Kmplayer Breaks (gaps) Created When Playing?

Jan 18, 2012

sound output keeps coming and going on all the formats. i have the lastest kmplayer

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Error Message When Playing Movies With Kmplayer

Nov 26, 2012

How do i solve the problem of having error messages pop up on KMPlayer every time i play a movie?

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Access Violation At Address In Kmplayer After Playing Song?

Oct 20, 2011

Access violation at address in kmplayer after playing song

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Local Playback Has Gaps / Lags

Dec 2, 2011

This last week a new issue has come up in regards to disk responsiveness. I use COWON JetAudio (latest version) for FLAC playback, on my media hard disk. However when I'm playing back tracks occasionally (2-3 minutes) apart a lag event occurs where as the playing track will stop for a second and then resume. I'm assuming this is some sort of thing to do with an improper setting, but I increased playback priority setting to real time and the problem still persists. This problem persisted from the last version to the updated version. Streaming playback does not have the same problem. I've yet to defrag the disk, but I'm not sure if this would actually affect such a low-intensity disk operation. There are also some other problems in the lag department such as when I open my the disk from my computer takes 10 seconds for the progress bar to finish so.

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Puran Free Defrag Crashes At Filling Gaps

May 9, 2012

i downloaded Puran Free Defrag to maintain my computer, the defrag process has no problems, the optimizing process also has no problems. but, when it goes to the filling gaps process, it crashes halfway..

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How To Always Open MKV Files (on Double Click) With KMPlayer

Sep 17, 2011

I can't make Windows explorer open MKV files with my default media player. I tried modifying KMPlayer's settings to associate MKV files with it, but had no effect. I tried:

- Right clicking a MKV file in an explorer window
- Choosing "Open with > Select default program" from the context menu
- In the opened "Open With" dialog box, browse to find kmplayer.exe, then select it
- Click OK to return the dialog box
- (At this step, I don't see kmplayer.exe is listed in the "Open With" dialog box)
- Click OK to exit the "Open With" dialog box
- To see that my media file is still opening with Windows Media Player

Why doesn't windows associate MKV files with my selected EXE file?

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Sound Breaks Up

Dec 28, 2012

I re installed audio drivers from HP but my notebook Windows 7 sound is still broken/choppy/halting especially while I'm opening another window or doing something else on or off line. how I can get smooth audio back? I run AVG & McAfee anti virus, but my machine is also slow, perhaps I have some kinds of virus, Is there a safe secure free antivirus that's trustworthy and actually works not just a sales pitch?

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Screen Breaks Up Into Lines

Jul 15, 2009

I've had this issue in Build 7100 X86 and X64 and 7600 X64. I've used both the Default Driver and the Driver directly from Intel. I have an Intel Mobile 4 Express graphics card.

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Shortcut In A Path Breaks Hyperlink?

Apr 17, 2012

I have the situation where a directory path has changed and I have emails that have hyperlinks to files (in the emails) that point to the old path. In my old Unix days I would have just created a link using ln command. In Windows I can create a shortcut to the old directory (which works in explorer), but the name I create has a .lnk extension. This seems to break the hyperlink.Does anyone know a way to make the old path valid so that the hyperlinks work?xample:Hyperlink points to c:ax.doc c:a is renamed c: shortcut c:a created pointing to c: off course c:a is actually c:a.lnk in Windows Hyperlink broken In my real situation the moved directory sits in the middle of a long path.

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System Restore Breaks My Computer

Oct 22, 2012

so i dont know what happened to my hard drive but it went blank, so not it real life but i have a very very old computer. Its one of em hp media center pc's from the 2007 or the 2006. my intel thingy is intel platinum 4. my windows is windows 7 and when i launch the system repair disk it does not sense my hard drive and when i dont launch a disk in the computer and i boot it it says "please insert a boot disk or press a key to boot thingy"

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Windows 7 Breaks BIOS After Installation?

Dec 23, 2012

I installed Windows 7 and after the Completing Installation part it rebooted like it should and then after restarting my PC gets stuck at the BIOS. All BIOS Controls do NOT work. I can't access the BIOS nor the Boot Menu.

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SP1 Update Breaks Network Monitor?

Mar 27, 2011

I am running 64bit Windows 7 on a DX58SO motherboard with the latest bios and board drivers downloaded from intel.- Windows 7 has all of the updates installed. After I installed SP1 I noticed that I had a yellow exclamation mark by the network adapters icon in the device manager applet with the error displayed as:

WAN Miniport (Netwprk Monitor) #2 This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)

The drivers as identified in the properties sheet (ndistapi.sys and ndiswan.sys) are in fact located in their proper location in Windows/System32/Drivers/

I tried to uninstall the Wan Miniport to see if a restart would load the drivers but Windows would not allow it to be uninstalled. My network is working OK so what exactly does the Network Monitor do?

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Sound Breaks/distorts Without Reason

May 3, 2012

I'm using Foobar v1.1.11 and I am experiencing a random breaks in music playback, for a fraction of second like when you plug in a earphone jack.

I have the latest updated drivers from Realtek(check sys specs). There is no problem in playback in WMP. I am using Foobar for the past one year with the Dolby Headphones DSP, but disabling it wont help either. I do not want to switch to WMP.

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Asus Xonar Driver Breaks OS

Nov 4, 2009

I tried searching for this issue or similar but it's an unusual one and difficult to search for so I'm hoping I've not overlooked a thread that contains the issue already.

Essentially I have the retail version of Windows 7 Home Premium and everything is fine until I install the Asus Xonar D2X drivers. I've tried at least 3 versions of the drivers that I could find online. The drivers themselves work and the software installs correctly, once installed the sound works and I get the Xonar control panel.

However, once those drivers are installed most of the applications I have, Firefox, Internet Explorer, MSN, Windows Update, etc etc stop functioning properly. In order to make them function I have to set them all to run as administrator giving the UAC prompt and also meaning that some plugins etc within the apps don't function properly.

I've managed to narrow it down to just the Xonar audio drivers through a process of elimination and system restores and it is 100% reproducible.

Curiously using my motherboard's supplied soundcard works perfectly so I'm using that as a temporary work around until I can find a resolution to the problem.

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Update KB2468871 Breaks Stuff?

Mar 29, 2012

My IT department pushed KB2468871 (among others) to me and it stopped my Windriver Tornado compiler / linker from working. It seemed to mess up the parameter passing so that when the linker (ld) ran there were no input files.

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Windows 7 Breaks Then Hangs / Now Stuck On CHKDSK

Jan 5, 2011

when I registered and put all the information about my computer in you all can see that which should save me some time. I've been running my Windows 7 x64 machine for about 3 weeks without problem. All of my programs are installed on the SSD and the HDD is for data files. Simple. Easy.I run dual display with no problem, 1920x1080 on the 24" LED (DVI), and extended to a 19" LCD (VGA).My dad was kind enough to buy me a 32" 1080p Insignia TV for christmas. I bought a cheap HDMI cable online, and when it came in the mail i decided I would set my computer up to have 3 monitors. (I didn't know that my graphics card only supports 2 at a time, I know this now.)So I plugged in the HDMI Cable to the TV and to the Computer. The 24" LED screen (my main one) Twitches for a moment then returns to normal, the TV comes on, and the 19" LCD goes blank. All is good except Aero magically shut off. After fiddling with the display settings and realizing i can only have two monitors at a time. I decide on the 24" and the 32" for now, but leave all three plugged in. I restart the computer in hopes of returning Aero. THe computer takes a VERY long time to start up and when it does, i'm presented with a dialog telling me that a page file has been created for me.
My page file SHOULD have been on my HDD (to keep room on my SSD, with 8GB of RAM i didnt think page file was THAT important).

I click the dialog and the page file settings open up. i go to check and make sure they are correct, but when i select the HDD from the listbox, everything stops working right. Page file dialogs go not responding. I open task manager and all looks good in processes. Start bar won't open. It looks like the computer is thrashing, but it never gets around to catching up with itself, so i shut it off and try again with the same results.Then i unplug everything but the DVI monitor, the mouse and the keyboard, and try again... same results. Tried safe mode... same i shut it off and let it be for a day (i was pretty frustrated)I come back today, turn it on and it hangs forever on the 'Starting Windows' boot screen.I shut it off and figure.. I didnt have that much on there, I might as well wipe the drive and start from scratch, thats the easiest solution, so i pop in the Windows 7 x64 DVD, reboot the machine, all looks good, and i go for install, and it Hangs forever on the 'Setup is starting' screen with a spinning wheel cursor.One more time i restarted the computer without the disc booted 'normally' and it hung on the 'Starting Windows' screen for a little while, then entered CHKDSK. I let that run, and for the last 20 minutes, it's been sitting saying 'CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...'

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Wireless Stuck On Startup And System Breaks Down?

May 21, 2012

I use HP Probook 4530s and while Windows starts,wireless connection stuck on searching network and system stop working.Can't do anything,if I click on something cursor becomes busy and nothing happens.System has become completely unusable.When I start Windows in save mode, I get a notice "Turn on Windows Security Center service (important)".But when I click on it error message is: "Windows Security Center service can't be started".I reinstalled Windows but the problems remain the same

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How To Repair USB3 Ext Drive When Power Or USB Connector Breaks

Jan 8, 2013

just recently I had the power connection fail on an INTENSO USB3 ext drive -- as it was a 3GB drive I didn't want to lose all the data on it.Anyway I cracked open the case and it was simply a 3GB SATA Barracuda 7200 RPM normal HDD with a power and USB connector card embedded in the case.So I just removed the HDD and connected it up into a SATA slot on my desktop and it works fine as an INTERNAL drive (still fast too).Also frees up a valuable USB3 slot on my computer. (I only have 2 USB3 slots so each one is valuable).If I really want to use this as an external drive then I'd just get another SATA==>USB3 enclosure --but the disk is a bit heavy to use as a portable.

( I got the INTENSO drive for 70 EUR -- so even breaking it up it's still a bargan for a 3TB Barracuda SATA drive - whish Id' bought to or 3 of these and converted them to INTERNAL HDD's. !!).eems most of these larger external powered (not self powered) USB drives are simply normal HDD's contained in a SATA==>USB2 or USB3 container.

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Windows Ultimate 7 SP1 Breaks Printer Sharing With Vista?

Jun 12, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate and sharing a printer to other laptops running in the household using Vista and XP. I installed sp1 last weekend and then laptops stopped being able to print. Spent 3 hours on it yesterday and finally rolled back and things are now working again.I did notice that after sp1 my home group had been changed back to the "MSHOME" default. After changing it back to the exiting name, I could see the network printer and also edit files on any of the machines I had set access for. I also could set the print on the Vista release and my desktop with 7 would work just fine so no network issues. When I moved the printer back to 7, the Vista laptop would get an error while trying to load the drivers.

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Windows 7 Sharing 'breaks' When Move A File To Shared Location

Jan 15, 2013

Why does Windows 7's networking/sharing have to be infinitely more complicated than XP was? I have a computer running Windows 7 Home x64 that I call "file server". My main day-to-day machine is a laptop running Windows 7 Pro x64. There are several other computers throughout the house all running WinXP Pro (32 bit). I do a lot of video processing on my laptop, and whenever a file is done processing and ready to live on the file server, I move it over there. As soon as I do this, sharing for the computer called "file server" DIES. All shares on the machine become inaccessible, and all other machines lose access. My workaround for the time being is to simply reboot the file server, which magically restores sharing. However, this is a horrible workaround since files of all types are being accessed from that machine all day long.

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BSOD Playing While Playing WoW Or Watching Movies?

Jan 7, 2012

when i get the BSOD while playing WoW or Watching shows in my comouter.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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Boot Disk Can Not Be Created

Jan 5, 2013

Cannot click box to create boot disk because it remains as a faded option

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When Is Administrator Name-Password Created

Mar 12, 2011

I purchased a new HP laptop which included Windows 7 � Home & Premium. I did the install, however, I do not remember during the install asking me to create the Administrator ID along with a password. I did create the Recovery Disks, but have not yet rebooted. When is the Administrator�s ID created? I do remember seeing an ID that may have been the default Administrator ID (Rick-PC). But I don't remember typing a password. If so, what are my options to either create an Administrator ID and a password? Or if it was created, can I find out what the password was or change it?

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Strange Folder Created Itself

Jul 31, 2010

Something has generated a folder C:24982372e61d90cbb1511cba10 on my HDD. It's dated 26-Jun-2010 and contains 27 folders and 115 files. Most of the folders have four digit names and contain three files each, to a total of 195 MB. All the folders have the same time-stamp, as do their contents. The storage is no problem but I hate having things around I know nothing about. "Who ordered that?" applies. I don't remember a crash but it's possible. I'm guessing that it would be safe to shift the lot to the recycle bin.

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Additional Partition Cannot Be Created?

Nov 2, 2012

i have pro book 4530 s .i formatted the hard drive and hp-tools drive deleted. when i was going to install one driver ,that driver needed to installed on "HP-tools" drive the driver installer said do you want to create the hp-tools drive i clicked on yes : but this error was shown: main drive already has four partitions,additional partion can not be created (also when i was going to install windows i couldn't have more than 3 partition!)

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How Can I Remove A Port I Created ?

Jan 6, 2010

I tried installing a printer on the network using the method of creating a port and naming it with the name of the computer and printer I wanted to connect to. I then had a problem because the system was unable to find any drivers and did not list my printer in those offered.

I have now installed the printer directly onto the laptop so the drivers are in place. I still want to install the printer via the network. However, when I try to do this via the install a port method it says I cannot do that as the port already exists. I don't know where to find the ports.

I thought if I could remove the port it would help to start again, though if you have another suggestion of how to access the port and use it as it is perhaps that would be the answer?

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No Dump Files Being Created During BSOD

Jan 20, 2013

So Ive now been getting random BSODs on my desktop for a month now, and was troubleshooting the problem all this time. Finally, to out rule any corrupt/conflicting drivers I freshly reinstalled windows (which didnt help though).

Since this reinstall, however, no more dump files are created during the BSODs. It just shows:

*** STOP: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA8004F69028, ox00000000BE200000, 0x000000000005110A)

Collecting data for crash dump ... Initializing disk for crash dump ...

And it stays at this, no usual data dumping, even after letting the screen sit for about an hour. It recorded the dump files normally before the re-installation.

I already checked system properties, under the advanced tab, to ensure that the dump file creation was enabled. It is.

Also, does anyone know what could cause this bsod? From the dumpfiles before the reinstallation, i know that Hal.dll is the driver causing the problems. Could it be my OC? ( I doubt it as returning the CPU to factory settings resulted in the same BSODs)

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Empty Folder Created On Start-up?

May 11, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a desktop. I use it mostly for browsing and high end gaming. My recent installs have all been pretty safe (CDs from game companies), so I don't think it's an infection...though if it were, it's a pretty mundane one.

Recently (last couple of weeks), whenever I reboot or cold start my machine, a New Folder(2) is created on my desktop. The first time I noticed it was right around the time I was copying a lot of documents to my machine for a new home purchase. I was trying to keep track of all the folders I had to create, but I know for a fact that as I was creating, I wasn't keeping up with naming conventions. I really hadn't noticed that it was being recreated every time until I VERY deliberately removed it about two days ago. Until then, I thought I had just kept forgetting to remove it.

This evening, while booting, I took particular care and watched my task list while starting. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (though my computer brilliance has burned itself out over the last few decades), and hence my request for information here.

There appears to be no other issues with my machine (except for the occasional bass voice coming from my speakers saying "Skynet lives"...that's a joke).

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New Folder Created When Start Computer

Jan 15, 2012

Every time i start my system, a new folder gets created on my desktop. I delet it but next time i restart my system, it comes up again...Is this a virus. Its not affecting anything so far i know.

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Windows 7 Different Behavior, Network Created On Its Own?

Oct 18, 2012

In Windows 7, clicking on Network tab now shows as this image below in attachment:Computers: shows computer name (opening it accesses Users shared folder).Media devices: shows when I open windows media player (but "Media streaming options" is disabled in Network and Sharing Center).Network Infrastructure: shows modem name (opening it accesses modem page).How to turn this off again to see what I always had when clicking on Network tab: This computer is not connected to a network. Click to connect.

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Created Two Partitions On 1TB Drive - How To Resize Again

May 1, 2012

I am running W7 pro 64-bit. I have just installed a 1TB drive from another machine, which already had some onfo on it which I wanted to keep. I shrank the disk- using Disk Management- to create 2 partitions. Is it possible to un-shrink the disk?

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