Reinstall Windows 7 Upgrade On New Sata III As C: With AHCI Support?

Dec 18, 2010

Reinstall w7 Upgrade on new Sata III as c: with AHCI support?

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Intel Sata Controler ICH10R AHCI + Jmicron AHCI Error

Jul 16, 2009

I have the GA-EX58-Extreme Board and have just installed the pre release of Windows 7 7600 64 bit. Normally i have experience to get the BSOD when in staling with AHCI active in bios so i change to IDE mode. Installation went flawless and also the change to AHCI mode on Intel ICH10R controler went normal.

As always i got problem to change the J micron controller to AHCI and of cause i got the BSOD again. I installed the latest R1.17.48.16 driver and tryed again but no luck. Can some tell me what i am doing wrong. ? I have a hardisk and a dvd drive attached to the J micron Sata connection.

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Changed The SATA Controller From AHCI To Raid SATA Result = FAILED?

Aug 10, 2010

Very little, all the parts were shipped here about four days ago and I spent a couple of hours putting them together. I ran into a hiccup when Windows 7 Home Premium would not get past the extracting phase of the installation, kicking up the error in this thread. I began the first install on a 20GB partition, when that failed I tried just installing it on a single partition. When that failed I tried removing all the partitions and just installing on the unformatted drive, in it's entirety (seemed weird but others said they had luck with this).Testing Methodology:

At the end of each attempted solution I tried to install Windows again.My keyboard is a USB keyboard. All of my boot testing is done with a bootable USB that I have running MS-DOS 6.22. What I Have Tried:Solution 1: First I went into the bios and changed the SATA controller from AHCI to Raid SATA Result = FAILEDSolution 2: I tried burning OEM Windows disk from Microsoft to an iso at the lowest speed possible for my DVD burner (4x).Result = FAILEDSolution 3: At this point I had created and deleted so many partitions I was concerned it may be having an effect on the install. So I went to Samsung's website and grabbed their HDD utility tool. I figured let's kill two birds with one stone and test the drive while also restoring it to it's original state. So I did a low level format and then ran the HDD diagnostic. All came back with no errors. Result = FAILED

On to memory...Solution 4: I downloaded Microsoft's Memory Diagnostic Tool and let it run overnight. It returned no errors. So I decided to use MemTest86 4.1 and let it run for 10 passes, I did find errors then. As of now I am running each module of memory one by one to determine if it is a problem with them or the sockets on the motherboard. So far I have been unable to reproduce the errors I got when both modules were running together. As a precaution I double checked the motherboards specifications on the socket order for memory, all is to specs. Result = [PENDING]What's Next:After my current memory test ends, I plan on checking my BIOS to see if the correct memory speeds were detected in the auto detection. If at that point I'm still unable to reproduce the memory errors, I'll put both memory modules back into the system and run the testing again to see if I can reproduce the errors I got the first time.

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SATA 3 Not Working On Asus P6X58D-E Motherboard With SATA III Support?

Jun 27, 2012

Yesterday I had a PC technician around to see why my PC was not booting-up properly and also to change my SSD to a larger SSD. As I am visually challenged I cannot do hardware upgrades etc, so I got a Techie guy in. We used Zinstall HDD by-the-way and I would highly recommend this application for such a job plus, it is extremely fast.Anyway, while he was diagnosing my boot-up issue he discovered I had a malfunctioning network card; while removing this, he noticed all the SATA settings were set to SATA 2.When he reset these to SATA 3, the PC would not start-up! When he set them again to SATA 2 there was no problem and it worked fine?

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Configure SATA As IDE Or AHCI

Jun 7, 2009

In the BIOS on a laptop the disk choice can enable SATA as IDE or AHCI.

If I chose IDE do I actually lose any disk performance -- having IDE makes it easier to have Windows XP as a dual boot system without having to hunt down all the SATA drivers and slip stream an XP disk.

Remember this is a LAPTOP not a desktop so disk performance won't be that great in any case.

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Cannot Find Intel 5 Series 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller Drivers For Windows 7

Oct 1, 2011

I'm attempting to install a retail copy of Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit (VPCEB15FM) or "PCG-71312L" on this laptop. However, this message appears: "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now." The problem is that I cannot find the Intel 5 Series 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller drivers for Windows 7 64-Bit to put on a floppy or USB drive. I've combed the Sony website and Google and the only Intel 5 Series 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller Drivers that can be placed on a floppy or USB are for Windows XP. Without the TXTSETUP.OEM, I'm dead in the water! The 64-Bit drivers (INDOTH-00215023-0042.EXE) are for an already installed Windows 7. BTW guys, the the BIOS settings on this laptop is as anemic as it gets, so there is really no way to optimize there..

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Switching BIOS SATA RAID/AHCI Setting Causes BSOD At Windows Start

Mar 30, 2012

I just changed my disk setup from:

1 SATA HDD Primary OS Disk
2x SATA HDD Backup Disks in RAID 1


1 SATA SSD Primary OS Disk
1 SATA HDD Backup Disk

Everything worked great, no problem. So, since I don't have a RAID array anymore, I decided that I could change my BIOS setting to AHCI instead of RAID. I have a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R v1.0 mobo.

These are my steps:Settings > Integrated Peripherals > "SATA RAID/AHCI Mode" = RAID
--> Changed this setting to AHCI Reboot Windows Start screen shows up, but as the color orbs are spinning into focus, BSOD and immediate restart Repeated reboot several times, same outcome
Next Step:Launch BIOS settings Integrated Peripherals > "Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode" = RAID
--> Changed this setting to AHCI Reboot Windows Start screen shows up, but as the color orbs are spinning into focus, BSOD and immediate restart Repeated reboot several times, same outcome
Switch both settings back to RAID, reboot, and Windows starts up just fine, no issues.

What am I missing? Why can't I set it to AHCI mode without BSODs?

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IDE Or AHCI For SATA Drives (SSD And Regular)

Sep 15, 2009

I would like the good and bad about running your SATA drives in IDE and AHCI modes.

I have 3 drives. 1 SSD and 2 normal hard drives.

Does it even make a difference? I have an Esata bracket that I want to run in AHCI mode but how about the normal system and data drives? What is the best way to set up drives?

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Does Intel Dg41wv Support Ahci?

Aug 15, 2011

Can you teel me some intel motherboards that support AHCI mode?

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Coming From XP, Enable AHCI For SATA Drives?

May 11, 2011

I'm coming from win XP and I've got 3 SATA drives currently operating in IDE mode. I am just about to move to Windows 7 Pro and I was considering setting the motherboard to recognize the drives as AHCI. I am going to reformat one drive completely for the OS drive.

My questions are:

1. Will this negatively affect my other two storage drives because they had previously been running in IDE mode?

2. Is there a way to determine whether or not my drives support AHCI at all? (They're all SATA drives bought in the last 4 years.)

3. I intend to run XP mode, will AHCI mode pose any problems for this?

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SATA AHCI Controller, IDE DVD RW Slow Speed

Aug 27, 2012

I have 2 IDE DVD drives (TEAC DV-W516D DVD/CD ReWriter, and TSSTcorp DVD-ROM SH-D162C DVD/CD Reader). Teac is capable of 16X DVD writting. My motherboard Gigabyte Z77-D3H has only SATA II/III slots. So I connected each IDE optical drive to motherboard's SATA II slot(s) using IDE to SATA I adapters (1 adapter per optical drive). Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit is running, and SATA AHCI is being used.

My question:

SATA I = 1.5Gbps = 187.5MB/s (adapter capability) is faster then DVD 16X writting = 177.28Mbps = 22.16MB/s.
TDK DVD+R disks tested OK (on other PC) for 16X capability.
Why is Nero reporting of only 2.4X and 4X writting speeds?

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SSD Hard Drive - Use SATA As IDE Or AHCI In BIOS

Sep 28, 2012

I have just fitted a SSD drive in my computer windows 7 64 bit system, when I installed windows onto the new SSD I just unplugged my old hard drive and fitted the SSD and just installed windows 7 and all worked ok. But after the new install was working I was told I needed to make a change in the BIOS to alter the settings from treat Sata as IDE to treat Sata as AHCI. I did this and all was ok with the new drive the installation worked and the new drive is running ok.

But now I have since read that I should have made the bios change before installing windows nad should not be done after the install, So do I need to reinstall windows 7 with the bios changes to treat sata as AHCI before I install or will it work ok it seems to be ok but im not sure now. I was also under the impression that I could still have my old hard drive fitted and just select the hard drive I wanted to boot from as the computer started, I wanted to do this so.

I could still has access to all my old stuff if I needed it. But now my old hard drive will not boot until I change the Bios back to treat Sata as IDE, so is this not going to work or will I have to change the bios each time I need access to my old drive. Also I have an Asus P6T SE motherboard so can I plug the SSD into any Sata port or is it better to plug it into number 1 if so how do I find which one is number one.

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Changing SATA From Compatibility Mode To AHCI?

Oct 18, 2011

I'm installing Seven on a WinXP machine and completed the install, but forgot to change the SATA setting in the bios from "compatibility mode" to AHCI. Now when I change it, windows gives me bluescreen on boot.I'm dumbfounded that Windows Seven startup repair can't fix a problem this simple, but it completely failed, wasn't even able to find a problem.I was thinking it might be easier to just reformat and begin the install over again, or startup in safemode and install the intel SATA drivers... assuming it will let me boot into safemode with AHCI On the other computer (different thread), I'm going to wait till I have several hours of uninterrupted time, in case I need to begin over installing all the windows versions one at a time. I'll reply with any success/failure on that thread later in the week.

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Sata Controller From Ahci To Compatible Mode?

Jul 13, 2012

I own a lenovo thinkpad and recently all of a sudden i recieved this messg where it says mediatest failed, check cable, the solutions stated i change my SATA controller to compatible mode from AHCI to IDE most perferably. Id like to know step by step how i can do it myself.

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AHCI Mode No Boot From Sata Optical Drives?

Apr 30, 2011

A strange problem, nothing critical, but I found it annoying that my optical sata drives will not boot from a bootable disk when in AHCI mode in Bios. If I switch the drive mode to native IDE then I can boot just fine from either of the Opitcal Sata drives.I have done some searching and found this has been a problem out for some builds/MB in the past but you would think with a new MB and Sata controller and such this would no longer be a problem.If you look at my specs you will see the Gigabyte MB. The documentation is fuzzy on the sata ports. There is a setting to put SATA port 4/5 into some kind of IDE support mode. I currently have the slots 0 - 3, used for all the drives. 0 & 1 for HDD, and 2 & 3 for the optical drives,wondering if I use the 4/5 slots for the SATA and set the bios to the 4/5 ide support if this might solve my little problem.

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Oparating System Not Found When Booting Is Sata Option AHCI?

May 17, 2012

i have an m17 r2 alienwAre the bios menu the sata option HCAI is selected but when the comp boots it says no operating system is found when booting for bios sata option RAID it runs fine. But the comp should be on HCAI in order to run features that a specific to that computer . I have tryed reformatting but in HCAI it on finds the second of 2 500g hard drives but the partition with the boot is on hdd1 not hdd2 . Boot up again with RAID it finds both and and I can reformat have tryed to reset the registry and have tryed using drivermax to find out if I'm missing sata drivers I've also tryed reinstalling my bios from the dell

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Unable To Upgrade AHCI Drivers

Oct 18, 2011

Tried to update my AHCI drivers with Asus but Windows 7 came back stating that their drivers were better than the ones ASUS have. Now install: Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller. The ASUS driver that I'm trying to install; AMD_RAIDAHCI_V3315402_V120010269_XPVistaWin7 on my F1A75-V PRO MB.

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Windows Reinstall After Upgrade?

Jan 6, 2012

I bought an Acer Travelmate with Vista installed and received a free upgrade to Windows 7. May laptop has a problem that requires a reinstall of windows however my update disk is scratched. Can I use any windows 7 home premium disk and my key or do I need to reinstall vista and obtain a new upgrade disk.

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Reinstall Windows 7 From Upgrade Disk?

Apr 30, 2012

After a failed hard disk, I'm trying to reinstall W7 from my upgrade disk and I keep getting a "the product key is not valid" error. I read a MSFT support article saying you have to install Vista first, then upgrade to W7.However, how do I now boot from the Vista disk? I've put in the Vista disk, restarted my computer, but every time it just boots to the W7 install screen asking for the product key.

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Reinstall Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade

Dec 29, 2011

I bought a new computer with win 7 home basic and 2) I want to reinstall os of this computer which has been upgraded to win 7 ultimate from home basic. So I have a choice to reinstall the win 7 ultimate upgrade to this computer again or to the new computer which runs faster. But either way, how can I do it? I think (this is awhile ago) when I was doing upgrading to this computer I paid on line and got an email with an activation code and instructions. So my questions are 1) Can I find the code from this computer? 2) Can I use the code on the new computer? 3) should I format this computer first before I activate the upgrade copy on the new computer to avoid conflicts that both computers are using the same upgrade copy? The reason for the last question is I'd want to move every file to the new computer before I format this computer.

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Reinstall Windows From The Upgrade Disk?

Feb 21, 2012

I just got a new computer and I'm selling my old one to a friend and I'd like clean everything out so it's nice and new for him. On that computer I upgraded from XP to 7 so I only have the upgrade disk. I was wondering if I can just do a reinstall from that or is there something else I would have to do?

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Have To Reinstall Windows 7 When Upgrade CPU And Motherboard?

Oct 30, 2012

will i have to re-install win 7 when i upgrade my cpu and motherboard?

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Upgrade Entire System But Not Reinstall Windows 7?

May 4, 2012

want to upgrade pretty much my entire system except for my video card and my hard drives, mouse and keyboard. I read somewhere that someone did this, they booted into safe mode, removed all the drivers, upgraded and windows loaded fine, and operated fine.

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Windows 7 Home Premium Reinstall Using Upgrade Disc?

Oct 4, 2010

I need to reinstall & was wondering if I have to install Xp first or is there a way of just using the upgrade disc.

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Reinstall Windows 7 From Free Upgrade Offered In 2009?

May 5, 2012

When my laptop was purchased back in 2009, it was given a free upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 because 7 was just about to come out. Now, I have restored my laptop to factory settings, which returned it to Windows Vista. Is there a way I can access the free upgrade again?

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Upgrade Router Firmware To Support New Ip6 Protocol?

May 10, 2011

Should I upgrade the firmware of my netgear wndr3700 router so it will now support ip6 protocol instead of ip4. The update in in netgears website. The support for my router has expires so I would need to pay for support if there any problems.The netgear wndr3700 works perfectly right now with my computer and wireless blue ray player..

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Can Reformat Laptop And Reinstall Vista And Then Upgrade XP Machine To Windows 7

Aug 19, 2010

I upgraded my Vista Laptop to Windows 7, I also have a WindowsXP machine.My question is, can I reformat my Laptop and reinstall Vista and then upgrade my XP machine to Windows 7?

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Reinstall With An Upgrade Disk

Oct 15, 2009

I always format my hard drive ever year so I get a fresh operating system to work with.

I bought a new laptop in August and am eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 7, but I am apprehensive to do because I'm not sure how I will do a reinstall. My computer did not come with restore disks and I don't want to buy them from the manufacturer. Do i need to reinstall xp or vista first in order to reinstall? If, theoretically, i used an activated version of vista, that isn't exactly...genuine (just to reinstall).... would it record that serial key and put my 7 installation at risk?

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SB600 ATI RAID AHCI Drivers? (BSOD On Boot If In RAID/AHCI Mode.)

Jan 6, 2009

anyways, my main drive is a RAID 0 with Vista x64, but I have a second HD that is a SATA 250GB, which I installed Windows 7 on. The only way I could get install to work was to switch my BIOS to IDE mode rather than RAID. I would of course though, like to be able to access my Vista drive from Windows 7 (and more importantly, not have to switch between IDE/RAID mode at all in the BIOS, it's a pain).

Now, the one odd this about this all is that the drivers I have for Vista (x86/x64 drivers) for this mobo's RAID controller WORK when loaded on installation to identify and install to the drive, but seem to not load or not work in any way once the first reboot on install occurs. Maybe this is because I installed from within Vista x64, though.

(Incedentally, my motherboard is an M3A Asus, using ATI's SB600 for a RAID controller)

I've tried loading the drivers from within Windows 7 while in IDE mode, but the install program won't let me. At first it didn't allow because of version restrictions, but then I altered the ini file to get around that, but it encounters some sort of error when installing and quits.

Any help that can be offered, would be grateful. I realise it's a beta and not a real release, so I can get past the BSOD from my odd setup, and I really am enjoying playing around with it so far. Very very impressed.

Edit: Just in case anyone thinks of suggesting me to right-click the inf file and install that way, already tried, won't allow for it.

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Laptop OS Reinstall After Ssd Upgrade - No Drivers?

Sep 16, 2012

I recently bought a samsung NP-300V5A laptop for compsci at school, and picked it due to the fact that out of all the laptops at microcenter, this one was at a reasonable price with an i7 2670qm, however, coming from building 3 of my own very high end desktops (3930k w/ gtx 690 & ssd's) the 5400 rpm drive just was unbearable, so I went out and picked up a crucial M4, and replaced it. I also bought a copy of windows 7 home premium OEM and tried booting from that dvd, and it would not work, I just got a backlight loop, so I inserted the Samsung recovery install disc, and used it to install windows, worked just the same as any other win7 install, however, my internet is not working now, and my laptop's monitor/display is recognized as a generic nonPnP and won't go to its max resolution.

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Can Simply Get Windows 7 Upgrade / Do Have To Reinstall Windows 7 Completely

Aug 5, 2012

I have Windows Vista home premium 32 bit operating system. It is giving me trouble, i.e. slow and freezes frequently. I wanted to upgrade to Window 7.Can I simply get Window 7 upgrade or do I have to reinstall the windows 7 completely. Basically I do not want to loose passwords and other programmes which have been installed on my computer like windows office, router and also other files saved on it.

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