WD Caviar Black 1 TB SATA III Only Runs At 1.5 Gbps

Jan 8, 2013

I just set up a RAID configuration on my HP p6230y desktop with a pair of WD Caviar Black 1 TB hard drives. From what I understand my new hd's use Sata III which can run up to 6.0 gbps, but my mobo is Sata II which means it can only run 3.0 gbps. Correct me if what I just stated is wrong.

However, when I enter the "Raid option rom utility" screen by hitting Ctrl + f while it's scanning my drives on bootup, i see that my hd's "capabilities" is only 1.5 gbps. Is there something i can do to improve this speed at least to the 3.0 gbps? I heard something about trying a jumper on the pin set on the hd itself

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Can't Format WD Caviar Black HD

Sep 14, 2012

This all started when I was trying to get my HP Storageworks X310 to work again, and bought a new hard drive to rule out my old drive being faulty. I ran into some installation problems of WHS V1 on this disk (not sure why), and eventually got the old disk up working again. Now I'd like to use this one for something else, but I can't format it or do anything.[code] DiskPart has encountered an error: The system cannot find the file specified.See the System Event Log for more information.

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Computer Runs But Black Screen?

Apr 21, 2012

My computer is definitely running with the cooler working at what not except no vision on the monitor. I've tried re-organizing the rams but it results in the computer starting up, shutting down, starting up shutting down. [code]

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WD Caviar Disk Very Slow To Respond?

Jun 21, 2012

I am currently experiencing a troubling issue with a WD Caviar HD. It was installed as the only HD on a Dell machine that after falling on the desk (from vertical to flat) decided it was tired of booting normally.I took out the hard drive, attached it via SATA to a working Win 7 Pro machine. If I leave the SATA cable connected the system won't boot, I assume it is confused which HD to boot from, but if I boot into my Win 7 Pro from the working HD and then connect the SATA cable, the system becomes very slow to respond. I wanted to see if any data could be recovered, so I checked if the system could see the HD and it turns out sometimes it can and sometimes it can't. Also when I force various programs and utilities to update the list of mounted disks the system becomes VERY slow. As an example I am currently trying to run EaseUS Partition Manager, it has been updating system information for over a half hour and counting...The drive does not make any clicking noises and it seems to spin up correctly.

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WD Caviar Green Shows Up In BIOS Only

Aug 10, 2012

Using 32 bit home premium Windows 7 installed on 320gb wd. Installed a 500gb wd caviar green . The bios setup sees it as the 4th drive and the smart NCQ says not supported. Transfermode says P10 0. Does not show up in devices or window storage under management. Checked 7 compatible not shown but the box says win 7..

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WD2500 Caviar SE Not Working Files Are Trapped

Jun 6, 2012

I recently changed the graphics card in my desktop, which caused a large crash that resulted in my computer absolutely refusing to boot, even when I install the old card. Anyway, I had 2 hard drives.. an 80GB boot drive with my OS and software, and a 250GB drive with all of my personal data (music, movies, documents, work files, etc) that is not not working. The 80GB drive works when hooked up to a USB, but the 250GB doesn't. I did put it in another computer to find out that all of my data is still there (I had to boot into a Windows 7 disc to access the drive), but it simply won't recognize when I hook it up to a USB. How can I get my files off the drive??? It's not a bootable drive.

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1TB Caviar Green No Longer Detected After BIOS Upgrade

Mar 2, 2012

Just after I upgraded my BIOS, I enjoyed a constant black screen after the BIOS Screen, which said something like CTRL + ALT + DELETE to reboot. It was no longer detecting something. So I removed the second HD and I was able to boot windows.

During the next boot I did the trick to connect the hard drive to the mobo during the Windows loading screen. And the HD became recognized, I was able to use it normally. In the next boot I left the hard rive connected and it wasn't detected by BIOS or Windows. I tried several cable combinations to see if there's a faulty one but no avail.

The weird part is that this drive does not emit any particular sound and most of faulty drives make noises. Another strange thing is that with the power supply connected the hard drive gets hot, really hot, like it's doing something...

Maybe I should downgrade the BIOS if I can. What do you think?

MOBO: Asrock 4g1m VS3.
PSU: 600W generic.
Western Digital Caviar Green 1 TB SATA (Like 5 months old)

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Changed The SATA Controller From AHCI To Raid SATA Result = FAILED?

Aug 10, 2010

Very little, all the parts were shipped here about four days ago and I spent a couple of hours putting them together. I ran into a hiccup when Windows 7 Home Premium would not get past the extracting phase of the installation, kicking up the error in this thread. I began the first install on a 20GB partition, when that failed I tried just installing it on a single partition. When that failed I tried removing all the partitions and just installing on the unformatted drive, in it's entirety (seemed weird but others said they had luck with this).Testing Methodology:

At the end of each attempted solution I tried to install Windows again.My keyboard is a USB keyboard. All of my boot testing is done with a bootable USB that I have running MS-DOS 6.22. What I Have Tried:Solution 1: First I went into the bios and changed the SATA controller from AHCI to Raid SATA Result = FAILEDSolution 2: I tried burning OEM Windows disk from Microsoft to an iso at the lowest speed possible for my DVD burner (4x).Result = FAILEDSolution 3: At this point I had created and deleted so many partitions I was concerned it may be having an effect on the install. So I went to Samsung's website and grabbed their HDD utility tool. I figured let's kill two birds with one stone and test the drive while also restoring it to it's original state. So I did a low level format and then ran the HDD diagnostic. All came back with no errors. Result = FAILED

On to memory...Solution 4: I downloaded Microsoft's Memory Diagnostic Tool and let it run overnight. It returned no errors. So I decided to use MemTest86 4.1 and let it run for 10 passes, I did find errors then. As of now I am running each module of memory one by one to determine if it is a problem with them or the sockets on the motherboard. So far I have been unable to reproduce the errors I got when both modules were running together. As a precaution I double checked the motherboards specifications on the socket order for memory, all is to specs. Result = [PENDING]What's Next:After my current memory test ends, I plan on checking my BIOS to see if the correct memory speeds were detected in the auto detection. If at that point I'm still unable to reproduce the memory errors, I'll put both memory modules back into the system and run the testing again to see if I can reproduce the errors I got the first time.

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SATA 3 Not Working On Asus P6X58D-E Motherboard With SATA III Support?

Jun 27, 2012

Yesterday I had a PC technician around to see why my PC was not booting-up properly and also to change my SSD to a larger SSD. As I am visually challenged I cannot do hardware upgrades etc, so I got a Techie guy in. We used Zinstall HDD by-the-way and I would highly recommend this application for such a job plus, it is extremely fast.Anyway, while he was diagnosing my boot-up issue he discovered I had a malfunctioning network card; while removing this, he noticed all the SATA settings were set to SATA 2.When he reset these to SATA 3, the PC would not start-up! When he set them again to SATA 2 there was no problem and it worked fine?

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Install Sata Hard Drive As A Slave Where The Master Is Also A Sata?

Aug 10, 2011

i want to make my spare sata hard drive as a slave my master hardrive is also satahow to do it . my OS is win7

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SATA-II Drive On SATA Raid Controller?

May 7, 2011

i purchased a Silicon SiI3512 SATA Raid Controller purely to have 2 extra SATA ports which I am using to connect to my case's external drive bays. I have flashed the bios of the controller and updated the driver to put it in "Base" mode so it is not using RAID. I did extensive research on this and it appears that I have this part right. For now, I am trying to connect a WD1600BEVT 2.5" SATA-II hard drive to one of these ports and am having some difficulty. I can see the drive, but when I try to format the drive in Windows, or a command prompt (using the windows recovery DVD) it hangs. I am wondering if this is a compatibility issue with a SATA-II drive on a SATA-I controller, however, most of the forums I have read state that if there is a compatibility issue, the controller won't even recognize the drive. I searched around to see if there was a way to force the HDD to SATA(150), but the jumpers on this drive are for SSC and RPS. Is there a way to fix this or do I need a drive that is capable of forcing SATA-I speeds? Perhaps even a controller capable of at least SATA-II since that is the minimum of all new HDDs?

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HDD SATA 3 (6.0Gb/s) Works With SATA 2 (3.0Gb/s) Controller?

May 22, 2011

My MB supports only SATA 2 but in my city, the HDD SATA 3 is more cheap than SATA 2. If I buy the HDD SATA 3 it will work with my MB SATA 2 controller?

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Mar 5, 2012

i'm looking to upgrade from a HDD to SSD. I've been reading online about my board and apparently the marvell 9128 controller sucks speed wise. I was looking at the Corsair Force 3 because of the read/write speeds. Upon doing more digging though it looks like id be better off running a drive on the SATA 2 ports.

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Replace SATA 1 HDD With SATA 2 HDD?

Oct 23, 2011

The hard drive in my son's laptop has died, it's a SATA 1 (1.5Gb/s) drive. Can I upgrade it to a SATA 2 (3.0 Gb/s) hard disk?? It's in a Toshiba laptop.

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Installing Both Sata 1 And Sata 2 On Pc

May 18, 2012

I was wondering If I have one sata 1 and an new sata 2(or 3) on my PC installed on my PC will cause problems in transfer speeds? My Blue-ray is sata 1 also.Does this mean that all disks will work as sata 1?

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Auto-runs How To Run

May 7, 2011

I joined Bleeping computers yesterday and today I downloaded 'Autoruns' after reading some posts on the forums,and now I find (ho-hum) I dont know how to run the program,ive unzipped it and its 'ready' but I just cant see the run/start button?can someone point me in the right direction

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Why Runs Slowly When I Have 2GB RAM And P4 2.8 Ghz ?

Jun 27, 2009

I have problem with Windows 7 on PC computer. IT runs slowly even i turn on clasic view and turned off all effects..

WIndows installed on Sata HDD 40GB, in system there is more two HDD with 160GB and 250GB

IT runs more slowly than Windows XP before...

I thinks it could be few possibilities:

1. Previous widows xp were installed on drive D (in the same sata hdd) and when installed windows 7 on C (in the same hdd) it shows me (when boots) one more selection to choose one more OS, but when I select it nothing happens just black window and I need to reset pc and choose windows 7 to boot. Maybe this issue can be fault?

2. My Sata HDD is very old. Maybe there is problem?

3. Maybe there is old RAM's and old CPU with MB ?

Windows 7 is officiall beta release from microsoft...

In example on my HP laptop with Centrino and 1GB RAM runs perfectly with pre-beta release installed earlier. Runs default without any modifications like turning effects or smth.

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Setup Not Runs On Windows 7 X64

Apr 10, 2011

Almost one month ago, I installed win x64. Working fine, no problems! All games running smooth... But when I try to install Command and Conquer Red Alert 3, the easetup.exe/autorun.exe does not start at all! Nothing on task manager or no error message either.

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Wmplayer.exe Runs Without Being Invoked?

Apr 9, 2012

Periodically I check my CPU usage especially is the system seems to be slowing down.Whether it is an hour or a day, wmplayer.exe mysteriously appears and consumes a tremendous amount of CPU time. Windows Media Player is neither on my desktop nor my taskbar and I almost never use it. I prefer using VLC Media PlayerWhen I terminate the processwmplayer.exeusing the Task Manager, it stops temporarily, about 5 seconds, and then suddenly reappears and takes over the computer again by consuming most of the CPU timeThe only way I can remove it is to restart my computer.I believe the computer is free of viruses and other infections. I use Norton 360 for anti-virus and periodically perform complete scans with both Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Super Anti-Spyware Free

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Windows 7 X64 - Uses All Available RAM, Runs Slowly

Jun 1, 2012

My system is a home built, Core I7, 8GB RAM, Radeon 560 TI with 2GB VRAM. Recently upgraded from 4GB RAM.

I was having this same issue with 4GB of RAM. After the computer has been on a bit (hour or two) the memory usage will approach 90% and upwards and things will start to run slowly. I close all active programs, kill all non-essential background programs (dropbox, steam, printer software etc). I look in my processes and no way does it all add up to nearly 8GB of memory.

So my question is, how do I get my computer to run faster? I know WIN 7 uses memory differently than XP did, and I don't care if it wants to use all the RAM, as long as it will run quickly. The problem is, it runs slowly.

I have WIN 7 x64 ultimate, I have ESET security suite and show no viruses. Problem goes away after I reboot, but returns over time.

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Ndis.sys Runs At An Average Of 3ms?

Jan 1, 2013

I am a professional audio designer and I use an external audio card for performance playback,however, recently, I have started to have problems with audio dropouts because of this service.I understand that it is a networking driver, but I have never had issues with it until recently. What is more confusing is that the problem persists when I disconnect from a network and it is not in use. I am puzzled by this and since I do a lot of work in a mobile environment with my laptop,it

Why would it start doing this "out of nowhere"? also, I performed a full factory default restore on the machine including service pack and all updates. ndis.sys STILL runs at an average of 3ms.

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Chkdsk Runs On Startup?

Jan 15, 2013

I just started up my Toshiba laptop after it overheated and shut down, and Windows showed the Starting Windows screen, then I got a black screen with chkdsk running on it.

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Ccleaner Runs Only Up To 30% Then Gets Stuck?

Sep 2, 2011

My Ccleaner runs only up to 30% then gets stuck.

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Computer Runs But No Display?

Nov 4, 2012

I recently built an office computer for myself and it was working fine. I turned off the computer for the night but when i turned it back on, i was getting no image on the monitor. I can hear the PC running but the display is just black; i cant see it post or anything. Also lately its as if the computer keeps starting up and then restarting; i can hear the fans wind down and then start back upI switched out monitors but that was not the issue. I used a dvi instead of vga connector but still the problem persisted. I also reset the cmos but again to no avail. I'm using IntelHD Graphics 3000[CODE]

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2 X Dvd Writers & Only 1 Runs A Boot Disc?

Apr 29, 2012

I've 2 dvd rewriters in my pc. Both Pioneer, one oldish and one older. The both work within windows. When I select multi-boot options to run a boot disc they are both displayed to choose from. However, if I select one of them, the disc boots. If I select the other one, the command to boot is ignored and the system boots into windows - obviously ignoring the dvd device. It's the newer one which is the problem. They both used to work ok with a boot disc.

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WIndows 7 Ultimate Runs Slow?

May 14, 2012

I have Windows 7 Ultimate on my desktop. I have encountered that the windows runs abnormal.Each time I select a program to run or just at a random time, the computer is frozen, no responses, and the hard drive led is lid constant. This can take up to 1 minute. Another example, when I am typing and is pausing a few times.I know for sure that a program is running in the background to cause this problemI did look at the process, but I do not understand.Note: it takes me 15 minutes to finish this thread.he screen shot of the processes are attachedMy desktop spec:Motherboard: ASUS M5A88-V EVOCPU: AMD FX-6100RAM: 8GBOS: Windows 7 UltimateHard drive: Seagate 320 SATA

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Windows 7 Runs Only In Safe Mode?

Apr 2, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite L505-S5986 Laptop. It started out with a problem with the speakers not working and the USB ports also didn't work when that happened. It now freezes up at the desktop when I power up. It will only run in Safe Mode. I have reset it back to factory defaults 3 times and nothing seems to work to fix this problem. I am able to run it in Safe Mode with Networking and managed to get Hijackthis downloaded. I have a log file ready if you want it.I've been working on this thing for 5 days now and am ready to round file it. Below is the system information for that computer. Tech Support[CODE]

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Computer Randomly Runs Very Slow

Nov 19, 2011

My computer every so often runs very slow, mostly noticeable when I play a game or something, When the computer runs fine all games I play run very smooth and fast, but for some reason about once a month or so my computer runs very slow for a week or 2 at a time, the game play is very choppy and runs slow. Whenever this happens the first thing I always try is restarting the computer and run my anti malware programs but they never find anything and doesn't seem to do anything about this issue. Eventually it goes back to running at a normal fast speed, but I was hoping someone could tell me why it has those slow periods.

Alienware M15X
Windows 7
64-bit Operating System
4 GB Ram
Intel Core I3 CPU M350 @2.27 GHZ

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Backup To Network Drive Runs Out Of RAM

Oct 1, 2012

I have been using Win 7 Professional, Backup and Restore sucessfully for almost a year where I have been backing up my computer (250Gbyte Sys Image and 150Gbyte User Folder) to a network dual RAID 2TB each hardrives. A few months ago, these backups failed to complete sucessfully, causing the computer to lock up. At first, I thought it was becuase I left the computer running for too many days but it seemed to lock up every Sun morning which is when I discovered that it coincided with my scheduled backup time. What happens is during backup, the RAM memory slowly increases until it gets into the mid 90%, the computer locks up and displays an error message, not enough memory.I have reduced my backup size from 150Gbyte to 50GByte and I still get the same result, I have completely started over with a new backup setup, selecting the network drive etc. No luck there.

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Rundll32.exe Delays When Game Runs

Mar 25, 2012

I've seen this happen for quite a while. For some games, I'll see rundll32.exe take some CPU, and it can take as long as a half minute for the game to finally run. If I kill rundll32.exe then the game .exe gets killed too.

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Windows 7 Installer Runs For No Reason?

Jul 10, 2011

for the past couple of days I have noticed that Windows Installer will suddenly, for no reason, appear and disappear within a few seconds so not long enough to see what it is actually doing!MalwareBytes had caught two viruses it thought were Malware and I let MalwareBytes remove them, Microsoft Security Essentials caught a java exploit and removed it yesterday so I'm running a SuperAntiSpyware full scan (previous scans were all full scans) to see if anything has been missed.I have Windows Update set to check for updates only and I have updated to Service Pack 1 on a 64 bit machine.I am only concerned because I have spent days, if not weeks trying to make space on my External HDD in order to create a System Image for emergencies and don't want to end up having to go back to a system image that is infected with what most likely caused me to need to restore

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