New Folder Created When Start Computer

Jan 15, 2012

Every time i start my system, a new folder gets created on my desktop. I delet it but next time i restart my system, it comes up again...Is this a virus. Its not affecting anything so far i know.

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Empty Folder Created On Start-up?

May 11, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a desktop. I use it mostly for browsing and high end gaming. My recent installs have all been pretty safe (CDs from game companies), so I don't think it's an infection...though if it were, it's a pretty mundane one.

Recently (last couple of weeks), whenever I reboot or cold start my machine, a New Folder(2) is created on my desktop. The first time I noticed it was right around the time I was copying a lot of documents to my machine for a new home purchase. I was trying to keep track of all the folders I had to create, but I know for a fact that as I was creating, I wasn't keeping up with naming conventions. I really hadn't noticed that it was being recreated every time until I VERY deliberately removed it about two days ago. Until then, I thought I had just kept forgetting to remove it.

This evening, while booting, I took particular care and watched my task list while starting. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (though my computer brilliance has burned itself out over the last few decades), and hence my request for information here.

There appears to be no other issues with my machine (except for the occasional bass voice coming from my speakers saying "Skynet lives"...that's a joke).

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Adding Created Folder To Start Menu "Right Pane"

Jan 15, 2012

I was hoping to be able to create a folder and be able add it to the Start Menu "Right Pane"( like documents folder, Music folder,etc.) The only things I've that I've found online is adding new folders to the start menus "All Programs" Tab. Is there any way of adding a created folder and linking it to the "Right Pane" menu?

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Phantom System Folder In Start - Computer?

Oct 21, 2012

I used to connect a Nokia 6700s phone to my Sony Vaio using a USB cable, but I no longer use that phone. However, even though the phone is not connected I see it in Start - Computer under Other (1): MyName Nokia 6700s System Folder If I double-click this entry nothing happens, but if I right-click it then I get the following: Windows Explorer has stopped working Windows is checking for a solution to the problem.... Windows Explorer is restarting ..... I would love to be able to delete this entry! I have looked in Device Manager but it is not there. There is also no drive letter assigned to it.

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Strange Folder Created Itself

Jul 31, 2010

Something has generated a folder C:24982372e61d90cbb1511cba10 on my HDD. It's dated 26-Jun-2010 and contains 27 folders and 115 files. Most of the folders have four digit names and contain three files each, to a total of 195 MB. All the folders have the same time-stamp, as do their contents. The storage is no problem but I hate having things around I know nothing about. "Who ordered that?" applies. I don't remember a crash but it's possible. I'm guessing that it would be safe to shift the lot to the recycle bin.

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User Profile Folder - Static Folder Instead Of Created By User Signon

Feb 18, 2012

A twist on the creation of user folders on a drive other than C: in Win 7 Ultimate. Does anyone know if one could designate a user folder location such as E:Data instead of using the users name and being a subdirectory of "Users". I am the ONLY one on my computer - and it would seem much easier to look to the top folder in the E drive than clicking thru E:, users, name, documents, project. I fully realize that I can set up shortcuts, but when you are in an application that wants to place a file somewhere else and presents you with an explorer windows it is a pain. The only method I thought of is using redirection with symbolic links.

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Accidentally Deleted A Folder That Created In "my Videos" Folder

Oct 3, 2012

I had accidentally deleted a folder I created in my "my videos" folder and how to get it back or find its contents.

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Created Folder Only Showing Up In DOS Environment?

Sep 29, 2011

I am attempting to write a batch file and I have run into several issues with the Windows 7 command interpreter. But this one has me completely baffled. In testing my batch file, I typed the command at the cmd line. This is my command:

Start /wait /b Robocopy "%USERPROFILE%My Documents" C:\% COMPUTERNAME% /S /E /M /COPYALL /ZB

When I run this command from the prompt it appears that it worked. But the created folder does not appear in the Windows 7 explorer environment. If I try to manually create this folder again, it tells me the folder already exists.If I do a dir of the root of C:, it shows the folder.... but ony in the DOS environment. Yes, I have changed the folder/file views and allowed system and hidden files to be shown.I have searched the other forums and I have seen nothing posted regarding this type of problem.

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Administrator Folder Created By Windows 7 64 Bit?

Feb 18, 2013

i have two laptop, one is ruuning 64bit Home premium and the other one is running 32 bit Home premium.the 32 bit one was setup a week ago with no additional application, while the 64 bit was installed 2 months ago with 15 other applications installed.i notice that there are 3 folders in "Users" in the 64 bit, and only 2 folders in Users in 32 bit.the one that found in the 64 bit but no in the 32 bit is "Administrator" folder, can someone explain to me what happends?

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How To See All Files And Subfolders Added To Shared Folder After Created

Jul 9, 2012

I made a work group between 1 window seven PC and 2 window XP PC.In Window7 PC I shared folders and can see them in the 2 window XP all files and subfolders that are already in the folders before were shared. But all the files and subfolders that add after were shared I can't see.I found the subfolders that add after the shared folder was created were not shared and if I shared the subfolder I can see; but with the files nothing.How can I see all files and subfolders added to the shared folder after created?

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Created A Disk Label And Now Windows 7 Won't Start

Jun 28, 2011

I have been trying to format a partition I created on my harddrive for my laptop. I booted from a disk into a program called GParted (live CD version). I used this to format the partition I created. Then, once I had finished attempting this task, my lack of expertise in computing took it's toll. I chose the option to create a disk label on the partition. I mistook this operation for something innocuous. It gave me a warning of some sort, which I ignored since I didn't think would be a problem since the recently formatted partition would be empty. This operation took a few seconds (30 or so) and once completed the drive map above said 685 GB unallocated space (or the size of my entire hard drive). I was very scared at this point so I restarted my comp and booted to hard drive and all I get is a blank screen and a mockingly blinking cursor. Now I am trying to see what my factory recovery disk can do for me. Using the windows recovery console I have attempted to repair this. Looking at the details, it runs a few tests. then sees that there is no valid partition, and tries to repair the partition. I restart and nothing has changed. Reattempting the repair just does the same thing and doesn't have any visible affect. Although it looked bad at this point there is some good news. In the recovery console I have attempted to load drivers from the other recovery disk. When the window opens to browse the disk I am able to navigate to the other drives (that I thought were gone) and it seems that all my system and personal files are still intact. I rebooted into GParted and it seems that the original hard drive is visible again and intact. However, I still can't boot!

I do have one option that is unnattractive to me. I have considered reinstalling windows to the partition I created, then once in the OS I could backup all my files to an external device, then redo everything from scratch. However, I am concerned that in the process of installing Windows 7 that I might everything for real. Maybe someone could affirm or repair my paranoia about this? However, I don't want to do this because I have been setting up this laptop for the last 2 weeks and I really don't want to spend the next 2 weeks doing it all over again (although it wouldn't be so bad if i could recover all my downloads and personal files).

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Created Service Fails To Start: Error 1053

Jan 8, 2013

I have a program running that automatically syncs some of my data online. It is running on a computer with Windows 7 Pro as well as a Windows Server 2003 that I use as for file storage. Unfortunately it does not startup until I log into a profile, but since I don't really use these computers, sometimes this doesn't happen for days on end. I decided to create it as a service (used the sc.exe utility - sc create DataBackup binPath= "C:Program FilesData Deposit Boxackup.exe" DisplayName= "Kineticd Backup" start=auto). The service was created successfully, but when I try to start the service, I get the following error.

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

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Computer Reboots, No Dmp File Is Created

May 28, 2012

Every few days , (could be 4. or 5 days) my computer rebooted by itself and I get a error code 41 kernel power, the system rebooted with properly shuttiong down. A dump file is not bering created. This started in beginning of may. Until then this never happened. This happened when windows is in low use or idle. Microsoft took control of my computer and could not find why it happens Again I am not getting a dump file to check. hard drive tesr--wiith Hdd reginator and check disk no problems?memory test no problem?cpu test by intel softeware diagnostic tool no problem and cpu is cool?test with asus al suitee and cpu temp is 32c and system temp is 31c? virus check with kaspersky and no virus

windows 7 64 bit
malibastes free software
superanitspyware free software
kaspersky internet security
i7 processor, asus motherboard,
2 teribite hard drives,850 corsair watt power supply
h50 cpu cooler, 12 gig 1600 speed balastic memory,
evga gtx460 1gb exhaust ddr 5 memory
creative xfi extreme gaamer sound card

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System Image Created Using EFI And Computer Is Using BIOS

Nov 2, 2012

Trying to restore a Windows 7 image after a boot manager problem. Rampage IV Formula MB with no hardware or BIOS changes since the creation of the image 9 days ago, but get the following error message.

"The system image restore failed. Windows cannot restore a system image to a computer that has different firmware. The system image was created on a Computer using EFI and this computer is using BIOS."

I thought this MB used EFI.

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Removal Of Noname Folder In Computer Folder?

Sep 7, 2012

Cannot delete a noname empty system folder under Computer caused by deletion of the name only of a 16Gb USB network drive of a D-Link DIR-635 router network. I am having trouble configuring the router for a printer and a USB HD (the 16Gb drive is the test drive). I think this noname folder is part of my router configuration problem.Explorer shows my C:, D:, E: and F: (DVD) drives and under them an empty noname folder. I can access Desktop under DOS (at Admin level) but that does not show the Computer and drive details. I have run Unlocker but without effect?

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Computer Doesn't Start Can't Get Into Bios Or Advanced Start Up Setting

Sep 17, 2012

When i got home today didn't my computer work, my girlfriend has been the last one using it. So don't know how things were just before the shutdown or anything.when i turn on the computer i get to the screen where "touch bios" is and where i can see the options like Bios settings, boot menu, xpress recovery.but i cant press anything, and after about two seconds on that screen the PC shuts down again.The keyword lights up so there is a responds on it, but just doesn't work to press anything before it shuts down.I've got BSOD upto several times a day for a few months time.believe that my computer is affected by some virus or something is delaying my computer. might be an combination of several things.I got no external things hugged up to the stationeer computer right is a windows 7 x64 machine.
usually when i get issues i can access advanced boot up or bios, but can neither in this case..I wonder if it might be a hardware issue.

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No Start Menu Folder?

Feb 4, 2009

In XP, the All Users directory (as well as each individual profile) under Documents and Settings contains a Start Menu folder.

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Create Folder In Start/All Programs?

Dec 10, 2011

I would like to be able to create folders in "All Programs" section of "Start" so I can group similar programs together. An example would be to group all game programs into one folder instead of having them interspersed through the list alphabeticallly. Is it possible to create new empty folders?

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Libraries Folder Opening On Start-up?

Oct 11, 2012

This issue was solved in this thread:[URL]...However, I am completely clueless as to how. I found the relevant file but double-clicking it merely opened my libraries folder (again).Step by step, what do I do?

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Speedfan Will Not Start From The Startup Folder

Dec 23, 2011

How do I get Speedfan to start at boot? I put it in the startup folder and nothing happens. I can start it up manually, but it does give me the bit 'do you want to let the following program make changes to your computer?'

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Get Startup Folder Programs To Start Minimized?

May 30, 2012

I like listening to an online radio station (through Windows Media Player) every time I use my computer. So, I put a shortcut to the playlist file in my Startup folder.But, even though I selected "Run: Minimized" in its Properties dialog box, it always runs in a normal window. (Then I manually minimize it.)So, how can I force the shortcut to open Windows Media Player in a minimized window

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Unable To Delete Folder In Start Menu?

Nov 22, 2009

installed a program and have moved the app to the start menu but the folder it installed cannot be deleted. when going into programdata/microsoft/windows/startmenu/programs and trying to delete it it gives the error;could not find this item, verify the items location and try again despite this it is always there, every reboot. ive tried taking ownership of the file (i have a menu option to do this) and everything else i can think of it still gives the error!

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No Accessories In Start Tab, & Libraries Folder Mucked?

Jan 12, 2010

I have tried copying the folder over from another computer but it says something about merging and even after merging there is nothing there. I managed to copy the accessories folder from this computer to the start menu before but it opened like a normal folder and didnt expand, and it didn't contain paint, defrag, etc.

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Windows 7 Professional New Folder / Start Menu

Jan 29, 2012

I just built my own PC (specs can be listed if requested). I just installed Windows 7 Professional and I seem to be uncovering more and more small errors/issues everytime I turn around. Here's a small list of some of the issues I've found thus far.

1.) No matter what folder I am in (or even on the desktop), when I try to create a new folder by right clicking and going to "New", it does not work. The next extension menu just says "Empty".

2.) My Start menu does not have any recently used programs on it and also does not maintain any item that I pin to it. Currently there exists only one item on it (internet explorer). Even when I remove that from the start menu and replace it with something/anything else (say Firefox), if I power down the system anything that was pinned there is removed and Internet Explorer returns (just IE, the rest of the menu for recently used/pinned programs is blank).

3.) When I open Firefox it asks me if I want to make it my default browser. I click yes, update my homepage, etc. When I open it again, it acts like I have never opened it before and asks again. The same happens for internet explorer. This happens everytime I shut down or restart my settings.. it's as if they aren't being saved and the computer thinks I haven't used them before.

4.) Windows hangs and random times doing random tasks.. or so it seems. I was downloading a file and it "hung". It didn't purely hang and make it so that I couldn't do anything at all. Mouse is still active, I can Alt+Ctrl+Delete, etc, but nothing can be ended and no windows disappear. Eventually the screen changes appearance to something comparable to setting the opacity to 50%. At this point I must hard reset and the system forces a disk check (which always turns out fine) upon restart.

That's just a short list of a few of the issues I've had so far. I thought maybe I could just try to re-update windows by going back to my earliest restore, however, it listed my earliest restore as being fairly recent and upon doing so yielded the same issues. I'm not sure if anyone knows if there is a way to set windows back to the original conditions that existed immediately upon installation, but if that is possible and someone could explain how to do it, I would like to give that a shot. Windows also only is listing 5 restore points. I would expect there to have been many more given the number of updates I have done today (since I just installed it earlier), is there a way to see more of these so I could go back even earlier? I saw a check box that said "Show additional restore points" or something along those lines, however, when clicked, no additional points were listed.I'm not sure what I did, but it isn't pretty and I would love if someone had an alternative to reformatting all of my harddrives and resinstalling windows.

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Shortcut To Access Start Menu Folder Directory?

May 8, 2011

Is there a shortcut that you can type in "Windows Explorer" or "My computer" that will automatically go into the Start Menu > Programs directory.For example like %Systemroot% goes to C:Windows and %Userproflie% goes to the C:UsersUsername Directory.

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Change Targets Of Start Menu Folder Buttons?

Sep 27, 2011

Start Menu User Folder Buttons - Open to Users Instead of Libraries

But having them point to folders of my choosing.

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Can't Open Any Folder And Start Menu Quicklinks Wiped?

Nov 6, 2012

I woke up this morning to find out that my computer had a BSOD crash. But this time I couldn't check what had happened the debugger crashed itself before I could look at it. I also found out that my desktop had been reorganized so it was only in columns on the left side of the desktop. Also my recent programs area under the start menu had been wiped. Whenever I try to open any folder I get server execution failed. I have already tried the registry fixes suggested here. Server Execution failed I am unsure what to change, but it seems like my problem is a bit more than just a simple registry problem.

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How To Prevent App Creating Start Menu Folder At Boot

Dec 4, 2012

as I have been unsuccessful finding a solution at the ATI forums I thought I would try to pick the minds of all the clever people here. Does any know how to prevent 'AMD VISION Engine Control Center' from creating a start menu program folder at boot?

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Find The Folder That Holds The Pinned Start Menu Shortcuts?

Sep 27, 2012

I.e. these shortcuts created by dragging shortcuts to the Start button: [URL]

I'd like to edit this list directly in Windows Explorer file view, rather than on the Start menu.

I do not with to use a toolbar instead.

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Sorting Start Menu Download Folder Items By Date Not Name

Apr 4, 2012

The win 7 start menu download folder item on the right sorts by name. This is very annoying. I cannot find a download unless I know its name. If by date I just look up a recent download at top of list. How do I change behavior so downloads in start menu (right column) sorts by date? I changed the folder properties in explorer so the download folder sorts by date. It does there no problem. But not in the start menu.

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Music Etc. In Start Menu, Link To Root Folder, Not Library?

Oct 4, 2010

I dont use libraries and dont like the way that you cant have indivual folder views with them. So when I click on the start menu and have the links for 'music, pictures, video etc' i would like it to link straight to the root folder and not to the library

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