System Restore Failing To Extract A File?

Jul 4, 2012

A few months ago I went on a rampage (stupidly) trying to get rid of TuneUp Utilities. I'm not sure but I believe it was during some registry cleaning-up that I must have screwed something up.Ever since my System Restore hasn't worked right, I've not bee able to have a successful system restore since.Wasn't an issue until now when I very much want to restore. (I uninstalled Steam and I'm hoping a restore will reverse that so I don't have to download my game library again.)I tried to restore to a point created yesterday and got teh same error I've been getting:Quote:"System Restore failed to extract the file(C:$Extend$RmMetadata$Txf) from the restore point. An unspecified error occurred during system restore.(0x80070005)" I've been trying to research the problem but have heard everything from "It's Norton!" (I do not run Norton nor have I ever) to "Unplug all your USB devices" to "Your accout doesn't have proper permissions."Does anyone know what this actually is and if it's fixable without formatting the system?

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ComPlusStaging; Failing System Restore?

Dec 3, 2011

I cannot complete a successful system restore for the longest of time. i get an error ComPlusStaging.i cannot do a repair install because my laptop did not come with discs.

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Computer Won't Run Any Programs And System Restore Keeps Failing?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm writing this from a different computer because I can't even get onto the internet on mine.Pretty much all programs fail to run. When I double-click on the icon, I get the usual spinning "loading" circle and then nothing happens.When I try to open straight from a saved file, I get an error message. For example, whenever I try to open a word doc, I get this error message: "There was a problem sending the command to the program."Symantec Endpoint Protection has been turned off and every time I go to the Action Center to turn it back on, nothing happens. I get the usual message that asks if I want to allow the change and when I click "allow," nothing changes.I've done several system restores, even in Safe Mode, and they have all failed. System repairs have all failed too. Obviously, virus scans are out of the question and Windows Defender (one of the programs that actually will run) keeps telling me that there is no malicious software to be found on my system.

This all started yesterday afternoon. I was running Firefox as usual and had a word document open that I was typing in. I walked away from my laptop and when I came back, there were three pop-ups on the screen from a virus that I had just managed to get rid of several days before. I closed them out and was preparing to run Malwarebytes when my computer shut itself down suddenly. There haven't been any pop-ups or anything that would indicate that this is a virus. However, I tried the same fix that I used to remove the virus the first time (copying the Malwarebyes file 'mbam.exe' to the desktop and naming it as 'mbam.COM' so that it will open) but even that does not work. I've tried the regedit fix that I've found in forums here but that didn't work either.

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Failing Hard Drive On Laptop / System Restore Or Back Up Software?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a failing hard drive on my laptop, when i proceed to buy a new one, what do i need to do to get windows 7 onto the new hard drive? can i do that with system restore or back up software?

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Extract The Contents Of An .exe File Instead Of Installing It?

Dec 24, 2011

is it possible to extract a .exe file or a installer instead of installing it on the HDD ???

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Extract Hyper Terminal From Windows XP Professional ISO File?

Dec 6, 2011

I have WinRAR and have extracted Windows XP Professional ISO file which I downloaded from school's MSDNAA's web site.

But I can't seem to locate one. Is there a way to obtain Windows XP equivalent (not 3rd party applications) of Hyper Terminal to use it for Windows 7 Ultimate x64?

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System Restore File Size Balloons To 2+ GB

Nov 3, 2009

Upgraded from XP a week ago and now playing with 7 for the first time. I pulled the trigger completely so no going back. So far, I really like it, but need to get more comfortable with it.

Problem is my system restore points are ballooning and squeezing out old restore points. Example: I had roughly 10 points after manually creating each one when I was doing my initial software installs. A day later, I looked and they were all gone except for 1 point which had ballooned to fit my entire allocation (2 or 3%) at the time. So this 1 point killed all my previous 9 points. And I can't understand how this happened.

So I upped system restore to 7%/10GB to test what's going on, and now I'm consistently seeing 2GB sized restore points vs. a couple hundred megs which is what I expect.

The thing I can't abide is my restore points getting squeezed out for new ones. Maybe 1 or 2, but not all of them for a single massive one that's auto generated by the system.

EDIT: I've just confirmed that my system restore function is actually fluid...the restore points grow. I turned off restore, deleted all points, and rebooted. Then I manually created a single, new point as a baseline. It started out as 50 MB. And continues to grow, even as I check mail or open up my browser. Now that same single restore point is 94 MB.

So I can understand why I developed huge restore points, especially as I was playing around with 7, installing things, etc. The problem continues to be that a) the individual restore point files can grow to be huge (2+ GB), and b) the huge files push out old restore points.

I'm curious if this is by design or an actual flaw. I don't want my restore points to grow or be fluid. I want them to be a snapshot in time that I can revert back to in case I mess things up. Gold star to anyone that can turn the "fluidity" off.

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System Image - Extract Files Using Disk Management

Sep 14, 2009

How to Extract Windows 7 System Image Files Using Disk Management ?

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User Sets File Association And Now System Restore Does Not Work

Aug 13, 2012

On a brand new laptop the user copied some word files over, and they opened on the new computer just fine. Then they copied some more .doc files and they could not open them, so (they claim) they choose word as the default file association (which is fine, except it should not have prompted for that in the first place). After that all the word document shortcuts they created on the desktop changed to a shortcut with IE's 'e' symbol - clicking them flashes up a screen that instantly goes away (ie I assume) and ie's download file dialog then opens. Further, an attempt to open ie acts the same way. Worse, running system restore does the same thing - flash, then ie files downloaded dialog - asking if I want to open one of the files listed (which are the .lnk files to the word documents on the desktop). So short of doing a full system restore, and also short of manually copying the registry files from the last restore point (which I'm not sure is even possible on a windows 7 drive) what can I do to resolve this mess?

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All File Associations Corrupted For Windows 7 Account - System Restore?

Jan 20, 2013

Windows 7 Pro 64 SP1. He has 2 accounts on his PC (administrator, and 'user'). Both have admin privileges. When he logged in this morning using his user account, the file associations for all applications appear to have been corrupted. In his user account, all programs launch with the IE download manager which gives me an option to run or save. When 'run' is selected from IR download manager, a window quickly flashes on the screen and closes. I am unable to run any application including windows explorer, regedit, cmd, etc, including system restore.

He has Symantec Endpoint which also launched in IE download manager. My friend does not recall installing anything recently. I tried booting in safe mode and logging into the user account and the behavior is exactly the same. When I log in using the admin account (in regular mode) everything seems to be fine. The system restore option is available as are all the file associations. A Symantec scan using the admin account shows nothing other than a single tracking cookie. The only thing I can think of doing is a system restore from the admin account but thought I'd post this to the group to see if there was something else I should try first.

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Restore System Settings And Previous Versions Of File Option Grayed Out

Nov 30, 2012

Restore system settings and previous versions of file is greyed out on my system, I may have disabled a required service for this. As I'm about to try the X-Fi MB2 mod again as the last time I tried it my system was messed up that it wont even recognize my actual X-Fi card properly. So I'm thinking a system restore can work with this experiment.

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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[System Restore] Scheduling Automated Rollbacks Of System Restore Points?

Aug 10, 2011

Does anyone know how to schedule/automate a rollback to a system restore point at a set time each day?What i'm trying to do is:1. Disable the standard system restore behavior for creating restore points when installing apps and drivers.2. Automatically/schedule a restore point to be created every morning. (probably using Task Scheduler)3. Automatically/schedule a rollback to that morning restore point every night.This should allow users to mess up the workstation during the day, and restore a working rollback point at night when users are not using a workstation.Updates are scheduled at nighttime, so before that happens, it should rollback to a good restore point, apply updates, then create a working "new" restore point with the updates in the morning....etc.

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How To Extract File Of Windows Vista In Windows 7

Jun 5, 2012

My friend installed Windows 7 Home Premium on her laptop. Her previous Operating System was Vista, which was factory installed. Every file she had on Vista was put into a folder titled Windows Old after Windows 7 was installed; we both knew this would happen so my friend backed up some files.

This laptop, an HP Pavillion dv6700, has WiFi capability. The problem is the software/ drivers for this are in the folder Windows Old and can't be opened and used. Is there a way to extract these files so they may be used again?

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System Recovery Failing?

Jun 6, 2012

I am attempting to transfer my system from my 250gb hdd to a new 3tb hddand am having trouble. I have created a system image on my usb external drive.I then created a system repair disc (cd-rom). I rebooted my system, went intothe BIOS and put the cd-rom drive as the primary boot device and put the new 3tb drive as the primary drive. I have even deleted the 250gb drive in thelist of drives because of some info I read trying to solve my problem. When theboot completes I get a System recovery options windows requesting keyboardcountry - US and click next. Then get a System Recovery Options window witha message "This version of System Recovery Options is not compatible with theversion of windows you are trying to repair. Try using a recovery disc that is

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System Slowed Down And Explorer Exe Constantly Failing

Jun 1, 2011

The issue is that all system functions, opening start menu, running control panel, opening folders or running internet explorer run extremely slowly, taking around 5-10 minutes to load or failing completely. Explorer.exe constantly fails and tries to restart. Safe mode seems to work like normal, no speed issues, he has since said it has run slow in safemode (he's not exactly happy right now, and so is snapping at me when i ask him about it so this could be a lie). The CPU is running at 1-2% constantly, i checked performance monitor idle time for it and it is consistantly showing high idle time so it's not like its thrashing. I have limited knowledge of his pc specs, i know he's running a 2.8ghz quad with 8gb ram (speed unknown but i doubt it'll have a relevance). I ran a sfc /scannow but came up with no errors, he doesn't have a restore point set (helpfull much?) and we cannot really access his antivirus effectively due to the whole speed of the system (2 hours before i managed to successfully open event viewer for example) Event viewer shows a number of issues which i will be able to provide more detail about tomorrow morning when he has calmed down a bit. We've tried to run the windows 7 disk however theres not a fix option, i'll be doing manufacturer default restore at some point probably if no solution is found (failing that a format and reinstall maybe?) however im hoping someone online can shed some light on the whole situation, something i've missed maybe. The biggest issue is it being so difficult to try to fix with it taking such a long time to open anything. This is a new custom built pc (from a website) and im assuming the components themselves are ok, (cpu or hdd broken and it wouldn't start, same with ram but im assuming a warning would of shown, and unless he's lost 7gb in one go i doubt it would show much performance decrease...) the system seems cool enough from general feeling around it, cold air being sucked in and blown out (obviously while idle but even so).

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Windows 7 System Failing To Boot After PartedMagic Used To Shrink C:

Oct 1, 2011

I have just run PartedMagic on a new Windows 7 system to shrink C: in order to be able to create an E: (Data) partition. On rebooting, I get the following error message: Windows failed to start.

A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

To fix the problem:
1. Insert your windows installation disk and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

File: Windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000225
Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

As it is a new machine, it was supplied with no system disk and I don't have a Windows 7 Installation Disk to hand. I guess that either the boot sector has been corrupted, the partition table has been corrupted or most likely that the system partition has been moved slightly.

Incidentally, the system is an Acer Aspire 5742 According to PartedMagic, the partitions are now allocated as follows:

unallocated - Size = 1.00 MiB
/dev/sda1 - NTFS - PQSERVICE - Size = 15.00GiB - Used = 12.27GiB - Unused = 2.73 GiB
/dev/sda2 - NTFS - SYSTEM RESERVED - Size = 100 MiB - Used = 33.59 MiB - Unused = 66.41 MiB - boot
unallocated - Size = 7.84 MiB
/dev/sda3 - NTFS - Acer - Size = 488.27 GiB - Used = 27.17 GiB - Unused = 461.11 GiB
/dev/sda4 - unknown - Size = 92.79 GiB

I suspect that the unallocated 7.84 MiB is the cause of the problem and that PartedMagic realigned the "Acer" partition.

I imagine that PQSERVICE contains recovery data of some sort (like Acronis)?

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Failing To Boot Windows / System Recovery Always Starts

May 18, 2011

2 Days ago my desktop running windows 7 ultimate 64- bits suddenly crashed, showing nothing but a black screen a bit less than a minute after starting up a game. A few seconds later my computer automatically rebooted and the repair tool launched. After it was done I took a look at the report and all it could find that was broken was ci.dll, the same as in previously mentioned topic. I ran CHKDSK and scf /scannow after that, but they couldnt fix anything or find any bad sectors. I could not boot windows unless i disabled driver signing as well, however I never get any BSOD's. My system is also a bit slower as well, but not that slow. After looking at the previously mentioned topic i downloaded FRTS64 and ran it as well, I've attached the log. (No, I did not run the code that you warned not to use on a different system and on a different machine )I'm also experiencing the same browser issues. When i enter an invalid URL I'm being forwarded to the url... website, my ISP. Also the first two times I tried to open my browser nothing happened. I waited about 15 seconds, tried again and then it opened.

I think it might be a virus as well, im using P2P a lot as well though i havent downloaded anything weird in a long while. My last 100-ish downloads (all fansubs for 2 anime series) have all come from the same site which i trust. however i did recently download a patch for a game, but that came from a site that is also used very frequently, and i havent heard of anything similar from friends/friendly gamers who downloaded the same patch.

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When Installing Graphic Driver, System Is Failing (BSOD)

Apr 18, 2012

I have been dealing with a problem now since January and I wonder if someboddy is recognizing this. My system gets a bsod when I install the graphic driver. It doesnt happen directly but after a while when im on the internet or when I'm trying to run FM 2012 or other games. Then when i reboot I get bsod before windows startup. When the driver isn't installed the computer is running without problem but im not able to play a game or connect the computer to TV and stuff like that.When I reboot again and put the computer in Safe mode I uninstall the driver in device manager and reboot again and the computer is able to start normally.The files that cause the bsod is:

atikmpag.sys <------ almost every time this one

*I looked around on the internet for soloutions, there're many and I have tried almost all. I've tried to remove everything with driver sweeper to install the latest update to my ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2. Even tried to install old updates.

*I have tried to install various OS. Vista x32, x64. Windows 7 x32, x64 and even XP. The problem remains. Now when I know that it doesn't matter I have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.

*I have opened up my computer and removed all the dust from the motherboard, Graphic card and CPU. The temp is OK!

*I removed one RAM memory and it didn't work.

*I've never overclocked anything.

*I've done some system test over night and it didn't find any errors.

*I've upgraded drivers on the bios and everything else on the motherboard and CPU.


Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1
Intel(R) core(TM)2 QUAD CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz
MSI MS-7519 Mainboard
4096 (2x2048) MB 800 MHz (Corsair)
Graphics Card(s)
ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2

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Restore Registry From System Restore's Comand Prompt

Jun 26, 2011

So I cleaned my registry using RegSeaker and now my computer BSODs at the 'starting windows' screen, even if I try to start in safe mode. I created a backup of my old registry before cleaning and I can access it using the command prompt that you can access in the system restore options. However, when I try to update the registry with it I get an error message saying 'cannot import.

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System Backup & Restore Will Not Restore Bookmarks Or E-mails?

Feb 9, 2012

OK, so a couple of days ago, my HP desktop crashed and then went through the whole System Recovery loop(I couldn't login to Safe mode, wouldn't let me past the System Recovery Screen). Well I backed up the entire C drive using Backup your files in the menu. Then it shows you all the file types it will back up; i.e photos, videos, e-mails and bookmarks. So I did that to an external hard drive and it comes out to 143GB.Now comes my problem. I've been able to copy everything from the external hard drive using RecoveryMgr.exe which opens the WIM files and saves them to my C: hard drive under System Recovery Files. However it does not seem to work when it comes to putting in my old Thunderbird e-mails, contacts and such or in Firefox to restore my bookmarks, saved passwords.

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Can't Do System Restore , Not Enough Free Space To Restore The Disk

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to restore my computer because it launches into system recovery. After I get to the recovery options I tried to do system restore but it tells me there isn't enough space on the disk.

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Full System Restore/Restore Factory Settings?

Apr 17, 2012

not A legel verison of window 7. wont to restore to factory setings.

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System Restore Failed To Restore (ComPlusStaging Error)?

Jan 18, 2013

I have tried a lot of things and I can't get system restore to work. I don't need to use it but I would like my computer to be working since there is no reason for this not to work. I just keep getting ComPlusStaging failed to obtain original copy from %systemroot%/registration all the time.

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System Restore - How To Restore Backup Created

Aug 26, 2012

I have been have some problems with my HP dv 8500 laptop. It has vista on it. I could not get any windows updates. So I backed up my files to a flashdrive and did a system recovery. I have files on the flash drive but cannot transfer them back to the laptop. I would love it if someone could guide me through the process.

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Windows 7 System Restore Doesn't Restore?

Aug 25, 2011

My Windows 7 System Restore doesn't restore. It allows me to set them and tells me they've been done. But on the couple of occasions when I've wanted to use one, no joy. Yes I know I could possibly do it in 'Safe Mode' but that isn't an answer as to why I can't do it in regular mode?

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System Restore Fail On All Available Restore Points

Feb 15, 2012

System restore failed to extract the file. from the restore point. There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on the disk. I get the same message, but with a different file name, with every restore point I try, and I have now tried all seven available restore points, going back to 30 Dec 2011. The computer was working perfectly until 3 days ago when it blue screened, and has not started properly since. It is a Corei5 with 4 GB RAM and is only 12 months old. I just dont believe the drive has that many bad sectors.

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Restore Personal Files After System Restore?

May 19, 2012

my Windows 7 after restoring it to factory configurations. I installed Ubuntu 12.04, the installation smooth as butter, but after a few days of usage, the GRUB system screwed up. After a LOT of problems I managed to restore my Laptop to its default configuration. Then, I tried to restore my personal files with the DVDs I made, but when the manager finished, it only showed a folder with all my files in it! And it didn't give me any option to restore these files or something!

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System Restore Does It Restore Windows 7 Email

Jan 14, 2013

I lost 2987 emails by clicking on email tab in windows task manager All the emails disappeared so now >>??? wondering if Sysytem restore restores email as well with Win 7 are do I have to do like Ive seen ? Go to your documents folder and right click on the folder titled Mail the properties and then the previous versions tab.Click on a restore point from before it was deleted and click restore.

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Dell XPS Crashes .System Repair,system Restore ,safe Mode Don't Work

Mar 8, 2012

I am having the following system configuration

XPS L401X Base
Genuine Windows(R) 7 Home Premium 64bit (English)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-740QM Processor
6GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM (1 x 2GB + 1 x 4GB)
640GB 7200RPM Hard Drive

Lately whenever i try to start my computer it pass the Dell Bios and then directly goes to the screen which states
Repair your system or Start windows normally When i chose repair system , it start downloading windows files and then launch the windows , but hung up at the sky blue login window with only movable cusor . When i choose to start windows normally it gives me BSOD momentarly ( hard to see the message) and then restarts again . i tried with the advanced boot up options like
repair my computer , all safe modes , restore to last good configuration but it does the same and hangs at windows loging sky blue window .I Tried to run the Dell PSA+ Diagnostic and it returns with 2000-0146 error . As per the Dell online solutions for this type of error ,I tried to reinstall the Hard disk but the problem still exist.

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System Image On System Restore Disk Not Reading After Crash?

Oct 2, 2012

Using preinstalled Win 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP 6813w Pavilion. The original hard drive, a Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 1Tb crashed.1) System Recovery discs was made along with a System Recovery with System Image disc.2) A more current System Image was made on an external hard drive.The Hitachi was replaced with the same model. Checked bios to make sure it was installed correctly.Under System Recovery, Image Restore, Select a System Image Backup there is nothing in the table to choose from as far as a source (disc drive or external drive).A) System Recovery (3 discs) has the HP preinstall file folder on the 3rd disc but is not read by the System Recovery program.B) Under System Restore, Image Restore, Advanced, it asks for a network or driver to be installed. That opens up the directory of C: which is the external hard drive. Under WindowsImageBackup the computer name is identified followed by three entries:[CODE]It seems to me the Recovery and System Restore discs are not functional. Am not a technical person but I have taken this as far as I know how at this point.Printed out all the instructions from HP and Microsoft to follow step by step but the failed discs will not allow me to move forward.

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