Inspiron 580 Random Reboots

Nov 3, 2012

So the title pretty much says it: quite randomly, the computer will freeze for a couple of seconds, and then reboot itself. The 'repair options' screen displays on the next startup. I always ignore it and continue to boot. I have actually been working on this machine for months. So I tried to fill out as much hardware info as possible in the registration form, so it should be viewable on my user account page. It's a Dell Inspiron 580 running Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64. I have professional Avast AV and firewall software running on this machine, as well as Malwarebyte's pro scanner (for flash scans). I have been up this machine's a$$ inside and out looking for malware, locking down IE, the firewall, installing security updates, etc, and I am convinced this is not a virus of any kind. I even threw on an IP firewall, fired up Wireshark, and let it go for an hour looking for FTP/SMTP logins or other suspicious activity, but it was all quiet.

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Random Windows 7 Reboots?

Aug 27, 2012

while I'm surfing the web or playing games and whatnot... My computer just reboots all of a sudden. And not just once, but once it reboots, it reboots again several times before I manage to log in or sometimes after I log in but not even get to the Desktop, or it halts completely when the windows Symbol appears (The one with the four dots which turn into a flag or something) so I have to turn it off by keeping the power button pressed. Also, the reboots are usually accompanied by a screeching sound.

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Random Reboots After 5 Minutes

Jan 18, 2009

Starting today my pc had those random reboots while in windows 7. It started when I was away. When I got home I logged in and 5 minutes later it would reboot. I am now in Vista and do not have the same problem.

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Windows 7 Random Reboots?

Nov 20, 2010

I just upgraded my PC with a new Mobo, Processor, cooler, and an SSD for the OS. I play World of Warcraft. It seems as though it only restarts when I'm running WoW. I left the computer on for 4 days with no restarts. This is with a completely fresh install of 7 with all updates and the proper drivers for my system installed. Within less than 1 hour of starting WoW my system reboots, and now it does it approx. every 15-30 min if running WoW. Sometimes sooner, sometimes longer..This is the only error that comes up in the Event Log

Event 6008, EventLog The previous system shutdown at 1:45:28 PM on 11/20/2010 was unexpected.
- EventData
1:45:28 PM

System Specs:

Mobo - msi890FXA-GD70
CPU - Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition (not overclocked)
RAM - Kingston DDR3 (PC3-8500F), 533MHz, 1066
GPU - Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+
HD - Corsair CSSD-V64GB2
OS - Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit

I've read that event 6008 is a thermal event... meaning something's overheating... but i've been monitoring everything constantly and there's nothing running hot at all. In fact, everything is really cool within this system.

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Random Reboots With No Error

Dec 28, 2009

So, I just got a new PC recently from Velocity Micro,

Core i7 2.8 GHz overclocked to 3.3 GHz
8 gigs of ram
500 gig HD
Windows 7 Home Premium x64

So the first few days I was receiving blue screens, with the heading

I went into the startup options and i believe it was Quickstep that I turned on, haven't experienced the BSOD since then.

Recently, certain games (Champions Online and Lord of The Rings Online) have been causing my computer to randomly reboot.

I can't really run programs like Prime95 or Memtest, because with the overclocked system they always find errors.

I want to know if I should be worried about this and what I should do. Velocity Micro tech support has yet to respond and I fear they may just have me send the damn thing back for repairs (2 weeks without a computer). Any suggestions on this topic would be extremely helpful. I am not terribly familiar with hardware. More software. Please if you do want to have me try something concerning bios or voltage, explain it to me because I will most likely not have done it before.

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Random STOP 0x124 Reboots

Apr 16, 2012

Every once in a while, my tablet PC/laptop will either just shut off completely, or will crash with a Stop 0x124 error. It mostly seems to happen when I have Firefox and IE open (I take classes online that require IE, otherwise I would never use it!), and I am using my mouse wheel to scroll a webpage up or down. It doesn't matter if I am scrolling in IE or in FF.

I checked online and from what I can see, this 124 error is pointing to either RAM or the BIOS, but can't determine which. I have 4gb RAM in this machine, and I have swapped it out already, as well as the hard drive. The only difference is that the machine came with Vista on it (from HP), and I put Win7 on it. HP did have drivers for this laptop on Win7, and I have installed all of those with no problems.

I replaced the hard drive about 6 months ago because the machine wouldn't boot up, and when I booted off the Win7 CD and ran chkdsk /r, it found a TON of bad clusters at the beginning of the drive, where I'm guessing the boot sector and boot files/partition would be. So I cloned the drive to the replacement, then ran a "repair" installation on Win7 to make sure none of the files were corrupted. Then I did all of the Windows Updates that I was prompted to install.

Has anyone been able to resolve a Stop 0x124 error, and if so, how?

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BSOD & Reboots (random), Usually While Watching TV?

Feb 22, 2012

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? windows 7 professional x64

- the original installed os on the system? no, installed myself on a clean system

- an oem or full retail version? i got it from a legal msdn academic alliance license.

- what is the age of system (hardware)? not old. probably 1,2 of 3 years old. (amd phenom ii x4 955.) see my profile for more specs.

- what is the age of os installation (have you re-installed the os?) 6 month old, but got crashes since the beginning. if i'm correct, even before the new motherboard/cpu/mem/psu/gpu install.

i think the crashes usually occur when watching tv on my pc using my avermedia capturehd (a pci-e hdmi input card). but i think i have seen crashes while not watching tv. maybe the capturehd card increases the chance a lot. crashes can be random. sometimes i have a week without crashes,sometimes continuously when rebooting.

a crash results in a bsod or a spontaneous reboot. after a spontanous reboot, the system sometimes halts in a black screen after the reboot.sometimes even a cold reboot doesn't boot well. sometimes after a reboot, starting the tv card immediately results in a reboot. crashes often occur when doing multiple things: watching Internet, having a tv window open, downloading. but sometimes also during low system use while having a tv window open.sometimes the radeon gpu driver shows a popup "display driver stopped responding", and continues working normally.

background info:i use a ssd as boot drive. ssd health is 100%. ram is checked using memtest, which shows no problems.

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Random Reboots When System Is Idle

Jun 24, 2012

Is Windows 7 - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64 - the original installed OS on the system? YES - an OEM or full retail version? Retail OEM - OEM = came pre-installed on system - Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer.What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years old - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS? 3 months

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Random Reboots While Playing Certain Games

Nov 23, 2012

I built myself a new rig in September, and certain games have not worked since. My specs are:

I5 3570K
XFX 4850 1GB
400W corsair PSU
ASRock Extreme4 7ZZ
2X 4GB GSkill Ares DDR3 RAM

What happens is the computer just reboots while playing some games. No warning, no blue screen, it just restarts as if the reset switch is being hit. It happens on games built on cryengine and unreal engine AFAK (happened on bioshock, and crysis 2). It does not happen on other games (like Just Cause 2) that are just as power intensive though so i am kind of confused about that. I just installed a clean Windows 7 Ultimate

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Random Reboots Windows 7 X64 Fresh Build

Apr 18, 2012

I have been experiencing random reboots with my fresh Win 7 x64 build. I am suspecting either a bad ram sticks or ATI video card issue. I have attached the minidump and performance report logs.

AMD Phenom X6 1100T
Sabertooh 990FX
4 x 4Gb G.Skill Ripjaws 1600mhz
XFX 6850 1Gb
Intel 520 120GB SSD
Corsair TX750W

All drivers have been updated to the latest version.

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Regular Random Reboots Every Hour After 60 And 70 Minutes

Jun 24, 2012

I experience random reboots since a day or two, they happen every hour between 60 and 70 minutes of the last reboot. I already checked the event log and it only says a critical error but no reason identified. I haven't changed anything in the hardware the last couple of months.

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Random Reboots And BSOD's Including 0x00000124

Jul 15, 2012

instability in Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I've had four crashes in a 3 hour period today and a few yesterday. Anywhere from browsing to playing various games. I built the computer recently and have had the same results with two different power supplies. A Thermaltake 430W and my currently installed OCZ 750W.All parts are new and windows 7 Ultimate x64 is a fresh, clean, install.Biostar T5 XE Motherboard, Intel i3-540, 8GB Gskill memory, 1 TB WD Black Caviar HD, EVGA Geforce GTX 550 Ti (2GB), OCZ750FTY.

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Random Reboots / No BSOD / No Minidump Found

Jan 17, 2010

I've spend the last week scouring Windows 7 Forums finding dozens of people with this issue. At random times, during use or idle, the computer goes blank and reboots.Starting from a clean install of an OEM copy of Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on a formatted HDD

1. Updated all drivers for my devices for Windows 7
2. Loaded and installed all current Windows Updates
3. Flashed and updated the BIOS
4. Ran the driver Verifier, did not see any errors reported
5. Tried to run sfc /scannow, system reboots when the scan gets to about 60% (tried twice)
6. All non-necessary devices (printer, external HDD, etc.) are disconnected.

I would attach a minidump file but there isn't one. I've got the system set to record one but it's not there. I have the view set to display all hidden files/folders. I've done searches for *.dmp files and typed in the address I've got set in the options ... no dice.I never get the BSOD, I have it set to not automatically reboot. It still goes blip and restarts anyway. There's no real pattern to the restarts but it loves to do it in the midst of installations.I've held off running a memory test simply because all my fellow sufferers keep reporting no errors in the memory and any time I do anything time consuming it fails when the system goes blip again. System Info via Advisor attached.

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Random Reboots Or Hard-hangs After Start-up, When Gaming?

Apr 1, 2012

I have been having random reboots and sometimes hard-hangs whenever I am starting to play any PC games after start-up. I have to keep resetting and run through any checks I could think of but the checks always find everything to be okay. Sometimes I do get BSOD and I remember vaguely something about SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION and also the DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL phrases.[CODE]

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Random Event 1001 Bugcheck 0x00000116 Reboots, Did Not See Blue-screen

Nov 15, 2011

I've been experiencing seemingly random crashes and auto-restarts of my computer that started a couple months ago. When it crashes, the video feed to my monitors stops so they go dark and say no signal and any sound that was playing begins stuttering; after about 10 seconds my computer restarts, so apparently there was a bluescreen that I could not see and the delay was windows saving the crash dump.The problem is that the crashes are completely random; well, not completely, they only occur when I'm playing a fullscreen game, never when browsing the web or watching videos. About a month ago I freshly reinstalled windows 7 on a spare hard drive; hoping the problem was somehow related to 'garbage' and a fresh install would fix it. It stopped... for a while, and then started back up again.

I did some googling recently, found that someone with a similar issue had fixed it by upgrading their drivers; did so and found several including mobo inf and related were very out of date. That was about a week ago. When Skyrim was released on the 11th I did a marathon gaming session that lasted about 30 hours (yeah, I know) with zero computer issues whatsoever.Then, yesterday afternoon I started playing Skyrim again.. and it crashed again randomly about 2 hours into my play. Crashed again about an hour later; and then this evening it crashed like 10 minutes into my play session.I don't normally ask for help with computer issues; I've always fixed them myself with assistance from googling stuff and forums that helped me figure out what to do, but this is beyond me.

I built my current system december '08, upgraded the graphics card to the current gtx 570 last december and upgraded my OS from vista to 7 a few months ago. The rest of my system info is in my system profile stuff. Brief version below:

Gigabyte EX-58 Extreme
Core i7 920 stock clock (2.66ghz)
6GB (3x2GB) Corsair XMS3 1600MHz
Antec TPQ-1000 PSU
Windows 7 Pro x64 OEM

Also, my system runs quite cool; normal cpu idle temps are 84 F and system 120 ish. I've never experienced any graphical corruption either.One other thing I just recalled. Before about november 8th, these crashes used to say they were related to:Event 18 WHEA-logger A fatal hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor ID: 0

However, these particular crashes stopped once I upgraded my BIOS from the mobo original to the latest (non-beta) bios F12

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Blue-screen/Random Restarting Dell Inspiron N5040?

Oct 29, 2011

My Girl recently got a Dell Inspiron N5040, when we first turned it on, after a few mins it randomly restarted, i thought maybe its just an update (had to install loads of windows updates) however, over the past week, its being doing it every time its been turned off for a few hours... however once it restarts and comes back on, it usually is fine, It's only when leaving it a long while then turning it back on, it does the same again, and today for the first time we got a blue screen of death, which i believe may lead to some answers, here is the report:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057


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[BSOD] Random Crashes. Startup, Starting Game, Once Fully Random?

Dec 10, 2011

Been having some crashes.At first they occurred on start up. Claiming the computer wasn't properly shut down. Now today, the other crashes started, with the first happening out of nowhere, the second happening upon starting a video game. I've been without crashes for a while now, only having used my browser(Opera) and copying some files to an external hard drive. As well as the SF tool.I only have 2 dump files available. SF tool file should be in attachments, unless I made a mistake somewhere

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Random BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Feb 26, 2012

I reformatted my computer multiple times, yet my computer seems to BSOD randomly.What happenes is that everything becomes unresponsive; cant alt+tab, cant ctrl+alt+del etc etc. everything freezes randomly... then boom, BSOD. its happened twice, with no apparent pattern.And then, when it restarts, it tries booting but then it goes into the boot selection screen and my SSD is nowhere to be found. I have to power off then power on again for it to boot up and log in.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


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Random Computer Shutdowns Random BSODs

May 10, 2012

I dont know if this is the right area or not, as i just joined, but it seems to be the best place. I recently bought a new computer, and now it will randomly shut down. Its also making loud pitch noises. That just started happening. I called tech support and they told me it was probably just the power supply. Before I send it in though, i want to make sure that is what is wrong. I dont know all to put on here.

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Reboots When Shut Down?

Aug 28, 2011

when i shut down my computer ,it keeps starting up and the only way to shut it down is to hold down power button for 10 secs.

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PC Reboots Every Day With No Warning?

Nov 27, 2011

It does it once a day,yesterday it was about 3:30 pm today it was 11:30 am its done it at 9 pm and I have windows update service disabled on the msconfig startup.

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My System Reboots Itself

Jan 23, 2012


The computer reboots itself. I've checked processor for heat sink problems, thinking this is an hardware issue.I've attached required files

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Nothing Saves After Reboots?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a little problem with my laptop here, I am using Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit and everytime I reboot, nothing saves at all. This is quite annoying since I downloaded a 14GB game and it just vanished after reboot, now I got to download it again. I know there is a way to disable this thing, but I can't figure it out

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Reboots Every Hour

Sep 1, 2009

i have had windows 7 64bit version installed for a couple months on my pc, and these 2 days it's kept rebooting. it goes off (no shut down message, it all happens all of a sudden), and after a second or 2 the machine boots up again. before loading the os the pc prompts me to choose if i want to start windows normally. i press enter and windows starts up with no problems at all. when a system error occurs, after rebooting it usually notifies me that the system was recovered from an error. but it displays no message.

now, my question is this. i heard that before the coming out of the windows seven final version, microsoft would have you install an update that reboots your machine every 2 hrs to "suggest" people buying the os... how kind of them, really... whatever, is this possibly the case? if this is, i guess i gonna downgrade to windows vista till i can buy windows 7.

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Computer Shuts Down And Reboots On Its Own

Jul 27, 2011

I have just bought a new PC with Windows 7. Ive only had it four days and today my computer store replaced my MB cos my computer has taken to shutting down and then restarting all on its own. the problem is Ive just got it home and its doing the same thing.

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Computer Reboots Once Only On First Start Up

May 26, 2011

I have a desktop computer AMD 3.0 ghz dual core processor, 4gb ram, win7 ultimate(legit), 1 TB HDD(new) and an asus m2n-mx se plus motherboard. every time I turn my machine on, it goes through the POST and finishes boot up sequences and then start to load windows. Some times it finishes and I get to my desktop while other times It reboots only seconds into the win7 loading procedures. this has happened for quite a while and I am beside myself for an answer. I have even flashed the ROM to update that. I have unhooked all drives except for one. I have even unhooked the DVD drive to eliminate that. still the problem is here. the only thing that I havent replaced yet is the motherboard, which I may do and get another video card and run dual video cards but I need this gremlin gone.

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Computer Freezes And Reboots?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3 mother board with a phenom II x4 965 3.4 with 2 4GB PNY sticks of DDR3 ram, all of which I just got from someone. Also a NVIDIA GeForce 440 connected to it at the moment for the graphics card and a 500 watt power supply. Two hard drives are connected to it, 1TB and a 80GB I use just to run windows off of. I have windows 7 Ultimate edition installed. The power supply graphics card and hard drives come from a computer that worked perfectly, and so did the cables FYI so I doubt any of those are the issues.Upon installing windows it froze, and rebooted, multiple times until during the instillation phase and first time set up boot. When I finally got it to install I constantly got the same problem where the computer would restart or freeze when I was doing something. Some times it would freeze/reboot when I opened a program, other times when I closed a program, sometimes when I just moved the mouse. It also restarts or freezes at boot sometimes when it gets to the window logo or Gigabyte splash screen. I have tried;

Switching the power supply
Installing windows on another hard drive (It froze during install also)
disconnecting everything and plugging it back in multiple times...
Toying with the bios settings


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PC Reboots After Going Into Hibernate Mode

May 15, 2011

After almost a year of "no problems" operation my PC has suddenly developed a strange will of its own on shut-down.I always put my PC into hibernate mode rather than switching it off. I use the START/Shut Down/Hibernate series of steps. Suddenly recently, my PC still goes into hibernate, as previously, but after approx 2-3 seconds the PC suddenly restarts! The only way to end PC use is now to shut it down completely which is a pain as it takes far longer to restart next time I use the machine.

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Laptop Reboots Itself After I Shut It Down?

Jun 22, 2012

I had an HEUR:Virus.win32generic virus detected by my Kaspersky. I coud not get rid of it, so I deleted the file that it was in. All I remember is that the file ended in avgcorex.dll.Everything else works fine on the computer now except that when I go to start and shut down. The laptop shuts down but it turns itself back on right away.

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Computer Shuts Down And Reboots On Its Own?

Jul 27, 2011

I have just bought a new PC with Windows 7. Ive only had it four days and today my computer store replaced my MB cos my computer has taken to shutting down and then restarting all on its own. the problem is Ive just got it home and its doing the same thing

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