Strange Folder Created Itself

Jul 31, 2010

Something has generated a folder C:24982372e61d90cbb1511cba10 on my HDD. It's dated 26-Jun-2010 and contains 27 folders and 115 files. Most of the folders have four digit names and contain three files each, to a total of 195 MB. All the folders have the same time-stamp, as do their contents. The storage is no problem but I hate having things around I know nothing about. "Who ordered that?" applies. I don't remember a crash but it's possible. I'm guessing that it would be safe to shift the lot to the recycle bin.

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Strange Folder Renaming?

Mar 28, 2011

Just bought a new PC. Runs Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit. I'm new to Windows 7 but have used previous Windows versions for years and years (but not Vista). And I've never seen this happen with any other operating system. Out of the box, Windows 7 sets up this "My Documents" & "Public Documents" system of folders (and the same for pictures, music and videos). And that's great for separating each user's documents and providing common folders which all users can see. But, shortly after setting my new PC up (installed a printer & some other hardware bits, installed Office & copied my document files across from the old PC), Windows suddenly renamed the "My" & "Public" versions of the documents, music & videos folders. Looking at it all via my own account (I'm admin, by the way), I had folders called "Documents" & "Documents" instead of "My Documents" and "Public Documents" (and the same for music & videos). But it kindly left me with "My Pictures" and "Public Pictures" folders. This has actually happened on two machines now. It happened on the original new PC. But the store exchanged it with an identical new machine

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Strange Folder On C: Containing Mrtstub.exe?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a folder whose name is a large mixture of characters and letter. Required Admin privilege to open and in there is one file mrtstub.exe, 83 KB dated 3/4/12.Looked it up and some sites state it is a virus, might be a virus or is part of the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Software. I've software in MS updates but I've never seen it run and don't know how to run it or if I want to run it. I have MSE updating but not running real-time protection. Use it as a manual scan once a week.So the question is, can I delete the file and the folder. I mean it is dated 3/4/12.

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Documents Wind Up In Strange Folder?

Nov 17, 2010

windows 7 36 posts Gaithersburg,MD.I have a devil of a time quite often finding documents I just created and saved. But I did not look which folder it saved it in, since from years of working with computers it would always save it to Documents, where a normalperson would want it.BUT I noticed (after hours of searching,) that it saved the document (a .pdf file) in a Folder called XKVBTW02, but NOT also in Documents.This drives me crazy. It's idiotic!!! Why does it do that and why could I
not find it when I searched for .pdf?How do I fix this so every document is saved in the Documents folder?TW It also did not show up under Recent documents, that why it took me hours to find it again. In above crazy folder.I have worked with some documents today and saved them "save as" and gave it a name. But I did not look what folder it went into since I was used from years of computing that it would go to my documents.

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User Profile Folder - Static Folder Instead Of Created By User Signon

Feb 18, 2012

A twist on the creation of user folders on a drive other than C: in Win 7 Ultimate. Does anyone know if one could designate a user folder location such as E:Data instead of using the users name and being a subdirectory of "Users". I am the ONLY one on my computer - and it would seem much easier to look to the top folder in the E drive than clicking thru E:, users, name, documents, project. I fully realize that I can set up shortcuts, but when you are in an application that wants to place a file somewhere else and presents you with an explorer windows it is a pain. The only method I thought of is using redirection with symbolic links.

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Accidentally Deleted A Folder That Created In "my Videos" Folder

Oct 3, 2012

I had accidentally deleted a folder I created in my "my videos" folder and how to get it back or find its contents.

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Empty Folder Created On Start-up?

May 11, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a desktop. I use it mostly for browsing and high end gaming. My recent installs have all been pretty safe (CDs from game companies), so I don't think it's an infection...though if it were, it's a pretty mundane one.

Recently (last couple of weeks), whenever I reboot or cold start my machine, a New Folder(2) is created on my desktop. The first time I noticed it was right around the time I was copying a lot of documents to my machine for a new home purchase. I was trying to keep track of all the folders I had to create, but I know for a fact that as I was creating, I wasn't keeping up with naming conventions. I really hadn't noticed that it was being recreated every time until I VERY deliberately removed it about two days ago. Until then, I thought I had just kept forgetting to remove it.

This evening, while booting, I took particular care and watched my task list while starting. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (though my computer brilliance has burned itself out over the last few decades), and hence my request for information here.

There appears to be no other issues with my machine (except for the occasional bass voice coming from my speakers saying "Skynet lives"...that's a joke).

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New Folder Created When Start Computer

Jan 15, 2012

Every time i start my system, a new folder gets created on my desktop. I delet it but next time i restart my system, it comes up again...Is this a virus. Its not affecting anything so far i know.

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Created Folder Only Showing Up In DOS Environment?

Sep 29, 2011

I am attempting to write a batch file and I have run into several issues with the Windows 7 command interpreter. But this one has me completely baffled. In testing my batch file, I typed the command at the cmd line. This is my command:

Start /wait /b Robocopy "%USERPROFILE%My Documents" C:\% COMPUTERNAME% /S /E /M /COPYALL /ZB

When I run this command from the prompt it appears that it worked. But the created folder does not appear in the Windows 7 explorer environment. If I try to manually create this folder again, it tells me the folder already exists.If I do a dir of the root of C:, it shows the folder.... but ony in the DOS environment. Yes, I have changed the folder/file views and allowed system and hidden files to be shown.I have searched the other forums and I have seen nothing posted regarding this type of problem.

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Administrator Folder Created By Windows 7 64 Bit?

Feb 18, 2013

i have two laptop, one is ruuning 64bit Home premium and the other one is running 32 bit Home premium.the 32 bit one was setup a week ago with no additional application, while the 64 bit was installed 2 months ago with 15 other applications installed.i notice that there are 3 folders in "Users" in the 64 bit, and only 2 folders in Users in 32 bit.the one that found in the 64 bit but no in the 32 bit is "Administrator" folder, can someone explain to me what happends?

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How To See All Files And Subfolders Added To Shared Folder After Created

Jul 9, 2012

I made a work group between 1 window seven PC and 2 window XP PC.In Window7 PC I shared folders and can see them in the 2 window XP all files and subfolders that are already in the folders before were shared. But all the files and subfolders that add after were shared I can't see.I found the subfolders that add after the shared folder was created were not shared and if I shared the subfolder I can see; but with the files nothing.How can I see all files and subfolders added to the shared folder after created?

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Adding Created Folder To Start Menu "Right Pane"

Jan 15, 2012

I was hoping to be able to create a folder and be able add it to the Start Menu "Right Pane"( like documents folder, Music folder,etc.) The only things I've that I've found online is adding new folders to the start menus "All Programs" Tab. Is there any way of adding a created folder and linking it to the "Right Pane" menu?

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Strange RAM Problem

Oct 6, 2009

I am running Windows 7 64 bit. It has been running great until today when it wouldn't boot. The Repair Disc wouldn't run and I thought that a BIOS flash I had done had gone wrong. I eventually did get it to boot but it wouldn't fully load. I decided to try removing RAM. I have 4gb in two slots. After removing one of them Windows booted fine. To check the RAM I took the second one out and replaced the first one, again Windows booted OK. I tried them both together again and I was back to Windows not loading.

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Getting Strange Boot Ups

Jul 26, 2011

My computer has been acting up recently. After trying to oc my cpu I've been getting strange boot ups. It starts up then shutdowns then boots up again. But it still works after that i just don't like that.

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Strange Keyboard On Windows 7?

Mar 24, 2011

since i installed windows 7 on my pc (formerly win xp) i've got a really strange problem,At first everything works fine, but after a few minutes or a few hours keyboard and mouse turn off. Not necessarily at the same time, but in the end none of them is working. But apart from that everything works fine, the computer doesn't freeze. Keyboard and mouse are both old PS/2 devices.Has anyone got an idea how to solve this issue?

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Strange Behavior After Updates?

Jul 10, 2012

Most of today, my laptop was acting fine. But after I installed the updates, something odd happened. I rebooted it to finish the updates as is expected, and when it rebooted, I got a sort of blank screen with a toolbar but with an error message that said it couldn't connect to my Windows or something like that. The error said something about Win32 being moved possibly or something. Sorry that I can't recall all of it. I rebooted again and since that time, it's been fine, although that first reboot after the error did give me a "PERSONAL SETTINGS (NOT RESPONDING) square.Any idea what could cause something like that just once?Everything seems fine now. I'm running a Dell Inspiron laptop that's about 15mo old, Windows 7, all the latest service packs. I just went over a thorough virus scan with someone in the virus area about a week ago and all was clear,will run scans again soon, should I post there again?

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Strange .dll-file Interfering

Apr 19, 2011

When I woke up this morning and turned on my computer, two popups appeared: One from ESET SS4 telling me that C:Users*user*AppDataLocalMORYRUs.dll was infected, one from Windows RunDLL telling me that the same file could not be loaded.I googled the filename without luck and could not think of the usage, so I closed down rundll32.exe from my processes in the task manager and deleted MORYRUs.dll. I also launched CCleaner to clean up my registry files. Now, each time I reboot I get the annoying popup from RunDLL, telling me that this file can't be accessed. How do I get rid of it

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Strange Screen Came Up During Startup

May 4, 2011

For the past two or so weeks I've been getting this screen after turning on or restarting my computer. I'm not sure what it is or whats causing it, and all I have of it is this picture I took with my phone.The text appears in the upper left hand corner of the screen. It doesn't stop me from booting or anything, all I need to do it press a key and startup continues like it normally would.

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Strange Reboot Problem

Aug 3, 2009

I just installed Windows Seven 7600 x64 RTM on my notebook, and sometimes this happens:

1) The screen becomes black, however the "led light" on the monitor is still on

2) I close the notebook (physically close)

3) I re-open the notebook

4) I can see the desktop for a moment

5) The computer reboots

Also, it takes almost 7 minutes for Windows 7 to boot.

I have no crash dumps either. My drivers are the latest nVidia drivers for Windows 7.

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Strange Icon On Taskbar?

Feb 15, 2012

this thing shows up every now and then in my Taskbarshows up just for a second and then disappearsit looks like camera, a gear, and printerany ideas on what it might be?

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Really Strange MBR/BCD/NTOSKRNL Error

Nov 4, 2009

I seem to have a unique fault on my Windows 7 install.

Upgrading from XP

Spec: AMD Dual-core 3gig, 4 gb RAM, WD 500GB primary HDD, ATI gfx

So - downloaded and installed Windows 7 from a memory stick.

Installed apparently ok.

Re-booted - came up with the "popular" NTOSKRNL.exe missing/corrupt error.

Re-copied various files; hal.dll, ntoskrnl.exe etc as directed on various sites - no joy.

Thinking it could be a MBR fault and not being familiar with Vista/Windows 7 I stuck in my old XP install CD to use Fdisk.

With the XP install CD in the drive, Windows 7 boots perfectly! (Doesn't even attempt to load XP install/repair)

Take out CD - NTOSKRNL error.

Once in Windows 7 - everything works fine.

Looking at various other options, came acorss a couple of tips about BCD and bootrec such as:
How to use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot and repair startup issues in Windows

Error message when you start Windows Vista: "The Windows Boot Configuration Data file is missing required information"

Bootrec used to say the only OS was C:Windows.old.00

Ran fixes as above - now says there are no OS installed.

Windows 7 repair console only finds Windows 7 OS

Am starting to go insane.

To summarise:

Recieve NTOSKRNL.exe error when booting up PC

Boots Windows 7 fine with WinXP install disk in drive

Bootrec finds no OS

Windows 7 repair finds Windows 7

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Strange Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Feb 26, 2010

I have two hard drives, each has two partitions, XP is on C and Windows 7 is on the second hard drive. XP was installed first. then 7 in a dual boot. When I am in XP I can see all the hard drives like normal. When I am in Windows 7 I cannot see the C drive with XP. Windows Explorer only gives several folders on C, none of them Windows. Is this normal and do others have the same thing? Or is something amiss with my computer.Also, can I install programs to the same place for both systems? I tried a couple small ones and they seem to act all right. I am installing my programs to the second partition of my second hard drive. (Windows 7 is on the first partition). Is this ok to do or will I run into problems.

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Strange Characters While Typing In Word

Oct 11, 2011

I recently bought a new Asus laptop with Intel I5, Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64 bit installed. Using Microsoft Office 2003 Professional, I get intermittent errors while typing. Mostly with the? key and the ' key. Occasionally it will show a peculiar character and the only way I can avoid it is to find another ? I typed in the document prior to the error and cut and paste it in.I also updated to Office Professional Edition 2010 with the same results.

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Strange Application Started Along With My Computer

Mar 21, 2011

The usual utilities associated with ATI catalyst software, my Kaspersky security software, the weather channel app. But then this one started, and the only thing I could see on the taskbar looked like an open application such as Word - and a title of MyOleComputerWi..., and a small black square maybe two inches square on the screen. This ran for approximately 3-5 seconds.

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Laptop Keeps Getting Strange Shortcuts On The Desktop

Nov 27, 2011

My girlfriends laptop keeps getting strange shortcuts on the desktop that we/she did not want or put there.. They are just plain folder looking shortcuts and have odd names like ")." or "))/.."or ".))" ...I cant remember the names exactly but they are similar to that. We delete them and they come back in a few days. I've run the virus scans and malwarebytes scans and found nothing...

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Keyboard And Mouse Strange (no @ And No Scroll)

Apr 2, 2009

I have a very strange problem. Windows vista wont recognize my touchpad's scroll (when I move my finger up and down on the right side of the toucpad nothing happens). Ive tried fixing it in the control panel, but I apparently cant.

Also, I use a western spanish keyboard and I cant use @ (in spanish keyboard is (AltGr+Q)). I can only use it by changing the keyboard to English (Shift+2). Anybody has a solution??

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Large Strange Files 35MB's?

Jan 16, 2011

Every couple of weeks I get a strange large file with a title that doesn't make any sense. What is this file and is it necessary to keep them?

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Strange Folders In AppData/Local?

May 22, 2011

I got many folders with names like below in my AppData/Local folder. What are they for and can they be deleted?


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Strange Behaviour For Folders Of Jpegs?

Sep 22, 2011

I notice since upgrading to Windows 7, Explorer shows some quirky behaviour compared with the XP version.My current irritation is when I open a folder containing (say) 500 jpegs that were in filename (ascending) sequence, the folder opens quite quickly and I can see the file icons, but I get a message 'Searching for items...' and a progress bar at the top of the window which takes up to a minute to complete. The end result is always the same... the files are now sorted into descending sequence.It seems to be the case only for jpegs, only when sorted on filename, and only when 'Large Icons' were selected. Even then it only seems to display this behaviour when the folders contain a lot of files (maybe more than 200 jpegs).And it doesn't seem to matter whether or not the folder has recently been opened.I note that if I click on the 'X' next to the progress bar, to stop 'Loading', there isn't a problem.The thumbnails have already been drawn, so what's going on during this process? And why the inversion?

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Strange Language In Power Settings?

Oct 9, 2011

The power options settings in the first option shows a strange language...I dont know exactly what it is. Can anyone explain to me this and how i can change it to normal?

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Strange Symbols On Desktop Shortcuts?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm having a weird issue. i'm not sure where or why but these symbols on my shortcuts are changing to things like a lock, a grey X, a green Check mark, or two people next to each other there are a couple of Pics attached. they seem to only appear intermittently.

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