"VBScript Error 2738" When Try To Install / Uninstall Software

May 15, 2011

often have a problem "VBScript Error 2738" when I try install / uninstall software, fox example bootracer, HP ProtectTools, etc.

Code: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and

Code: reg delete "HKCUSOFTWAREClassesWow6432NodeCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" /f It helps, but for only short time -when I reboot my computer and try install something else, I must do this again...

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Getting Error 2738 Could Not Access Vbscript Runtime For Custom Action

Mar 19, 2010

I am getting Error 2738 Could not access vbscript runtime for custom action and cannot solve the problem by removing the registry key HKCUSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} (Because it does not exist!)And when I run CMD as admin, to Regsvr32 vbscript.dll i get a success box pop up.Still, no luck when installing.I am logged in on the Administrator account, UAC is on, I have tried with it off and still have the issue.

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Can't Install/uninstall Anything Onto Computer [Error]

Sep 7, 2012

First of all yesterday I messed around with my windows services to make my pc run faster, everything seemed fine until I tried updating my java (the same error shows up when I try to install/uninstall any other program on my pc.Heres the error: I think this may have been caused by a windows service that I may have disabled in services.msc?

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Uninstall/install Internal Error 2503 And 2502?

Oct 30, 2012

i've had this error since i tried re installing steam, and have been searching everywhere for how to fix it and still everything i try doesnt work, anyone know how to fix this

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VBscript To Add Program To Notification Area?

May 10, 2011

I'm creating an image which must build in an unattended fashion. The client (the end user of the resulting image) wants to have the icon for one of the included programs included in the notification area. While this CAN be done manually, because of the required build process, I do not have the option of manually adding the program to the notification area; I will need to automate this via a script or other method.I've found VB scripts for adding ("pinning") programs to the Start Menu and Taskbar, but not for the Notification Area.DIT: To clarify further, I want to change the Behavior for this program from "Only show notifications" to "Show icon and notifications", but do so from a command line or script.

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Vbscript In Startup Folder Runs Twice?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm having a bit of a strange issue with a script placed in the startup folder on a windows 7 machine. When windows loads, it runs 2 copies of the script at the same time. Both scrips error out because as they try to access certain files they find they're "in use." By the other script I'm assuming. I'm wondering why the script is getting double executed, and how I can stop it.

Right after the scripts error out, if you manually click the script in the startup folder it runs with no issues. Only on startup does it run twice and not work.

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Ctor.dll Error When Trying To Uninstall?

Nov 14, 2011

I just got a brand new computer (PowerSpec B708) and installed 2 games and a few programs. All of a sudden when I try to uninstall a program I get this message: Quote: There was a problem starting C:PROGRA~2COMMON~1INSTAL~1PROFES~1RunTime11�0Intel32Ctor.dll The specified module could not be found. So now I cant uninstall any programs!

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Could Not Access VBScript Runtime For Custom Action

Aug 21, 2011

I recently bought a dell N5030 that has windows 7 installed. The problem I am haveing is that when I go to download I get a error msg that says "error 2738. could not access VBScript runtime for custom action" I have not a clue what this means ? I had downloaded things before with no problem and dont know what or why this is coming up.

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GPP Adding Printers Slow, Vbscript Hit And Miss

Sep 20, 2010

Got a real issue with Windows 7 and printers,

We used a vbscript in the past to add to shared printers which worked great in XP, however that same vbscript is very hit and miss in a domain environment whereby sometimes printers map, sometimes they don't.

So i moved to using Group Policy Preferences, and that killed the logon speed, the duration is as much as 5-6 minutes to logon.

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Can't Uninstall DiRT 3, Error 2753

Sep 1, 2011

Can't uninstall DiRT 3, error 2753.

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Create VBscript To Copy Folder To Network Drive?

Jan 7, 2011

I have VBscript to copy folders or files to other location. But this doesn't seem to run on windows 7 machine. Any help in why this might be.Reason for this is we want take backup of just one particular folder every month on C drive to network drive. Now can set backup to do this but way it does it you have drill down to find the folder.

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[vbscript] Adding Domain User To Local Admin

Jan 17, 2013

I'm trying to run a script at the end of sysprep that will add a Domain group to the local Admins group. I found a few scripts while searching around, but none will work for my application.

This is what I have so far.

Code :SET objNet = CREATEOBJECT("WScript.Network" )' Set the user you want to make local administrator herestrUser = "<username here>"strNetBIOSDomain = objNet.UserDomainstrComputer = objNet.ComputerNameSET objGroup = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group" )SET objUser = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strNetBIOSDomain & "/" & strUser & ",user" )' ignore error if user is already a member of the groupON ERROR RESUME NEXTobjGroup.Add(objUser.ADsPath)ON ERROR GOTO 0

The problem I'm having is that I need to be able to provide a username and password of a domain admin so that it can authenticate. how to do this when I try to add the user.

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PC Won't Let To Uninstall Or Install Files

Jul 7, 2011

I recently noticed that my PC is not being very cooperative, it's not letting me open installers, or uninstallers, some files it wont let me edit them or move them because I don't have permission. Some files wont even let me do things in them, or edit them. I am the admin of the PC, so this is obviously not right.

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Can't Install/uninstall Nero 7?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, and system is about one month old. Bought the Ultimate because it's supposed to allow you to install older programs. Today, I tried to install my Nero 7 Ultra Edition Enhanced (retail disc). It went so far and threw up an error. Tried reinstalling to no avail. Now it won't even let me uninstall it (it starts to uninstall then throws an error). It appears to have all the folders on my C drive now but it does not start. Should I try reinstalling or uninstalling in Safe Mode

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Unable To Install Or Uninstall Anything

Apr 14, 2012

I can't get Windows 7 to install or uninstall any programs. Whenever I try it says a network resource is unavailable and asks me to point to the install package, but still never works. I've been trying to fix this for months now, I've asked around before and I've tried every relevant fix I could find on the internet. So as one last shot, any ideas? I don't feel like doing a fresh install of Windows 7 if 8 is coming out soon, and I get Windows for free through MSDNAA, so I thought I would do an upgrade install to windows 8 CP and then just enter the final key when I get it, do you think that would fix it?

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Can't Uninstall ANY Programs, Error 5: Access Is Denied

Apr 12, 2012

I have just noticed that I can't uninstall any programs. When I try, a window pops up almost immediately saying "Unable to create a temporary file. Setup aborted. Error 5: Access is denied.I have tried running the add/remove applet as Administrator but I get the same result.The Microsoft 'Fix It' tool finds no problems or errors.where the Windows Installer is trying to create the file. One thread that I've found says it creates it on 'the volume with the most free space', but as I only have one partition, that doesn't help much.

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Uninstall/Re-install Media Player 12?

May 3, 2009

After installing Windows 7, everything was fine. I did not realise though, that Media Player 12 was already installed, so when I saw a link to download it, I did and tried to install it. After rebooting, the obviously already installed Media Player 12 files became corrupted and now, everytime I try to run it it will not work. I am directed to download it, and the link goes to the old Media Player for Windows NT - which will not install, as my PC tells me the Media Player 12 is already installed...So how can I uninstall anything Media Player and start fresh? I see no uninstall .exe for it anywhere.

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Can't Open Programs, Uninstall Or Install

Nov 3, 2010

Last week my husband installed Azureus aka Vuze onto our Sony VIAO laptop. He said several hours later, while he was watching a video, the computer suddenly shut down. Since then, we have found that we can't open any non-Windows inherit programs. Windows did an update, but it didn't help.We can open documents, pictures, notepad, calculator - all the things that would have come with Windows 7, but if it is a program that we have installed, like Chrome, AVG free or AdAware, we can't open it. I double-click and nothing happens.Likewise, when I try to uninstall programs. I tried fixing the issue by removing Azureus, but I get the message that it doesn't look like it can be uninstalled and asks if I want it removed from the programs list.I have successfully gotten ZIP folders to open and use REG files (which is how I got ZIP folders to work), but that's it.

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Install/Uninstall In Control Panel?

Apr 26, 2012

When you go to your User Account , open Control Panel and click on Install/Uninstall, does it list programs that the User Account downloaded or does it list programs for all accounts, including Administrator Account Downloads?

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Uninstall Linux And Install Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2011

My friend had another friend get rid of windows 7 and put linux on her computer and she wants windows back.I am just wondering if their is an easy way for someone who is not 100% tech savy to re-install windows. ive read the other forums and there is a bunch of stuff about partitions and GRUB that im not sure of.

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Uninstall MO2010 And Install MO2007 Instead?

Aug 11, 2011

If you buy a new computer with Windows 7 OS and MO2010 pre installed, is it possible to uninstall MO2010 and install MO2007 instead?

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Error 1723 - Cannot Uninstall Java From Windows 7 Machine

Feb 7, 2012

I am using windows 7 when I uninstall java it is not uninstall and display the error 1723 and as some dll files are missing. While I'll install jre I wont me to install. How to correct this error?

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How To Uninstall Windows 7 And Install XP Back On Computer

Sep 10, 2012

How do I delete this rubbish copy of 7 and install my genuine copy of xp back onto my computer?

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Unable To INSTALL Or UNINSTALL Anything - Net Framework 1.1 Troublemaker?

Jun 7, 2012

At that time i had net framework 4.0, the program i required to install was nessesary for my school and i spent a lot of effort installing net framework 1.1, which was not an easy task. it wasn't possible installing it a normal way, and i ended up going in Comand Prompt as administrator and fixing 2 installations at the same time or something like that. Can not recall it very well.The net framework 1.1 required updating and at the start of my computer booting it would generally ask me Accept of Decline the update possibility. This request has disappeared. I noticed when i would accept the update it infact wouldnt update anything and would not let me install anything cause it was apparently bizzy with updating.

This issue has now worsen over time, it does not ask me if i accept the update at allNow i cannot install or uninstall any programs, i have tried too install Java, and ableton. both failed, when i want too install something it says i do not have enough disk space. The same thing happens when i want too uninstall a program it says make sure u have enough disk space. i have 193 GB out of the 284 GB, i think i would have enough space for Java

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Install/uninstall Failing, Some MS Updates Fail

Aug 21, 2012

Friends "out of the blue" my rock-solid-for-three-years windows 7 Ultimate x64 rig seems to have a permissions issue [I'm guessing]. I went to uninstall a program, and it failed. tried to install a program and it failed. Did windows updates, selected about 10 or so, most installed ok, but three failed. I created a new administrator-level account [the system has only had one in its history, the main/only I have ever used], tried to logon for the first time, and it failed.This system is on a LAN [wifi bridged AP] and is a Homegroup owner, but it is not on a Domain.


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During Belkin Uninstall Get Error Code: -5005 : 0x80070002 Windows 7

Dec 6, 2011

During belkin uninstall get error code: -5005 : 0x80070002 windows 7

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Install Nvidia Drivers - Uninstall The Current Driver

Aug 25, 2009

Just installed fresh copy of Windows 7, trying to install Nvidia drivers without any luck, at ALL!

I've downloaded many drivers from 181 to 190 and all I get is "Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, run the installation again." WHAT THE CRAP?

I've tried to uninstall the current driver, log into safe mode and use driver sweeper to erase every single trace of the old driver, logged back in and tried to install new driver but ALWAYS get the same god damn problem! Why the hell is this happening to me?

I've got Win 7 x64, I've of course downloaded the right drivers!

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Deleted C Drive Access - Cannot Install / Uninstall Any Software

Apr 17, 2011

In my HP G61 notebook by mistake in c: properties- security-advance setting delete all access of c:, now I can't access the c: by window, can't install and uninstall any software in my pc and not able to delete any file on pc. Now after purchase I didn't make recovery disc. Today I try to make recovery disc. Using start-recovery manager-create recovery, not open window show error (windows cannot access c:program file x86hewlett-packardrecoverycd creator.exe). How to make access on c drive.

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Language Pack Uninstall/Install & Disk Space?

Aug 14, 2011

I am trying to free space in my HD and I when through the uninstall process of all the additional languages I had initially installed (lpksetup) and after clicking on all the languages I wanted to uninstall the system estiamted that I would recover about 8GB. The uninstall went through fine bu I did NOT recover any space, actually the disk utilization went up by about 3GB after windows removed all the additional languages. Then I decided to re-install all the additional langugae just to see if the free space in the HD would increase by 3GB. Well... the free space went down one more time, now by about 6GB. So my HD has additional 9GB of data on it. I have no idea what to do or what folderm, temp file to delete.BTW I already tried:Disk Clean Up Delete all the temp files in all users in AppDataTemp I turned off hibernation before I started all this process I ran windows washer and delete all the temp, cookies, interenet, etc files My laptop has always been running an AV, Spyware so this is not a Virus or Spyware. I already scanned also with Malware Bytes.Any temp folder I should take a look to delete any additional file(s) that are temp or not needed?

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Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Standard Will Not Install/uninstall?

Jul 20, 2012

I am experiencing difficulties when trying to uninstall/reinstall my adobe product At the beginning of the month, I had some issues with the activation which caused the program to lock me out. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program thinking thatothing changed. Had to call adobe to deactivate my serial.Long story short, the adobe help center rectified the problem with my serialSupposedly anyway. I have no way to test it because my current installation of photoshop is corrupt due to this licensing mishap. The only way is to start fresh and install the program again.This is where the hitch is. As I previously mentioned, I was able to reinstall the program once without issue. Now, I can't even run the installer from the DVD. A window stating "Setup is initializing" appears, then quickly disappears. Nothing happens afterwards. Also, I am unable to remove the program from windows. The entry is there in "Programs and Features," however selecting the option to uninstall it does absolutely nothing. No window appears or anything.

The problem seems to only be with the adobe installer. I can remove my other applications and install new ones just fine. It's just for some reason Windows refuses to run the Adobe setup now. It doesn't make sense. The disc is not scratched at all and has never been stored outside its case. I'm at a complete loss what to do next. I can't remove it and I can't reinstall it.I am running Windows 7 64 bit. The rest of my PC specs can be found in my profile. CS3 has worked perfectly on the OS for over a year now. All these problems only appeared this month out of nowhere.

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How To Install/uninstall Windows 8 Preview In VMWare Player Correctly

Aug 21, 2012

I'm about to install Windows 8 preview in a virtual environment (VM ware player). Am I correct if I suppose that no traces are being left within Window 7 if I do so and if I uninstall Windows 8 from within VM ware player at a later time? Is there anything special to be considered?

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