Vbscript In Startup Folder Runs Twice?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm having a bit of a strange issue with a script placed in the startup folder on a windows 7 machine. When windows loads, it runs 2 copies of the script at the same time. Both scrips error out because as they try to access certain files they find they're "in use." By the other script I'm assuming. I'm wondering why the script is getting double executed, and how I can stop it.

Right after the scripts error out, if you manually click the script in the startup folder it runs with no issues. Only on startup does it run twice and not work.

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Create VBscript To Copy Folder To Network Drive?

Jan 7, 2011

I have VBscript to copy folders or files to other location. But this doesn't seem to run on windows 7 machine. Any help in why this might be.Reason for this is we want take backup of just one particular folder every month on C drive to network drive. Now can set backup to do this but way it does it you have drill down to find the folder.

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Chkdsk Runs On Startup?

Jan 15, 2013

I just started up my Toshiba laptop after it overheated and shut down, and Windows showed the Starting Windows screen, then I got a black screen with chkdsk running on it.

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Startup Repair Runs, Can't Use Pc, No Safe Mode

Mar 10, 2012

every time i turn on my computer, I first get a message from AMI - "SATA 1:S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD". When I press F1 to continue, it progresses normally, until recently when i got "windows is loading files" then "startup repair" instead. Startup Repair searches, then finds a hard disk problem which it cant fix, and I can choose to reboot or try "advanced options"I've already tried safe mode, same thing happens.I've looked around, still not sure how to proceed - what caused this and can it be fixed without replacing my hardware?

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Computer Runs So Slow After Startup It Is Practically Frozen

Oct 28, 2012

I have a PC with an AMD Athalon II x2 255 processor 3.11 GHZ, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 5670 Graphics card running on windows 7 32 bit OS.Every time I startup the computer; whenever i try to do anything (access files or the Internet) it runs very slow and then eventually just freezes with the little blue circle just spinning around. Sometimes a browser window will open and I can access a page or a folder will open, but then it will eventually just run so slow it is practically frozen (with little blue circle still spinning).I think it might be linked to my wireless Internet, the little Internet icon in the bottom right hand task bar is just stuck searching for a signal every time i start up (even if I wait 10 minutes).I am using my laptop right next to the computer and it is picking up the wireless single fine.

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VBscript To Add Program To Notification Area?

May 10, 2011

I'm creating an image which must build in an unattended fashion. The client (the end user of the resulting image) wants to have the icon for one of the included programs included in the notification area. While this CAN be done manually, because of the required build process, I do not have the option of manually adding the program to the notification area; I will need to automate this via a script or other method.I've found VB scripts for adding ("pinning") programs to the Start Menu and Taskbar, but not for the Notification Area.DIT: To clarify further, I want to change the Behavior for this program from "Only show notifications" to "Show icon and notifications", but do so from a command line or script.

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Could Not Access VBScript Runtime For Custom Action

Aug 21, 2011

I recently bought a dell N5030 that has windows 7 installed. The problem I am haveing is that when I go to download I get a error msg that says "error 2738. could not access VBScript runtime for custom action" I have not a clue what this means ? I had downloaded things before with no problem and dont know what or why this is coming up.

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GPP Adding Printers Slow, Vbscript Hit And Miss

Sep 20, 2010

Got a real issue with Windows 7 and printers,

We used a vbscript in the past to add to shared printers which worked great in XP, however that same vbscript is very hit and miss in a domain environment whereby sometimes printers map, sometimes they don't.

So i moved to using Group Policy Preferences, and that killed the logon speed, the duration is as much as 5-6 minutes to logon.

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[vbscript] Adding Domain User To Local Admin

Jan 17, 2013

I'm trying to run a script at the end of sysprep that will add a Domain group to the local Admins group. I found a few scripts while searching around, but none will work for my application.

This is what I have so far.

Code :SET objNet = CREATEOBJECT("WScript.Network" )' Set the user you want to make local administrator herestrUser = "<username here>"strNetBIOSDomain = objNet.UserDomainstrComputer = objNet.ComputerNameSET objGroup = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group" )SET objUser = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strNetBIOSDomain & "/" & strUser & ",user" )' ignore error if user is already a member of the groupON ERROR RESUME NEXTobjGroup.Add(objUser.ADsPath)ON ERROR GOTO 0

The problem I'm having is that I need to be able to provide a username and password of a domain admin so that it can authenticate. how to do this when I try to add the user.

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Getting Error 2738 Could Not Access Vbscript Runtime For Custom Action

Mar 19, 2010

I am getting Error 2738 Could not access vbscript runtime for custom action and cannot solve the problem by removing the registry key HKCUSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} (Because it does not exist!)And when I run CMD as admin, to Regsvr32 vbscript.dll i get a success box pop up.Still, no luck when installing.I am logged in on the Administrator account, UAC is on, I have tried with it off and still have the issue.

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Startup Folder Is Missing?

Apr 6, 2011

I reinstalled windows 7 and now there isnt a startup folder..

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How To Copy Startup Folder

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to install a small app in Windows7. But in order to do this the app needs to be directly copied to the startup folder. how to do this.

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How Do You Add Programs To The Startup Folder ?

May 17, 2009

I have looked and looked and I can not see a way to add links into the startup folder. If i use Windows explorer to navigate to the Startup folder, I am told I do not have authority to access it (I am the administrator and only account on the system). Nothing in control panel seems to apply so how is it done now ?

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Program In Startup Folder Triggers UAC?

Mar 13, 2011

I tried placing one of my favorite programs in the Startup folder but every time it starts it prompts for UAC confirmation. Annoying. Is there a way to get rid of this?(without disabling UAC. at the moment I work around this by completely turning off UAC but I feel nervous about this).

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Windows 7 Startup Folder Empty

Dec 27, 2011

My computer was hit a malware. I was able to clean/quarantine the malware, but my startup folder is empty.From the Windows logo start, I am able to see the folders in "All Programs". But all the folders are empty. These startup folders are also empty when I navigate to their locations in Window Explorer. My programs are still installed and I can start them from their installed locations. How do I rebuild the startup folder? The "AppData" and the "ProgramData" folders are visible. I'd rather not create shortcuts to all my installed programs one at a time

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Reappearing Folder On Desktop At Startup?

May 2, 2010

as stated above i have a folder which keeps reappearing every time i start my computer, it's an empty folder and no other program is using it. tried removing it in safe mode and from the registry, but no results.

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Speedfan Will Not Start From The Startup Folder

Dec 23, 2011

How do I get Speedfan to start at boot? I put it in the startup folder and nothing happens. I can start it up manually, but it does give me the bit 'do you want to let the following program make changes to your computer?'

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Get Startup Folder Programs To Start Minimized?

May 30, 2012

I like listening to an online radio station (through Windows Media Player) every time I use my computer. So, I put a shortcut to the playlist file in my Startup folder.But, even though I selected "Run: Minimized" in its Properties dialog box, it always runs in a normal window. (Then I manually minimize it.)So, how can I force the shortcut to open Windows Media Player in a minimized window

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Outlook 2010 Startup Folder Selection Ignored?

Mar 24, 2012

For some reason I cannot get my selection of a startup folder for Outlook 2010 to "stick." It reverts to the Inbox, regardless of what I do.

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Batch File Open For Program In Startup Folder

Jan 16, 2012

I have a computer that is a drone specifically for an outside LED sign. This computer is designed to never shut off and doesn't have any other program on it besides Operating System and the sign software. I need to create a batch file that I can place in the "start-up" folder that will open the program (LEDStudio10) and open the file that I want to play. I have already tried multiple attempts and I was hoping someone out there in sevenforums world would be able to point me in the right direction.

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"VBScript Error 2738" When Try To Install / Uninstall Software

May 15, 2011

often have a problem "VBScript Error 2738" when I try install / uninstall software, fox example bootracer, HP ProtectTools, etc.

Code: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and

Code: reg delete "HKCUSOFTWAREClassesWow6432NodeCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" /f It helps, but for only short time -when I reboot my computer and try install something else, I must do this again...

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Auto-runs How To Run

May 7, 2011

I joined Bleeping computers yesterday and today I downloaded 'Autoruns' after reading some posts on the forums,and now I find (ho-hum) I dont know how to run the program,ive unzipped it and its 'ready' but I just cant see the run/start button?can someone point me in the right direction

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Why Runs Slowly When I Have 2GB RAM And P4 2.8 Ghz ?

Jun 27, 2009

I have problem with Windows 7 on PC computer. IT runs slowly even i turn on clasic view and turned off all effects..

WIndows installed on Sata HDD 40GB, in system there is more two HDD with 160GB and 250GB

IT runs more slowly than Windows XP before...

I thinks it could be few possibilities:

1. Previous widows xp were installed on drive D (in the same sata hdd) and when installed windows 7 on C (in the same hdd) it shows me (when boots) one more selection to choose one more OS, but when I select it nothing happens just black window and I need to reset pc and choose windows 7 to boot. Maybe this issue can be fault?

2. My Sata HDD is very old. Maybe there is problem?

3. Maybe there is old RAM's and old CPU with MB ?

Windows 7 is officiall beta release from microsoft...

In example on my HP laptop with Centrino and 1GB RAM runs perfectly with pre-beta release installed earlier. Runs default without any modifications like turning effects or smth.

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Setup Not Runs On Windows 7 X64

Apr 10, 2011

Almost one month ago, I installed win x64. Working fine, no problems! All games running smooth... But when I try to install Command and Conquer Red Alert 3, the easetup.exe/autorun.exe does not start at all! Nothing on task manager or no error message either.

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Wmplayer.exe Runs Without Being Invoked?

Apr 9, 2012

Periodically I check my CPU usage especially is the system seems to be slowing down.Whether it is an hour or a day, wmplayer.exe mysteriously appears and consumes a tremendous amount of CPU time. Windows Media Player is neither on my desktop nor my taskbar and I almost never use it. I prefer using VLC Media PlayerWhen I terminate the processwmplayer.exeusing the Task Manager, it stops temporarily, about 5 seconds, and then suddenly reappears and takes over the computer again by consuming most of the CPU timeThe only way I can remove it is to restart my computer.I believe the computer is free of viruses and other infections. I use Norton 360 for anti-virus and periodically perform complete scans with both Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Super Anti-Spyware Free

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Windows 7 X64 - Uses All Available RAM, Runs Slowly

Jun 1, 2012

My system is a home built, Core I7, 8GB RAM, Radeon 560 TI with 2GB VRAM. Recently upgraded from 4GB RAM.

I was having this same issue with 4GB of RAM. After the computer has been on a bit (hour or two) the memory usage will approach 90% and upwards and things will start to run slowly. I close all active programs, kill all non-essential background programs (dropbox, steam, printer software etc). I look in my processes and no way does it all add up to nearly 8GB of memory.

So my question is, how do I get my computer to run faster? I know WIN 7 uses memory differently than XP did, and I don't care if it wants to use all the RAM, as long as it will run quickly. The problem is, it runs slowly.

I have WIN 7 x64 ultimate, I have ESET security suite and show no viruses. Problem goes away after I reboot, but returns over time.

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Ndis.sys Runs At An Average Of 3ms?

Jan 1, 2013

I am a professional audio designer and I use an external audio card for performance playback,however, recently, I have started to have problems with audio dropouts because of this service.I understand that it is a networking driver, but I have never had issues with it until recently. What is more confusing is that the problem persists when I disconnect from a network and it is not in use. I am puzzled by this and since I do a lot of work in a mobile environment with my laptop,it

Why would it start doing this "out of nowhere"? also, I performed a full factory default restore on the machine including service pack and all updates. ndis.sys STILL runs at an average of 3ms.

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Ccleaner Runs Only Up To 30% Then Gets Stuck?

Sep 2, 2011

My Ccleaner runs only up to 30% then gets stuck.

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Computer Runs But No Display?

Nov 4, 2012

I recently built an office computer for myself and it was working fine. I turned off the computer for the night but when i turned it back on, i was getting no image on the monitor. I can hear the PC running but the display is just black; i cant see it post or anything. Also lately its as if the computer keeps starting up and then restarting; i can hear the fans wind down and then start back upI switched out monitors but that was not the issue. I used a dvi instead of vga connector but still the problem persisted. I also reset the cmos but again to no avail. I'm using IntelHD Graphics 3000[CODE]

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2 X Dvd Writers & Only 1 Runs A Boot Disc?

Apr 29, 2012

I've 2 dvd rewriters in my pc. Both Pioneer, one oldish and one older. The both work within windows. When I select multi-boot options to run a boot disc they are both displayed to choose from. However, if I select one of them, the disc boots. If I select the other one, the command to boot is ignored and the system boots into windows - obviously ignoring the dvd device. It's the newer one which is the problem. They both used to work ok with a boot disc.

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WIndows 7 Ultimate Runs Slow?

May 14, 2012

I have Windows 7 Ultimate on my desktop. I have encountered that the windows runs abnormal.Each time I select a program to run or just at a random time, the computer is frozen, no responses, and the hard drive led is lid constant. This can take up to 1 minute. Another example, when I am typing and is pausing a few times.I know for sure that a program is running in the background to cause this problemI did look at the process, but I do not understand.Note: it takes me 15 minutes to finish this thread.he screen shot of the processes are attachedMy desktop spec:Motherboard: ASUS M5A88-V EVOCPU: AMD FX-6100RAM: 8GBOS: Windows 7 UltimateHard drive: Seagate 320 SATA

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