1TB Caviar Green No Longer Detected After BIOS Upgrade

Mar 2, 2012

Just after I upgraded my BIOS, I enjoyed a constant black screen after the BIOS Screen, which said something like CTRL + ALT + DELETE to reboot. It was no longer detecting something. So I removed the second HD and I was able to boot windows.

During the next boot I did the trick to connect the hard drive to the mobo during the Windows loading screen. And the HD became recognized, I was able to use it normally. In the next boot I left the hard rive connected and it wasn't detected by BIOS or Windows. I tried several cable combinations to see if there's a faulty one but no avail.

The weird part is that this drive does not emit any particular sound and most of faulty drives make noises. Another strange thing is that with the power supply connected the hard drive gets hot, really hot, like it's doing something...

Maybe I should downgrade the BIOS if I can. What do you think?

MOBO: Asrock 4g1m VS3.
PSU: 600W generic.
Western Digital Caviar Green 1 TB SATA (Like 5 months old)

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WD Caviar Green Shows Up In BIOS Only

Aug 10, 2012

Using 32 bit home premium Windows 7 installed on 320gb wd. Installed a 500gb wd caviar green . The bios setup sees it as the 4th drive and the smart NCQ says not supported. Transfermode says P10 0. Does not show up in devices or window storage under management. Checked 7 compatible not shown but the box says win 7..

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Upgraded To GTX 670, Second Monitor No Longer Detected?

Jun 29, 2012

So I just upgraded from a GTX 560 TI to a GTX 670 and now my computer can't detect my second monitor. My main monitor is plugged in via DVI while my second computer is plugged in via HDMI. I've been on nvidia control panel and tried finding my second monitor there on the "multiple monitors" section, no second monitor there either.

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Couldn't Boot From HDD / Still Detected In BIOS However

Feb 28, 2012

a friend of mine asked me to look at his laptop the other day.It had stopped booting to windows.No OS detected, couldn't boot from HDD, still detected in the BIOS however. It's on a laptop which has 2 IDE connections so I switched the drive to the other and changed the boot order, same problem. The disk was essentially full and he was after a new one so I suggested now could be the time. Anyway the new HDD arrived today, got hold of a copy a Windows 7 and installed it, laptop now boots fine into the new copy of windows, everything is running OK but he needs data off the old HD. I thought the new OS would be able to access it but it isnt recognised in my computer. It is still recognised as the secondary drive in the BIOS and in windows drive management but cannot access it.Drive management can see it and says the device is working properly but it wont initialize, wont turn offline and any access attempt comes up as an I/O error.It has win7 and all his data on so formatting to just save the hard drive for storage isnt an option (just yet).

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Hard Drive Not Being Detected In BIOS

Apr 30, 2012

My hard drive, a WD Scorpio 200GB, is not being detected in bios. AHCI mode is enabled. When I go into the Advanced BIOS Features, all the master and slave configs are none; however, my SSD is recognized as I am on my computer right now using it. I tried every SATA Port, EVEN THE SATA PORT MY SSD IS INSTALLED ON, and it doesn't work; I tried 2 different cables and still no recognition; I tried 4 different hard drives and still no recognition, so it is not a problem with my motherboard, hard drives, or cables. What should I do? I have been trying to figure this out for 4 hours.

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SATA Driver Detected In Bios But Not In Windows 7

Mar 30, 2012

When I open the PC, my hardrive and DVD rom was detected in bios but when the operating system started it shows the windows logo then after a second it shows a message that "the driver not found. Im confuse because i have only one hardrive which is the win7 installed on it. How can possibly that the PC did not find this driver but it shows the logo of win7?

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Hard Drive Not Detected By BIOS Or Disk Management?

Aug 27, 2011

I'm currently using a Windows 7 PC built by a friend of mine, but starting yesterday, its been acting up. The problem is there used to be two hard drives I can access, Drive B and Drive C. When I boot up the computer, BIOS only detects Drive C (if I'm not mistaken), and Disk Managements as well. I realized this when all the programs whose targets are on that drive are all broken on the desktop.So Drive B doesn't show up anywhere at all.

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Lots Of BSOD / Lock Ups Or Hard Drive Not Being Detected By BIOS

Apr 13, 2012

Lots of BSOD, lock ups, hard drive not being detected by bios, is it failing? Let me start by saying my PC is custom built, most parts are only a year old. The oldest parts are the harddrive (about 5 years) and the soundcard (about 7 years). I have never had major problems until now (a year after building it).

It all started with a blue screen.
Reboot windows and it seems to start up fine, gets to the desktop and locks up.

Reboot windows and I get another blue screen.

I try to start windows from the last good configuration. Error. Registry file failure. Cannot load hive file. I try booting from the windows cd and running a chkdsk. Hard drive starts making a buzzing sound. It gets to step 3 of 5 and stops. Failed to transfer logged messages. Status 50. Now the bios rarely even "sees" the drive. When I can get it to boot and see it, any attempt at diagnostics and repairs produces errors, locks up, or fails.

Is this a bad hard drive? I would hate to spend the money on a new one only to find it is a bad mobo or virus. How can I diagnose this? If it is a bad drive I would like to save what juice is left in it and try to recover a few files before it dies. Most of the important data has been backed up but I would like to try and get a few game save files if I can. But its not a disaster if the drive data is not recoverable.

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BIOS Menu Detected USB Device But Cannot Boot To Install Windows 7

Nov 7, 2010

So im having issues with my PNY 8gb Flash drive that im trying to use to install 7 onto my desktop. The problem is that whenever I insert it into my computer and try and boot off it, (Clean install btw) even though the bios menus detect the drive when I boot it acts as though it didnt insert. I need my desktop.

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RAM Upgrade Not Detected?

Apr 14, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satelite C650 (PSC12C-00M00S) with Core i3. Previously it came with 4 GB RAM. It had previously 2GB + 2GB. What I did, I bought two 4GB RAM modules and replaced them with these two. I have Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit; But the problem is it is still showing 4GB in the System Properties. I did check the RAM slots, but they seem to be fine.

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Upgrade Problems From Vista, No Optical Drive Detected

Dec 25, 2009

I am having major problems upgrading to Windows 7 from Vista. I have an HP dv3 with Windows Vista 64-bit. I am using the HP upgrade disc with the upgrade option. I first ran into problems when the Windows 7 disc told me that some components would not be installed properly, namely that I needed to upgrade my keyboard filter driver.

I did what I was told and when I tried to re-start the upgrade process the disc told me that I would need to re-start my computer. I did that and when it re-started, a message from HP popped up saying that my optical drive was no longer connected and that I needed to re-connect it in order for the upgrade to continue. So now my optical drive is not reading anything and I do not know what has happened or how to even fix it.

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"bios Detected A Problem With The Cooling Fan 902, Press Enter To Shutdown"

Sep 9, 2011

I've had my computer for over a year now and suddenly today i was watching a video when it lagged and then all of a sudden the screen went black. I turned it off and upon turning on again, I got the error "bios detected a problem with the cooling fan 902, press enter to shutdown" I have the lastest bios as far as I know and iv tried blowing into the slots with compressed air but nothing works.

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Can't Format WD Caviar Black HD

Sep 14, 2012

This all started when I was trying to get my HP Storageworks X310 to work again, and bought a new hard drive to rule out my old drive being faulty. I ran into some installation problems of WHS V1 on this disk (not sure why), and eventually got the old disk up working again. Now I'd like to use this one for something else, but I can't format it or do anything.[code] DiskPart has encountered an error: The system cannot find the file specified.See the System Event Log for more information.

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Try Not To Do A Bios Upgrade When Using Win 7

Apr 17, 2009

Just thought I would mention this as it is the second machine I have bolloxed now due to doing a bios upgrade.

A while ago I did a bios upgrade on a desktop machine and after doing it got a BSOD and windows would not boot. Had to format and do a fresh install to get over it.

This time round I did a bios upgrade on my laptop so that I could put a T9500 processor into it and got the same problem.

Bit of a pig this one though as I have 3 weeks of non backed up emails I will lose amongst other things.

It seems that if you do a bios upgrade windows 7 see's it as a different machine and just errors out without trying to load. There seems to be nothing you can do to recover from it.

Only option I have it to install another oppperating system on it and then see if I can downgrade bios. See if that will work.

Just be aware of this as not something that will show to often as not to common to have to upgrade bios. Hope this helps someone.

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WD Caviar Disk Very Slow To Respond?

Jun 21, 2012

I am currently experiencing a troubling issue with a WD Caviar HD. It was installed as the only HD on a Dell machine that after falling on the desk (from vertical to flat) decided it was tired of booting normally.I took out the hard drive, attached it via SATA to a working Win 7 Pro machine. If I leave the SATA cable connected the system won't boot, I assume it is confused which HD to boot from, but if I boot into my Win 7 Pro from the working HD and then connect the SATA cable, the system becomes very slow to respond. I wanted to see if any data could be recovered, so I checked if the system could see the HD and it turns out sometimes it can and sometimes it can't. Also when I force various programs and utilities to update the list of mounted disks the system becomes VERY slow. As an example I am currently trying to run EaseUS Partition Manager, it has been updating system information for over a half hour and counting...The drive does not make any clicking noises and it seems to spin up correctly.

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Upgrade Bios Without Processor?

Nov 4, 2011

After my Z68 Extreme 4 Motherboard died and I had to take out the processor to RMA it, I started considering upgrading. My Core i5 2500k is on ebay and I was going to buy a Core i7 2600k. However, now I am looking towards the Ivy Bridge Processors coming out in the New Year. Apparently they will use the same socket (1155), but the motherboard will need a Bios update. If I don't have a processor until I get the new one, how will I be able to upgrade the chipset so that the new processor will work with the motherboard?

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WD2500 Caviar SE Not Working Files Are Trapped

Jun 6, 2012

I recently changed the graphics card in my desktop, which caused a large crash that resulted in my computer absolutely refusing to boot, even when I install the old card. Anyway, I had 2 hard drives.. an 80GB boot drive with my OS and software, and a 250GB drive with all of my personal data (music, movies, documents, work files, etc) that is not not working. The 80GB drive works when hooked up to a USB, but the 250GB doesn't. I did put it in another computer to find out that all of my data is still there (I had to boot into a Windows 7 disc to access the drive), but it simply won't recognize when I hook it up to a USB. How can I get my files off the drive??? It's not a bootable drive.

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WD Caviar Black 1 TB SATA III Only Runs At 1.5 Gbps

Jan 8, 2013

I just set up a RAID configuration on my HP p6230y desktop with a pair of WD Caviar Black 1 TB hard drives. From what I understand my new hd's use Sata III which can run up to 6.0 gbps, but my mobo is Sata II which means it can only run 3.0 gbps. Correct me if what I just stated is wrong.

However, when I enter the "Raid option rom utility" screen by hitting Ctrl + f while it's scanning my drives on bootup, i see that my hd's "capabilities" is only 1.5 gbps. Is there something i can do to improve this speed at least to the 3.0 gbps? I heard something about trying a jumper on the pin set on the hd itself

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No Cd/dvd Drive In BIOS After Upgrade 32XP To 64 Seven

Dec 10, 2011

I just did a clean install of 7 Ultimate 64 bit using an upgrade disk on my Dell Inspiron 1545. I had been running XP 32 bit service pack 3. Everything is working fine, except my cd/dvd burner does not appear in devices in the 7 interface, and neither does it appear in BIOS. I may have made a mistake by not using windows easytransfer--I selected the files I wanted to bring over manually with a flash drive. It have power and will open and close fine, if a little slowly but it might be my imagination.

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4CoreDual VSTA BIOS Upgrade

Jan 16, 2010

I am running a 4CoreDual-VSTA motherboard with the built in Sound-card. I just upgraded to Windows 7, and now I am having issues with only being able to get MONO sound out of speakers. Any BIOS upgrades I attempt to run from ASRock's site give an error and refuse to run.

Any ideas how to UPGRADE my BIOS and fix this sound issue?

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New BIOS Upgrade - Computer Freezes For About Two Minutes

Apr 13, 2012

I just upgraded my bios yesterday, and now my computer reads all of my ram! Now things are acting kinda weird. When I first turn on the computer, is starts fine. Comes to the desktop screen fine. But then it kinda freezes for about two minutes. Can't do anything except open the task manager and play with the mouse. It won't even connect to the internet. Then when everything starts working again, it takes like 2 minutes literally for any web page to appear. I have checked with internet company twice, and both times they say there is no problem with the internet connection.

Dell 530 Inspiron
64x windows 7 home premium.

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Dell Optiplex Gx620 Bios Upgrade

Mar 12, 2011

How to upgrade the dell optiplex gx620 bios upgrade

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When There Is A Big Green Flash From A Psu

Apr 19, 2011

I bought a 500W PSU for my computer. It was too big for my apparently shorter than standard case, but when I was building my computer I flicked the red switch on the back (the europe to US voltage one) with it switched on (but the system wasn't functioning). There was a big green flash and a slight pinging noise.Just wondering, is that PSU totally done for?

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Green Strip At The Top

Oct 20, 2012

I have a Samsung Rv515 Laptop upon trying to acsses devices & printers to view my printer to make some adjustments. When i try to open devices & printers the progress bar at the top which a green strip runs along gets near to the end then just hangs cosequently it wont open.

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Bios Clock Time Changes After Every Restart Even After Replacing Bios

Aug 23, 2011

I've got an Acer Model As5742 Laptop with an i5 480M processor and 8 GB of good Ram. I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 Bit. It's only about 5 months old and this started about a month ago. I have no other problems. IE: Blue Screens or Lockups or anything, just the Bios clock changes to a random date and time after every restart. I replaced the Bios battery twice and it only effects the chore of having to reset the time in Windows every time I boot.

I'm going to send it to Acer to be repaired within a week or two, but maybe it's not a bad timing mechanism in the motherboard and one of you people have a correct solution to it. Which will save me the trouble of sending it in for a motherboard replacement.

I do have all the drivers and bios updates installed. Oh yes I've ran about 15 different virus Etc. Malware scans with several different products and they all come back clean. I ran System File Checker SFC /scannow from the command prompt several times that also comes back OK.

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Green Text Not Encrypted

Jun 19, 2011

I have installed all the software drivers.I have reinstalled the video drivers too but i get this green color texts which disappears and returns to normal if i refresh or highlight over the text.

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Green Dot On Desktop Icons?

Nov 21, 2012

I've noticed lately whenever i start my windows and refresh my desktop i see green dots in the middle of my desktop icons.. i ran anti-virus scan and did everything but it won't go away.HP pavilion Dv6Win7 home premium i72GB graphics, 8GB ram2.20GHz CPU64bit OS

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My Laptop Screen Is Looking Green

Dec 10, 2012

My laptop screen is looking green

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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Green Bar In Flash Player Videos?

Apr 19, 2012

about a week ago i dl'd windows updates, after that most videos (99% Internet) on the web have a green bar on top and the some colors dont line up correctly. i uninstlled adobe flash player 11.xxxx and re-installed it but still nothing, i did a full system scan and still nothing. i do not have a restore point (i know, stupid) ive included a pic of my problem and a link to the article so you can see for yourselves that the video should not look the way it looks in the pic [url]

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Random Green Pixels On DVI-D Monitor?

Jul 24, 2012

There are random pure green pixels appearing and disappearing on my DVI-D monitor.They only appear when something is moving such as a video, or the Minecraft main menu background, but I know they aren't dead, because they move when I move the window.If it matters i also have a VGA monitor hooked up to the same PC, and it is working fine, I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium, I tightened the cables and everything, My GPU is two AMD Radeon HD 6530D Graphics chip, and the monitor i'm using with the DVI-D worked perfectly with VGA.

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