Chkdsk Runs On Startup?

Jan 15, 2013

I just started up my Toshiba laptop after it overheated and shut down, and Windows showed the Starting Windows screen, then I got a black screen with chkdsk running on it.

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Chkdsk Runs Everytime Computer Is Boot-up

May 17, 2012

My daughter's PC, Windows 7 32 bit, all of a sudden started running chkdsk everytime it is booted up. How do we stop this behavior?Her antivirus is up to date and very efficient so we don't know what the computer is checking for.

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Chkdsk Error At Startup

Dec 17, 2009

I upgraded from Vista to Win 7 using the HP upgrade disk. About every 2 weeks chkdsk will start at startup. The countdown won't stop and I can't skip it by pressing any key. When it counts down to 1 it freezes and I had to press the power button to restart. Then when it restarts the problem reoccurs.

In the past if I press F8 and choose last known good configuration, the system will normally boot. And then I'll schedule a disk check next time I start the computer and this will normally fix the problem. There won't be any check disk error in 2 weeks.

But this time no matter what I do I can't get it fixed. sfc /scannow didn't find any errors. I ran the system repair by pressing F8 at startup and it said it fixed the startup problems. But the disk check I scheduled at startup still won't run properly. It shows up and then disappears without actually doing anything.

I'm using Avira now but the problem was there when I was using Avast. I don't know what might be causing the problem.

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CHKDSK Freezes At Startup?

Nov 3, 2009

I have CHKDSK running at startup and when the "press any key to skip in..." prompt appears the system freezes completely when the counter reaches 1. If I press any key the system freezes instantly. I did a chkdsk /r in repair console and it did not found any problems, but the startup chkdsk prompt won't go away.

Is it possible to disable the chkdsk autostart with repair console or startup repair? System is running 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate and hard drive in question is 5x 500 GB RAID5 array.

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Vbscript In Startup Folder Runs Twice?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm having a bit of a strange issue with a script placed in the startup folder on a windows 7 machine. When windows loads, it runs 2 copies of the script at the same time. Both scrips error out because as they try to access certain files they find they're "in use." By the other script I'm assuming. I'm wondering why the script is getting double executed, and how I can stop it.

Right after the scripts error out, if you manually click the script in the startup folder it runs with no issues. Only on startup does it run twice and not work.

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Chkdsk On Startup Terminates Abnormally On Windows 7

Mar 31, 2011

I'm facing some problems with my C drive. Errors were said to be found in C drive during Error checking. However, I could not auto fix system errors when C drive is in use. Thus I've assigned a chkdsk upon start up. Here's the catch, the Chkdsk appeared for a sec and was automatically terminated abnormally by the system itself. I've tried to system restore, but was prompted that there's error, so I can't restore the system. I didn't have much knowledge regarding the backing up of the system, thus i did not create any backup entries. I'm using Lenovo Win7 Laptop, 64 bit.

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Startup Repair Runs, Can't Use Pc, No Safe Mode

Mar 10, 2012

every time i turn on my computer, I first get a message from AMI - "SATA 1:S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD". When I press F1 to continue, it progresses normally, until recently when i got "windows is loading files" then "startup repair" instead. Startup Repair searches, then finds a hard disk problem which it cant fix, and I can choose to reboot or try "advanced options"I've already tried safe mode, same thing happens.I've looked around, still not sure how to proceed - what caused this and can it be fixed without replacing my hardware?

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Administrator Getting Access Denied Along With CHkdsk Errors At Startup

Apr 13, 2011

I have not seen the problem but according to phone conversations when she turns the PC on she gets a black screen with a message that the file system is being checked, but the checking stops with an "unknown error", the black screen flashes and then she gets to her normal log-in screen. This has been going on for a few weeks (ARRRGGHH). The only reason she called me was that she lost internet connectivity this morning.I had her login, open a command prompt, and type in CHKDSK /f but the system returns an ACCESS denied and says she need elevated credentials to run this. As I said she is the only user and she is listed as an administrator under account controls. I had her create a new user account with administrator privileges but NO JOY she still cannot run CHKDSK /f.This is sounding a bit like a virus but I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on why, or how, administrator privileges are being overridden?

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Computer Runs So Slow After Startup It Is Practically Frozen

Oct 28, 2012

I have a PC with an AMD Athalon II x2 255 processor 3.11 GHZ, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 5670 Graphics card running on windows 7 32 bit OS.Every time I startup the computer; whenever i try to do anything (access files or the Internet) it runs very slow and then eventually just freezes with the little blue circle just spinning around. Sometimes a browser window will open and I can access a page or a folder will open, but then it will eventually just run so slow it is practically frozen (with little blue circle still spinning).I think it might be linked to my wireless Internet, the little Internet icon in the bottom right hand task bar is just stuck searching for a signal every time i start up (even if I wait 10 minutes).I am using my laptop right next to the computer and it is picking up the wireless single fine.

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Computer Running Slowly, CHKDSK Automatically Cancels On Startup?

Nov 1, 2011

My laptop has been running extremely slowly lately. It takes longer than usual to load regular programs and any web browser activity takes ages. I have run malware (Malwarebytes) and virus scans (Microsoft Security Essentials) and removed some items. Malwarebytes didn't detect much, but I found a trojan with Security Essentials. However, after removal my problems persist. I have scanned and attempted recovery of bad sectors. Issues were found and fixed, but a disk check was said to be necessary. I tried running chkdsk c: /F, but the disk check cancelled within a fraction of a second on startup.

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CHKDSK At Startup, Getting "File Record Segment XXXXX Is Unreadable"

Oct 13, 2011

I'm currently helping my uncle with his laptop (Acer Aspire 5742Z) running on Windows 7 with a problem stated at the title. I've tried waiting for it to finish up which took a couple of hours but go a BSOD moments after trying to login through windows so after it restarted I canceled the CHKDSK this time and was able to get through windows but everything was running very slow that I could barely open My Computer.

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How To Run Chkdsk F

Mar 22, 2012

When I try and Disk defrag a message comes up..."Disk degramenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume Cf. (C. Please run Chkdsk /f. " What is this and where and how do I run this? I have trying everything. But I am pretty Computer dumb.

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How To Disable Chkdsk

Apr 29, 2011

Chkdsk is becoming extremely annoyingOne day it does chkdsk for no reason at alThen some day it does it againHow do you disable chkdsk?

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CHKDSK Does Not Work

Jul 18, 2011

Im trying to run CHKDSK. Upon restarting my notebook, its just a blackscreen and windows does not start up. After 30-40 mins it goes into sleep mode and when I go out of it, everything runs fine, but I dont think CHKDSK has run.

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How To Know When Chkdsk / R Is Done From A Restart

Feb 16, 2012

I ran the chkdsk /r upon next reboot.The DOS screen was displayed and running.I stopped watching the screen, and hours later upon checking, the screen is not displaying anything.The machine is a laptop hooked up to a docking station.I checked the monitor connections, they keep going to powersave, I undocked the laptop and the display there will not show anything either.The battery and wifi lights are steadily flashing.Windows 7 Pro x64..What is going on? is the chkdsk done? should i hard reboot the machine?

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Can't Run CHKDSK On External HDD

Feb 19, 2012

I am trying to run CHKDSK on an external drive that appears to have some bad sectors. I get the standard "Access denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode." error. Elsewhere in this forum are similar complaints that tell me I must run the CHKDSK command as Administrator and get a command prompt that reads "C:Windowssystem32>" instead of "C:UsersAdministration>". Well by running the cmd.exe command as Administrator I finally got the recommended command prompt (the "elevated" command prompt some are calling it).

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Chkdsk /v 8kb In Bad Sectors?

Feb 23, 2012

I made a chkdsk and found errors which were repaired by not allowing the bad fragments to be written on. When I use chkdsk /v it continually shows 8kb in bad sectors. Does anyone know if these are the bad sectors that were sent into limbo or the total bad kb on the hard drive? I have made back ups of my documents and the OS. I think that these bad sectors were caused by a recent freeze which required a bad shutdown. If so I may not be required to replace the harddrive.

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Chkdsk Wont Run?

Jul 26, 2012

I'm using acer aspire 4930 was using it fine then one day starting up takes 30mins, and doing anything on it will either takes forever or not reponding at all. So i start up in safe mode and found out that my second partition is unaccessisble. I tried using check disk the normal way, but it says windows cant access it. So how do i fix this as i do not want to lose my files.Path D: could not be opened. System error [1392]: The file ordirectory is corrupted and unreadable.

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How To Turn Off CHKDSK

Oct 23, 2009

When i turn on my PC Windows always checking my harddrive.

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Chkdsk Errors

Feb 15, 2010

Yesterday I tried to install an image mounting program (Alcohol 120%) on Windows 7 Professional x64. When the instillation started it prompt me to restart my computer (which is normal). When my computer restarted I got 5 error messages at the logon screen (in the following order):

(1) The file or directory C:Windows
escache is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(2) The file or directory Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(3) The file or directory C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(4) The file or directory Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(5) The file or directory C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

After hitting âOKâ on each message and typing my password Windows logged me on to a temporary profile.

I went to my C: drive and tried to run the chkdsk but I got this message: âWindows canât check the disk while itâs in use.â So I chose to schedule a disk check next time I log on. Then I restarted and let chkdsk run. Then I got this error message:

âCannot open volume for direct access.
Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package.
Use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore to a point prior to the recent software package instillation.
An unspecified error occurred (766f6c756d652e63 3f1)â

I then skipped check disk and tried to System Restore and got this error message:

âThe disk C: has errors
Windows has detected file system corruption on C: you must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.â

Windows seems to be taking me in circles, and I am unsure of what to do. I would really like to avoid reinstalling windows and starting from scratch.

If anyone has had this problem or knows what to do, any help would be appreciated.

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Auto-runs How To Run

May 7, 2011

I joined Bleeping computers yesterday and today I downloaded 'Autoruns' after reading some posts on the forums,and now I find (ho-hum) I dont know how to run the program,ive unzipped it and its 'ready' but I just cant see the run/start button?can someone point me in the right direction

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Why Runs Slowly When I Have 2GB RAM And P4 2.8 Ghz ?

Jun 27, 2009

I have problem with Windows 7 on PC computer. IT runs slowly even i turn on clasic view and turned off all effects..

WIndows installed on Sata HDD 40GB, in system there is more two HDD with 160GB and 250GB

IT runs more slowly than Windows XP before...

I thinks it could be few possibilities:

1. Previous widows xp were installed on drive D (in the same sata hdd) and when installed windows 7 on C (in the same hdd) it shows me (when boots) one more selection to choose one more OS, but when I select it nothing happens just black window and I need to reset pc and choose windows 7 to boot. Maybe this issue can be fault?

2. My Sata HDD is very old. Maybe there is problem?

3. Maybe there is old RAM's and old CPU with MB ?

Windows 7 is officiall beta release from microsoft...

In example on my HP laptop with Centrino and 1GB RAM runs perfectly with pre-beta release installed earlier. Runs default without any modifications like turning effects or smth.

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Limited OS Functioning After Chkdsk?

Oct 22, 2012

I wanted to delete a folder in my documents but it was giving me an error which I cannot remember exactly now, but after doing some research, most sites had suggested that I run a Chkdsk. My computer successfully completed the Chkdsk, but now my computer is in some sort of coma where it loads up fine, but after logging in, there is no text whatsoever on the screen. On top of this the start bar does not work and any explorer based functions are extremely large,pixelated and absent text.I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x32 on a 2009 Toshiba Satellite In the last year of high school and don't have most of my files backed up anywhere?

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How To Stop Chkdsk Utility

Mar 3, 2011

I was trying to partition my 500gb hdd in my laptop. So i could run windows xp and 7 on the machine. But before partitioning it it said i needed to run the Chkdsk utility. so i had it run on startup. Now for about the past 6-10 hours it has bean on stage 4 of 5 going from 32% to 34%. How do i stop it? I dont wont to hurt my computer. i have windows 7 home premium installed on the machine that has the problem.

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Run Chkdsk Periodically On Windows 7?

Dec 25, 2011

I am using Windows 7 64 bit Home Edition. Is it appropriate to use chkdsk periodically to check the health of my C: & D: file systems? Can running chkdsk cause any harm to the file system?

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SSD, ChkDsk And Macrium Not In Harmony

Apr 28, 2012

I just installed an Intel 330 120G SSD in my netbook. Macrium Reflect worked brilliantly to clone and resize the partiions to fit from a larger 250G hard drive to the new 120G SSD.After swapping in the new SSD, I wanted to make an image of the completed install but Reflect balked for the C: drive with an "MFT error" and a suggestion to run ChkDsk.I did as instructed and ChkDsk returned a bunch of errors but I suspect they are not really errors but rather unexpected results from an SSD. There were about ten of these...CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)... 0 percent complete. (0 of 151808 file records processed)Attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1536 is corrupt.

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CHKDSK Memory Bug Revisited?

Mar 25, 2010

OK, so, after discovering that EVENT VIEWER had errors regarding my 500GB drive having bad clusters, I decided to make a "CHKDSK E: /F /R" (where E: is my 500GB drive).So, when doing small tasks with it running, I found that my computer went terribly slow... Memory is at 90% of usage (1.8GB on 2GB). CHKDSK in the processes says it's using 1 192 588 K of RAM o_O

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Remove Chkdsk From Windows 7?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm sick of chkdsk running at start up!!!!How do i remove this sh*t from my computer!?!?

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Continuous Chkdsk Errors?

Sep 19, 2011

i am getting lately often chkdsk launching on boot and also when i use it to check the situation on the reported partitions (at least two physical drives so far) it reports errors almost on every run even if sometimes they are like 10 minutes after the previous "scan and fix errors" .... Surface / sectors tests and WD diagnostics tool scan (all drives are WD) are coming up clean ...What's the deal here? Doesn't look like the drives need to be replaced right? one especially is like two weeks old

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Chkdsk Will Not Begin On Reboot

Oct 6, 2011

I tried 'Scheduling disk check' from both cmd and tools but every time I restart my computer, or turn it off and then on, it will skip the chkdsk and start Windows normally.I am getting a lot of 'corrupted file' errors and it's suggesting I run a chkdsk, but like I said, I can't figure out a way to do so. It's causing me a big headache.

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Chkdsk And Window Defender?

Feb 5, 2012

do scan in window defender and chkdsk do the same jobs?

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