried system repair, chkdsk. When trying to boot in safe mode, it loads up to "AtiPcie.sys", then reboots.

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System Reboots After Windows 7 Logo Screen

Aug 29, 2012

My PC reboots its self after windows logo I have got it to work before by doing a system restore but I would have to do it twice to get it to work. I have a mini dump which I will upload.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump - 82812-24913-01.dmp

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HP Pavilion Notebook Reboots Continuously Except In Safe Mode

Feb 8, 2013

It will only stay booted in Safe Mode. When I start the computer, it boots up, stays booted for a few minutes, then the screen goes black and it reboots. This keeps happening unless it is booted in Safe Mode. Purchased with Vista; I clean installed Windows 7 Home Premium (I know it's legit, bought it for her myself) when Windows 7 first came out.

When I turned it on, it rebooted so I started it in Safe mode and have tried/found the following problems: It had 4 adware programs and one trojan horse; removed those with Malwarebytes. Rescanned with Malwarebytes and MS Security Essentials, came out clean - Device manager showed two problems - bad drivers for co-processor and bad drivers for Graphics card. Installed those drivers and the Device Manager did not show anything wrong. Problem keeps happening.

Opened BIOS and ran both Hard Drive and Memory Diagnostics; no problems found, Did not make any BIOS changes (I have little experience with BIOS) - Ran diagnostics with Windows 7 disk; including Repair, Memory Diagnostics; no problems found - Graphics card is NVIDIA GeFroce 7150M/nforce 630M; reinstalled drivers, didn't work anything - When the screen saver goes on, there is an error message. "The screen saver can't run because it requires a newer video card or one that's compatible with Direct 3D".

This is an old computer, well out of warranty. Do I still possibly have an embedded virus? What removal tool should I get? Is it worth replacing the graphics card - if that's possible on an old laptop? Should I try a clean install of Windows 7?

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Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access Then Reboots Itself

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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Stop Laptop From Going Into Hibernation Mode / Sleep Mode?

Sep 17, 2010

How do you stop laptop from going into hibernation mode / sleep mode?

I run a program that takes 8 hours. I need the laptop to stay awake.

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Can't Image: Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access, Reboots

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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My System Reboots Itself

Jan 23, 2012


The computer reboots itself. I've checked processor for heat sink problems, thinking this is an hardware issue.I've attached required files

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System Reboots Several Times During Startup Only?

Mar 26, 2012

I have Windows 7 on Intel D945GPM MB, 3 GB RAM. System always reboots itself several times duing startup (3-4 times, including 1-2 BSOD). Took 4-5 minutes. After 3-4 times, Windows 7 loads normally, then I can use it the whole day without any problem what-so-ever.

After I shut it down or go into hibernate, then I have to repeat this multiple reboots again each time.

I read extensively about it. If it is driver or hardware issue, I don't understand why it ends up stable after 3-4 times. I don't have any problem with any problem with devices after Windows loads up eventually. The reboots only happens during startup.

Safe mode or Windows repair does not make a difference. I tried them all. It is so strange. I just have to wait for system to reboots itself 3-4 times.

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Random Reboots When System Is Idle

Jun 24, 2012

Is Windows 7 - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64 - the original installed OS on the system? YES - an OEM or full retail version? Retail OEM - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer.What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years old - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS? 3 months

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System Reboots When Start 3ds Max Software

Aug 17, 2011

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033 Additional information about the problem: BCCode: 116
BCP1: 8655B510
BCP2: 8E21B9B0
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000002
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1 Files that help describe the problem: C:WindowsMinidump�81711-14742-01.dmp
C:UsersSAMAppDataLocalTempWER-32307-0.sysdata.xml Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

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System Reboots When Plugging In USB Cable?

Jan 8, 2012

This event happens maybe once every 20 plug-in attemps and only when I'm slightly up or down from a straight push in. The device doesn't matter. The port in question is one of four on the front panel of the case. The rebooting only happens with one port. Never had a problem with the other three. I haven't pulled the front of the case because it happens so infrequently.

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Get The Scan To Not Stop During Sleep Mode Or Scan If It's In Sleep Mode

Jan 19, 2012

wreaks havoc with my Norton full system scan. It is scheduled weekly, but never does it, because my computer is on, but sleeping. How can I get the scan to not stop during sleep mode or scan if it's in sleep mode? I having to constantly unsleep my computer or change my control panel settings then change it back.

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Windows 7 Will Not Going In Sleep Mode

Mar 7, 2011

From time to time Windows 7 will not go to sleep (only the display will turn off). I have searched various forums and tried the following fixes: I have already made sure that network adapters are not allowed to wake up the computer. I typed "POWERCFG -ENERGY" in the command prompt (as administrator) and an energy report was generated, which reported this error: System Availability Requests:System Required Request The service has made a request to prevent the system from automatically entering sleep.
Requesting Service Spooler Opening task manager, I see a process running called "splwow64.exe" -- is this the spooler preventing the computer from sleeping?

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Windows 7 Will Not Stay In Sleep Mode

Aug 30, 2009

I have Win 7 RC Ultimate 64 bit for a while. Works great. The only problem so far is that it will not stay in "sleep" mode(not the hybernation). It goes there, the light on the box is blinking and after about 10 sec it wakes up. Can't figure out what wakes it up though. I dual boot on the same machine to Vista Home Prem 32 bit and it goes to sleep fine and stays there. So, I don't think it is hardware.

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Changing Sleep Mode On Windows 7

Sep 17, 2011

I have a new Samsung laptop with windows 7. I'm am trying to change the sleep mode when I close the lid. I can't access any of the controls or change anything when I open this screen...(.no attachments allowed)i would post a screenshot but I can't.....what is the secret to getting in there..I have found the correct page but once I'm there I can't access any of the options.

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Windows 7 Won't Stay In Sleep Mode

Nov 18, 2012

For the longest time I have had a problem with my custom build Windows 7 machine staying in Sleep Mode. I would set it and a little time forward and the machine would be started again. Today I was reading some additional suggestions. It said it may be a slide show. I don't have any slide shows set up but after some thinking I decided to turn off the Windows Personalization desktop theme that I had on my computer. I chose to have them rotate some beautiful desktop themes every 10 seconds. Once I turned off all but one of the themes, I have not had any additional problems with my computer staying in sleep mode. I like the various desktop background changing but I also like the ability to use sleep mode.

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UPS Communication After Windows 7 Sleep Mode

Feb 19, 2012

I have just purchased a Cyber Power Pure Sine Wave UPS and it is working great except for one exception. Whether or not I use the included software, after my computer wakes up from sleep mode, windows cannot communicate with the UPS.

With the included PowerPanel software, the PC still things the device is charging if I cut the power after sleep mode. Without the software, windows reports that the battery is plugged in, not charging.

Since the UPS is connected via USB, I have tried disabling "USB selective suspend" in power options, as well as unchecking "allow windows to put device to sleep" for all USB ports in device manager.

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Windows Resuming After Sleep Mode?

Nov 9, 2010

Every time my dell laptop is in sleep mode for a while - and there is still plenty of battery left it seems to "resume windows" and it's like a startup. Shouldn't it just ask for my password and be there right away?

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Does Downloading Is On In Sleep Mode Windows 7

Mar 21, 2011

does downloading is on in sleep mode windows 7?

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Windows 7 Not Coming Out Of Sleep Mode?

Apr 18, 2011

Just built this computer last week and I've had problems when the computer goes to sleep. When I press a key or move the mouse, the computer apparently wakes up but the monitor is still black and the PC speaker is gives off a three beep pattern. After a cold reboot, the system/win7 does not restart, but rather resumes the task I was doing prior to the sleeping mode. One more thing, does cold rebooting affect ssd's the same way as normal hd's?

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When After Sleep Mode Windows 7 Disconnects

Apr 9, 2012

Never turn windows 7 off ,however I leave the computer for awhile and return the screen in the sleep mode.Click on mouse , the screen returns but upper right hand corner near time and weather , it says you are disconected . After a few seconds I am connected . Is this normal ?

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