Can't Get Windows 7 Running - Reboots

Jan 13, 2011

I've got a new home built system. All the parts are new. The specs are listed below.

I can load Windows (retail OEM DVD Home Premium 64 bit), but after the second reboot in the installation sequence, the system shuts down. I can power up, and it will get to the 'Starting Windows' screen, pause, and then shut down. About one in four times, it will complete the boot and load. The event logs show event ID 20010 and 1074 initiating the shutdown. Subsequent reboots will shutdown as well. Occasionally, I can make it start in debug or safe mode, but not every time.

I've not yet loaded any specific drivers. Memtest passed with no errors and the WD diagnostics say the HDD is okay. I've unhooked everything from the board except the video card, DVD, and HDD. I've tried re-formatting and re-installing multiple times.

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Windows 7 Running Slow, Not Running Games Properly?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm just installed windows 7 on my 2009 imac through bootcamp. However there are some problems. Ive noticed when i try to play something on windows media player it will tell me that my computer is running low on memory and to close some windows. Also games run poorly if at all. I suspect its a driver issue but have gone through all the auto updates etc.

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Random Windows 7 Reboots?

Aug 27, 2012

while I'm surfing the web or playing games and whatnot... My computer just reboots all of a sudden. And not just once, but once it reboots, it reboots again several times before I manage to log in or sometimes after I log in but not even get to the Desktop, or it halts completely when the windows Symbol appears (The one with the four dots which turn into a flag or something) so I have to turn it off by keeping the power button pressed. Also, the reboots are usually accompanied by a screeching sound.

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Windows Reboots When Ask To Shut Down

Jan 11, 2013

i run Windows 7 x64, at times when i ask to shut down, it does this and 1 second later it restarts, any i dea what might cause this?

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Windows 7 Random Reboots?

Nov 20, 2010

I just upgraded my PC with a new Mobo, Processor, cooler, and an SSD for the OS. I play World of Warcraft. It seems as though it only restarts when I'm running WoW. I left the computer on for 4 days with no restarts. This is with a completely fresh install of 7 with all updates and the proper drivers for my system installed. Within less than 1 hour of starting WoW my system reboots, and now it does it approx. every 15-30 min if running WoW. Sometimes sooner, sometimes longer..This is the only error that comes up in the Event Log

Event 6008, EventLog The previous system shutdown at 1:45:28 PM on 11/20/2010 was unexpected.
- EventData
1:45:28 PM

System Specs:

Mobo - msi890FXA-GD70
CPU - Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition (not overclocked)
RAM - Kingston DDR3 (PC3-8500F), 533MHz, 1066
GPU - Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+
HD - Corsair CSSD-V64GB2
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit

I've read that event 6008 is a thermal event... meaning something's overheating... but i've been monitoring everything constantly and there's nothing running hot at all. In fact, everything is really cool within this system.

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Windows 7 Reboots At Startup?

Apr 24, 2011

Have a windoes 7 laptom that got the win 7 home security virus...during manual extraction, exe extensions no longer work, now constant reboot loops even going into safe mode...

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Sometimes Reboots During Windows 7 Startup

May 16, 2011

I've just moved from WinXP Pro to Win7 Ultimate with a clean* install and am getting strange rebooting behavior sometimes.

I've read the post "Random reboots in Windows 7 x64 - PSU issue?" but other OSs on my computer don't have a problem and I don't know enough about win7 boot mechanics. I've also run memtest enough to know it's not my memory.

Striker II NSE w/ Q9450
8 GB 1333 ram (4x2GB)

*My system is dual-booting with linux and linux runs very well with no crashes or rebooting. One thing though is that I can't install the Win7 service pack x64 because it's complaining about being unable to access the System Partition. Probably because I overwrote the MBR with linux for dual booting purposes, and yet half the time windows starts just fine.

It seems to happen only during startup or shortly thereafter. If I can make it 60 seconds past login then it seems to be okay.

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Windows Reboots Itself Only On Startup?

Dec 27, 2012

Well, when I first start the computer the next day it restarts itself a few minutes after loading windows, then I go into safe mode and restart back to normal mode and the computer runs fine afterwards. It happens almost every time(on rare occasions it works fine) when I first start up the computer. It use to lock up instead of rebooting but that was solved when I uninstalled AVG anti-virus scan, so I have no idea whats happening.

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Windows 7 Crashes And Reboots While Sleeping?

Jan 31, 2012

I have an Asus Eee Laptop PC with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit which very often crashes and reboots while it is sleeping (lid closed), but never while running. When I open the lid again the system is back in windows and is showing the sort of "auto search" for solutions but it never finds any.

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BSOD Whenever Windows Reboots To Install SP1?

Apr 14, 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate 64

-full retail

-system hardware is less than a year old

-intel i7 980 core @ 3.33GHz

-Gigagyte GA-X58A-UD3r Mother board

My changed from the on-board marvell raid controller to the gigabyte raid controller because my system kept crashing. After doing so, I reloaded windows seven and reinstalled all the drivers. Upon the first restart for windows updates (SP1) I got the BSOD

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Windows 7 Shuts Down And Reboots Very Slow?

Dec 6, 2011

I use Windows 7 Professional on my Sony Vaio Laptop and for the most part it has been a great computer in the last two weeks or so I have seen it become very slow. So I did the normal clean up defrag, virus scan, disk clean, window tweaks etc etc and for most part the computer has become a lot fast, but it still shut downs and boots like very slow. I did try the Windows 7 tips that are on here and it did improve some, but today it took 3 minutes to boot and last night it took about 4 minutes to shut down. I am just wondering what else I can do to make it faster before I decide to reformat the hard drive and set computer back to factory settings.

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Startup Repair Every Time Windows 7 Reboots

Feb 10, 2012

My system was working really gr8 till last week.. and one fine day, i had done some updates for my win7, then it asked me to reboot and as i did.. i got the boot screen and i selected win7 and i got win7 logo blinking.. and then it again rebooted.. and this time it went to startup repair.. after i run startup repair, luckily i had some restore points.. and after i restored my system.. everytime till now , it goes to startup repair everytime i boot my system ..win7 still asks to get updated and everytime i do it or without updating also it goes to startup repair and again i restore.. it is like a loop

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Windows 7 Updates Will Not Install After Computer Reboots

Jan 13, 2013

My window 7 updates will not install after the computer reboots after saying it is installing i get updates failed. I talked to techguru guys online and they said that I had many corrupt files and wanted $119.00 to fix it one time or $299. for a two year contract. While they were remotely using my computer I could see the corrupted 32 bit files in the registry. I dont know if this was true or if it was the reason that the updates do not install. and they said the corrupted files are replicating and will crash my computer.

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Windows 7 Reboots During Startup - Even In Safe Mode?

Dec 8, 2011

I have a Windows 7 installation that I seem to be in an 'endless loop' on. First off, if I just let the system reboot, it comes to the windows 7 splash screen and then reboots again. This will happen endlessly if I let it.If I hit F8 during boot up, I do get the Windows 7 menu. I have tried using the 'repair' options, but they don't succeed in solving the problem. I have tried going into Safe Mode and that also reboots after getting to the 'CLASSPNP.sys' driver (at least that's what it displays on the screen).

So I thought I would just 're-install' Win 7. I boot from my Win 7 DVD, and my options are 'upgrade' or 'clean install'. If I do 'upgrade', the DVD tells me that I need to start Windows first and then run Upgrade. Of course, I CANNOT do that since Windows 7 won't start! I'm afraid to do CLEAN INSTALL as I don't want to lose all the files

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Windows 7 Crashes By Screen Going Black Sometimes Reboots?

Apr 2, 2012

SYS Specs
Windows 7 ultimate x64
Intel i7 m 620 @2.67Ghz 2.66Ghz
Nvidia geforce gt 330 m
500GB HD

Just recently been getting a crash when the display will go black and not respond again an I have to manually turn off an on the computer or (very rarely) it will reboot. If I have music or any sound being played through the speakers at the time, the sound gets all distorted and turns into static. I have reformated and i still get the problem so I don't think it is software, I have also ran hardware checks and all the main components seem fine. I can turn it on first thing in the morning and it will run good for a few hours then crash, also I can leave it on stand by almost all day with no problem then wake it an it only takes a few minutes of browsing the net for it to crash and after that it will crash within 30min of reboot.

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Random Reboots Windows 7 X64 Fresh Build

Apr 18, 2012

I have been experiencing random reboots with my fresh Win 7 x64 build. I am suspecting either a bad ram sticks or ATI video card issue. I have attached the minidump and performance report logs.

AMD Phenom X6 1100T
Sabertooh 990FX
4 x 4Gb G.Skill Ripjaws 1600mhz
XFX 6850 1Gb
Intel 520 120GB SSD
Corsair TX750W

All drivers have been updated to the latest version.

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Windows 7 Reboots Everytime I Select Shutdown

Dec 4, 2010

I recently did a reinstall of Windows 7 (64 Bit) which went well and everything was working fine until my pc encountered some kind of error last night & rebooted. Since then everytime I shut it down, it just reboots instead. I've tried quite a few things after reading the net but nothing has worked.

I've tried changing power management options in the device manager, looking in the BIOS for anything that looks off and I've just completed another reinstall of Windows but the problem still persists.

The only thing that's not fully up to date are the motherboard drivers as when I download them from the Asus website, I just get a ROM file that I can't seem to use.

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Windows 7 X64 Reboots Randomly While Playing Warcraft

Dec 19, 2012

My windows 7 64bit works fine if ur browsing, emailing, watching a video, but as soon as i start warcraft 3 (DOTA) which doesnt even have high gaming graphics it reboots rite in the middle of the game randomly, it used to work fine a month ago, these random reboots just started. there is NO blue screen, nothing in the event logs just random restarts with no information.

Voltage seems fine - no ups and downs, i have 4gb ddr 3 ram - which works fine? how do i figure out what the problem is? my graphics driver is up to date, there was an update by nvidia daybefore yesterday which i also downloaded hoped it would make the restarts go away

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Reboots At Windows Logo And Goes To Startup Repair With New SSD?

Feb 8, 2013

I installed a new SSD disk the other day, enabled AHCI and changed boot order so that the SSD was first and then booted with my Windows 7 DVD where I deleted the previous Windows installation that was on my regular HDD so that it became an unformatted drive. Then I installed Windows onto the SSD.

Now, sometimes when I boot my computer it reboots on the Windows logo only to go to recommend Startup Repair, but it works when I choose to boot normally this second time. Don't tell me I have to reinstall Windows just because I didn't unplug my two other (unformatted) drives when installing on the SSD?

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Computer Endlessly Reboots When Trying To Install Windows 7?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a problem with a computer I just built. Everything seems to be running fine, the only problem is that after it loads the windows files to load into windows, the screen will freeze for about 5 minutes then reboot itself on the "Loading windows screen."

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Copying Files From Windows 7 64 To WD Live Hub Reboots PC

Oct 13, 2012

I have two laptops on my network both wireless, I also have a WD Live Hub on it too but that's hard wired into the router.

When I copy over large files to the WD box from either PC, sometimes more often than not (randomly) it will at some stage just reboot the PC, no warning nothing, Just windows restarts. I can then start the copy off again and it might work it might not.

There is no set pattern to this and its annoying that if you walk away while copying then you don't know if the copy is 100% successful because you come back and the machine is stilling there with nothing on the desktop and quite happy. Has the copy finished or has the machine restarted!?! I have to leave another window open to be 100% sure.

The second laptop is slightly different to the first in that does a BSOD memory dump when it happens and then reboots once its dumped 100% of the memory, where as the first just restarts instantly.

I don't know if anyone else is having or had this type of issue, is it because its the 64bit OS? I'm sure before when I had XP on both machines this never happened so its only since I upgraded them to 7 64bit but that was a long time ago.

I only get this issue when copying files to my WD box, the rest of the time - playing games, browsing the net, watching movies, the laptops are fine...

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Windows Server 2003 Reboots Continuously

Jan 2, 2012

Windows server 2003 reboots very often. On 30th Dec alone rebooted 10 times.Found only in Device manager for Display Adaptor its whowing in Yellow Mark for Intel Q965/Q963 Express Chipset Family. Is this could be any cause for reboot.Will drivers installations can resolve it?

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System Reboots After Windows 7 Logo Screen

Aug 29, 2012

My PC reboots its self after windows logo I have got it to work before by doing a system restore but I would have to do it twice to get it to work. I have a mini dump which I will upload.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump - 82812-24913-01.dmp

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Windows 7 System Reboots After Sleep Mode

Nov 13, 2012

My Windows 7 laptop reboots when I put it in sleep mode or when it falls asleep automatically?

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Windows 7 Reboots After Resuming From Sleep And Hibernate Mode?

Jan 23, 2012

My Windows 7 is:- x64 Home Premium SP1- the original installed OS on the system.- an OEM version. Came pre-installed on system.- The age of system (hardware) is 8 Months.- The age of OS installation is 8 Months.- Never re-installed.Hardware is:Sony VAIO VPC-EB46FXIntel Core i5 CPU M480 @2.67GHz

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Windows 7 Loads Temp User Profile On Every Two Reboots?

Sep 21, 2012

since about two weeks ago, every two times I power my laptop on, windows fails to load the my user profile and greets me with the temp user profile where I can't access my files and such. however, if I reboot after that it loads my user profile sucessfully. but if I reboot again It loads the temp profile. I scanned unsing My antivirus, and it turned up no bad results. I then tried a disk check, but it only was on for less then 5 seconds when it just said "the disk is clean." i'm not sure what to do now. any suggestions? it's really irritataing having to constantly reboot every time i turn my laptop on.

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Pixelated Screen And Computer Reboots After Windows 7 Update

May 24, 2012

I have an Inspiron 5010 and after a Windows 7 update the screen, after the Windows 7 splash screen becomes pixelated and then reboots. I have tried to go into safe mode but it blue screens every time and quickly reboots.

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Computer Reboots After 'starting Windows', Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 21, 2011

Computer rebooted after 'starting windows' When starting in safe mode, it rebooted after loading classpnp.sys

This happened after I installed MSE and it detected a Trojan located in c:/windows. On hindsight deleting it was a bad idea.

I've tried using startup repair as well as sfc/scannow. I've also ttried unplugging the hard drives as well as changing the hard drive mode in the BIOS from ide to ADHCI and back.

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Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access Then Reboots Itself

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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Can't Image: Windows 7 SSD System Freezes, Loses Disk Access, Reboots

Jan 24, 2012

I don't know if this is a harware issue with my SSD, disk controller (motherboard), power supply or something else, but depending on what I'm doing, the computer will operate for a few minutes then freeze and eventually reboot itself. When it reboots, I get the "Bootmgr is Missing" message until I cycle power a couple of times. I've tried booting from the Windows 7 repair disk and typing "bootrec /fixboot", but the problem eventually returns.I can't get a full image update from Acronis because it hangs in the middle of the image, even if I say to ignore bad sectors. If I run the HDTune diagnostic on the SSD, it seems to always stop after about 3 minutes and always in the same spot, at 15,432MB. Is this a problem with the SSD or the disk controller?


O/S: OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840 Processor, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date:Award Software International, Inc. F13, 8/31/2010
SSD:Microcenter SSD G2 series 64GB ATA Device
HDD:Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 ATA Device (1TB)

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BSOD Running When Running Intel Driver Update Utility And More Apps

Aug 12, 2012

ive been getting BSODs and finally figured out how to debug it with WinDbg (x86) and set the symbols for windows but i cant read the text. ive tried reinstalling my GPU and Java but no luck. when i try to run intel driver update utility as soon as i run it i get a BSOD ive got the minidump here if anyone knows how to read it, so here you go.

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.2.8400.0 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:UserskalyeDesktop�81212-36504-01.dmp]


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