Installing Linux Distribution Has Stopped Windows 7 Booting

Dec 18, 2011

I was trying to install a ubuntu distribution to my primary hard drive (along side Windows 7) and at 99% of copying files the setup reported there was not sufficient memory to install backtrack. I cannot boot back into windows 7 as the computer resets before getting past the boot screen (shows 'starting windows' as normal then the screen blacks and takes me back to BIOS). this process loops unless I select windows repair option, which does not fix the problem. The Backtrack live CD won't let me delete the new, half-installed partition, so therefore I cannot change the windows partition back to it's usual (small) size of 55GB.

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How To Uninstall Any Linux Distro After Successfully Installing Both Windows And Linux

Oct 3, 2010

How do i uninstall any linux distro after successfully installing both windows and linux.i dont want to lose my MBR. [or] will it (Windows) rewrite it again.i am a bit scared to do it myself as i was going to do a secure deletion of the partition.

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PC Not Booting Windows 7 Or Linux - I / O Error Message

Feb 3, 2013

Windows 7 not booting! I have a Medion Laptop and it froze so I forced it off. Now when I load it in any mode (safe mode freezes after avg file) It will go to a black screen or a 0xc0000009 I/O error message. I've run it in start up repair and there aren't any system restore points available and start up repair took 17 hours before I decided to turn it off! My hardware doesn't make any strange sounds and my bios recognises my Hard Drive. Luckily, there's nothing important on the laptop so I don't mind if we have to reset it to factory settings as I have the Windows 7 installation disc as well!

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Dual Booting Windows 7/Linux On A Dell Inspiron 15R?

Oct 11, 2011

I bought each of my twin sons a Dell Inspiron 15R. As teenage boys do, they really mucked them up with every kind of virus and x-ware out there. After not being completely successful cleaning them up with various anti-what-ever programs, I decided to reformat and do a clean install. Problem is, Dell no longer furnishes a hard copy of the OS that was installed at factory. Apparently, they have partitioned the hard drive and installed all original software in that partition, and provided a PC Restore program that will access all software and re-set-up the computer to the state is was when purchased. After doing this, everything worked fine as it claimed it would. Personally, I find it to be the best thing that Dell has done with MS in years.

My question is this...Can I dual boot this set-up with Linux (which I use exclusively, and my son wants to learn), or will this partition that Dell is now using cause me real problems in the case that I may need to perform a future PC Restore?

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Recover Windows 7 After Installing Linux?

Oct 31, 2010

install linux ubuntu on top of my windows 7 , i have a hp pavilion notebook dv-6 2155dx 4gb ram 500gb hdd it comes with windows 7 pre-instal , is there anyway how to get back to my wondows 7 i don't have the cds for this notebook?

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Installing Windows 7 On A Laptop With Linux

Feb 19, 2011

i bought a laptop with linux installed in it but i already had a windows 7 from my old pc so how do I install do a clean install on this lap top?When i try it says it can't be installed

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Installing Windows 7 On A Linux Machine?

Dec 21, 2012

I recently bought Dell Vostro 1550, it came with linux installed on it. I want to install windows on it, Please guide me in proceeding further.

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Windows 7 And Windows 8 Dual Booting Then Adding Linux?

Feb 4, 2013

My OS of choice back then was MS Windows, however after Windows XP I moved to OSX. About two years ago I knew I needed to get back involved with Windows and bought my Lenovo Laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. I then installed Windows 8 Consumer Preview on a different partition and upgraded to Windows 8 Pro when it became available. I am now looking to install a distro of Linux and can't seem to find any information of doing so. I don't know which Windows partition it would be best to install it on 7 or 8. Also I understand that Ubuntu have a Windows Installer wubi, but I have heard horror stories after the installation. My main fear is losing Windows 7 or 8 and if the entire process is too risky I'll just leave it altogether. So I guess my question is has anyone installed a Linux distro on a PC which originally came pre installed with Windows 7 and then added Windows 8 to a partition?

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Installing Windows 7 & Deleting Linux Kubuntu?

Feb 4, 2012

I've never used Linux and cannot figure out how to make it go away. Purchased Windows 7 Home online and tried to download it.Unfortunately I can't figure out how to run the installation... and now my computer won't even connect to wireless.

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Cant See Linux Os On Boot Screen After Installing Windows 7

Feb 28, 2012

i had two os win 7 and backtrack5 in separate partitions and today i reinstalled win 7 but now it does ask me to choose between the two even i can't see boot screen to choose ,it automaticaly loads win 7 without asking me to choose , i waant see the boot screen with where i can choose which os should be loaded.

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Removing Linux And Grub/Installing Windows 7 On Netbook?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a Samsung N120 Netbook that came with Windows XP. I tried to run Linux Mint as a 2nd operating system, but I kept getting errors and I became frustrated with it. Ever since then I have only used XP, but every time the computer starts up it goes into Grub and I have to choose to enter XP. Basically what I am looking to do is remove all traces of Mint and Grub and I suppose XP for that matter and upgrade to Windows 7. What is the best way to do that considering I have a netbook which does not have a CD/DVD drive?

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Installing Windows From SD Card On A Netbook With Linux Mint

Jun 23, 2012

I recently purchased a netbook on ebay with Linux Mint pre-installed. I want to rid of Linux and install Windows 7 Ultimate, however the only device I have to date is a 2GB SD card as I've either lost or broken my USB's or external HDD's.. Is there a way to create a bootable SD card with a small downloadable copy of Windows and install it to the HDD? Then download a 'full' copy of Windows to install that and activate it with a key?

Otherwise I'm going to have to go out and get a USB stick. Or is there an easier way with mounting etc?

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Windows 7 Stopped Booting - Can't Repair

Sep 26, 2009

I searched the threads for an existing post and I couldn't find one that matched my problem. Sorry if a solution has already been posted somewhere.

I have a new Acer 1410 w/ 4GB of DDR2 memory and a 1.6 CULV processor. It came with Vista Home Premium installed, but I downloaded Windows 7 Ultimate from my technet subscription. Because I don't have an optical drive I had to install from a USB stick. I did this without any problems at all.

Windows 7 has been booting fine and running great for about a week now. I haven't recenly loaded any new software or drivers. Yesterday I shut down my laptop normally; when I tried to reboot an hour later I was shown the "loading files" screen and was then taken to the Windows Startup Repair option. Windows spent an hour trying to repair whatever was wrong with my startup and I was finally given an error message that it couldn't make any repairs.

I tried going to the DOS prompt and fixing the boot manager and boot file; interestingly all this did was suddenly give me the option to boot Windows 7 or Windows Vista (!!!). I still get the Windows Startup Repair when I try booting Windows 7. If I try to boot Vista (I was curious) it takes me all the way to the login screen but then tells me I have files missing if I try to login, which is fine - I wasn't trying to set up a dual boot anyways.

Here's the part that's really got me stumped: If I try booting my laptop into install (using the bootable USB stick I created to setup Windows 7 on my laptop) I have the option to repair my computer. When I choose this option it of course takes me to the advanced repair options where I can choose Windows Startup Repair; it runs the repair and tells me it doesn't find any problems with my computer and to go ahead and start my computer normally. Of course, when I reboot and remove the USB stick my computer doesn't boot normally; I'm taken back to the "loading files" screen and then to Windows Startup Repair where I'm told that Windows can't repair my startup.

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Windows 7 Stopped Booting With Continuous Blinking Cursor

Apr 2, 2012

system spec:

Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
2 250gb Seagate Barracudas 7200 > Raid 0
AMD Athlon II X3 450 Rana 3.2GHz Socket AM3 95W
Asus M4A78LT-M Mobo
2 Crucial 2GB 240-Pin SDRAM DDR3 1600
1 2GB G. Skill 240 pin DDR3 Memory

Ok computer has been doing scandsks for the last week all of a sudden when starting up and now it splashes the boot screen and hangs on the black screen with a blinking cursor at the top left.

heres what i have done so far:

1-booted from windows cd and did STARTUP REPAIR, it found my windows installation and finished without no problems - PROBLEM STILL EXISTS

2-command propmpt and fixboot command unsuccessful since it stays on x: dir and i cant find the c: dir for the right commands

3-SYSTEM RESTORE found no earlier restore points which i found odd but it is what it is.. lol..

4- went ahead and tried installation of windows to see if it recognized my drive on array and it did with the correct size and data.

I tried installing the regrun reanimator to see if it maybe was a root kit problem but the boot up disk didnt recognize my c drive either.

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Not Booting After Installing Windows 7

Mar 26, 2011

I'm having a bit of an issue with Windows 7 and XP after dual booting them. I had XP installe,d and then installed 7 on another partition. Everything went fine, except that I can't boot XP: there's no option.

I tried a few things in command prompt such as bcedit /set and most of those commands. It added the option to the menu, but it said that /ntldr was not bootable as it was missing or corrupt.

I also read somewhere that you should try to copy some files like boot.ini to your 7 partition from your XP partition, but that didn't work since I have no access to my XP partition and trying to assign a dirve letter doesn't work: the option is grayed out.

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Unable To Boot Windows After Installing Linux To Run Side By Side?

Oct 14, 2011

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu and sectioned off a part of my hard drive for it. I intended to have it set up to run both windows 7 and linux together and let me choose which boot disk I wanted to use at start up. Ubuntu took over and so I read through some forums online. I can now get to the Windows 7 loading screen but it freezes there. I have my install disc and was hoping someone could assist me with getting windows 7 back. I do not care if I loose Ubuntu. I am currently sitting with the Administrator: X:windowssystem32cmd.exe from the System Recovery Options Menu with my Windows 7 Disc in the tray.

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Stuck At Booting Windows 7 Due To Errors In Installing

Sep 16, 2012

I was going to going to reinstall windows 7 professional x64 version of windows in my laptop but during installation I got structed at the point where the earlier partitions are to be deleted and new ones are to be made(I got the option from custom install) to give the path for new C:// drive and others. Here is the basic of problem, the installation was taking very long time to delete my earlier partitions(nearly 30 mins.). So I derectly pressed the power button and shut down (while the deletion of earlier C:// drive was going on) my laptop eject the DVD on next boot, but now nothing was appearing after booting. So I again tried to do the same installation but this time the installation was stucked at the windows icon ('Starting Windows' Icon).

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Booting Windows On One Drive, But Installing Things On Another?

May 17, 2012

My operating system is giving out, i am locking up regularly now, i feel i have too many things installed on a vary small drive to pinpoint the problem. i have been neeeding a second hard drive for a while now, i think its time.The question is, how can i boot off of one hard drive, but install all my applications on the other, as if i where booting my OS off of a 30gb ssd, just big enough for the operating system, but actually installing things on my second hard drive.

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Reinstall Windows Updates From Software Distribution Folder?

Sep 16, 2011

I want to have a fresh install of windows 7.i dont want to download all the updates again that take so long.Is it possible to copy the software distribution folder from windows folder and manually install updates again in new installation.

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Keyboard Stopped Working After Installing Windows 8

Sep 30, 2011

I've come across an interesting problem recently which I have tried to solve to no avail. I installed Windows 8 Developer Preview on a separate hard drive to my base Windows 7 install, and had an issue that arose where the OS suddenly decided that the drivers the keyboard was using were invalid. This is not the (current) problem, however it is important to mention. Now, to fix the Win 8 driver problem I went to the device manager, uninstalled the drivers, and then unplugged/plugged the keyboard back in. Since that rather bodged fix, the keyboard suddenly stopped working in Windows 7. It shows up in device manager as working, and I can set macros in the associated Razer software, although it does not perform its most basic function of typing. I have tried a similar tactic to that which I employed while fixing the problem with Windows 8, although my attempts have been fruitless. The keyboard in question is a Razer Lycosa, and the OS is Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit.

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Sysprep Images For Private Distribution?

Aug 10, 2012

I'm finding that I've been installing/reinstalling windows a couple of times a month recently. Either I'm giving a "fresh start" to on of my household's computers or building a new computer for a friend or family member.This not only takes a lot of time but also a lot of bandwidth. Updating windows over and over again is a pain and games are commonly 10-20GB a piece nowadays.

Here's my plan, can someone tell me if it makes sense or offer better methods?Using VMware, create 3 images.-One image with only windows updates and essential programs (AV, VLC, browsers, etc).A copy image of that one with all non-game programs commonly used (office, gimp, wtvr).And a third copy with everything including games.Make copies and sysprep the copies.

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Export A Group / Distribution Email List?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a need to send a group of e-mail addresses (about 23 in all) to the new secretary of our group. I know they can be exported individually, using an .pst file??? but am not sure, but is there a method of exporting a group of addresses

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How To Recover Outlook 2007 Distribution List

Jan 24, 2013

It would appear that I've just accidentally deleted a distribution list that I had in Outlook Contacts. Can this be recovered, as I cant see it in Deleted Items?

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Windows 7 Not Booting After Installing Windows 7 Update?

Oct 31, 2012

Yesterday i installed the windows update from Windows and slept. On the next day morinig i was not able to boot the system.

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Welcome Screen Stopped After Installing Service Pack

Mar 28, 2011

This happened to me on my last build and last night I reinstalled my computer and the issue stopped. Now, after installing Service Pack 1 (it seems), it continues to stop at the welcome screen and forces me to click my user to continue logging in (No Password). Is this handled by a setting or is it an actual issue? I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit.

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Usb Ps2 Stopped Working After Installing Nvidia 8600gt

Aug 13, 2009

i have a problem with my usb and ps2 ports they stopped working after i installed a pcie nvdia 8600gt card but my 2 front usbs work fine the 4 at back dont also nor do my ps2 ports

the funny thing is when i remove the the nvidia graphics card my ports start to work again i have tryed a fresh install still nothing according to device manager my usb ports are working but when i plug something in theres nothing even when i have my ps2 mouse n keyboard plugged in at boot up there isint even a hint of power there is no exclamation marks in device manger either

my motherboard is a ECS Geforce7050m-m vers2.0 2 gigs of ram a dualcore amd+2 7850 black edition processor 500 gig harddrive

my only option would to be take out my nvidia card and use the onboard graphics card using just the onboard card which is ok but not good for games i play games all the time what does everyone think.

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Audio Completely Stopped Working After Installing HD Driver

Sep 3, 2012

I have Compaq Presario C784TU laptop with windows 7 updated on it. Recently while watching a movie, the audio suddenly started giving problems. I updated my audio driver in the device manager and it installed Conexant High Definition Audio Driver 221. After installing that, my audio completely stopped working. Also,that my headphones are working but only the speakers have stopped working. I have checked all the settings and also I don't think there is any problem with the hardware.

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Microphone Stopped Working After Installing Disk Drivers

Aug 30, 2012

So my disk drive wasn't working so my husband installed a new driver, it fixed my disk drive, but now my mic (built in) stopped working. I really need it to work bc my husband has PCS-ed to Japan for 18 months, and skype is kind of out only option to talk.

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What Is "central Repository Method Of Distribution"

Dec 27, 2010

I was reading these MS Kills Office Anti-Piracy Program Confessions of a Windows 7 pirate | ZDNet I found this term "central repository method of distribution" on a zdnet comment. What is it? Google didn't give me anything useful, especially for the case of Linux. Didn't really see any layman terms.

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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Windows 7 Got Reformatted By Linux?

Jun 27, 2011

i was trying to install linux on a usb drive so i could easly have a portible computer in my pocket but when i ran the linux for the first time meaning the portible usb worked it reformatted my windows 7 ultimate and ALL the data i had on it i do need this data but i can deal without it all i need is to format my computer back to windows 7 ultimate.

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