Sysprep Images For Private Distribution?

Aug 10, 2012

I'm finding that I've been installing/reinstalling windows a couple of times a month recently. Either I'm giving a "fresh start" to on of my household's computers or building a new computer for a friend or family member.This not only takes a lot of time but also a lot of bandwidth. Updating windows over and over again is a pain and games are commonly 10-20GB a piece nowadays.

Here's my plan, can someone tell me if it makes sense or offer better methods?Using VMware, create 3 images.-One image with only windows updates and essential programs (AV, VLC, browsers, etc).A copy image of that one with all non-game programs commonly used (office, gimp, wtvr).And a third copy with everything including games.Make copies and sysprep the copies.

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Set Large Images As Defult Setting When Browsing For Images?

Sep 12, 2011

Using an image posting website and I've recently updated to windows 7. I used to be able to have my images come up as thumbnails without having to Right Click > View > Large Icons everytime. Also I used to have filmstrip's where prob isUploaded with ImageShack.usevery time i go to upload a picture it comes up as a list.Now when I explore the folder via Desktop > b > Girls the images come up as thumbnails as i've set it for all folders already. How can I set it for when I'm in IE and uploading?

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Export A Group / Distribution Email List?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a need to send a group of e-mail addresses (about 23 in all) to the new secretary of our group. I know they can be exported individually, using an .pst file??? but am not sure, but is there a method of exporting a group of addresses

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How To Recover Outlook 2007 Distribution List

Jan 24, 2013

It would appear that I've just accidentally deleted a distribution list that I had in Outlook Contacts. Can this be recovered, as I cant see it in Deleted Items?

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Installing Linux Distribution Has Stopped Windows 7 Booting

Dec 18, 2011

I was trying to install a ubuntu distribution to my primary hard drive (along side Windows 7) and at 99% of copying files the setup reported there was not sufficient memory to install backtrack. I cannot boot back into windows 7 as the computer resets before getting past the boot screen (shows 'starting windows' as normal then the screen blacks and takes me back to BIOS). this process loops unless I select windows repair option, which does not fix the problem. The Backtrack live CD won't let me delete the new, half-installed partition, so therefore I cannot change the windows partition back to it's usual (small) size of 55GB.

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Reinstall Windows Updates From Software Distribution Folder?

Sep 16, 2011

I want to have a fresh install of windows 7.i dont want to download all the updates again that take so long.Is it possible to copy the software distribution folder from windows folder and manually install updates again in new installation.

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Enable WoL After Sysprep X64

Jun 7, 2011

I'm creating a windows 7 x64 image for work. I want to enable WoL. I've checked all of the necessary power management options to 'allow nic to wake the computer' and 'only with magic packet' etc. but after sysprep, since the NIC drivers are reinstalled after windows performs sysprep, those settings are not saved. There are three checkboxes that I need to check on the Wired NIC. Does anyone have a script, or the knowledge of how to accomplish this after sysprep? I have tried several windows xp scripts, but those don't work with this new onboard nic. It's a NIC on the optiplex 790.

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SysPrep Deactivates Windows 7?

Oct 29, 2011

I am using Windows 7 OPK and I'm deploying images to the computers that I sell.I would like to activate windows before shipping to my customers however, after windows has been activated in Audit mode, sysprep runs to reboot the PC in OOBE mode, but windows is no longer activated and the customer has to activate the machinethemelves. (I do not want them to do this!, I just want them to be able to use their PC without faffing about with activation)

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Preserving OEM Activation In Sysprep?

Jan 23, 2012

I just got a job as an IT assistant and one of my first projects was to make a deployment image of both Windows XP and Windows 7.

I did a bit of reading into the "Sysprep" tool, and actually did make a successful image, the problem is that it asks for a serial number each time. Our computers are Dell workstations that come with Windows 7 on them already, pre-activated, so this doesn't really work.

What I did for our XP workstations was this: Preserving OEM Pre-Activation when Re-installing Windows XP That worked like a charm. I have it set up to automatically connect to the domain, and everything, all the user has to fill in is their name and the name of the PC.

Is there something similar for Windows 7? I'm assuming Microsoft is not going to just hand out serial numbers like that until 7 is EOL like XP is, but is there some other way to do it? Provided I have the pre-activated one installed, can I have it not deactivate or prompt for a serial number upon running Sysprep?

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Windows 7 Sysprep Time Zone

Jan 27, 2011

So I have about 800 pc's that we are deploying and going to image with Windows 7 Pro 32bit. I have only used Windows 7 sysprep a few times and have been working on getting a new answer file working on it.I have also everything working the way I want to. The only screen I want the user to be prompted for is the computer name screen. Right now it asks for the computer name like it should but also comes up with the time and timezone screen with the correct info so I have to click next.I have made sure to put in the correct time zone info and everything but it keeps coming up with the time zone page.

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Cannot Open Files In Sysprep Folder

Jul 26, 2011

I'm in the trenches trying to develop a Windows 7 image for work. This is what I've done so far, I installed Win 7 64-bit on a test computer and did some customizations ( added programs, etc..). I then ran sysprep from C:WindowsSystem32Sysprep... and the process completed just fine. Okay, so I decided to do further customization of the sysprep process by creating an unattend.xml file using WAIK... Ran Sysprep again - not bad results - but I now notice when I attempt to open any log files ( Pather folder ) or "open" the unattend.xml file I get the following error message: "Windows cannot find 'C:WindowsSystem32sysprepunattend.xml' Make sure you typed the name correctly and Try Again" Yet the files are visible in Windows Explorer.

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Wireless Driver Broken By Windows 7 Sysprep

Apr 12, 2011

I've have had three working Windows 7 images (Lenovo T510, Lenovo X201, and a Fujitsu T900) for several months. Periodically I install MS updates, make other necessary changes, run sysprep, and recapture the images in an effort to keep them current. Recently now during this update process, after running sysprep (using the same sysprep xml answer file that I have been using all along), wireless no longer works after applying the updated image. The wireless driver appears to be installed, but will not detect any wireless networks. If I attempt to create a wireless network profile manually, I receive "an unexpected network error has occurred."

The wireless device does appear in Device Manager as though it's in tact but if I run diagnostics, the wireless device is not found. Uninstalling, and reinstalling the driver does not fix the problem. I have come up with a workaround, but it is not a true fix, as the workaround prevents me from being able to consolidate the T510 and X201 into one universal Lenovo image as I should be able to do. The workaround consists of adding the following two lines to my xml file:


This allows the wireless to work again because sysprep no longer strips the wireless driver as it processes. However because the wireless driver remains on the image after sysprep, I lose the ability to consolidate the images. After I Inject the T510 drivers into the X201 image, or vice versa, after then I apply the image, wireless only works on the model that the image was captured on, even though the wireless driver for the other model was injected into the image. The strange thing is that the T510 and X201 have the same wireless chipset.

Lenovo T510 - Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 AGN
Lenovo X201 - Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 AGN
Fujitsu T900 - Atheros AR928X Wireless Network Adapter

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Sysprep Fails / 'Windows Could Not Finish Configuring The System'

Oct 31, 2012

message after Sysprep stating "Sysprep Fails After Deployment With: Windows could not finish configuring the system."This is a new out-of-box Lenovo T530 laptop, it came pre-loaded with Windows 7 Pro.I pulled laptop from box and inserted our Windows 7 Pro SP 1 disk and installed our copy. I then configured all settings and applications under "audit mode", created an "Unattend.xml" file using the WSIM, and copied that file into the Sysprep folder and ran "Sysprep /shutdown /oobe /generalize /unattend:unattend.xml" The error message appears after I image drive using Ghost GSS (I'm assuming the error would appear after boot-up regardless of imaging the machine)I have read numerous articles regarding this error and have also disabled the "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service" as suggested by many. I'm also assuming that the "Hotfix" for this issue does not apply since I am installing SP1.I am able to boot into the machine after attempting to boot into "safe mode" first (as suggested by many users), however once in, it looks as if the XML file is completely ignored.

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Local Group Policies Created For User, But Sysprep Removes Settings?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a base image, where I have configured the default profile using the administrator account. I created user ids, but did not log into these idsI used Local Group Policy to edit the policy of one non administrator ids I created. After sysprepping the computer, and successfully copying the profiles, the user is not configured with the group policy settings.Same deal as this guy Sysprep deletes Local Group Policy but his question was never answered.

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What Is "central Repository Method Of Distribution"

Dec 27, 2010

I was reading these MS Kills Office Anti-Piracy Program Confessions of a Windows 7 pirate | ZDNet I found this term "central repository method of distribution" on a zdnet comment. What is it? Google didn't give me anything useful, especially for the case of Linux. Didn't really see any layman terms.

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Ie9 In-private Filtering Not Available?

May 1, 2011

I've recently installed Internet Explorer 9.The option to enable inprivate filtering is not present in the safety menu.I've set the FilteringMode option to 1 in the registry entry

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSafetyPrivacIE

Nothing happens. This is true for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions on my machine.

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Set Up Private/home Firewall?

Jun 11, 2011

Compaq Presario CQ-62 wireless laptop - 64 bit - win7 - Avast AV I am trying to set the firewall to Private/Home as that is where I am. The pc keeps switching it to public which is where I am NOT. Also, when it is on public, I have no connectivity but do have when on private. I can't seem to find any setting that will allow me to set it to private and KEEP it. I need to know how to set it for either situation and can't seem to come up with anything so far.

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How Do I Just Keep The Private Setting On Network ?

Aug 21, 2009

So this is my home pc that I run a private network on with my brothers computer and mine. No idea now after a ran a tweak program I have public and private setup.

How do I just keep the private setting on rather then the public trash to? Also My jump drives no longer work on my computer but work on his.

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Can Block In-private Browsing?

Jan 11, 2012

how to disable in-private browsing for windows 7?

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Burn A DVD From A Private Video?

Sep 9, 2012

How do I burn a DVD from a private video?

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How To Burn DVD Of Private Video

Sep 9, 2012

How do I burn a DVD from a private video?

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Private Folder That Would Not Be Accessible To Other Admins?

Jan 12, 2012

I have windows 7 ultimate installed, with multiple admin accounts. What I want is a private folder, that would be not be accessible to other admins. The problem is that other admins can take ownership of my folder and change permissions. What can I do? (Besides using specialized third party software).

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Port Forwarding For A Private Wow Server

Jan 7, 2013

I've got a friend that approached me earlier today with the idea of running his own private wow server. While I know this is feasible, though maybe not with the hardware he is running, we are at a disagreement on whether or not it is possible for him to forward ports specifically for his computer and leave the rest of his household electronics unaffected by the security lapse inherent in doing so. Is it possible to forward ports for certain computers on a network and keep them closed for others?

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Setting Up A Virtual Private Network

Oct 9, 2009

my girlfriends pc at her university blocks certain ports which are required by a website which she uses to watch tv online. Therefore as a work around, she bought a service which offered a VPN. This meant that she on her uni pc be connected to the uni internet, however then open a VPN connection which meant she would then be connected to this VPN and browse the internet through them whom do no block ports.

My question is could someone please advise me on how to do this, I have WIndows 7 and she has XP Pro. I tried setting up my pc as a host, allocating her a username and password and allowing incoming connections etc. however upon trying to get hers to connect to me, it just timed out and could not connect!

I would appreciate if someone could give me a step by step guide on how to set up my PC as the host and her PC as the client, in order for her to browse the internet using my internet, not her universities. I don't want remote desktop as dont want her having control and seing my desktop, just sharing my internet.

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Network Sharing / Homegroup On Private LAN

Nov 4, 2009

I have searched but not found much with what I want to set up. I currently have a wireless connection to the internet for my PC and Laptop. What I would like to do is setup a private LAN with an old router to use but be able to keep the desktop connected to both WiFi and this LAN.

The only way I have managed to do so so far is by manually setting the IP address for the LAN (disable DHCP, change IP address etc) and assigning the LAN IP address manually to my desktop/laptop, leaving the gateway fields blank. I have noticed that doing this makes my network "Unknown" to Windows 7, which then forces it into Public mode, and disables Homegroup.

Is there a way for me to accomplish what I want?

Is pretty much how I want it to work. The desktop has two NICs, the laptop does not, so I realize the laptop would be a one-or-the-other scenario.

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Unidentified Networks - Set As Private Or Public

Apr 2, 2010

How to Set Unidentified Networks to be a Private or Public Network Location ?

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Disable In Private Viewing Windows 7?

Jan 15, 2010

how to disable the in private viewing option on ie8 for windows7? i seen a lot of posts about reg edits but it only seems to work with xp and vista?

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How To Create Private Folder In Windows 7

Jan 28, 2013

just now i want to create private folder.

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[SECURITY] Private Folder, That Would Be Not Be Accessible To Other Admins

Jan 11, 2012

I have windows 7 ultimate installed, with multiple admin accounts.What I want is a private folder, that would be not be accessible to other admins. The problem is that other admins can take ownership of my folder and change permissions. What can I do? (besides using specialized third party software)

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How To Remove The Private Proxy In Windows Security

Nov 14, 2011

how to remove the private proxy in windows security??

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Windows 7 Account Security Files Not Private At All?

Feb 2, 2012

I have installed Windows 7 Home Premium.The Account (Michael) is an admin account. All my documents are located on another Hard Drive. I have changed the location of the corresponding document folders to the other HDD. (using the right click on select person folder, change location).A make a new standard account and I was shocked to find that this account can access all of the Michael's account documents, they're even indexed so when I search from the start menu, my own documents, videos and photos quite easily show up in the results. Just has to open up Computer, open the HDD with the documents, and walla! There they are. For all to view.How is this so? Nothing is private. In any way. This is ridiculous.These are actually listed under my personal folder, but accessible to anyone. Doesn't even state the standard account needs permission. Plus it's indexed!I've tried changing the security settings on the folder, to no avail. I've looked in the indexing locations, and my personal folder isn't even listed in the areas to index

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