Windows 7 System Failing To Boot After PartedMagic Used To Shrink C:

Oct 1, 2011

I have just run PartedMagic on a new Windows 7 system to shrink C: in order to be able to create an E: (Data) partition. On rebooting, I get the following error message: Windows failed to start.

A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

To fix the problem:
1. Insert your windows installation disk and restart your computer.
2. Choose your language settings, and click "Next."
3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disk, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

File: Windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000225
Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

As it is a new machine, it was supplied with no system disk and I don't have a Windows 7 Installation Disk to hand. I guess that either the boot sector has been corrupted, the partition table has been corrupted or most likely that the system partition has been moved slightly.

Incidentally, the system is an Acer Aspire 5742 According to PartedMagic, the partitions are now allocated as follows:

unallocated - Size = 1.00 MiB
/dev/sda1 - NTFS - PQSERVICE - Size = 15.00GiB - Used = 12.27GiB - Unused = 2.73 GiB
/dev/sda2 - NTFS - SYSTEM RESERVED - Size = 100 MiB - Used = 33.59 MiB - Unused = 66.41 MiB - boot
unallocated - Size = 7.84 MiB
/dev/sda3 - NTFS - Acer - Size = 488.27 GiB - Used = 27.17 GiB - Unused = 461.11 GiB
/dev/sda4 - unknown - Size = 92.79 GiB

I suspect that the unallocated 7.84 MiB is the cause of the problem and that PartedMagic realigned the "Acer" partition.

I imagine that PQSERVICE contains recovery data of some sort (like Acronis)?

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Failing To Boot Windows / System Recovery Always Starts

May 18, 2011

2 Days ago my desktop running windows 7 ultimate 64- bits suddenly crashed, showing nothing but a black screen a bit less than a minute after starting up a game. A few seconds later my computer automatically rebooted and the repair tool launched. After it was done I took a look at the report and all it could find that was broken was ci.dll, the same as in previously mentioned topic. I ran CHKDSK and scf /scannow after that, but they couldnt fix anything or find any bad sectors. I could not boot windows unless i disabled driver signing as well, however I never get any BSOD's. My system is also a bit slower as well, but not that slow. After looking at the previously mentioned topic i downloaded FRTS64 and ran it as well, I've attached the log. (No, I did not run the code that you warned not to use on a different system and on a different machine )I'm also experiencing the same browser issues. When i enter an invalid URL I'm being forwarded to the url... website, my ISP. Also the first two times I tried to open my browser nothing happened. I waited about 15 seconds, tried again and then it opened.

I think it might be a virus as well, im using P2P a lot as well though i havent downloaded anything weird in a long while. My last 100-ish downloads (all fansubs for 2 anime series) have all come from the same site which i trust. however i did recently download a patch for a game, but that came from a site that is also used very frequently, and i havent heard of anything similar from friends/friendly gamers who downloaded the same patch.

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View Volume Shrink Progress And Cancel Shrink?

Dec 23, 2009

Although there isn't an interface specficially designed for it, you can actually view the progress of a volume shrink operation in Windows 7, and cancel a shrink that is in-progress, using the Disk Defragmenter tool.Volume shrink can take a long time, especially if you have a very full, or fragmented hard drive. Being able to view the shrink progress can be pretty handy!

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Why Does Shrink Volume Only Display 350gb Available To Shrink Out Of A Total Of 703 Gb On

Aug 6, 2010

why does shrink volume only display 350gb available to shrink out of a total of 703 gb on (C drive? the Hewlett Packard is fresh out of the box. it was partitioned with 200MB system files, the 703GB partition contains 25GB of files, 150MB partition unallocated. a (D drive HP created for emergency (nice feature). any suggestions on what to do with 150MB since it is so small (mb). windows 7.

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Dual Boot: Hard Drive Shrink Problems

Sep 7, 2009

I have a 300gb harddrive that i shrank by 50gb to make room for a windows 7 rc1 32 bit dual boot. I now need to extend the partition because i have almost filled it up. When i shrink the main partition (the 238gb one) that has vista on it, it won't let me extend the windows 7 partition onto it.

This is what it looks like in diskmgmt.msc

Vista (188gb)/Unallocated space (~50gb)/Windows (50gb)/HP_RECPVERY (9.91gb)

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Dual Boot Win7 - Can't Shrink Partition Proper

Jun 10, 2009

im trying to dual boot windows 7 beside my already installed vista HP , when i try shrink my c partition with the inbuilt vista partition tool , to create room for the windows 7 partition , it will only allow me to shrink roughly 2000 MB of the drive even though there is 45% of a 250 GB drive still available .

they reccomend at least 16GB of free space to install it,

where am i going wrong , im a little confused ,

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Windows 7 Failing To Boot?

Dec 15, 2012

I work at staples, and 3 days ago a costumer arrived with a toshiba laptop, it was falinf to boot in to normal mode, so I started it in safe mode to do a backup, but then an other technician reboot the machine, now it does not boot even in safe mode, it gets stuck loading a .sys file.I Tried to get access to command prompt with a windows 7 DVD but for some reason the hard drive is not listed, so i have no access to it, I can't even re install windows b/c of that, but still the fact that even it start loading tells me that the machine do have access to it.I extract the hard drive and tried to connect it to an other computer running XP, through a IDE-USB 2.0 adaptapter, the leds turn on indicating that the hard drive is working but the computer doesn't recognize it.

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Finished Building Computer - Windows 7 Failing To Boot

Apr 19, 2012

Computer will not boot up. I have to push f12 and do it manually then it works, only way.

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Disconnected Useless USB Socket - Failing To Boot In Windows 7

Apr 23, 2012

Yesterday I disconnected a useless usb socket and ever since i am getting the message failed to boot when switching the pc on, I have tried taking out the bios battery and left it out for more than 5 minutes, I have tried my windows install disk and tried repair from that but issue still exists. I am running windows 7ultimate 32 bit, and the bios is phoneix, that's all I know.

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System Recovery Failing?

Jun 6, 2012

I am attempting to transfer my system from my 250gb hdd to a new 3tb hddand am having trouble. I have created a system image on my usb external drive.I then created a system repair disc (cd-rom). I rebooted my system, went intothe BIOS and put the cd-rom drive as the primary boot device and put the new 3tb drive as the primary drive. I have even deleted the 250gb drive in thelist of drives because of some info I read trying to solve my problem. When theboot completes I get a System recovery options windows requesting keyboardcountry - US and click next. Then get a System Recovery Options window witha message "This version of System Recovery Options is not compatible with theversion of windows you are trying to repair. Try using a recovery disc that is

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ComPlusStaging; Failing System Restore?

Dec 3, 2011

I cannot complete a successful system restore for the longest of time. i get an error ComPlusStaging.i cannot do a repair install because my laptop did not come with discs.

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Failing To Boot From HDD?

Feb 9, 2013

I found my laptop hdd had several bad sectors. Lacking the cash to just buy new i did a full format to get them flagged as unusable. After that took 17hours i installed windows 7 ultimate x64. When it needed to do the necessary restart it failed on the bios screen (the mobo logo intel for example). I tried gettin in the bios to change boot order and cant. However take the hdd out and i can boot from cd or access bios options etc. hdd back n boom fails still. However the processor is still working hard.

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SSD Failing To Boot?

Apr 12, 2012

got a bit of a serious issue. I've got a Corsair SSD that's no longer booting. It was setup as 1 partition (C drive). I've attempted use the Windows recovery tools via my installation disc but it doesn't even list my hard drive or partition and thus fails to detect the Windows installation.My first thought was a corrupted MBR so I attempted to use the command line tools from the Windows install disc, i.e.bootrec.exe /fixmbr etc. However I get "the system cannot find the path specified" error.I even tried removing the hard drive and putting it into an external enclosure and plugged into another computer via USB. However the 3rd party computer fails to recognise the drive (probably for the same reasons).

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System Slowed Down And Explorer Exe Constantly Failing

Jun 1, 2011

The issue is that all system functions, opening start menu, running control panel, opening folders or running internet explorer run extremely slowly, taking around 5-10 minutes to load or failing completely. Explorer.exe constantly fails and tries to restart. Safe mode seems to work like normal, no speed issues, he has since said it has run slow in safemode (he's not exactly happy right now, and so is snapping at me when i ask him about it so this could be a lie). The CPU is running at 1-2% constantly, i checked performance monitor idle time for it and it is consistantly showing high idle time so it's not like its thrashing. I have limited knowledge of his pc specs, i know he's running a 2.8ghz quad with 8gb ram (speed unknown but i doubt it'll have a relevance). I ran a sfc /scannow but came up with no errors, he doesn't have a restore point set (helpfull much?) and we cannot really access his antivirus effectively due to the whole speed of the system (2 hours before i managed to successfully open event viewer for example) Event viewer shows a number of issues which i will be able to provide more detail about tomorrow morning when he has calmed down a bit. We've tried to run the windows 7 disk however theres not a fix option, i'll be doing manufacturer default restore at some point probably if no solution is found (failing that a format and reinstall maybe?) however im hoping someone online can shed some light on the whole situation, something i've missed maybe. The biggest issue is it being so difficult to try to fix with it taking such a long time to open anything. This is a new custom built pc (from a website) and im assuming the components themselves are ok, (cpu or hdd broken and it wouldn't start, same with ram but im assuming a warning would of shown, and unless he's lost 7gb in one go i doubt it would show much performance decrease...) the system seems cool enough from general feeling around it, cold air being sucked in and blown out (obviously while idle but even so).

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System Restore Failing To Extract A File?

Jul 4, 2012

A few months ago I went on a rampage (stupidly) trying to get rid of TuneUp Utilities. I'm not sure but I believe it was during some registry cleaning-up that I must have screwed something up.Ever since my System Restore hasn't worked right, I've not bee able to have a successful system restore since.Wasn't an issue until now when I very much want to restore. (I uninstalled Steam and I'm hoping a restore will reverse that so I don't have to download my game library again.)I tried to restore to a point created yesterday and got teh same error I've been getting:Quote:"System Restore failed to extract the file(C:$Extend$RmMetadata$Txf) from the restore point. An unspecified error occurred during system restore.(0x80070005)" I've been trying to research the problem but have heard everything from "It's Norton!" (I do not run Norton nor have I ever) to "Unplug all your USB devices" to "Your accout doesn't have proper permissions."Does anyone know what this actually is and if it's fixable without formatting the system?

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Computer Won't Run Any Programs And System Restore Keeps Failing?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm writing this from a different computer because I can't even get onto the internet on mine.Pretty much all programs fail to run. When I double-click on the icon, I get the usual spinning "loading" circle and then nothing happens.When I try to open straight from a saved file, I get an error message. For example, whenever I try to open a word doc, I get this error message: "There was a problem sending the command to the program."Symantec Endpoint Protection has been turned off and every time I go to the Action Center to turn it back on, nothing happens. I get the usual message that asks if I want to allow the change and when I click "allow," nothing changes.I've done several system restores, even in Safe Mode, and they have all failed. System repairs have all failed too. Obviously, virus scans are out of the question and Windows Defender (one of the programs that actually will run) keeps telling me that there is no malicious software to be found on my system.

This all started yesterday afternoon. I was running Firefox as usual and had a word document open that I was typing in. I walked away from my laptop and when I came back, there were three pop-ups on the screen from a virus that I had just managed to get rid of several days before. I closed them out and was preparing to run Malwarebytes when my computer shut itself down suddenly. There haven't been any pop-ups or anything that would indicate that this is a virus. However, I tried the same fix that I used to remove the virus the first time (copying the Malwarebyes file 'mbam.exe' to the desktop and naming it as 'mbam.COM' so that it will open) but even that does not work. I've tried the regedit fix that I've found in forums here but that didn't work either.

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Computer Failing To Boot

Jun 18, 2011

last night my computer just shut down out seemingly for no reason and when i tried to power it back up it was asking me to insert a boot device

i was planning to reformat in a few hours anyway so it didnt phase me to much so i continued to reformat the computer with no issues then once it had finished installing and i got to the desktop it just powered off again except this time it wouldnt load past bios it just kept restarting. the intersting part with the restarts was that the bios would restart but the power to the computer would not get interrupted. Also its not always the exact some position that it decides to restart some times it will be within 1 second sometimes i get to the desktop only for it to shut down again if i try and do anything

i have tried swapping out parts to identify the faulty part. no luck. ive stripped it down to its basic parts ( cpu Mobo ram n gfx) still same thing happens i dont even have the HDs plugged in so i dont believe it to be a virus on the HD. ive tried flashing the Cmos by taking out the battery for half an hour and this seemed to work but it asked for bootmgr so i reformated the HD again only for it all to start happening again.only this time the power does turn off some times.

i have checked the temperature of the CPU and its sitting on around 47 degrees so nothing out of the ordinary the cpu coolant gell is a bit dry but given that there doesnt seem to be a heat issue i dont know why that would make an immediate difference


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Win 7 Failing To Boot Due To Patch

Feb 24, 2010

I shut down my system after installing the latest set of Win7 patches about 3 hours ago and now it refuses to boot. Tried to restore previous points with no luck, they all give the same result as before, it simply gets to the 'loading windows' screen with no animation and just hangs there.
In repair it passes all of the tests before giving the reason for not being able to boot as "due to Windows patch", I'm at somewhat of a loss here...

This is on a completely legal copy of Win7 64.

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When Installing Graphic Driver, System Is Failing (BSOD)

Apr 18, 2012

I have been dealing with a problem now since January and I wonder if someboddy is recognizing this. My system gets a bsod when I install the graphic driver. It doesnt happen directly but after a while when im on the internet or when I'm trying to run FM 2012 or other games. Then when i reboot I get bsod before windows startup. When the driver isn't installed the computer is running without problem but im not able to play a game or connect the computer to TV and stuff like that.When I reboot again and put the computer in Safe mode I uninstall the driver in device manager and reboot again and the computer is able to start normally.The files that cause the bsod is:

atikmpag.sys <------ almost every time this one

*I looked around on the internet for soloutions, there're many and I have tried almost all. I've tried to remove everything with driver sweeper to install the latest update to my ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2. Even tried to install old updates.

*I have tried to install various OS. Vista x32, x64. Windows 7 x32, x64 and even XP. The problem remains. Now when I know that it doesn't matter I have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.

*I have opened up my computer and removed all the dust from the motherboard, Graphic card and CPU. The temp is OK!

*I removed one RAM memory and it didn't work.

*I've never overclocked anything.

*I've done some system test over night and it didn't find any errors.

*I've upgraded drivers on the bios and everything else on the motherboard and CPU.


Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1
Intel(R) core(TM)2 QUAD CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz
MSI MS-7519 Mainboard
4096 (2x2048) MB 800 MHz (Corsair)
Graphics Card(s)
ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2

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Failing Hdd Or Corrupt Boot Partition

Dec 18, 2012

I've got a hdd with Windows 7 installed that recently wouldn't boot past the startup screen. The drive is showing up in BIOS and I was able to connect the suspect drive to another pc and back up my important data. Now I'm in the process of getting it to boot into windows again but none of the recovery options are working.

Here's what I did: the drive appears fine when plugged into another pc Booted into recovery and ran the Startup Repair several times, each time I'm presented with the same message: "Windows cannot repair this computer automatically". In the Diagnosis & Repair details it doesnt list any errors codes till the bottom which then says: "Boot Manager Missing or Corrupt" Error Code =0x2

Then I tried to run Bootrec.exe but when I typed in bootrec /fixmbr and bootrec /fixboot I got a "The request could not be preformed because of an I/O device error". This message appeared during both bootrec attempts.

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Failing To Dual Boot Win7 And Ubuntu

Jun 28, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC1 installed for some time, dual-booting with Windows XP. And that worked like a charm. But a couple of days ago I installed Ubuntu on the Windows XP partition (after formatting it with ext3, of course). But the thing is, I have been trying to boot into my dear Windows 7 ever since, with no success.

It didn't show in the boot manager, so I changed the menu.lst in Ubuntu. Thus it can be seen, but to no avail, as it does not work. I have tryed fixing it with the Windows 7 installation DVD, but it did not work. And I really ran out of ideas; also I would like to keep both my OS-es as they are (all data), if that's possible somehow.

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Failing Hard Drive On Laptop / System Restore Or Back Up Software?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a failing hard drive on my laptop, when i proceed to buy a new one, what do i need to do to get windows 7 onto the new hard drive? can i do that with system restore or back up software?

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How To Shrink Windows 7 Iso

Aug 22, 2009

how to shrink Windows 7 iso, like remove the other editions.

I made a windows 7 AiO disc, which has all the editions, 32bit and 64bit but I want make a special iso, that only has 32bit and 64bit of Ultimate,

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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Hard Drive Failing - Get A New System Drive?

Aug 11, 2010

My primary system drive where Windows 7 is installed is a: WD 7K 16M SATA2 WD3200AAKS HD 320G - OEM. Long version (feel free to scroll down to short version): Yesterday, I came back to my computer, and all of my applications and desktop were frozen, but I could move the mouse. When I clicked on a window, the cursor would turn to the blue spinning thing, and the window would eventually say not responding and turn a lighter shade of white. I couldn't click on the desktop of the start menu, so I did a hard reset. The computer then wouldn't pass the black "starting windows" screen. I did another hard reset, and it asked me if I wanted windows to try to repair start up. Soon after that, it asked if I wanted to restore windows, but when I clicked OK, I got what looked to me to be a memory error. Then startup repair seemed to do nothing for a few hours, till I got impatient and restarted the computer. I was able to get into Windows, and I scheduled a memory test, and reset the computer. Memory test ran and found no problems. I restarted and Windows loaded, but soon after my computer was laggy and the programs were freezing. So then I thought it may be a HDD issue, so I scheduled to run check disk on that drive, and reset. Check Disk found corrupt files and bad sectors. After that, I was able to load Windows normally, but when I tried to open MC7 for "Live TV", it wouldn't pass the searching for tuner stage, so I closed out MC7, and got an error message in the action center. So I ran chkdsk again. This time, windows wouldn't load after restart, so I went back into repair startup, and it seemed to have found the error really fast, restarted and everything seemed fine. I decided to run chkdsk one more time for good measure, and it had a couple more read errors and found more bad sectors. Now I have been running windows with no apparent issues yet.Short version, computer froze, ended up running chkdsk 3 times, had to repair start up, and now everything is OK for now, but obviously I'm worried about more harddrive failure. Here are my questions:

1)How troubling is this? Do I need a new harddrive ASAP, or can it run for years with a few bad sectors? Any further tests I could run?

2)If I am to get a new system drive, what should I get? All I have on it is windows and my programs. I have separate disks for data. I'm using roughly 32 GBs out of 298. Should I just try to get the same drive (same speed, same capacity), or is there a good upgrade and is it worth getting an upgrade (I don't need more space, but something that would help performance maybe?) or any good deals on sale now?

3) I bought my current (failing) HDD on 9/24/2008, and I'm pretty sure WD has 5 year limited warranty. Should I peruse that angle?

4)How should I got about moving/restoring this OS to the new drive?

4a) I have a half dozen Windows Image Backups saved. Should I just use an old one from before the failure, or should I try to create a new one now, even though the disk may be corrupt?

4b)Or is there a better program to be using than Windows backup and restore?

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DVD Shrink Or Equivalent For Windows 7?

May 7, 2011

I have been using DVD Shrink 3.2 with Win XP for years to make backups and archive my valuable DVDs. I now have a new computer running Win 7 and DVD Shrink no longer seems to load properly or work correctly. I still need to be able to back up my own DVDs-what programs are available in Win 7 to do that?. I have just begun using the new computer and have not begun to exoplore all the features of Win 7

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System Not Dual Boot After System Restore In Windows 7

Oct 19, 2012

Did a system restore in Windows 7 and my dual boot system (Windows 7&XP) won't boot. It's looking for a boot device. When I put in a Hiren boot 10.6 disk, the dual boot option is one of a number of alternatives, and it allows me to get into my pc. How can I get back to having the system work like it did before? So it boots to the dual boot option without Hiren.My SSD drive is the main drive for Windows 7 &XP. It has two partitions.

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Windows 7 Shrink Volume Limit

Sep 6, 2012

I just installed a fresh new copy of Windows 7 Professional 64 bit to my newly bought free dos computer yesterday. Later I installed my motherboard drivers, monitor drivers and optical disk drivers. I also installed CC cleaner.

Now I am trying to partition my 500GB Hardisk. The C: drive is around 465GB so I want to reduce C: to 150GB (OS+Programs/Software) and make another D: drive which will have the rest 315GB (Personal files + games).

The problem now is there is a limit in the shrink volume amount. And this limit i quite big. It only lets me reduce the C: drive to 243GB. Here is the Screenshot:

I tried disabling Shadows Copy, Paging File, Hibernation and System Restore but its still the same. I also tried defragging using the default windows defragger but nothing worked.

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Can't Shrink Volume In D:Drive Windows 7

Dec 31, 2012

When I go to the normal shrink partition in my Windows 7, it won't allow me to do it. What do I need to do to get my pc to allow me to shrink the C; in order to allow large Drive partition/

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How To Shrink Volume Size Which Contains OS (Windows 7 64bit)

Sep 24, 2011

Started with a 500 gig hard drive, was able to shrink it to half. My goal is a partition size of 100 gb. The entire contents of drive is less than 50 gb. I did away with the page file so as not to cause a problem as a none move able file. No hyber.sys file either. So right now the size of the partition is about 238 gb, but when I try to shrink it further it tells me that it can only be shrank by 7 more megs.

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