Explorer Crashing When Selecting An Image?

Apr 11, 2011

Explorer crashing when selecting an image?

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Explorer.exe Keeps Crashing

Oct 14, 2011

I purchased a Asus n53s laptop a couple of days ago and since today when i downloaded some stuff every time i open up my downloads folder or c drive in my computer the explorer.exe crashes and restarts. I cant get into these folders which is very frustrating and even more so that I've barely had the laptop 2 days and its already got problems! (Knew i should of gone with mac ). Ive tried right clicking on C drive and selecting properties to check the drive but the explorer.exe just restarts every time i do too. I running windows 7.

Anyways here is the event log and if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated, many thanks!

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Explorer.exe Keeps Crashing?

Oct 14, 2011

i purchased a Asus n53s laptop a couple of days ago and since today when i downloaded some stuff every time i open up my downloads folder or c drive in my computer the explorer.exe crashes and restarts. I cant get into these folders which is very frustrating and even more so that ive barely had the laptop 2 days and its already got problems! (Knew i should of gone with mac ). Ive tried right clicking on Cdrive and selecting properties to check the drive but the explorer.exe just restarts everytime i do too. I running windows 7.[CODE]

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My Explorer Keeps Crashing

Oct 21, 2012

I am going to work through "Captain Jacks'" guide to explorer problems but just wonder if anyone can spot the cause of mine from the reports posted at the end

I have an annoying problem with Windows Explorer (not IE) which keeps crashing for no apparent reason. It usually restarts OK but is nonetheless very annying and when it happens it then seems more likely to re-occur more frequently in the same session. It happened on two previous installations but the first time I ended up with a Fresh windows install but it takes me days to get the computer back to my normal working arrangment. I have improved this by moving C: onto a 128GB SSD but unfortunately I lost the last back up that I had prior to the problem developing, so restoring from back up not likely to help as the fault will likely still be in the back up. The other previous time it happened was a couple of years ago and then I replaced two hard drives, SATA cables and the Motherboard (most people pointed to a fault with HD's or the SATA controller)


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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Apr 6, 2012

Everytime I attempt to click on something on my desktop or taskbar, etc it says "Windows Explorer has stopped working" but luckily I can double click and open firefox.Whenever I try to right click something or open an explorer window it says this and gives me this:

Fault Module Name: SHELL32.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdb01
Exception Code: c0000005


Note: I tried to restore my computer to an earlier time but unfortunately I don't have any restore points.

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Internet Explorer 9 Keeps Crashing?

Sep 22, 2012

It was running fine before, but now it keeps freezing up and I get an error box at the bottom of the screen and I have to click "Recover Webpage" or something to that effect. The problem is that barely works and the tab ends up closing completely or the whole browser freezes. I don't know if this is an issue with the actual browser or with Windows itself cause as I said before, it was working fine until recently. I know the Windows updates have kinda screwed me up in the past though.

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing A Lot

May 28, 2011

I have been getting a lot of windows explorer crashes lately. I use C cleaner and malware bytes to keep clean. I also uses Avast for Virus scanner. I installed Hijack this but can't seem to get a log file out of it. There is a message that alerts me to change something in hosts. I can't find a a way to run a command line like previous windows versions.

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Internet Explorer 9 Crashing?

Apr 26, 2012

When I am on Facebook, MyItLab, MyAccountingLab. and Blackboard ( on colleges website) I will get an error message that says Internet Explorer 9 has stopped working. Then I get another message box that says something with this website has caused IE 9 to stop working. It searchs for the error and then I have no choice but to click the little button that says close program. It then reloads the page and anything I was doing is usually erased.

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Feb 21, 2013

I am using Windows 7 Home Edition (SP1), 64-bit, on an ASUS G75V laptop. Frequently, when clicking on a file, Windows Explorer crashes.  These are the details of the problem as shown by the window that opens up when Explorer crashes:    

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
Application Name:    explorer.exe


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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Nov 27, 2011

A couple days ago I left for a trip with the family and did my routine shut off and unplugging of all electronics in the house (few years ago a lightning strike while I was away took out my washer and dryer). As soon as I came home and booted up my computer it was apparent something was wrong. After taking 15 minutes to load no matter what I clicked several seconds later an error message would appear saying that windows explorer had crashed leaving my desktop devoid of icons and not letting me do anything. After about 30 minutes windows explorer would reboot only to crash once anything was clicked. I attempted to run malware bytes and super antivirus but nothing would load and after waiting for a while windows explorer would crash once again. I attempted to use cntl+alt+delete to use the "new task" button to reboot windows explorer but as soon as task manager appears, windows explorer crashes. Following the next course of action I rebooted the computer in safe mode along with safe mode only to have windows explorer crash right after I clicked on anything. As a last resort I pressed the "window's repair" only to wait 15 hours and come up with nothing?

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Explorer.exe Crashing In Windows 7 X64?

Oct 10, 2009

I saw this many times and there is a quick fix for some. You see Windows 7 x64 actually uses System32 explorer.exe and not SysWOW64. This is a problem because there is no explorer.exe in System32 (least not for me).

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Windows 7 Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Mar 25, 2012

I recently purchased a used computer and i have had some issues. i re installed the OS Windows 7 home prem. ran hirens on the machine no errors in cpu or memory.. then when i let it run for a while browse the web or watch a movie the windows explorer will stop working and the window pops up trying to find solution after this happens it either BSOD with errors like Irql_not_less_or_equal....other error codes i have found are 0x0000001A and 0x00000024..and the most recent memory_management.. the crashes are all random its not like it happens after loading a certain program

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Windows 7 Explorer Keeps Crashing

Oct 21, 2012

I downloaded some movies and I wanted to watch them on my tv so I went to my downloads folder to copy the movies to my videos folder, however when I tried to click on the folder Windows Explorer just crashed. I have tried changing the thumbnails and that worked to an extent as I am now able to actually get into the folder but when I click on the video files windows explorer still crashes. I tried looking online for some solutions and thought it may have been a virus so I scanned my computer with Malwarebytes and it came up with nothing.

Here is the error:

Faulting application name: Explorer.exe, version: 6.1.7600.16768, time stamp: 0x4d6878c3
Faulting module name: MSVCR80.dll, version: 8.0.50727.6195, time stamp: 0x4dcddbf3
Exception code: 0xc0000005


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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Keeps Crashing

Dec 15, 2012

So here's my problem as the title says my explorer.exe keeps crashing to the point i cant even run in normal mode anymore.Safe mode works but crashs as well but less often.

-i tried reformating my laptop (clean install numerous time)
-Runned malware byte and avast
-runned scannow
-Tried formating using windows 32 and 64 bits

None of those worked.Im currently using windows 7 64bits.

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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Crashing?

Jun 7, 2012

I have just set up 2x Medion desktops and a Asus Laptop with Windows 7 Home premium x32 and the install went good all the drivers are installed and up to date. However they are all going really slow at periods. They can be fine for hours then go slow if you leave it for a while it seems to sort its self out until what ever is causing it happens again

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Windows 7 Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Feb 19, 2012

my windows 7 explorer keeps crashing when i go into folders

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing

Feb 24, 2012

Nearly everytime i go to open my documents or my computer my windows explorer.exe keeps crashing repeatly. Ive tried running a virus and spyware scan and its not picking up any problems so im unsure

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Windows Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Dec 14, 2012

This keep happening when I play music and game. It won't go away, even after exiting out of it. I'm not sure if it's my sound card X-Fi Titanium HD or my AMD Xfire 6950 2GBs.

Asrock P67 Extreme 4 Gen 3 Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance 16 GB 1600MHZ Ram
XFX Radeon Double D x2 6950 2GB
Coolermaster Silent Gold Pro 800 W
Intel I7 2600k
Corsair Hydro H60
Creative Titanium Sound Blaster HD

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Windows Explorer Crashing And Restarting

May 15, 2012

I upgraded from Vista to 7 back in September & other than the *random & occasional* crash of Windows Explorer, & I've been very happy with 7. Until last night.I was in the middle of (trying to) clean up & organize my video folders. Everything was going pretty smoothly until I tried to cut an .mkv & paste it to my desktop temporarily. As soon as I right-clicked on the file, Windows Explorer crashed. That was the first time it had happened in a week or so. After everything restarted, I tried again & I was able to cut & paste the mkv.

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Explorer.exe Non Stop Crashing On Boot?

Feb 27, 2011

everytime i boot my windows 7 pro 64 bit computer i get no desktop and explorer.exe non stop crashes and trys to restart but just keeps crashing. its been like this for about a week i have tried so many thing to try and solve this issue known to man!!! idk what else to do. heres what combo fix says....

ComboFix 11-02-27.01 - Greg Yunov 02/27/2011 18:52:03.1.4 - x64 NETWORK
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7600.0.1252.1.1033.18.4095.3302 [GMT -5:00]
Running from: c:usersGreg YunovDownloadsComboFix.exe
AV: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 *Enabled/Updated* {5A2746B1-DEE9-F85A-FBCD-ADB11639C5F0}
SP: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 *Enabled/Updated* {E146A755-F8D3-F7D4-C17D-96C36DBE8F4D}


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After Extracing Zip File Explorer Keeps Crashing?

Jun 12, 2011

i downloaded a zip file that had a single mkv video at about 10MB and nothing else.when i went to extract it i got an error saying windows has crashed and has to restart, but then it happened again, and again and was a never ending loop that lasted about 15 minutes before i shut off the computer.after turning it back on, same thing. Then i went into safe mode, in safe mode it does not happen so i figured i'd just erase the files and it'll be fixed.So when trying to erase, rename or move, windows gets stuck on discovering files and never changes.when trying to use command prompt to erase them i get "the system cannot find the file specified. and iv'e tried and rechecked over 100 times now.I can open a command prompt inside the folder but same thing, system can't find the file specified.

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Explorer Randomly Crashing And Restarting?

Aug 24, 2010

I'm new here and I've been having some problems with explorer crashing. I've searched all over the net including various forums and while I've found cases similar to mine none of them are quite like it. For instance, explorer will crash and ask for me to restart it randomly. It's not the right-click crash like some have had, I've checked my registry for a machine throttling string that caused some people crashes, but mine will just happen out of the blue, usually (but not always) when I have an explorer window open.The crash itself doesn't effect much. All my programs will continue to run as normal so it's not a huge deal, it's just annoying as it will happen sporadically throughout the day. I've ran various spyware, malware, and virus scans all to no avail and I've even used a registry cleaner. I've also tried running sfc /scannow in the command prompt as an administrator. I've rebooted several times since and it still happens. I can't reproduce it, it just happens out of nowhere, but here's the error.


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Windows 7 Explorer Continuously Crashing

Aug 7, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 home premium (SP1) on a brand new Asus U36SD. I did my usual thing of uninstalling some useless bundled software & ad-ware like games etc. and then just running windows update on the system. I noticed the problems a while after installing both Firefox and VLC, as I hadn't really had to use explorer prior to that.

So first I was afraid it was a virus, but Kaspersky's free to use virus scanner cleared that fear. The next thing I tried was ShellExView, and used it to turn off all the non-MS context menu handlers. It didn't help at all. So I tried to use the registry fix by Andre Ziegler, and it went into the registry all right, but I don't get any dumps. So that's not working out.

System restore doesn't want to function, as it claims I have anti-virus software installed, which I don't, as I've removed the free Kaspersky's software. The computer is without an optical drive, so reinstalling the system would be quite a pain, and seeing as I've not really done anything significant to it yet (I hope), I don't see how it would really help me.

Or how to get the dumps to actually show up? I'm really in a bind, since the crashing is constant and it's basically rendering the laptop useless.

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Explorer.exe Keeps Crashing Windows 7 Ultimate X64

Nov 16, 2011

Here is the error message.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: explorer.exe
Application Version: 6.1.7601.17514
Application Timestamp: 4ce7a144
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll


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Windows Explorer Crashing On Right-click Under X64 RTM

Aug 23, 2009

For some reason every so often when I right-click on the Desktop or the Recycle Bin, Windows Explorer will crash.

It will do this three or four times and then be completely fine for the rest of the day. I thought it was down to my Creative X-Fi Xtreme Audio drivers, but now I am not so sure.

Anyway, here's the reports:

Faulting Application Path: C:Windowsexplorer.exe
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH


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Windows 7 64 Bit Explorer.exe Keeps Crashing & Restarting

Jul 20, 2012

My Windows Explorer keeps crashing and restarting. When I checked the Event Log, it has apparently been doing this randomly since I had the software installed (replacing my Windows XP) 10 months ago. However, it is happening more frequently now. For the most part, the errors all refer to a 'timeout' when waiting for a response from different services. Latest error: A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the SftService service.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing/restarting On A Folder?

Sep 11, 2011

i'm running windows 7 ultimate x86.specifically it's just one one folder, but when i try the access the folder/path in explorer, explorer either crashes, hangs, or restarts.it mainly always restarts when i try to access this one folder.this only happens when i download a torrent from one torrent site i use, i know the file is clean, scanned it for viruses.i can access the path just fine in alternative file manager that isn't explorer, and i can play the video too.here's a Internet video i made showing the issue crashing - Internet?how to fix explorer from crashing on this on folder.

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Windows Explorer Constantly Crashing?

Oct 23, 2012

almost every time I open windows explorer, it crashes...

I read a post earlier that recommended opening command prompt and typing in: sfc /sannow

Did that and the results are: "Verification 94% complete. Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation"

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Windows Explorer Crashing, Computer Won't Boot?

Aug 2, 2012

Over the past couple of days, whenever I open a windows explorer window, it crashes and restarts immediately. I read another forum that told me to copy windows explorer from C:/Windows to C:/Windows/System32. Since windows explorer kept crashing, I tried to boot in safe mode, but it got stuck on the "loading files" screen. I shut it down and tried to boot Ubuntu, but it also got stuck. Now my computer won't boot at all.

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Windows Explorer Crashing With Specific File

Aug 5, 2012

I am having this same problem: url...Only my files are Adobe Audition files.I followed the steps this guy used. I downloaded Altap Salamader and deleted what I thought was the offending file from the folder, used CCleaner to clear the bin and restarted. I thought I was home-free, but then I realized that it is some other file in that folder. I tried deleting all the files. No go. I tried deleting the folder. No go. I even tried just renaming the folder and it tells me I have to get permission from me. I checked my permissions. I ran as admin. I even enabled the super-admin profile and tried it there.I tried restoring a previous version of the folder and it tells me it's successful, but it remains the same corrupted version.

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Previously Locked Folder Now Crashing Explorer?

Mar 26, 2012

I had a folder that was set as private to prevent network sharing access. It's located on an internal hard drive other then my main C: partition. I re-formatted my C: and did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit. After words I tried access the same folder, and it said I didn't have permission but windows still gave me full access after it appeared to have indexed the folder. That was about a week ago. Now when I try to open a specific subfolder within, Windows explorer crashes. i really need the data out of it though. I dont see a way to alter the permissions now to revert them back.

PS i have the problem signature below:

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BEX64
Application Name:explorer.exe
Application Version:6.1.7600.16768
Application Timestamp:4d688122
Fault Module Name:StackHash_8b64
Fault Module Version:


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