Created A New Partition Upon Install - Now The Remainder Is Gone

Dec 16, 2011

I created a new partition upon a brand new Win 7 install. I have a 750 gb HD. Out of the 750, I created a 100 gig partition for the OS (or so I thought). Windows installed just fine, however, My Computer only sees the 100 gig partition, where the windows was installed. I should roughly have 650 gigs left, on a different partition but it is nowhere to be found.

What are my options? This is my first Win 7 install. Do I need to reinstall from scratch? I remember with Win XP it was so easy to create partitions upon new installs.

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Created A 20gb Partition On External Hard Drive / No Longer Require Partition

May 9, 2011

I created a 20gb partition on my external hard drive and no longer require the partition. It is currently unallocated space so I want to format it into NFTS. Using computer management the partition was selected and and I went through the steps to format but i keep on getting an error message saying there is not enough space on the disk to complete this operation.

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Additional Partition Cannot Be Created?

Nov 2, 2012

i have pro book 4530 s .i formatted the hard drive and hp-tools drive deleted. when i was going to install one driver ,that driver needed to installed on "HP-tools" drive the driver installer said do you want to create the hp-tools drive i clicked on yes : but this error was shown: main drive already has four partitions,additional partion can not be created (also when i was going to install windows i couldn't have more than 3 partition!)

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Partitioning - Created A Partition And Can't Boot

Oct 20, 2009

I put a clean install of Win 7 onto my laptop and all was well. I went into disk management and shrunk my C: partition a bit to create a new partition.

Having done that, I now cannot boot up. It would seem that something I've done has caused the system reserved partition to become my C: drive and what was C: is now D:! Windows 7 attempts a repair when I boot up, but this fails due to a corrupt registry.

I've put the disk back in to see what that offers and it's here that I noticed that Windows is now on the D: drive. Opening a command prompt confirms how the drive letters have been reassigned.

I'm not 100% sure but assume that it's trying to boot from the system reserved partition and not liking it? I only just installed yesterday so don't mind doing a reinstall if that's the easiest fix, but just wonder if anyone knows what I can do to ensure this doesn't happen again? I presume my partitioning shenanigans are to blame somehow?

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System Reserved Partition Not Created

Dec 22, 2009

When originally installing Windows 7 Ultimate I noticed it created a 100mb system reserved partition. No probs.

Recently I turned on AHCI in my bios and attempted to do a clean install. This time WinPE did not create a reserved partition and despite creating an 80gb partition to install windows on it said “Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.”

Install refused to proceed any further, pointing me to some log files I could not find. I booted from my repair disk and tried to make the partition active, which was already marked as active and tried again. No luck.

I had deleted all partitions on the drive.

So I turned off AHCI and tried again. I missed the "press any key".. and system complained about a "Master boot record error".. I rebooted and tried to do install again. Same issue.

I was able to recover my system from an image I created earlier, but I sure would like to know why the reserved partition was not created, and why windows refused to install. Because I'm going to try again.

I have purchased a new HDD, one that is supposed to be much faster than my old one, which of course has not been formatted. I tried that drive with and without AHCI and had the sasme issues.

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Created New Partition And Made It Primary - NTLDR Missing On Boot Up

Aug 31, 2010

I created a new partition, and accidentally made it my primary partition (C: being my primary one and D: being by other one) now whenever I boot up I get NTLDR missing ctrl+alt+del to restart. So I downloaded the windows 7 repair files from one website and tried to fix it, but I failed and now I wanted to know is there any other way I can fix using command prompt or will I just have to reinstall windows 7.

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Created Boot Partition Manually / Service Pack Update Error 0x800F0A12

Jul 28, 2012

I reinstalled Windows recently, but it used the same boot partition from my old installation. I got rid of the old partition (it was on the wrong hard drive) and created a new one with the repair disc. Windows boots, but won't install updates. Bcdedit outputs The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The system cannot find the file specified.

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Windows 7 Install Created New Vista Networks?

Jun 8, 2011

I had a network with 2x Win Vista PC's, 1x Win XP PC, and a shared printer. I replaced the Win XP PC with a new Win 7 PC. Now the 2x Win Vista PC are on separate networks: Network 2 & Network 3. The Vista Network 2 PC can no longer see or use the printer, which is cable attached to the Network 3 Vista PC. Seems like the Win 7 installed new, separate networks for the existing Vista PC's. The network hardware is: Comcast modem > Dynex router > Cisco ethernet switch > 3 PC's. I did not change any network connections, hardware or software on the Vista PC's. I simply removed the Win XP PC, and replaced it with Win 7 PC on that network cable.

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Windows 7 Re Install Created Windows 7 Old?

Jun 4, 2011

i recently was infected with a virus. i am running windows 7 ultimate on a 32 byte system. i re installed windows 7 and now i have a new directory called windows.old and windows.old000 they are taking up all my memory and my computer is now slow as well as the fact i can not add any more programs. i have tried to delete both of these directories but keep getting the message that i do not have permission to delete. is there a way to delete these directories or is there a program i can use to delete them? i need my memory back

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Partition Install

Oct 26, 2009

I bought Premium the other day stupidly forgetting about my Wireless Adapter (Netgear WG11v2) got home and found out there isn't any drivers for it not surprisingly really.

I made a 30GB Partition for 64 Bit install a few minutes ago. I want to dual boot just to see if there's any chance of the adapter working on 7. If it works will I be able to upgrade Vista and then delete the boot sector and that partition? Or won't it work because I'd have already used the product key?

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Can I Install Two Win 7 In Two Partition On Same Pc ?

Nov 14, 2009

ive an hd with 2 partitions, c and e, ive installed Windows 7 in e: can i make a second installation in c: with Windows 7? if i make a new installation of Windows 7 in c: i will be able to boot both os (the old Windows 7 in e: and the new one in c

what im afraid of is that after installing the new Windows 7 in c: i will loose the boot option to log in the old previous Windows 7 installation in e: but im pretty shure that i should be able to log in both Windows 7 cause the new installation will retain the second os boot option.. theres someone can confirm?

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Install Same OS (Win 7 Pro 64) To A New Partition

Dec 15, 2009

I have a new Dell Studio 1747 with Win 7 Pro 64.

I would like to do a fresh install of the same OS (Win 7 Pro 64) to a new partition to get rid of all the 'bloat ware' that came with my system. I want to keep the factory partition and OS in the event that I have problems with the fresh install.

Would I be correct in assuming that this case would be similar to installing XP to dual boot with an existing Windows 7?

Do I need to worry about losing the ability to boot to Dell's diagnostics located in a separate partition on the same drive?

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Install Both X86 / X64 On Different Partition?

Nov 27, 2011

I wonder what happen if I install Windows 7 x86 as main OS (C and create another partition to install Windows 7 x64. Will they have compatibility problem? I plan to install more than 4GB ram on my pc, but as I stated, my main OS is Windows 7 x86, and it will only recognized/read my ram capacity to 4GB, right. If I want to play games, I just restart my pc and boot to Windows 7 x64. Is it a good idea? Or any software or tricks that I can use (while I am using/active on Windows 7 x86, and switch to x64 mode without restarting the pc)?

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Install Windows 7 In Own Partition?

May 7, 2012

I have a valid Windows 7 upgrade CD. But I want to install Windows 7 in its own partition and keep Windows Vista. I have a boot manager which can boot multiple OSs.

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Install Windows 7 Into Gpt Partition?

Jun 17, 2012

I have recently bought Asus G75VW and tried to install W7 DVD as i usually use to but I could not install W7 because it was a gpt partition= Disk 0 containes 4 partitions: 1=System 200MB, 2= MSR 128MB, 3= gpt 95,4 GB and 4=Data 118,4 GB. Disk 0 is a SSD.
Disk 1 is 750GB so thera are two seperate disks. How can I install W7 on my SSD? This must be the same problem for coming W8.

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Cannot Install Or Create Partition

Jan 17, 2009

I have an odd problem - I have 2 drives - one SATA one IDE on the motherboard to choose from. Both blank. The install program sees them, apparently can partition them (let's me into advanced options), but when i select either one to install to, gives an error that it cannot create the partition.

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Clean Install With Partition

May 15, 2009

I'm currently running the 7100 build and I'm wanting to install 7127 using a new partition.

Basically my idea was to create a new partition and install 7127 on that and then uninstall 7100 but keeping my files so I can move then across to the new partition. Thus having a clean install but without losing any files.

Is this possible? Will I be able to uninstall the 7100 without deleting my files?

Also can I change the size of the new partition after I have made it - in order to resemble the set up I have now (ie: 2x 250GB).

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Win 7 Wont Install On Partition

Jun 4, 2009

I'm trying to install a fresh copy of 7 RC onto a separate partition on my hard drive. Everything will go fine until I select the partition. This is the message that pops up above the next button:

"System was unable to create or locate an existing system partition. See setup file log for more info."

I don't know why it's popping up this message. I create a new 50GB partition in Vista (per Vista forum) and formatted to NTFS. Am I suppose to right click and mark as an active partition?

I have ACHI enable in my bios. I've also disable that and still a no go. I had 7 beta on with no problems.

Update #2: So I redownloaded 7 and burn it again at the slowest speed, still a no go.

Update #3: So I try to install 7 RC from within Vista. Everything checks out and it will let me select the partition that I want to install it on. I did not know that you can install a new OS onto a new partition from within Vista. So install is going as planned.

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Cant Clean Install On Partition?

Jan 3, 2012

before this i have post about my problem on installing Windows 7 on HP notebook. The error is 0x800057(partition Problem), i already got solve with the problem but after few month the problem came back and now i try t o clean format the notebook , using diskpart but still got same erro

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Partition Not Seen In Computer After Install?

Jun 13, 2012

I started with a 250GB Sata HD running XP,and installed Windows 7 on it by booting from the CD.The drive had a first partition C: @ 40GB and a second, New Volume H: @ 200GB.I installed to the C: partition and noticed the option to install to H: partition,so figured all was good,as C: is where I wanted it-leaving H: for programs,documents,etc. Well,the install went smoothly,and everything seems to be working fine,with the exception of not seeing New Volume H: in My Computer.It is,however,found in Disk Management. I now have the following in My Computer

Floppy Disk Drive (A
Local Disk (C

Is there a way to make H: appear in My Computer so I can access the files?There currently appears to be no way to open it in Disk Manager.

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How To Install Windows 7 On Second Partition

Jul 12, 2012

I have a OEM CD from my manufacturer. I have two separate partitions in which I am going to be installing Windows on, one that is going to be connected to my Domain at my work, and then the other section of Windows that would be for my own personal use. Using the OEM disc would be the easiest to install it and then use my Windows Anytime Upgrade on to get it running on Ultimate and connect to my domain at my work. Thing is, when I go to run the OEM CD, it gives me three options for installing the OS and all on my hard drive:

Recover Windows to first partition only
Recover Windows to entire HD
Recover Windows to entire HD with two partitions

I'm trying to find a way to install it without erasing all of my data. The first option seems like it would work perfectly, but how would I know which partition on my computer would be the technical "first partition"? I searched around a bit to see if I could find a step-by-step guide or possibly even a picture or maybe what even happens after you tell the process to start, but I couldn't find anything.

Anyone have some experience with using a OEM CD and could tell me what would happen or what I could possibly do? Trying to do this on a ASUS-G72GX

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Install On Logical Partition

Sep 20, 2009

After clean installing Windows 7 to second partition dual booting with XP, I notice that the Windows 7 paritition is marked "logical drive" in Disk Management. XP is marked primary active.

Are there any reasons why an OS should not be installed to a logical drive?

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Cannot Install Windows 7 Or 8 Due To GPT Partition

Jan 15, 2013

I have a new HP laptop with Windows 8 installed, I reformatted the primary drive with Windows 8 on it and when attempting to then install a copy of Windows 7 it states "windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style"There is about 5 different partitions all labelled things like "system reserve" "backup partition" etc and every single one of them seem to give me the same issue.I gave up and went and got a copy of Windows 8 to just put it back to what it was, and now its giving me the same error even though its the same copy of Windows 8? I've been reading many forums regarding how to get this to work but no luck. I tried gpart live which gave me some error when booting so I'm really lost in what to do?

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EFI System Partition After Re-Install?

Feb 11, 2013

I reinstalled windows 7 today, When i got to the part where i have to format my SSD it wouldn't let me so i clicked "New" Then started the install.Once installed, I go to disk management and i see "100mb EFI System Partition" Now, Before i re installed windows i had just 100mb Windows Reservered, Why do i have this EFI thing instead? When i started up my PC Before it would take about 16 seconds, Now it's around 2-3 Seconds more.why it installed this partition and can i remove it?

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New Partition To Install Win 2008 R2

Dec 31, 2009

I've Toshiba Notebook and Win 7 Home Premium x64 OS installed on it. I want to have Win Server 2008 R2 x64 also in my PC. I tried two options:

1 - Made VHD and tried to install in that, but it didn't. Gave error that Win 2008 cannot be installed on VHD.

2 - Created new partition but got error message that you already have max number of partitions, so can't make new partitions.

What do I do? Is it the problem due to Home Premium edition? If yes, shall I first upgrade my primary OS to Ultimate or Professional? I've already checked my PC for upgrade compatibility by Microsoft Upgrade Advisory and it says that my PC can be upgraded to Win 7 Prof or Ultimate.

Please suggest what do I do?

My ultimate aim is to run Win Server 2008 R2 x64 on my laptop - either in VHD form or in hard disk.

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Win7 Will Not Install On Partition 0

Mar 15, 2009

I have an older computer that is or was being used for Win XP Pro. I put a new hard drive that is partitioned with 25gb on the C drive with two other partitions of different sizes. I set the the hard drive as cable select (later tried as Master only)

Windows 7 in cable select saw all the partitions. When set to Master it only saw Partition 1 and the rest as unallocated which seems weird.

I have the boot order in Bios set as Floppy, CD Rom and then Hard Drive.

I have an external usb DVD reader for the install disc.

When i start the pc, then press to boot from CD, it sees the install disk and the install process starts. I get to the point to select where to install and I get this Notice:

"Windows can NOT be installed on to Disk 0 Partition 1"

I hit the more info button and get this notice:

"The computer hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the BIOS Menu."

It should boot to the hard drive the way I have it setup. At least it does for Win XP.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestion as to how to get around this issue.

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Can't Format Partition For Install

Jul 19, 2010

I'm trying to install windows 7 64bit OEM but in the custom install options i can't format the partition i want to install to. The partitions were created under XP on a secondary drive, which will now be the primary drive, XP will be wiped later and that drive i have actually disconnected for the time being. The only options i can access are "refresh" and "load driver"

I'm not too sure whether i need an updated sata driver controller (asus M2N AM2 mobo - nforce controller) or i need to make the partition active using something like the diskpart utility.I've looked at the asus website and there are no updated sata drivers for windows 7 or even vista 64bit, only a beta raid driver.

Or is it the partitions themselves since they were created under XP (although i don't think its this)I've found some posts on here with similair sounding problems but hoping someone with a bit more knowledge can tell me which is most likely to be the cause and save me a bit of time.

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Hidden Partition On New Hdd Install

Oct 29, 2009

If you install win7 on a new hdd, I understand it will create a 100MB hidden partition to hold critical system files. What exactly is its purpose, compared to say, System Restore?

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Can't Install Windows 7 On Partition?

Dec 30, 2011

I've just built a new computer, and, because I can't afford a new HD as well right now, I'm trying to use a 600GB SATA drive from my old computer as the boot drive for the new one. Specifically, I have a 100GB empty partition at the beginning of the HD, and a 500GB partition with data on it that I want to keep. I set up the HD in this fashion in Windows XP with Partition Magic.The new build went perfectly fine, but, when I go to install Windows 7 on the 100GB partition of the HD I described, I get an error message saying that Windows can't locate a partition or create a new one. Both partitions show up just fine, and I am able to select the 100GB partition, but can't proceed any farther.

Initially, I had two HDs connected, and the other hard drive kept showing up as disk 0, even if I swapped the SATA connections, so I tried switching the order in BIOS, and then I just disconnected the other disk for now. So the 600GB drive, of course, is now showing as disk 0 with the 100GB partition as partition 1. But I still get the same error message.Also, I disconnected everything I could disconnect, including everything USB, even the mouse. Still the same problem.I'd really like to get this to work, but I'd also like to save the data I have on the 500GB partition. I don't have any space elsewhere to copy it to, so I'd like to avoid any options that would involve reformatting the entire drive. I realize, for example, that I could use DISKPART and CLEAN if all else fails, but I don't want to lose the data.

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Cannot Install New Os Due To Partition Error

Jan 14, 2010

i tried to change the partition of my laptop but while in the process, i got an error. when i tried to reboot it, it already says disk error. so i tried to reinstall windows but after the "press any key to boot from cd" msg, i only get a blank screen. now i cant reformat my hard disk and cant reinstall any os on it. i even tried hiren's boot cd but i always get a blank screen after booting from it.

i cant also start the laptop on safe mode or even the last known good configuration. when i tried the safe mode, it says about the partition error (long lines of error like "partition (0)disk...system..." something. i am most certain that the cause was the erroneous or interrupted partitioning.

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Install Drivers In Non OS Partition?

Nov 2, 2012

Does it matter if I install the drivers in the partition that doesnt contain OS? (ie, faster boot time) Because it took 8 secs to boot after fresh install. and it jumped to 18-21 secs after the drivers are loaded.

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