Selecting Options In BIOS - Keyboard Getting Stuck

May 18, 2012

I've been having trouble with my new motherboard BioStar TZ68K+ . Whenever I access the BIOS, the selection keeps moving up as if the "up arrow" key on the keyboard was stuck. My keyboard is connected via purple PS2 in the back. I tried with a different keyboard, this time a USB connection, and still the same result. It seems to be happening only in the BIOS as it doesn't do any strange behaviour when I'm in Windows. I updated the BIOS to the latest version and cleared the CMOS using the jumper on the board.

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Selecting A User In Windows 7 Welcome Screen Using Only Keyboard

Jul 2, 2011

how can i choose a user in the win 7 welcome screen using only the keyboard (without using the mouse)?

I'm hoping there is some sort of key combination that may be used to choose the user so that i won't have to use the mouse in order to login.

I would prefer not having to change the standard welcome screen to the domain login screen in which i believe it is possible. I'm using Win 7 professional.

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HP BIOS Update Stuck At "Verifying New Bios Image 100%"

Jan 19, 2011

I have a five-month old HP Compaq Presario Laptop, which has been working fairly decently (I've had a few virus scares, and my Norton quarrentined something a twenty days ago). On HP's advice, I just updated the BIOS on my laptop. It's currently stuck at Verifying New Bios Image, and it's at 100% - It's been stuck that way for a half-hour plus.

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Disable Bios Memory Options Like Caching And Shadowing?

Sep 22, 2012

i was having frequent that i saw a suggestion to disable how to disable bios memory options like caching and shadowing..i am having dell studio 1558 laptop with 04dknr motherboard

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No USB Legacy Support Or QFan Options On Asus Laptop BIOS

Apr 4, 2012

Entering the bios limits me to certain options. Is there anyway to access the other options?

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Stuck Between BIOS And Windows 7 Boot

Jul 5, 2012

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad X60 laptop with Win7 32-bit Ultimate and an SSD (I know, I know, just go with it. I'm building a desktop soon). I could list the specs, but that's useless for this problem (I'd think).

At times (not always), when either resuming from hibernate or booting up from a shut down, the computer generally freezes at the point right after the BIOS screen. So it's just a black screen. This is before the window that says "starting up" (literally a window... the Windows logo). Whenever it freezes, it NEVER goes to the boot screen of Windows. I'm assuming this is an error with the hard drive, since the OS is on the SSD and the boot screen is from the mobo. However, this only started happening after a rather heavy fall to the ground that cracked many parts of the plastic shell on the computer. It still works occasionally when I can get it to boot up (nothing different when it boots up... same settings and everything. Spontaneous).

I have tried:

1) Cold reboot
2) Removing battery
3) Going off only battery
4) Unplugging EVERYTHING from the computer

I have not tried chkdsk yet. Is it necessary? Also, would there be a log somewhere of what happened? It never booted into Windows.

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Computer Gets Stuck At At Bios For 4-5 Minutes And Then Again After Windows 7

Sep 2, 2011

when i start my computer it gets stuck for like 4-5 min here:and then again after windows logo it has a blackscreen for anotehr 2-3 mintues.i tryed reformating from windows xp to 7 and it still has the same problem.the computer it self doesnt get stuck or anything it works fine.tryed restarting 5 times and each time it gets stuck?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot, Stuck On BIOS Screen

May 20, 2012

I built a new gaming PC about a month and a half ago and its been running fine up until now. I turned it on a couple of days ago and Win 7 was freezing up. The mouse cursor was a blue wheel and I couldn't click or do anything. I couldn't even access the command line and ctrl+alt+del didn't work either. At this point it did boot up in safe mode. I powered it down and now it won't boot past BIOS. I reseated everything and checked all the connections and everything seems good.

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Work In DNF Stuck With The Keyboard?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a Cyborg Rumble pad (Saitek). Can I get it to work in DNF or am I stuck with the keyboard?

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Keyboard Not Working In Bios?

Sep 16, 2011

i can enter bios with F1 key but after that i cant change anything(still in bios).It like keyboard not responding and i have to turn off pc to get out from bios..

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Keyboard Repeat In BIOS?

Jan 27, 2011

I recently restored my system using a system image and I'm having an odd issue in the BIOS..If I enter BIOS and try to make a selection with the arrow keys--say I press the down arrow---The cursor just keeps highlighting the next item and loops around--to stop it from looping I have to hit another key say the right arrow key and try to end up at the selection I want..I was able to reset the BIOS to optimal settings to no avail..I have a Gateway DX4831 running windows 7 64bit.

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How To Enable Usb Keyboard In Bios

Apr 3, 2012

mu usb keybord not working in bios and cm-dos

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Keyboard Stuck In Alternate Mode?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a problem with my keyboard (set to US keyboard); but for some reason it is in an alternate mode where instead of the 'white' keys on the keyboard it prints alternate 'blue' keys. I don't know how it got into this mode - or how to get out. To me (when I go to adjust my keyboard settings) everything seems normal

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Computer Beep Cause To Stuck Mouse And Keyboard

Jul 13, 2012

when i playing games like dota sometimes my computer beeps once and cause my keyboard and mouse to stuck so im forced to restart my comp . Sometimes once beep then stuck keyboard and mouse but after a few seconds the keyboard and mouse will work again without restarting my comp.

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Windows 7 Install Stuck On Keyboard Setup?

May 17, 2012

I can,t get past the keyboard setup when installing windows 7 on a toshiba satellite p200-rt2

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Keyboard Only Works In Bios And Hardware Checking?

Aug 12, 2012

My laptop keyboard has stooped working in Windows 7 (normal and safe mode). However, I can use it to get into and navigate around the bios, and also do hardware checks like the memory check etc.

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Keyboard Only Works In Safe Mode Or Bios?

Oct 17, 2012

I have the most strange issue with my keyboard. It works in Bios, it works in safe mode, it works when I try to repair windows (repair files are added to a partition on the laptop - its how I bought it) but whenever windows boots normally, the keyboard won't work.It is a built in keyboard to my laptop and the fact it works everywhere else tells me it's fine (just in case connectors were damaged I stripped it and had a look anyway).Things I have tried

1) uninstalling the driver in safe mode - this reinstalls when I reboot but still no joy. The strange part is I do not think the driver files are corrupted because safe mode and normal mode seems to use the same drivers (standard ps2).

2) The manufacturer (HP Compaq) has no specific drivers which leads me to believe that standard ps2 is right but I reinstalled quick buttons -no joy

3) there are no conflicts or yellow exclamation point in device manager

4) the only thing I did was upgrade my AV (AVG 2013) so uninstalled -no joy.

5) ran AV and MBAM and ran TDSS killer just in case - no virus or malware

6) cleaned registry with Ccleaner -no joy

7) no processes or startup items are unusual but I have killed /disabled just in case-no joy

8) did a system restore (no joy)

9) I had backed up the registry ages ago so I tried that -no joy

10) Tried on battery and plugged in no battery in case the power is an issue -no joy

11) reflashed Bios - no joy

12 - All language sttings looked ok

A USB keyboard works if plugged in Just in case I did run hijack this too

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Unable To Get Past BIOS - No Keyboard Present Error

Feb 10, 2012

My wife's laptop broke down a few months ago, and we wanted to get some files off of the hard drive. I grabbed an extra eSATA cable and connected it to an extra port on my desktop motherboard... without remembering to connect it to the power supply. Anyway, when I booted up the machine, I was unable to get past the BIOS, getting an error message "Keyboard Error or No Keyboard Present". Even after shutting down and removing the hard drive, I'm still getting this error message. We've tried a number of different keyboards and it's coming up the same every time.

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Samsung Notebook Keyboard Not Working And Stuck At Boot Screen?

Nov 4, 2012

I have this Samsung Notebook and after using it for certain time, the PC crashed giving DOS sounds. When I started the PC again, I was at the boot screen asking me to choose the OS. Although my keyboard didn't worked. Now my PC is somewhat a brick. How can I solve this issue? What's the best way to restart the keyboard?

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Windows 7 Getting Stuck - Cannot Move Cursor / Keyboard Stops Working

May 1, 2012

I'm using
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz
2GB RAM, Win7 64bit, 160GB HDD, Geforce 9400GT.

Recently my PC is getting stuck for no reason. While browsing, watching a movie, when I leave it idle for a while its getting stuck. Screen is as it was and I cannot move the cursor, keyboard isn't working. Then I restart it manually and go to the option "start windows normally" or something. This happened previously and I thought it has smthin to do with my HDD, but I checked it n re installed win7 64bit. It was working normally for about 3 months and now it started again.

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working In Windows 7; But Works In BIOS/LinuxLiveCD?

Sep 4, 2012

The laptop I'm working on (And HP G series; running Windows 7 64bit Home Premium) had a NASTY trojan that disabled the keyboard and mouse (is what I'm assuming). I was able to work on the laptop with a USB mouse and the onscreen keyboardAfter going through about 10 AV software I finally got rid of all the Trojans (the scans on various AV software ran clean multiple times after removal); but the keyboard and trackpad continue to be disabled.Under the Device Manager it lists as the device as a "code 10" error.Doing some Googling I found a post that said do delete the registry entries that were labeled "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters"; which I did and I rebooted.Now my USB mouse OR my USB keyboard won't work.I tried using a Linux Live CD and the trackpad and keyboard DOES work there no problem. Also the keyboard works fine when I'm in the BIOS.It's only when I'm in Windows (even in Safe Mode) that the keyboard/trackpad/USB Mouse/USB Keyboard doesn't it's not a hardware problem.Things I've tried (besides deleting those registry entries)- Startup Repair- sfc /scannow- Reinstall the drivers (when I DID have access to Keyboard and Mouse)So to recap; I cannot use the keyboard/trackpad (or a USB Mouse and USB Keyboard) in Windows (including safe mode); but they DO work when not using Windows.

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Acer Aspire Keyboard Will Not Work On BIOS Or Windows Boot Manager

Apr 2, 2012

My Acer Aspire 5820tz laptop will not work. The keyboard does not respond. The laptop sometimes goes to the Boot Manager when turned on, the boot manager flickers and is uncontrollable. Other times it gives off a loud violent beep sound. Once it went to login but the keyboard would not work so i could not login.

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My Windows Keep De-selecting

Feb 5, 2013

I've noticed in the last month or so that any open windows keep deselecting. This problem was much worse when I was having problems with McAfee, and seemed to stop once I solved those.However I have noticed that it is still occurring, just not as often. This happens in Chrome and in Windows.

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Selecting New AMD CPU For Main System?

Feb 7, 2012

Well I had a motherboard failure when it just stopped working (Thi it had something to do with reading the ram as it stopped seeing my 2 sticks as duel channel before it outright stopped working.Right now I got a few days before I can buy my hardware, I was going to get an FX6100 hex core, but after reading about it a bit more I figured it might be better to go with a AMD Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition.I am really not sure what I should get and could use some advice. I figured out the ram and motherboard I will get, but with what I seen I have no idea what to do about the CPU anymore.


So any advice on a decent CPU that will not break the bank. I was trying to stay around $300 for the three parts I am getting so Intell is pretty much out of the question (besides I like AMD)

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Dual Boot, Selecting Which OS

May 7, 2009

How do I remove 2 options that are in the boot selection, they are both windows 7, but i had removed the files, and they no longer work. I am Running windows 7 currently.

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Slow Scrolling While Selecting

May 15, 2012

I am having problems with slow scrolling while selecting down. If I go to the bottom and select up it works as expected (selects and scrolls quickly) but when I select down it doesn't. It seems to be isolated to my user. I logged in to my local guest account to verify this. selecting while scrolling worked as expected in my guest user account. the 2 user accounts do have different applications in them. I'm at a loss for why I can't select quickly while scrolling down. By the way, simply scrolling works fine in any direction. the problem only presents itself when I try to select and scroll down; then it slows down to a snails pace, only slower. The only thing I can think to do is to do a clean install by re-formating and reinstalling everything. It doesn't seem like there are any settings that can address this and it seems to happen in any application on this user. I would prefer not to migrate to a new user nor do a clean install but I'll do it, only as a last resort. I'll try to boot into safe mode to see if that helps but at this point, I don't think it will. I don't want to have to boot to safe mode every time i want to use my computer.

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Computer Keeps Selecting To Desktop?

Dec 16, 2012

I am new here so go easy on me, and this problem is hard to describe. Recently there has been this problem with my computer, where whenever I am in the middle of something it would be as if "someone" would click to my desktop but my window, or game would stay open and mouse cursor would be in the same position. Even typing this paragraph is hard because it keeps deselecting the the browser. It would pause, minimize, or window all my games, and stop my typing until I clicked on the screen to continue whatever I am doing.

What I have done: updating all drivers, searching online, different mouse and keyboard. What I have not done: virus scan, installing recent windows update, re install windows 7.

The only way it get fixed is when I shut down my computer and turn it on. It stops for a while then it occurs every so often, and then it does it every 30 seconds. It has not done this until a day ago when my computer crashed during windows updates, and then my hard drive got messed up, until I unplugged it for a minute, then it started up and finished the updates.

I also have another problem after the crash and ill give a little info on it, or post in another thread. Randomly both my monitors will turn off as if it is going into sleep mode every time I move my mouse, and it is similar to the problem above. It will also project audio as it goes black and then turn back on.

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Windows 7 Active Window Keeps De-selecting Itself

Jan 24, 2013

For the past six months or so I've had the problem of having my active window deselect itself many time during a often as every ten seconds or so. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit installed on a Dell Xps 15z-i7.I have read most of the windows forum suggestions on this topic, and none have work for more than a week or two. I have run ARO software checks and Advanced System Care 6 Pro.

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Explorer Crashing When Selecting An Image?

Apr 11, 2011

Explorer crashing when selecting an image?

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Marking / Selecting Text In Windows 7 X64

Aug 19, 2010

I had no problems with windows or anything,everything was fine, until this morning when i started computer and in Google Chrome marking text became nightmare, either it isnt marked at all, or it just mark last couple of letters on last word...sometimes even pressing back or forward button isnt recognized, or any other button on browser btw when i booted win this mornin' i got updated flash player.And then i tried to mark text in windows= SAME THING.

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Selecting Multiple Windows In Taskbar

Nov 18, 2010

I've recently migrated from Windows XP Pro to Win 7 Ent and now I see that it's not possible to Ctrl+Click on taskbar to select multiple windows and then e.g. close them all via context menu. I'm wondering if this is something that can be configured in Win 7 just like it worked in Win XP?

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