GPP Adding Printers Slow, Vbscript Hit And Miss

Sep 20, 2010

Got a real issue with Windows 7 and printers,

We used a vbscript in the past to add to shared printers which worked great in XP, however that same vbscript is very hit and miss in a domain environment whereby sometimes printers map, sometimes they don't.

So i moved to using Group Policy Preferences, and that killed the logon speed, the duration is as much as 5-6 minutes to logon.

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[vbscript] Adding Domain User To Local Admin

Jan 17, 2013

I'm trying to run a script at the end of sysprep that will add a Domain group to the local Admins group. I found a few scripts while searching around, but none will work for my application.

This is what I have so far.

Code :SET objNet = CREATEOBJECT("WScript.Network" )' Set the user you want to make local administrator herestrUser = "<username here>"strNetBIOSDomain = objNet.UserDomainstrComputer = objNet.ComputerNameSET objGroup = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrators,group" )SET objUser = GETOBJECT("WinNT://" & strNetBIOSDomain & "/" & strUser & ",user" )' ignore error if user is already a member of the groupON ERROR RESUME NEXTobjGroup.Add(objUser.ADsPath)ON ERROR GOTO 0

The problem I'm having is that I need to be able to provide a username and password of a domain admin so that it can authenticate. how to do this when I try to add the user.

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Miss Bootmgr

Nov 26, 2009

Tried to install windows 7 and during the installation it failed and when it restarted my laptop it came up bootmgr miss press ctrl + alt + del to restart.

Now I formatted my hard drive before I installed it and I kept the disc in after restarting and everytime I turn on my laptop it comes up bootmgr missing press ctrl alt del to restart.

It wont even read the disc now to install and there is nothing on the hard drive so it just keeps going to the same screen.

Anyone know what to do?

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Installed Printers Not Displayed In Devices & Printers?

Jun 29, 2009

I have installed the following printers: Epson LX-300+II, HP Laserjet 1010, HP Colour Lasterjet 1515, Canon IP5200.

The printers work and are all displayed from Word, IE, etc, but only one printer shows up in Windows 7 Devices & Printers - usually whichever is selected as default printer. If I remove the displayed printer, it shows me another one. When I first installed, it showed me all the printers, but problems started after I had to remove and reinstall my printers.

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VBscript To Add Program To Notification Area?

May 10, 2011

I'm creating an image which must build in an unattended fashion. The client (the end user of the resulting image) wants to have the icon for one of the included programs included in the notification area. While this CAN be done manually, because of the required build process, I do not have the option of manually adding the program to the notification area; I will need to automate this via a script or other method.I've found VB scripts for adding ("pinning") programs to the Start Menu and Taskbar, but not for the Notification Area.DIT: To clarify further, I want to change the Behavior for this program from "Only show notifications" to "Show icon and notifications", but do so from a command line or script.

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Vbscript In Startup Folder Runs Twice?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm having a bit of a strange issue with a script placed in the startup folder on a windows 7 machine. When windows loads, it runs 2 copies of the script at the same time. Both scrips error out because as they try to access certain files they find they're "in use." By the other script I'm assuming. I'm wondering why the script is getting double executed, and how I can stop it.

Right after the scripts error out, if you manually click the script in the startup folder it runs with no issues. Only on startup does it run twice and not work.

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Could Not Access VBScript Runtime For Custom Action

Aug 21, 2011

I recently bought a dell N5030 that has windows 7 installed. The problem I am haveing is that when I go to download I get a error msg that says "error 2738. could not access VBScript runtime for custom action" I have not a clue what this means ? I had downloaded things before with no problem and dont know what or why this is coming up.

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Installing DRIVER For Laptop Neo B3362, Error Intel(R) Driver Miss?

Apr 5, 2012

i changed the OS of my laptop from windows7 starter to windows ultimate x64. but i cant connect my laptop to the internet. some drivers are missing. {2 BASE SYSTEM DEVICE DRIVER missing, ETHERNET CONTROLLER DRIVER missing, NETWORK CONTROLLER and VIDEO CONTROLLER DRIVER is also missing.} solve this?i tried to install the ethermet driver i downloaded. but it always shows this error " error:failed to install, no device driver is present to your computer"

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Create VBscript To Copy Folder To Network Drive?

Jan 7, 2011

I have VBscript to copy folders or files to other location. But this doesn't seem to run on windows 7 machine. Any help in why this might be.Reason for this is we want take backup of just one particular folder every month on C drive to network drive. Now can set backup to do this but way it does it you have drill down to find the folder.

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Getting Error 2738 Could Not Access Vbscript Runtime For Custom Action

Mar 19, 2010

I am getting Error 2738 Could not access vbscript runtime for custom action and cannot solve the problem by removing the registry key HKCUSOFTWAREClassesCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} (Because it does not exist!)And when I run CMD as admin, to Regsvr32 vbscript.dll i get a success box pop up.Still, no luck when installing.I am logged in on the Administrator account, UAC is on, I have tried with it off and still have the issue.

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Device And Printers Does Not See All Printers

May 27, 2011

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit Control Panel -> Devices and Printers show some printers (PDF995 and Microsoft XPS Document Writer) but it does not show my HP OfficeJet 4500. Applications (like IE or Firebird) show it in the list of printer and can print to it.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I am running in the Administrator account and both the laptop and the printer on the same WiFi router. The printer showed up in Device Manager after I clicked Display Hidden Devices (kind of silly to hide devices from the Administrator.)

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"VBScript Error 2738" When Try To Install / Uninstall Software

May 15, 2011

often have a problem "VBScript Error 2738" when I try install / uninstall software, fox example bootracer, HP ProtectTools, etc.

Code: regsvr32 vbscript.dll and

Code: reg delete "HKCUSOFTWAREClassesWow6432NodeCLSID{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}" /f It helps, but for only short time -when I reboot my computer and try install something else, I must do this again...

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HomeGroup Printers

Jul 15, 2009

i have a pc (Windows 7 build 7100) that is connected to two printers (of which one prints (HP laserjet CP1215) and one only scans (no ink)) and it shares those printer.

My Windows 7 build 7600 (on my main pc) added the scan-printer without asking me and didn't add the other one (the only one I can print). I then disconnected this one from the other pc and looked again, no install here.

While I used build 7100 with my main pc too, it asked me: "Do you want to install HomeGroup printer?" and it worked like a charm.

Now I tried to manually add this printer and it asked me for a driver.

I installed the HP drivers but still, not working. Then, when it asked me again to point to the .inf file, i selected the one HP-driver-installation installed (to my C:Program files folder) but it said this driver is from a "non-certified" publisher (or something like this, sadly I can't reproduce this so I don't remember the exact words).

I clicked "install nonetheless" because I knew it was the right driver (printer prints perfectly from all other Windows 7 workstations).

Now when I try to connect to the printer (still not showing up in "Devices and printers" it tries to connect, looks for a driver, kinda finds one and then tells me, it can't connect.

I cannot even select a new driver or anything, I can only close the window.

On all my other pcs (I only use Windows 7 since the RC) it works and worked without problems. I miss the "Install Homegroup printer" prompt and well ...

any ideas?

ah well i installed 32bit versions of the driver and now i downloaded 64bit versions, but even after installing it doesn't work and as I've said before, I cannot manually select a driver inf file anymore, so ... I can't install the printer.

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Printers And Faxes

Nov 1, 2009

Under Printer and Faxes I accidentally deleted the Fax. Can anyone tell me how to get it back. Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

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Cannot Install ANY Printers

May 16, 2012

Everything was running fine until today when I came to print from Word 2010 which said "word cannot print , no printer installed". The printer showed up as "ready" and was set as default. After trying the usual stuff (loose connections, firewalls and reboots etc) I opted to reinstall the printer (hp c3180). This got me nowhere with a message saying "fatal error". In the end I got a brand new canon mg2100 which also failed to install with the following message titled:RunDLL: There was a problem starting C:windowssystem32spoolDRIVERSx64cnmvsaq.dll access denied

Although I clicked ok to this at which point it said installation was complete. It still won't print any file picture or document but the new canon shows up as default. Furthermore, I am unable to uninstall the canon drivers (which show up in program's as being installed?!) as they are being used by another service" or words to that effect. I tried to install some Epsom drivers and they failed too!The only recent changes were on May 11 when a windows update completed. This may be nothing to do with it but thinking it was a problem with office I tried to uninstall office 2010 and it would not uninstall due to "corrupted files" even though I was using the last restore point was earlier today and nothing prior stored. I have the original windows disc which came with the pc. I checked the printer spooler service and it was running.

1. Driver won't install without error of some sort (different for each printer)

2. Canon driver won't uninstall due to being in use

3. Latest drivers used - yes!

4. Windows up to date - yes! Recent update.

5. Office functions normally but won't uninstall

6. Said printers work fine on other machines

7. Firewall and antivirus off for installation.

Windows 7 64 bit. Core i5 with 4gb ram

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Printers And XP Mode

Aug 14, 2009

Is it possible to "port" a printer from XP mode to Win 7? I have been able to get the printer in Win 7 to show up in Printers/Devices in XP mode but not Vice Versa.

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Can't Install Any Printers?

Oct 20, 2011

my usb ports work but my computer cannot recognize any printers. I even went out and bought 2 brand new printers.

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Have Two Hp Printers On The Same Router

Oct 21, 2011

Can I have 2 HP printers on the same network (one USB and one Wirelss) Windows 7 64 bit, Apple Airport Router.

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Devices And Printers

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, we demonstrate the new Devices and Printers section of the control panel. This new feature of Windows 7 aims to make it easier to work with and troubleshoot peripheral devices, such as printers, monitors, external storage devices and game controllers. Instead of trying to find your device in a big long list, Devices and Printers tries to assign an icon to it which represents the actual device more clearly.

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Can't Find Script Engine "VBScript"for Script "C:WindowsSystem32OEM\_NowIntoDT.vbs"

Aug 12, 2010

I have a 1-month old Acer desktop computer running Windows 7 Premium 64-bit system. It works wonderfully well. However, since yesterday whenever I login I get the following message:

Can't find script engine "VBScript"for script "C:WindowsSystem32OEM\_NowIntoDT.vbs".

The message does not seem to affect login or the use of the computer so far. I do not know if there are problems lurking somewhere. I normally click X to close the message or click the OK.I must add that a day ago I removed McAfee Internet Security 60-day Trial which I did not activate. Instead, I chose Avast Free Antivirus.I have been using Avast since I got the computer.

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Windows 7 Printers Not Showing?

May 30, 2012

I have a number of printers on the same port ( different versions of PCL5 , PCL6, and PS drives ). In the Windows 7 Control Panel "Devices and Printers" a whole slew of versions are missing and only the latest printer installed on that port is shown. But if I open up a Print.. dialog from any of my applications the names of all the Printers are there from which I can choose.

Why does not the Control Panel "Devices and Printers" show all my printers in Windows 7 ? Under Windows Vista I can see all of them.

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No Device And Printers Module?

May 16, 2012

I have windows 7. In control panel, the device and printers option is there, but when I click om it, the screen never loads. Th egreen progress bar at top takes forever to fill in all the way, but even when it gets thru loading, it never actually loads. I cannot view my printers.

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Devices And Printers Won't Load?

Aug 21, 2012

every time I clicked on my devices and printers section, it will never fully load. The green loading bar will only get so far then it would just sit there and not load anything. Also it won't load no matter which path I take. I have tried to research solutions for this matter such as I have tried putting my bluetooth on enabled, turning off my printer spooler and removing ccleaner but nothing has helped.

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Can't Access Devices And Printers

Feb 1, 2011

I've got a brand new Asus G53jw-A1. I took some settings from my old Asus m50vm-B1 when I bought it. Now when I try to print, the G53 is using the settings of the m50vm and gives me an error saying it can't find a computer named m50vm-B1.

I'm hooking up the G53 to a HP Deskjet 6988 via USB and it won't print or even let me go to Devices and Printers so I can delete all the printers and let Windows recognize them fresh.

I tried searching my registry for all keys "m50vm-B1" and deleted them, then restarted.

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Three Printers Shown In Firefox?

Oct 2, 2012

I have an HP Photosmart 5510 printer but in About:Config it shows three.The first is an old HP Deskjet we used to have which died and went to the skip. We were without a printer for a few months and then bought the HP Photosmart 5510 which I like. The third in the list is shown as a HP Photosmart 5510 (Network), obviously the same.The first needs removing, how do I do that please?The second is the current printer and is correct.I can account for the third entry. I've tried to set up a Home Group Network between PC and Netbook, without success, a suspect I may have changed the printer name for networking and perhaps gave it an IP No too.

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Devices And Printers Tool

Dec 29, 2008

The following is an extract from from an Article by Paul Thurrott on his Review of Windows 7

"Devices and Printers Tool

I mentioned this feature in my Windows 7 Beta review, but I'd like to point out again that it's not just Device Manager for Dummies: This new Windows 7 feature can actually find and fix problems with your PC. And it really works. I've used this feature to find missing drivers on two different PCs now, and in both cases a similar search via Device Manager netted no lover at all.

Here's how it works. Launch Devices and Printers (use Start Menu search) and locate any devices with a yellow bang graphic on its icon. Right-click and choose Troubleshoot to launch one of Windows 7's stealthy new features: A troubleshooting infrastructure that links back to Microsoft's data center to always provide the most up-to-date help. The troubleshooter will detect the problem and look for solutions.

And while I can't claim a 100 percent success rate quite yet, it's certainly worked better than device manager: I found a biometric driver and fixed a Bluetooth problem on my laptop, and found a system management bus driver on my desktop using this tool. Nice!

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Issues With Devices And Printers

Jun 24, 2009

I am having an issue with accessing the Devices and Printers page in Control Panel. Each time I click on it-it never loads (look at the screenie to see my point). This may be due to an issue with my Bluetooth drivers. They install successfully but they can never find a device nor can I open any settings page for the Bluetooth. If anyone can help I would be eternally grateful. This is what is keeping my Windows 7 experience from being perfect.

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Devices And Printers Icons

Nov 18, 2009

Are the icons in the Devices and Printers window (Device Stage) replaced immediately upon any system update, or do they just show up and get replaced at random whenever Windows 7 feels like doing it?

I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7 on two different machines (Ultimate x64 on one machine and Enterprise x64 on another) and the devices listed show the stock icons even though the drivers for those peripheral units are installed. All "Update" settings are set to recommended and automatic on both machines.

Weird thing is before I re-installed Ultimate on the first machine, the true icons showed up in Devices and Printers for my monitor, keyboard (MS keyboard), Canon scanner, Brother printer... I didn't quite pay attention how/when that happened, but I was pleasantly surprised with the extra access I had by just clicking that life-like icon.

Now, since the re-install, all I get are the stock icons.

Funny thing is when I hit "Properties", say - for the keyboard, which is a Microsoft 3000 kbd, the info simply reads: "Unknown Manufacturer", "HID keyboard Device". The MS drivers are installed though.

Same thing for my monitors (Dell 2209WA). Windows downloaded the drivers, but the properties info shows the monitor as "unknown manufacturer". How weird is that?

Something I'm missing? Or is this Device Stage fubared somehow?

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Devices And Printers Does Not Load

Apr 17, 2011

Windows 7 v6.1 32 bit. PC on home network, Two PCs on cable and up to five on wireless. Network Printer. The Devices and Printers page of Control Panel will not load. Green bar starts across the top of the screen but does not complete. Printer still works with MS Office programs. Logitech Web Cam also works. The page opens in Safe Mode. The page does not open when all startup items are disabled in MSConfig

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Cannot Access My Printers In Laptop?

Oct 24, 2011

my laptop got into trouble while i cleaned a virus from my pen drive. Many malfunctions occurred in the system like I cannot access my devices and printers, my network in system tray do not show, I cannot change my default programs and when I try to associate default programs they do not get associate and I cannot install my HP printer which I could use previously with no problem. I have kaspersky 2012 internet security and it says my system is clean. I tried many things like clean boot, system restore

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Devices And Printers Will Not Open?

Feb 28, 2012

Dell Lap Top, XPS with Windows 7 Ultimate. When I click Start, Devices and Printers, the panel opens as it should in Control Panel ^ Hardware and Sound ^ Devices and Printers but it just sits there and does nothing with the little circle spinning that shows that it is busy. It will just sit there all day doing nothing.

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