Can't Open Any Folder And Start Menu Quicklinks Wiped?

Nov 6, 2012

I woke up this morning to find out that my computer had a BSOD crash. But this time I couldn't check what had happened the debugger crashed itself before I could look at it. I also found out that my desktop had been reorganized so it was only in columns on the left side of the desktop. Also my recent programs area under the start menu had been wiped. Whenever I try to open any folder I get server execution failed. I have already tried the registry fixes suggested here. Server Execution failed I am unsure what to change, but it seems like my problem is a bit more than just a simple registry problem.

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Can't Open Start Menu At All

Jul 19, 2012

When i left click the start menu, i get windows explorer has stopped working. can't open the start menu at all.

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No Start Menu Folder?

Feb 4, 2009

In XP, the All Users directory (as well as each individual profile) under Documents and Settings contains a Start Menu folder.

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Windows 7 - Cannot Open Start Menu Or Any Downloads

Sep 19, 2011

I cannot open the start menu or open any downloads. When I click on any of these the screen flashes blue then goes away. At times it flashs and opens a little window and ask me to type in the folder name where I want to put the download. I cannot open system restore until I go through the help menu and it gives me the link. I can open the icons on the desktop. I use Internet Explorer for my browser but, it does this no matter which browser I use. I have Windows 7 64 bit Dell Inspiron.

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Can't Open Any Program From Start Menu Or Taskbar

Jun 23, 2012

I can open any file from my saved files but can't open any program from start menu or taskbar

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Unable To Delete Folder In Start Menu?

Nov 22, 2009

installed a program and have moved the app to the start menu but the folder it installed cannot be deleted. when going into programdata/microsoft/windows/startmenu/programs and trying to delete it it gives the error;could not find this item, verify the items location and try again despite this it is always there, every reboot. ive tried taking ownership of the file (i have a menu option to do this) and everything else i can think of it still gives the error!

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Windows 7 Professional New Folder / Start Menu

Jan 29, 2012

I just built my own PC (specs can be listed if requested). I just installed Windows 7 Professional and I seem to be uncovering more and more small errors/issues everytime I turn around. Here's a small list of some of the issues I've found thus far.

1.) No matter what folder I am in (or even on the desktop), when I try to create a new folder by right clicking and going to "New", it does not work. The next extension menu just says "Empty".

2.) My Start menu does not have any recently used programs on it and also does not maintain any item that I pin to it. Currently there exists only one item on it (internet explorer). Even when I remove that from the start menu and replace it with something/anything else (say Firefox), if I power down the system anything that was pinned there is removed and Internet Explorer returns (just IE, the rest of the menu for recently used/pinned programs is blank).

3.) When I open Firefox it asks me if I want to make it my default browser. I click yes, update my homepage, etc. When I open it again, it acts like I have never opened it before and asks again. The same happens for internet explorer. This happens everytime I shut down or restart my settings.. it's as if they aren't being saved and the computer thinks I haven't used them before.

4.) Windows hangs and random times doing random tasks.. or so it seems. I was downloading a file and it "hung". It didn't purely hang and make it so that I couldn't do anything at all. Mouse is still active, I can Alt+Ctrl+Delete, etc, but nothing can be ended and no windows disappear. Eventually the screen changes appearance to something comparable to setting the opacity to 50%. At this point I must hard reset and the system forces a disk check (which always turns out fine) upon restart.

That's just a short list of a few of the issues I've had so far. I thought maybe I could just try to re-update windows by going back to my earliest restore, however, it listed my earliest restore as being fairly recent and upon doing so yielded the same issues. I'm not sure if anyone knows if there is a way to set windows back to the original conditions that existed immediately upon installation, but if that is possible and someone could explain how to do it, I would like to give that a shot. Windows also only is listing 5 restore points. I would expect there to have been many more given the number of updates I have done today (since I just installed it earlier), is there a way to see more of these so I could go back even earlier? I saw a check box that said "Show additional restore points" or something along those lines, however, when clicked, no additional points were listed.I'm not sure what I did, but it isn't pretty and I would love if someone had an alternative to reformatting all of my harddrives and resinstalling windows.

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Auto-Right Click In Search Bar When Open Start Menu

Jan 13, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit. For other system specs I have added them to my profile.

When I open the start menu whether it be with the windows key or mouse click a right click menu pops up and appears to be right clicked inside the search bar, I tested this by copying some text and clicking paste on the auto right click menu.

It stays there until I click something but will come back within 1 second or until I stop holding the mouse button.

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Unable To Open Start Menu Control Panel

Jun 18, 2012

I recently decided to reinstall Win 7 as it`s been about a year and things are starting to go a bit awry. For instance I can no longer open the Start Menu Control Panel without it hanging and having to restart Explorer. The real problem though is that my DVD drive won`t recognize formatted disks. If I put in a blank up it pops, but nothing else. Device manager says its all ok.

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Shortcut To Access Start Menu Folder Directory?

May 8, 2011

Is there a shortcut that you can type in "Windows Explorer" or "My computer" that will automatically go into the Start Menu > Programs directory.For example like %Systemroot% goes to C:Windows and %Userproflie% goes to the C:UsersUsername Directory.

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Change Targets Of Start Menu Folder Buttons?

Sep 27, 2011

Start Menu User Folder Buttons - Open to Users Instead of Libraries

But having them point to folders of my choosing.

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How To Prevent App Creating Start Menu Folder At Boot

Dec 4, 2012

as I have been unsuccessful finding a solution at the ATI forums I thought I would try to pick the minds of all the clever people here. Does any know how to prevent 'AMD VISION Engine Control Center' from creating a start menu program folder at boot?

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Why Can't Open New Office Document Be Pinned To Start Menu In Windows 7

Jan 27, 2012

I just installed Office 2007 on my Windows 7 (64 bit) HP laptop. It runs great, and everything works great. However with Windows 7 there's seemingly no way to pin New Microsoft Office Document and Open New Microsoft Document to the Start Menu.And what was Microsoft's logic (think) in this regard? And more can I put those items on the Start Menu?

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Find The Folder That Holds The Pinned Start Menu Shortcuts?

Sep 27, 2012

I.e. these shortcuts created by dragging shortcuts to the Start button: [URL]

I'd like to edit this list directly in Windows Explorer file view, rather than on the Start menu.

I do not with to use a toolbar instead.

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Sorting Start Menu Download Folder Items By Date Not Name

Apr 4, 2012

The win 7 start menu download folder item on the right sorts by name. This is very annoying. I cannot find a download unless I know its name. If by date I just look up a recent download at top of list. How do I change behavior so downloads in start menu (right column) sorts by date? I changed the folder properties in explorer so the download folder sorts by date. It does there no problem. But not in the start menu.

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Music Etc. In Start Menu, Link To Root Folder, Not Library?

Oct 4, 2010

I dont use libraries and dont like the way that you cant have indivual folder views with them. So when I click on the start menu and have the links for 'music, pictures, video etc' i would like it to link straight to the root folder and not to the library

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Desktop Erased / Can't Locate 'My Documents' Folder And 'Start Menu' Folders

Jun 22, 2011

I recently restarted my computer only to be met with an empty desktop.Also, My Start Menu is empty. I can't locate any of programs or documents.a Right clicking and going to windows explorer, I could only view : "My Computer", "Windows (C); and when I click on them, they contain few irrelevant files.In other words I can't find my personal saved documents, "my document" folder , recycle bin and all other programs.My wifi still works so the only thing I can do on my system is browse on the internet.However, I can open a microsoft office file, PDF files, if I download it directly from my email or from an external drive.I can save files on my new blank desktop.I presume this is a virus attack.

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F11 System Recovery Wiped Out Documents Folder

Jun 12, 2012

My computer wouldn't boot to Windows, so I had to do an F11 system recovery. It reinstalled Vista and the OS began working again whereupon I used my disks to upgrade it to Windows 7. It installed with no problem. But when I looked for my text, photo and video files, they were all gone! However iTunes was able to reload my music library. It is my understanding that F11 system recoveries do not delete text and media files. But if that's true...

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Adding Created Folder To Start Menu "Right Pane"

Jan 15, 2012

I was hoping to be able to create a folder and be able add it to the Start Menu "Right Pane"( like documents folder, Music folder,etc.) The only things I've that I've found online is adding new folders to the start menus "All Programs" Tab. Is there any way of adding a created folder and linking it to the "Right Pane" menu?

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Add A Second "Games" Folder To Start Menu?

Dec 26, 2011

Looking to add a second "Games" folder to my Start Menu, not the user pinned list. Want to add a new Start Menu folder "Games(2)" to hold all of the games rarely accessed.I have been through the registry ...MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced,and have been through the folder ...ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsGameExplorer.I am attempting to create a new Registry DWORD Value for "...MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvancedStart_ShowMyGames2" and then link this entry to a new folder.I have searched through Windows and online but not found anything offering how these Registry entries link to the actual folders.

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Start Menu - Add Libraries To Search In Start Menu

Oct 1, 2009

How to Pin Libraries to Search and See More Results in Start Menu ?

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Cannot Open Folder Or Continue Task Because File Or Folder Is Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I just got a new Samsung RC420 laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium edition OS. When I was installing a software last night, a message pops up and tells me I cannot continue installation until I close a certain program (in this case it was Adobe Updater, which was not opened at all).Today, I am trying to open "my briefcase" from a USB thumb, but a message pops up telling me I cannot open "my briefcase" as it appears a file in it is already open. But nothing else is open on my computer. It was my first time opening anything from the USB thumb.

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How Add Custom Entry To Start Menu Shutdown Menu

Jan 4, 2012

I need to know if is possible to add a custom entry to shutdown menu, that's in the Start Menu.

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Why Is Context Menu In Start Menu And Taskbar So Small

Feb 10, 2012

I know that the full version can be achieved while holding the shift key, but is there way to bypass that and have the regular full sized menu by default?

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Failure Of "Double-click To Open An Item (single-click To Select)" An Start Menu All Programs?

Sep 24, 2012

I have Folder Options "Double-click to open an item (single-click to select)" is engaged but Start menu All Programs list is failing to accord - selecting on hover and opening on single click.

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Context Menu On Start Menu Don't Work?

Mar 26, 2011

1. When I open Start Menu and right-click some icon on "program or open recent program" the menu context don't show "fixed on the taskbar".

2. When I right-click on "open recent program" icon on Star Menu I can't delete from list.

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Context Menu - Add Copy To Folder And Move To Folder

Jun 16, 2009

How to Add COPY TO FOLDER and MOVE TO FOLDER to Windows 7 Context Menu ?

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Unable To Start Most Programs From Taskbar And Start Menu?

Jul 1, 2012

When I start up my computer, my Steam starts up, then I manually start Chrome. Chrome comes up fine, Steam does too, but when I try to right click on Steam and click friends, all it does is create another steam process running at 100-108 K. Then if I close Chrome and try to reopen it, it will do the same. This happens with EVERY program after I start up. There's a 5 second window where I can open programs without issue, then after that it will only start 108 K copies of them. It takes me around 30 restarts just to get it working properly, if not more.

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Sound At Start And Sequence Of Start-menu-items?

Mar 2, 2012

1. Which DLL uses W7/64 for the sound at start-up of Windows? I would like to edit it for my own sound.

2. How can I alter the sequence of the entries in the Start-menu? Now the sequence is in sequence of creation, I would like to group them by application-area.

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Start Menu - Add Search Connectors To Start Menu Search

Jun 29, 2009

How to Pin Search Connectors to Search and See More Results in Start Menu ?

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Start Menu Application Take Time To Start

Apr 12, 2011

The problem that i am facing is that, my windows 7 search is instantaneous but when i click on the application the application takes time to load but if i run the same application from Desktop it will load immediately. This happens only one first time after bootup.

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