Stuck At Booting Windows 7 Due To Errors In Installing

Sep 16, 2012

I was going to going to reinstall windows 7 professional x64 version of windows in my laptop but during installation I got structed at the point where the earlier partitions are to be deleted and new ones are to be made(I got the option from custom install) to give the path for new C:// drive and others. Here is the basic of problem, the installation was taking very long time to delete my earlier partitions(nearly 30 mins.). So I derectly pressed the power button and shut down (while the deletion of earlier C:// drive was going on) my laptop eject the DVD on next boot, but now nothing was appearing after booting. So I again tried to do the same installation but this time the installation was stucked at the windows icon ('Starting Windows' Icon).

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CHKDSK - Windows Stuck In Loop When Booting

Jan 25, 2012

When I tried to boot Windows 7 yesterday, I got a prompt saying that a disk check had been scheduled. I initially thought this got stuck because it seemed to freeze on 10% and the numbers alongside that figure didn't go up. I rebooted my computer and let it start again, after a few hours(!) the disk check finished and started on another of my drives. Again, I let this complete and it eventually rebooted itself. Upon rebooting it however, it did the exact same thing and appears to be in a loop just doing the disk check over and over.

I Googled this and opened the command prompt and checked all my drives (it disk checked f and c) but none are marked as dirty. I ran the command to stop the disk check on all drives anyway but still the problem persists.

Right at the start it says I can cancel the check by pressing any key on the keyboard but for some reason, it doesn't work - not sure if it's not recognising the keyboard or not.

I've also tried to boot into safe mode to see if that bypasses it but that hangs at classpnp.sys so that's a no go right now as well. I tried renaming the file to classpnp.old as a forum suggested but it blue screens and restarts if I do that. I'm currently trying a linux boot cd to replace to file to see if that works.

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Windows 7 Booting It Get Stuck On Splash Screen

Oct 8, 2011

im having a problem with win 7 booting it get stuck on splash screen and when im trying to repair in the recovery mode it tells me that not all problems could be fixed and gives me these details: [code] i can boot with safe mode most of the times, some times it gives me blue screen and restart ,but if i unplug and then plug the power cable it works in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Stuck At Start-up Loading Drivers Before Booting

May 9, 2011

I was attempting to run chkdsk and went into Safe Mode -- no problems discovered. However, since then whenever I boot / reboot laptop Safe Mode screens reappear. Thinking back I don't recall any guidelines from any Win7 tech sites advising turning off Safe Mode. So, I initially assumed Safe Mode automatically reverted to the prior mode -- apparently an incorrect assumption. How do I get back to Normal Windows Start Up for Win7 Home Premium x64?

I got out of Safe Mode to restart somehow -- ESC key -- I did not force quit by turning off. Since then system now starts by scrolling thru 2-3 screens of "Loading: ... (various driver drive locations / various names)" and then Win 7 login screen comes in with Password box.

Everything else is running fine now except I suspect I need to go back to boot Safe Mode screen and turn Safe Mode off -- return it back to Start Win 7 Normally.

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HDD No Longer Booting-Hangs For Over 2 Hours-Stuck On Starting Windows 7?

Dec 31, 2010

I refuse to believe my 500g Sata Hard drive that has over 400gs of file and information, is all now magically a paper weight. No Physical damage has happened to the Drive at all. This is the Issue:Originally Half of the Drive was Encrypted with True Crypt and the other Half was the System Drive((C drive 50g)) and a "general" Drive/ ((175gigs)). The Problem started when some odd way it seems My Encrypted drive become corrupted to the point it would no longer easily mount. It would take 4~5Min's to mount as opposed to the normal 4~5 seconds.What happens when it did mount, The Drive was not working correctly. I couldn't access my files on that drive at all. Not only that, While it seemed like it did Mount the True Crypt Drive, my entire CPU became Non responsive. I couldn't do anything. I was unable to click on anything on the desktop, bring up task manager or even ctrl+alt+del to log off or anything. It was like it was frozen but I was only able to move the mouse...I waited a while((15~20Min's)) and went to restart the CPU by holding the power button.

Now When ever I try to load or boot from that Hard drive...Nothing Happens....It hangs at the "starting Windows" screen. I have windows 7-64bit ultimate. I tried to load from the Win 7 disk, and it hangs at a blank Screen. When I tried to use the repair feature of the Win Xp service pack 2((Remember windows XP *_*??))It hangs at analyzing the Hard drive "47850 asapii at 0 at 0 something something"..When I try to use the advance options of the Windows 7 boot, Safe mode of all types hangs at lading the drivers, Last Known good Configuration hangs at starting windows. Its Like part of the HDD doesn't want to load for anything in the world . And When I have mentioned Hangs I mean it sits there for 1~2 hours and nothing has changed.

I have ideas in my head But I don't even Know if they are possible. Oh when I try to Load the HDD by having a back up 40g hard drive be the main booter it STILL hangs at the starting windows screen. I know its sometimes suggested to try it HDD in another CPU but if its not the main Boot Drive is that the same thing? Really don't have any Mobos that have Sata Slots for me to try that out on.I'm praying a simple chkdsk would Solve everything But there's no way I can Issue that Command. My Question(s) are:s there a Way to force the CPU to do a chkdsk command pre boot?Is there a way to have the HDD disabled at start up and enable it during the back up drives desktop((Via check for hardware changes or the "Manage" feature by right clicking computer from the start menu

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Errors In Event Log On Booting And Resuming From Standby?

Jan 9, 2012

My computer took a little while longer booting tonight so I checked the error log and found the following:

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
[ Guid] {CFC18EC0-96B1-4EBA-961B-622CAEE05B0A}


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Getting BSOD Errors After Installing Windows 7 On Laptop?

Aug 1, 2012

Just kind of confused about the BSOD errors. Just installed Windows 7 last night to this laptop and I immediately started getting them. I tried getting debugging tools to read the .dmp files, but that just wasn't working. Then I tried working with BlueScreenView and I accessed all the .dmp files that I've acquired, six in total. Each seemed to have different files highlighted red, though I noticed one file that all of them had been highlighted red; NT Kernel & Systems. My only guess to fix this problem would be to just reinstall Windows, or would there be an easier way to fix this problem?

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Got Blue Stop Screen With Several Errors When Installing Windows 7

Oct 27, 2011

Installing win 7 on a new build got to 10%. got blue stop screen and several errors 0x0000003b 0x00000000c 0000005 and few others?

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Notebook Stuck For 2 Minutes On Black Screen Before Booting Up

May 3, 2012

I have a dv7 notebook with Win 7 Home Premium installed on it. Everything is running fine, except a couple of days ago the notebook began to take too damn long to boot up when restarting or just when powering it on.

I noticed it gets "stuck" on a black screen, just like a blank DOS screen, for about 2 minutes before booting up Windows.

I have tried downloading new BIOS from HP website, resetting the BIOS settings, changing the boot order but nothing really works. It always stays on the black screen for around two minutes and then Windows boots up normally. No text is shown, nothing at all.

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Not Booting After Installing Windows 7

Mar 26, 2011

I'm having a bit of an issue with Windows 7 and XP after dual booting them. I had XP installe,d and then installed 7 on another partition. Everything went fine, except that I can't boot XP: there's no option.

I tried a few things in command prompt such as bcedit /set and most of those commands. It added the option to the menu, but it said that /ntldr was not bootable as it was missing or corrupt.

I also read somewhere that you should try to copy some files like boot.ini to your 7 partition from your XP partition, but that didn't work since I have no access to my XP partition and trying to assign a dirve letter doesn't work: the option is grayed out.

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Installing Windows 7 64x Gets Stuck

Jan 18, 2012

So I reformatted my computer last night and reinstalled windows on it. It goes through the installing windows etc, then when it reboots it goes to a black screen, then it turns into the windows loading screen and just sits there with the colors above it. I checked the hard disk for errors and there are none. I also used 2 different windows cds and made a new one; none of these are scratched.

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Videos Get Stuck After Installing Windows 7

Jan 17, 2013

Hafter installing windows 7 ultimate my video player gets struck in the middle while playing videos

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Booting Windows On One Drive, But Installing Things On Another?

May 17, 2012

My operating system is giving out, i am locking up regularly now, i feel i have too many things installed on a vary small drive to pinpoint the problem. i have been neeeding a second hard drive for a while now, i think its time.The question is, how can i boot off of one hard drive, but install all my applications on the other, as if i where booting my OS off of a 30gb ssd, just big enough for the operating system, but actually installing things on my second hard drive.

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Windows 7 Machine Stuck On Installing Update 11 Of 17

May 14, 2012

My machine has been stuck on installing this update all night. I think my hard drive may be full, what should I do? Been meaning to format that thing and reinstall windows to it since its just a 40 gig SSD.

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Installing Linux Distribution Has Stopped Windows 7 Booting

Dec 18, 2011

I was trying to install a ubuntu distribution to my primary hard drive (along side Windows 7) and at 99% of copying files the setup reported there was not sufficient memory to install backtrack. I cannot boot back into windows 7 as the computer resets before getting past the boot screen (shows 'starting windows' as normal then the screen blacks and takes me back to BIOS). this process loops unless I select windows repair option, which does not fix the problem. The Backtrack live CD won't let me delete the new, half-installed partition, so therefore I cannot change the windows partition back to it's usual (small) size of 55GB.

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After Installing New Radeon GPU And Drivers, Windows Stuck At Starting

Mar 29, 2012

I just received my new ASUS HD7850-DC-2GD5 video card. I installed it, booted up Windows, and installed the drivers from the included CD. Then I rebooted Windows. However, my system hangs at the 'Starting Windows' screen. Actually, it seems that only the video hangs--because if I type in my password and hit enter, as if I could see the welcome screen, I hear the 'correct' sound that normally plays when I log in. I just can't *see* what's going on.

I reset the system and booted into safe mode, where I entered Device Manager and uninstalled the HD7850 display adapter. Then I rebooted Windows, and again I'm able to operate normally -- but without the AMD Radeon drivers. I've tried downloading the latest drivers from the AMD website, but installing those leads to the same problem. I get stuck at the 'Starting Windows' screen.

This has me totally perplexed... I bought an ASUS-branded card specifically to try and avoid drama, as I also have an ASUS mobo (the P8Z68-VPRO/GEN3). My CPU is an i7 2700k, not currently overclocked at all. My PSU is an XFX PRO850W XXX Edition Semi-Modular 88Plus 850 Watt PSU, which should be up to the task, right?

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Windows 7 Gets Stuck After Installing Restart @ Finishing Installation?

May 12, 2012

System Specifics:

Every part of the computer is completely new.Its a selfconfigured system...

Processor: AMD FX-8120 3,1GHz
Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-970-UD3 (BIOS F4)
RAM: DDR3 2x4GB 1600MHz
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 TI 1GB
SSD: 120GB SATA 6Gb/s
DVD: SATA Liteone iHas122
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit

So basically my problem is what is stated in the topic already.Windows loads the data off of the ORIGINAL (purchased it today) DVD, extracting files etc.Then after the Computer restarts and loads, the installation process comes back up again, and shows the "moving dots" behind "Finishing Installation Process" for about 10-15 seconds, then they freeze... i left it for 2 hours. Nothing happened.I tried unplugging everything during the reset, after another try to install it. It freezes.I tried the "Shift+F10" --> explorer.exe . It freezes.I tried a downloaded copy of Windows 7 Prof.... same thing, it freezes.I tried 3 different Sata2 HDDrives, same thing it freezes.

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9700 Pro Errors Installing (code 49)

Jul 28, 2009

I am running a 3200+ barton, 1.5GB ram, 40GB boot drive, radeon 9700 pro. 32bit Windows 7.

Cant seem to get the drivers installed for dual head, :/

Tried all sorts of different things. In safe mode it comes up with the gfx card installed but in normal mode, it keeps telling me error code 49, (The device did not respond in a mannor)

If anyone has any ideas, i'd be VERY greatful to hear them, (Please dont say get a new gfx card.)

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Stuck Installing Win7 On A Clean Hard Drive

May 13, 2009

I am very lost, I have a IBM ThinkPad T42 with an older 20Gig hard drive that is blank, no OS on it, nothing at all. I tried to perform a custom clean install of Windows 7 and get to the part where you can format the drive or install drivers. When I select to install the drivers it can never find any.

What am I doing wrong? I know a little but I guess not enough, do I need to install fro somewhere else? and what drivers is it looking for?

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Windows 7 Not Booting After Installing Windows 7 Update?

Oct 31, 2012

Yesterday i installed the windows update from Windows and slept. On the next day morinig i was not able to boot the system.

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Computer Stuck In Reboot Loop On Restart After Installing NVidia Drivers

Jan 21, 2013

I recently build myself a gaming computer the specs are as follows:
i5 3570k
16GB G.Skill 1600 Mhz
ASRock Extreme4
Evga 750 Watt PSU
Asus GTX 670 2GB

After I Installed all of the drivers for everything but the graphics card it was finally time for that and as soon as I downloaded the newest drivers from Nvidia and restarted my computer I immediately got into a reboot loop and any time I've tried going into safe mode to delete the drivers my computer restarts. On top of all of that there are these red vertical lines all over my monitor.

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Stuck On "Loading Operating System" When Installing Windows

Apr 8, 2011

The other day I assembled a new built PC and then went to go install the OS. I tried using a boot disk of Windows 7 Pro x64 but right after the POST it immediately goes to a screen where it says "Loading Operating System" and just hangs there. I have tried various fixes I have seen on other sites but can't get it it to move on.

PC Specs:
EVGA|GeForce GTX 570 1280MB 320-bit GDDR5
CPU INTEL|CORE I7 2600 3.4G Sandy Bridge
MEM 4Gx4|CORSAIR Vengeance

Here are the case and monitor as well, in case they are important.

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Windows 7 64B Installation Stuck On "Installing Updates"

Aug 8, 2012

I installed an ocz vertex 4 ssd (256g model) into my msi gt70 laptop. A product key came with the laptop, and I've burned windows 7 to a disc. I made sure the ssd has priority in the BIOS too.

When I start up the installation, it gets to the "Installing updates" step, but doesn't progress any further, the laptop is effectively frozen on that step. I've tried re-installing a couple times now and it continues to get stuck on "Installing updates".

Do I need an active internet connection for this step by any chance?

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Windows 7 Stuck On "installing" Page?

Oct 17, 2012

Whenever I switch on my up laptop Windows pops up with the option to open in normal mode or Windows recovery mode.. But non of the option works. After trying all the options it again comes back on the same page.. So I tried reinstalling my os with bootable USB but to add more to my annoyance the Windows starts installing but thin again takes me to the blue screen showing message "installing" and stuck on that page itself. I tried it several time but ended up with the same. To confirm about that my hard drive is not crashed, I booted my pc with live USB Linux os and it worked well. I can access all my files saved in my hard drive.I even took it for the repair but they say that my hard disk is crashed and I need to repair that. But had this been the case how-come i'm able to access all my files.

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Installing Updates And Installing Features Part Of Windows Setup Menu?

Sep 3, 2010

How do I installing something during the Windows Setup Menu's Installing features and Installing updates?

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When Installing Windows 7 On New SSD It Always Stops At Installing Updates?

Oct 28, 2011

I have tried installing on 1 stick of ram, the old HDD is unplugged, have deleted the partitions, running bios in AHCI mode using 6gb/sec cable, when I look in the drive some windows files have been copied onto the SSD and it is accessable. It is a Corsair Force series 3 120Gb.

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Windows 7 Installation Errors?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to custom/clean install windows 7 64bit and when it restarts after supposedly completing installation it says the system has restarted unexpectedly or I get a blue scree error that causes another restart. This occurs on the 2nd restart after it returns to the completing installation stage

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Windows Crashes And Comes As Different Errors

Feb 11, 2012

so i recently built my gaming desktop and every now and then windows crashes and i get a blue screen which says dumping physical memory. i read the thread about what i should upload in order to get help however i dont know how to run a system health report as i cant find the program in start.i have disabled the auto restart and have managed to see two of the errors stop: 0x0000004e and stop: 0x0000001a

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Windows 7 Giving Errors

Feb 23, 2011

My Windows 7 system has begun to post some errors which I don't know how to correct: "Cannot load" and Service Pak 1 for Windows 7 installation failed.

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Odd Windows 7 Installation Errors

Feb 7, 2012

I took a client's HDD, which could not install Windows 7 due to lack of CD drive, and tried to install Win 7 using my home PC. At first, I tried to install but the installation disk said it couldn't locate the correct directory. I then unplugged my two personal harddrives whilst keeping the blank one in while the computer was still on. It wasn't until I restarted my PC that I was able to install. But at the set up your PC stage (name your PC, set password, etc) I turned the computer off, hoping to continue the process on the actual PC that I was going to keep it in so my client could customize it. After plugging my two personal HDD's back in, which were working fine just 15 minutes prior to this, I discovered that neither of them could boot. They just hung in the Windows 7 loading page. On safe mode, they would get stuck on classpnp.sys. Now, my computer just says that disk cannot be read, and that I should press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.

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