Restore F2 Shortcut XP Behaviour In Windows Explorer

Aug 9, 2011

I recently moved to Win 7 and I changed my Windows Explorer configuration to display the file extensions.

Now when I use the F2 shortcut to copy file names, it does not select the file extension.

How can I restore XP behaviour where the file extension was selected as well when I hit F2 ?

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Windows 7 Explorer Right-click Shortcut Not Available?

Sep 29, 2011

I want to create a shortcut to my project folder. Right-clicking on my folder list in explorer uses to list the short-cut option but it doesn't do so on my computer. Where should I look or what should I do?

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Windows 7 Explorer Shortcut On Tool Bar?

Jul 7, 2010

I tried searching for this, but all the terms are so generic I got billions of hits.There is a shortcut.I guess it's "pinned" to the taskbar (is it a toolbar?). I could swear when I first installed Windows 7 that it was setup to be a shortcut to the "computer". However, it now always opens up to the "libraries". I even deleted (unpinned) it and tried pinning a new shortcut so it would open up to my "computer", but it still opens up to the "library". I have no use for "libraries". How do I fix this?

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How Does One Stop Shortcut Creation In Windows Explorer

Dec 30, 2009

I noticed a really annoying "feature" in Windows 7. When you click the folder icon in the navigation area of Windows Explorer (at the top - next to the three arrows), sometimes you get the actual path (I want that to be the default, but since Vista it's not) and sometimes you get a shortcut created in the folder you're in. I never want that behavior. How can I stop it from creating a shortcut (I otherwise WANT to create shortcuts, but never that way.) I want to control the text in the navigation window to ALWAYS show the real path (C:My Games), for example, instead of some useless representation (Computer > Local Disk ( C: ) > My Games), which is the current default.

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How To Restore The Shortcut

Jul 11, 2011

When I press Win+E (the windows-key and E) I don't get the explorer but an error.How can I restore the shortcut? When I open the explorer via the menu or icon everything works OK, it is only the shortcut that won't play.

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System Restore Point Shortcut

Nov 13, 2008

How to Make a Create System Restore Point Shortcut in Windows 7 ?

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Shortcut Extension - Remove Or Restore

Jan 13, 2009

How to Remove or Restore the Shortcut Extension in Windows 7 ?

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How To Restore .exe Shortcut Icons On Desktop

Jun 9, 2011

the .exe shortcut icons on PC desktop changed to .link. How to restore the .exe?

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Explorer Favorites Shortcut?

Jan 18, 2012

i jsut moved the Desktop folder to a different drive cause i didnt want it to be on the SSD. i moved everything but from when i did this i cant add shortcuts to the explorer's left panel. ill show you a pic.
Under ''Preferiti'

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Specify Explorer View Settings In A Shortcut?

Mar 18, 2012

For all of my folders, I use the detailed view in Explorer, but for one specific folder I sometimes want to use tiled view. I mean I mostly want to use detailed view, but on some specific occasions I need to use tiled view for that folder.possible is to create a shortcut (e.g. from my Desktop) to that folder, in such a way that the shortcut properties specify which view should be used when the folder is opened using that particular shortcut.Alternatively, is there a way that a folder can be launched with certain view settings, using e.g. a script or command-line method?

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Games Explorer Shortcut - Create

Oct 1, 2009

How to Create a Games Explorer Shortcut ?

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Internet Explorer InPrivate Browsing Shortcut

Mar 19, 2009

How to Create a Windows 7 Internet Exploter InPrivate Browsing Shortcut ?

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Keyboard Shortcut To Hide/unhide Navigation Pane In Explorer?

Jul 9, 2011

Anybody know a native keyboard shortcut that will hide/unhide the Navigation Pane in Explorer? Something like how Alt + P works to hide/unhide the Preview Pane?I have a netbook and sometimes I need more horizontal space so its nice to hide the navigation pane temporarily.

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Windows 7 Explorer Error After System Restore?

Jan 13, 2013

I restored to a Windows Restore Point. Date was several months prior.Windows backed up what it needed for the restore on my external HD.Restored then after the computer reboot I have an error that will not allow me to do anything when windows is running."Windows Explorer has stopped working. Checking for the problem.""Restarting Windows Explorer"The icons disappear for a moment, return, then the error windows cycle through.

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Weird USB Behaviour

Nov 11, 2009

i am running windows 7 ultimate N and well i have a U3 Titanium drive made by san disk. all other usb pen drives work perfectly except for mine, the one with all my work on it. i hav tried uninstalling it but when it tells me it is installed. i am not sure if this is a diver problem or something. i have tried searching google. but i really need a quick solution to this because i hav a major assessment due next week and its on the pen drive.

it is not U3 because i tested my sister's u3 and it works fine, it is not the pen drive because it works on XP and Mac OSX. it is not that my computer cant mount pen drives, because everyone else's works... and i hav attempted al ports, using hubs, KVM's nothing seems to work o.o

the cd drive that is mounted for u3 to start up will mount but the usb wont, cannot access through computer manage> disk management.

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Can't Access Control Panel Or Windows Explorer After Sytem Restore

Jul 11, 2012

After doing an alleged successful system restore (from restore point 3 days prior) when I try to access the CP or My Computer I get message saying Windows cannot access specified device, path or file, You may not have access permission. (I am the sole user & Administrator)

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RealTek Odd Behaviour When Using Pandora?

Dec 14, 2011

When I listen via headphones to streaming music, RealTek will alternate between giving me the background music and almost no vocals, or the vocals (or lead guitar solo etc.) but very faint background. Sometimes the entire song is faint, like right now ("House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals).I've updated the RealTek driver to and installed the codecs from Realtek..

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Strange Behaviour For Folders Of Jpegs?

Sep 22, 2011

I notice since upgrading to Windows 7, Explorer shows some quirky behaviour compared with the XP version.My current irritation is when I open a folder containing (say) 500 jpegs that were in filename (ascending) sequence, the folder opens quite quickly and I can see the file icons, but I get a message 'Searching for items...' and a progress bar at the top of the window which takes up to a minute to complete. The end result is always the same... the files are now sorted into descending sequence.It seems to be the case only for jpegs, only when sorted on filename, and only when 'Large Icons' were selected. Even then it only seems to display this behaviour when the folders contain a lot of files (maybe more than 200 jpegs).And it doesn't seem to matter whether or not the folder has recently been opened.I note that if I click on the 'X' next to the progress bar, to stop 'Loading', there isn't a problem.The thumbnails have already been drawn, so what's going on during this process? And why the inversion?

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Odd Behaviour After Recover From Screen Power Off

Sep 11, 2009

I have been having an issue that is occurring at random where after the laptop has been woken up from having powered the screen off, everything else still running, that it starts randomly opening and selecting loads of different windows and options.

Its almost like its racing through and redoing actions almost as if in a recorded session playing back at high speed, however many of the optins its selecting are options I never went into in any session since last full reboot.

Typically this happens for anywhere between 5 and 20 seconds then the system stabalises and runs fine. However I am concerned that during that time options and setttings may be changed without me seeing them occurring which will cause oother problems later.

I am running 7600 RTM, I have done several full virus scans (as well as daily automatic scans) all of which have been clean.

Anyone got any ideas what could be causing this?

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Pinning Network Files (Strange Behaviour)

May 27, 2009

Okay, so I was having some issues before with pinning network files to the explorer item on the taskbar.

I can now replicate the bug happening. I want to see if it's just my setup or windows 7, so I'd be much obliged if someone can test this out for me as well.

First Scenario

1) First map a network drive.

2) Pin it to the explorer item on the taskbar by dragging it there.

3) Open up the destiation through the jump list.

4) navigate a couple of folders down and open any file.

What you should get is the network drive is no longer pinned. However, the folder where the file you just opened resided has taken it's place.

Second Scenario

1) Navigate to a network destination through windows explorer (not a mapped drive)

2) Pin a Folder from that network destination by gragging to the taskbar.

3) Pin another folder than resides inside a folder in step 2

Result: Folder pinned in step 2 is replaced by folder pinned in step 3

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Strange Multiple File Selection Behaviour

Apr 3, 2011

All of a sudden after turning on my Windows 7 based notebook this morning, when I select a folder or file with the left mouse button in Windows Explorer, all folders and files from the first to the one being pointed at will be selected. The files & directories stay selected. Double clicking will attempt to open the lot. Very annoying behaviour. Right click on the desired item gets me out of trouble. ANy selected files are deselected and I can then use right click option menu's Open item.

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Desktop "shortcut" Missing From Explorer And Common Dialogs?

Aug 15, 2010

Somehow I managed to remove the "Desktop" item on the shortcut pane in Explorer - which also affects Common Dialog boxes. It is incredibly annoying as I use this shortcut all the time.

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Change In Behaviour Of Dropdown On Changing Screen Resolutio

Jan 24, 2009

Behaviour of a dropdown changes in case we are changing the screen resolution. In case we are having lot of items, place of launch of dropdown list is getting changes as soon as we are changing the resolution.

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Way To Restore Progress Bar In Internet Explorer 9

Jun 20, 2011

I want to know if there is a way to restore the progress bar in internet explorer 9. I found a site that wanted me to pay for a plug in but why should I have to pay for it? I want to restore the bar and I think it should be included. Are there any places I can get the plug in for free?

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Shortcut Icon Unknown + System Restore Error / Fatal Error "0x80090067"

Jul 25, 2011

Shortcut Icons just show the >unknown< icon.I have tried to:

1. reboot in safe mode

2. move the shortut folder in and out

3. closed Explorer.exe and reopen it.

4. the last thing i've tried was to use the system restore as many say htat would help the problem. but when i want's to run system Restore it comes with the fatal error "0x80090067", so i cannot restore. WTF.

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"this Shortcut Refers To Has Been Changed Or Moved, So This Shortcut Will No Longer Work Properly"

May 9, 2011

i downloaded a video file and when I checked the folder it was downloaded to it was not there. I then used windows explorer to locate the file and it found it. However, I got this error message "this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shorcut will no longer work properly."

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"all Programs" Search In Start Menu: Strange Behaviour

Mar 16, 2009

With Vista I became a big fan of the search capacity into the "start menu - all programs" when I need to launch a software.

But in Seven (currently using 7000 x64) I'm a little bit disappointed about some strange thing in there.

I've got 2 softwares that I use often:

- Mediacoder (for encoding video files)

- M.Play Home center (for my IR module and remote control)

For the first of this two I start to type: M E D I A ... But as long as I do not type MEDIAC (and more) the only choice Seven propose to me is Mediaplayer and MediaCenter.

For M.Play I need to type M.Play H without what it still propose to me MediaCenter and Mediaplayer.. and only this 2 !!

I really do not understand why typing M.P give me the only choise of WMP and WMC ! It should display M.Play Home Center. As it should display Mediacoder when I start to type Media.

And Under Vista it give to you the most used answer. If you have multiple possibility, the first on the list will be the one you often chose.

In Seven, the choise is WMP and WMC.. until you type enough letter which became quickly annoying. This thing is supposed to make faster the way of launching apps... but not in Seven

Does your Seven work like that ?

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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Games Explorer Folder - Restore Default Games

Nov 28, 2009

How to Restore the Default Games in Windows 7 Games Explorer Folder ?

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How To Create Shortcut 'SED' Instead Of 'SED.exe - Shortcut'

Feb 17, 2011

I often have to create Shortcuts to executable code. I used Shortcut Extension - Remove or Restore to get Code: SED.exe instead of the Windows 7 default Code: SED.exe - Shortcut as name of the newly created shortcut.

But I would prefer to have just 'SED'. Any way to do this automatically?

I think it might matter that I do not hide extensions ['Hide extensions for known files' (Option in Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options... -> View)].

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Restore A User Account In Windows 7 And Restore Lost Files And Folders?

Oct 27, 2012

I have lost my user account and folders and files, music and pictures . I have tried system restore but no success.

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