Additional Partition Cannot Be Created?

Nov 2, 2012

i have pro book 4530 s .i formatted the hard drive and hp-tools drive deleted. when i was going to install one driver ,that driver needed to installed on "HP-tools" drive the driver installer said do you want to create the hp-tools drive i clicked on yes : but this error was shown: main drive already has four partitions,additional partion can not be created (also when i was going to install windows i couldn't have more than 3 partition!)

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Created A 20gb Partition On External Hard Drive / No Longer Require Partition

May 9, 2011

I created a 20gb partition on my external hard drive and no longer require the partition. It is currently unallocated space so I want to format it into NFTS. Using computer management the partition was selected and and I went through the steps to format but i keep on getting an error message saying there is not enough space on the disk to complete this operation.

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Can't Encrypt Additional Partition With Bit-locker

Sep 28, 2011

My setup: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on ThinkPad T510. 1HD, two partitions (C and D).I just reinstalled my system and encrypted C; however, there is absolutely no option to encrypt D. I've tried accessing the drive from admin account and still nothing. When I open BitLocker management, it only lists partition C and not D.Here is some additional information that might or might not matter: I tried to restore my Windows 7 from an Acronis image and it was unsuccessful. Tried it twice and during booting POST showed two different W7s installed, which was incorrect. When I finally installed Windows 7 from scratch, the extra W7s were still appearing before startup and I had to use EasyBCD to remove them. Now when I am trying to backup partition C, Acronis says that my System Reserved Partition (SRP) is on partition D. My hunch is that Acronis messed up my drive D when I was trying to restore my C partition. Then when I did a fresh Windows 7 install, the SRP incorrectly ended up in D and since SRP cannot be encrypted, that means that my entire drive D can�t be encrypted either. I am dreading about going through formatting my 750GB HD and installing Windows 7 and encrypting it yet again. I read somewhere that you can use software like Acronis Disk Manager to move the SRP to drive C, but I am not sure how this will work because when I open the native winodws Disk Management, I don�t see SRP there.

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Can't Encrypt Additional Partition With BitLocker?

Sep 28, 2011

My setup: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on ThinkPad T510. 1HD, two partitions (C and D).I just reinstalled my system and encrypted C; however, there is absolutely no option to encrypt D. I've tried accessing the drive from admin account and still nothing.When I open BitLocker management, it only lists partition C and not D.Here is some additional information that might or might not matter: I tried to restore my Windows 7 from an Acronis image and it was unsuccessful. Tried it twice and during booting POST showed two different W7s installed, which was incorrect. When I finally installed Windows 7 from scratch, the extra W7s were still appearing before startup and I had to use EasyBCD to remove them. Now when I am trying to backup partition C, Acronis says that my System Reserved Partition (SRP) is on partition D. My hunch is that Acronis messed up my drive D when I was trying to restore my C partition. Then when I did a fresh Windows 7 install, the SRP incorrectly ended up in D and since SRP cannot be encrypted, that means that my entire drive D can't be encrypted either.

Can that really be the case? If so, what is the quickest solution? I am dreading about going through formatting my 750GB HD and installing Windows 7 and encrypting it yet again. I read somewhere that you can use software like Acronis Disk Manager to move the SRP to drive C, but I am not sure how this will work because when I open the native winodws Disk Management, I don't see SRP there. So I'm stuck and don't want to format my HD if what I think is the problem is in fact not the problem.

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Partitioning - Created A Partition And Can't Boot

Oct 20, 2009

I put a clean install of Win 7 onto my laptop and all was well. I went into disk management and shrunk my C: partition a bit to create a new partition.

Having done that, I now cannot boot up. It would seem that something I've done has caused the system reserved partition to become my C: drive and what was C: is now D:! Windows 7 attempts a repair when I boot up, but this fails due to a corrupt registry.

I've put the disk back in to see what that offers and it's here that I noticed that Windows is now on the D: drive. Opening a command prompt confirms how the drive letters have been reassigned.

I'm not 100% sure but assume that it's trying to boot from the system reserved partition and not liking it? I only just installed yesterday so don't mind doing a reinstall if that's the easiest fix, but just wonder if anyone knows what I can do to ensure this doesn't happen again? I presume my partitioning shenanigans are to blame somehow?

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System Reserved Partition Not Created

Dec 22, 2009

When originally installing Windows 7 Ultimate I noticed it created a 100mb system reserved partition. No probs.

Recently I turned on AHCI in my bios and attempted to do a clean install. This time WinPE did not create a reserved partition and despite creating an 80gb partition to install windows on it said “Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.”

Install refused to proceed any further, pointing me to some log files I could not find. I booted from my repair disk and tried to make the partition active, which was already marked as active and tried again. No luck.

I had deleted all partitions on the drive.

So I turned off AHCI and tried again. I missed the "press any key".. and system complained about a "Master boot record error".. I rebooted and tried to do install again. Same issue.

I was able to recover my system from an image I created earlier, but I sure would like to know why the reserved partition was not created, and why windows refused to install. Because I'm going to try again.

I have purchased a new HDD, one that is supposed to be much faster than my old one, which of course has not been formatted. I tried that drive with and without AHCI and had the sasme issues.

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Created A New Partition Upon Install - Now The Remainder Is Gone

Dec 16, 2011

I created a new partition upon a brand new Win 7 install. I have a 750 gb HD. Out of the 750, I created a 100 gig partition for the OS (or so I thought). Windows installed just fine, however, My Computer only sees the 100 gig partition, where the windows was installed. I should roughly have 650 gigs left, on a different partition but it is nowhere to be found.

What are my options? This is my first Win 7 install. Do I need to reinstall from scratch? I remember with Win XP it was so easy to create partitions upon new installs.

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Created New Partition And Made It Primary - NTLDR Missing On Boot Up

Aug 31, 2010

I created a new partition, and accidentally made it my primary partition (C: being my primary one and D: being by other one) now whenever I boot up I get NTLDR missing ctrl+alt+del to restart. So I downloaded the windows 7 repair files from one website and tried to fix it, but I failed and now I wanted to know is there any other way I can fix using command prompt or will I just have to reinstall windows 7.

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Created Boot Partition Manually / Service Pack Update Error 0x800F0A12

Jul 28, 2012

I reinstalled Windows recently, but it used the same boot partition from my old installation. I got rid of the old partition (it was on the wrong hard drive) and created a new one with the repair disc. Windows boots, but won't install updates. Bcdedit outputs The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The system cannot find the file specified.

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Additional Firewall

Jul 26, 2009

Currently I'm using Comodo Internet Security as a firewall and I'm planning to build a home network using Windows 7 Homegroup and thought that Comodo might be an obstacle in doing that.

So my question is, as a normal home user of Windows 7, do I really need a 3rd party firewall other than Windows 7's firewall?

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Additional Log On Information Is Required

Dec 29, 2011

I keep getting this message which says that Additional log on information is required.Sometimes i get this message when i boot windows or sometimes when i logoff and log into windows again.

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Change Additional Clocks To 5?

Feb 26, 2012

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Because of business purpose, I need five Additional Clocks. But Windows 7 has only two Additional Clocks.

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Can't Use Additional Voices For Text

Aug 1, 2012

I'm trying to install additional voices for Windows 7 narrator and other Text to Speech Programs. I have downloaded and installed this: Download: Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime (Version 11) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details, and then few of these: Download: Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime Languages (Version 11) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details (I am using Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate on a desktop PC) But I am not able to find the option to use these newly instlled voices for text to speech.

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Add An Additional Taskbar To Windows 7?

Jul 11, 2011

can I add an additional taskbar to W7? I'm used to a clean wall on XP

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Additional Blank Taskbar Items?

Aug 7, 2011

I get blank taskbar items when a program displays a 'toast' - I have only noticed it with Skype and Teamviewer. See screenshot attached.

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BSOD Happens Randomly BUT Only When Additional New Ram Installed

May 25, 2012

Windows 7 64bit Retail version, installed about 6 months

I built the computer for my wife, and was awaiting some items to come into stock, so I had only 4gb of ripjaw ram when first installed everything, and everything ran perfectly.

I got my second lot of ram an additional 4gb of ripjaw ram, same model and mhz rating, however once installed BSOD appeared time and time again, I couldn't track down the problem, I ran mem tests, and came back that there was some errors, I took all 4 sticks back and had them replaced, one set was exchanged on the spot the other took about 2 months, so cruising along on 4gb of ram again, and all is well, receive my additional sticks, and within 2 minutes of loging in, BSOD...

The Motherboard has 4 slots, and is compatable with this ram, the slots are colour coded, blue and white (from memory) and the pairs are in the own colours, pair 1 in the blue slots (1 & 3 slots) and pair 2 are in the white slots (2 & 4 slots), once i pull the additional ram out, back to normal.

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Constant 'Additional Log On Information May Be Required' Pop-up?

Nov 13, 2012

After installing today's (13-11-2012) updates, I constantly get the following message: 'Additional log on information may be required - click to open you browser' If I execute my browser nothing happens (off course) I'm on a cable internet connection which doesn't require log on information what so ever. PC is via Ethernet cable connected to a linksys 54GL DD-WRT router.How can I fix this annoying andstupid problem?

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HDD Too Small, Can't Mount Without Additional Kits?

Dec 1, 2012

I recently bought a new computer, it came with a 1TB hdd which was mounted. I had a new 1TB HDD already, and when i tried mounting it, it was to small, the HDD that the pc came with had some plastics on it's sides that held it properly.I mounted the HDD and put it on the Case floor, it's working but recently i've been getting I/O errors, it all solved when i unplugged and plugged it again, but my question is, how do i mount it properly without those plastics as i don't know what they are or how they are called?

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Will Not Boot From SSD When Attach Additional HDDs?

Feb 14, 2012

I am upgrading my HTPC that i put together a few years back to have a SSD as a boot drive to increase space, quiet background running and speed up booting, etc.Everything was running fine before trying to exchange the raptor for the m4. I had a big issue getting Windows installed on m4 but finally did a clean install when no harddrive was connected except the SSD to the original SATA port of the boot drive. Once I had windows installed, and i was able to boot up with only the SSD attached to the boot SATA port, I attached the 3 storage drives to their original SATA ports and got an error when booting... it paused in mid boot, then started searching for a boot disk in the DVD drive. I looked at the BIOS and the SSD is listed as 1st (port0) on hard drive boot order and hard drive is 1st boot priority. I unplugged all 3 storage drives and it booted up without an issue

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Additional Information Might Be Required Keeps Popping Up

Apr 12, 2012

Additional information might be required keeps popping up and keeps kicking me off the internet. I am using wireless connection. It keeps connection to the router but keeps kicking me back to the additional agreement page. I have had this problem at other locations too. I as using windows 7.

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How To Use Additional Hard Drive With Libraries

Nov 13, 2009

One of the features that I love about Windows Home Server is the drive pool. No matter how many physical hard drives there are WHS just sees C: and D:. Running out of storage? Just throw in another hard drive. On my 7 machine I already need to add a hard drive for storage. Is there an elegant method to be able to use that additional hard drive with my libraries so that all new files are saved to the new drive

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Apply UAC Restrictions To An Additional Folder?

Oct 7, 2011

This may seem like a strange thing to do, but today's SSD article reminded me of my desire to find out if this is possible - I have an unusual requirement that discourages me from even going the "small ssd as boot drive, large hdd for other things" route, unless I can find a way to do this. I do QA work for a distributor of downloadable games, so I like to be able to install the entire catalog (150+ GB), and put them into folders under "C:Program Files (x86)", so that I'll be able to see whether the UAC will cause problems for them (I install most of my other programs outside Program Files). Thus, to use ssd+hdd, I would need a way to apply the same restrictions to a folder on the hdd (and preferably also have any virtualized files directed to the hdd as well, but that's less critical).

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Does Windows 7 Come With Arabic Pre-loaded As An Additional Language

Oct 16, 2011

Does Windows 7 come with Arabic pre-loaded as an additional language or is it painful like XP requiring an additional CD to load?

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How To Add Additional Start Parameter To A Pinned Program

Oct 28, 2010

Assume I pin a prgm to the Taskbar in Windows 7. How can I (later) add some additional start cmdline parameters for the launch of this program?

Sample: I pinned Windows Explorer. How can I add parameters like

explorer.exe /n,/e,D:work

Do I really have to create a shortcut first, then add the parms here in shortcut Properties and finally pin the shortcut? I cannot believe this procedure is the only way.

Under WinXP I could directly right click on an icon on QuickLaunchBar and add the parms without problems.

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Additional Voices For Text To Speech Engine?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm looking for additional voices for the Text to Speech engine and how to install them. I tried searching but I was unable to find anything that would apply to Windows 7. To clarify, you go into control panel, Speech Recognition, and then open the Text to Speech menu. Under Voice Selection there's a dropdown menu with only one option, Microsoft Anna. XP had Microsoft Sam (who I liked better) and was able to load in third party voices.

But I cannot figure out how to download or install any other voices into Windows 7. My reason for this is for use with the Ventrilo chat client, which uses the Windows TTS engine so it can only use voices that are installed on the computer. I don't much care for the default Microsoft Anna, and more choices are always better, so I'm looking how to install additional voices, especially Microsoft Sam.

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Extending Volume Of SSD Using A Additional Hard Drive

Nov 2, 2011

I am running out of space on my SSD and i would like to extend it into an additional drive. Firstly is that possible and secondly how?

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How To Activate Additional Built-in Laptop Speakers(4+1)

Feb 10, 2012

I have MSI-GT725-074US laptop with built in 4+1 speaker system for 3 years now. I had no problems before cos msi supported dolby drivers was working. I did a clean Windows 7 install yesterday and seems dolby's utility aint working(crashing) with Windows 7 64 bit. And only 2 speakers are working atm. How can I activate the other 2 speakers and the (mini)sub woofer?I installed latest realtek drivers, went into control panel+sound settings and changed settings to quadraphonic/5.1/7.1 and tried/tested them but no sound from additional speakers. Also there is a dolby tab in properties; I checked "sound space expander" and "Natural Bass"

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Using Windows 7 Remote Computer As Additional Monitor?

May 9, 2012

I am wondering if it's possible to use a remote windows machine as an additional monitor for another Windows Machine. The reason I ask is rather simple, I have a Windows 7 Tablet, and at times would like to be able to optimize my work area with my laptop by using the tablet as extra display area. I know it's possible for Android and iOS, but is it at all possible for Windows 7? Even without the touchscreen capability, the extra display area would facilitate immeasurably.

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Unable To Install Additional Display Language

Sep 9, 2012

my computer (windows xp) language is hangaren. i cannot change the language to english.

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Unable To Install Additional Display Language?

Jul 30, 2010

I got my laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit yesterday and so far I'm unable to fix the problem with my native language shown as hieroglyphs. I attach a screenshot : Uploaded with

I can't even find that Install/Uninstall Language.

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Installing Windows 7 Removes Several GB Of Additional Space Each Time

Jan 5, 2013

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Intel 510 SSD I am having a problem where Windows 7 re-installations keep eating up large amounts of space on the drive.

The first time I had to re-install the OS I did a "clean re-install" and found I was using 6 more GB than before. I shrugged it off as temporary files and I'm not sure if the space ever returned.

The second time (today) I did a "repair install" and found I was using 8 more GB after than I was before. I've used CCleaner but it's only finding a few hundred MB of data to delete.

My "Windows" directory is 16.5GB

There is a folder called "System Volume Information" with files all created today that is 7.9GB I'm going to guess this is where that space has gone?

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