How Can I Remove A Port I Created ?

Jan 6, 2010

I tried installing a printer on the network using the method of creating a port and naming it with the name of the computer and printer I wanted to connect to. I then had a problem because the system was unable to find any drivers and did not list my printer in those offered.

I have now installed the printer directly onto the laptop so the drivers are in place. I still want to install the printer via the network. However, when I try to do this via the install a port method it says I cannot do that as the port already exists. I don't know where to find the ports.

I thought if I could remove the port it would help to start again, though if you have another suggestion of how to access the port and use it as it is perhaps that would be the answer?

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What Process Is Using Port 8080 So That Can Open Up Port To Run Software

May 16, 2011

I recently installed new software that requires port 8080 to function. When I try to run the software I get an error that port 8080 is being used.How do I check to see what process is using port 8080 so that I can open up the port to run the software? MACHINE: Windows 7x64

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VGA Port And A DVI-D Dual Link Port?

Mar 24, 2012

I just bought a new computer from a computer shop. It is custom built and has the following:Has 8GB RAM, 3.3ghz intel core i5-2500k, windows 7, Intel HD graphics so upto 1.7GB max video memory, 1 VGA slot, 1 DVI slot.Just to confirm I checked in person and my tower has a VGA port and a DVI-D dual link port.

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Port 01 Ressetting Port Error

Jul 15, 2011

im having the port error of 01.

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Usb Port And Lan Port Are Not Working Download

Jul 1, 2012

my 2 no usb port and lan port are not working other wise other 1 no usb port working this is new laptop i think driver not installed because when i connect the pendrive there was light showing in my i want drivr

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Boot Disk Can Not Be Created

Jan 5, 2013

Cannot click box to create boot disk because it remains as a faded option

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When Is Administrator Name-Password Created

Mar 12, 2011

I purchased a new HP laptop which included Windows 7 � Home & Premium. I did the install, however, I do not remember during the install asking me to create the Administrator ID along with a password. I did create the Recovery Disks, but have not yet rebooted. When is the Administrator�s ID created? I do remember seeing an ID that may have been the default Administrator ID (Rick-PC). But I don't remember typing a password. If so, what are my options to either create an Administrator ID and a password? Or if it was created, can I find out what the password was or change it?

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Strange Folder Created Itself

Jul 31, 2010

Something has generated a folder C:24982372e61d90cbb1511cba10 on my HDD. It's dated 26-Jun-2010 and contains 27 folders and 115 files. Most of the folders have four digit names and contain three files each, to a total of 195 MB. All the folders have the same time-stamp, as do their contents. The storage is no problem but I hate having things around I know nothing about. "Who ordered that?" applies. I don't remember a crash but it's possible. I'm guessing that it would be safe to shift the lot to the recycle bin.

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Additional Partition Cannot Be Created?

Nov 2, 2012

i have pro book 4530 s .i formatted the hard drive and hp-tools drive deleted. when i was going to install one driver ,that driver needed to installed on "HP-tools" drive the driver installer said do you want to create the hp-tools drive i clicked on yes : but this error was shown: main drive already has four partitions,additional partion can not be created (also when i was going to install windows i couldn't have more than 3 partition!)

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Office 2010 Unable To Remove It From Add/Remove Programs?

Jul 25, 2011

I am attempting to uninstall (and then reinstall) Office 2010 Prof Plus. I am not able to remove it from Add/Remove programs, have read through some help info and attempted to use the Windows Fixit, Revo & Ripoutoffice2007, none of which have removed it (Revo didn't take it out and then pulled up a million 'left over' files, none of which I deleted).

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Remove Flash Memory Without Removing Safely Remove?

May 23, 2011

can i remove my flash memory without removing safely remove

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No Dump Files Being Created During BSOD

Jan 20, 2013

So Ive now been getting random BSODs on my desktop for a month now, and was troubleshooting the problem all this time. Finally, to out rule any corrupt/conflicting drivers I freshly reinstalled windows (which didnt help though).

Since this reinstall, however, no more dump files are created during the BSODs. It just shows:

*** STOP: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA8004F69028, ox00000000BE200000, 0x000000000005110A)

Collecting data for crash dump ... Initializing disk for crash dump ...

And it stays at this, no usual data dumping, even after letting the screen sit for about an hour. It recorded the dump files normally before the re-installation.

I already checked system properties, under the advanced tab, to ensure that the dump file creation was enabled. It is.

Also, does anyone know what could cause this bsod? From the dumpfiles before the reinstallation, i know that Hal.dll is the driver causing the problems. Could it be my OC? ( I doubt it as returning the CPU to factory settings resulted in the same BSODs)

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Empty Folder Created On Start-up?

May 11, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a desktop. I use it mostly for browsing and high end gaming. My recent installs have all been pretty safe (CDs from game companies), so I don't think it's an infection...though if it were, it's a pretty mundane one.

Recently (last couple of weeks), whenever I reboot or cold start my machine, a New Folder(2) is created on my desktop. The first time I noticed it was right around the time I was copying a lot of documents to my machine for a new home purchase. I was trying to keep track of all the folders I had to create, but I know for a fact that as I was creating, I wasn't keeping up with naming conventions. I really hadn't noticed that it was being recreated every time until I VERY deliberately removed it about two days ago. Until then, I thought I had just kept forgetting to remove it.

This evening, while booting, I took particular care and watched my task list while starting. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (though my computer brilliance has burned itself out over the last few decades), and hence my request for information here.

There appears to be no other issues with my machine (except for the occasional bass voice coming from my speakers saying "Skynet lives"...that's a joke).

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New Folder Created When Start Computer

Jan 15, 2012

Every time i start my system, a new folder gets created on my desktop. I delet it but next time i restart my system, it comes up again...Is this a virus. Its not affecting anything so far i know.

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Windows 7 Different Behavior, Network Created On Its Own?

Oct 18, 2012

In Windows 7, clicking on Network tab now shows as this image below in attachment:Computers: shows computer name (opening it accesses Users shared folder).Media devices: shows when I open windows media player (but "Media streaming options" is disabled in Network and Sharing Center).Network Infrastructure: shows modem name (opening it accesses modem page).How to turn this off again to see what I always had when clicking on Network tab: This computer is not connected to a network. Click to connect.

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Created Two Partitions On 1TB Drive - How To Resize Again

May 1, 2012

I am running W7 pro 64-bit. I have just installed a 1TB drive from another machine, which already had some onfo on it which I wanted to keep. I shrank the disk- using Disk Management- to create 2 partitions. Is it possible to un-shrink the disk?

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Can Favorites Be Sorted By Date Created

Jun 4, 2012

Can favorites be sorted by date created?

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2 Copies IE8 Created When Upgraded To WIN7

Dec 5, 2009

I recently bought a new Dell machine just before Win 7 was released so it came with Vista. I have not yet installed any other software on the machine other than what it came with. I bought a standalone copy of Win 7 to upgrade from Vista but when I install as an upgrade on my machine I get 2 copies of IE8 appearing in the programs menu listed as:

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer (64bit)

They both will run independently but I am worried about the future stability of my system and really don't want them both on there.

I tried to Google to find anyone else with the same problem, but the only references I can find are to hackers who for some reason actually want to have two copies running. I do not know why I seem to be the only person with this problem.

I presume that I need to UN-install one of them - can anyone advise which one please and how to do it - my pc IS 64 bit by the way and I used the Win 7 64 bit CD to do the upgrade. I tried a factory reset of the machine and tried to upgrade to Win 7 a second time to check i was doing everything correctly but the same thing has happened.

Also, under control panel I seem to have 2 copies of Java:

Java (TM) 6 update 13 and

Java (TM) 6 update 13 (64-bit).

Is this the same issue - which one should I delete please and how?

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Dump File Not Getting Created On BSOD?

Dec 4, 2011

I've tried to have a dump file generated on crash but it's not getting written. I followed the following page to set up how Windows would create my dump files:

Dump Files - Configure Windows to Create on BSOD

I had a few crashes of different types - photos attached. I also attached the zip file as per instructions from here: [URL]

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Computer Reboots, No Dmp File Is Created

May 28, 2012

Every few days , (could be 4. or 5 days) my computer rebooted by itself and I get a error code 41 kernel power, the system rebooted with properly shuttiong down. A dump file is not bering created. This started in beginning of may. Until then this never happened. This happened when windows is in low use or idle. Microsoft took control of my computer and could not find why it happens Again I am not getting a dump file to check. hard drive tesr--wiith Hdd reginator and check disk no problems?memory test no problem?cpu test by intel softeware diagnostic tool no problem and cpu is cool?test with asus al suitee and cpu temp is 32c and system temp is 31c? virus check with kaspersky and no virus

windows 7 64 bit
malibastes free software
superanitspyware free software
kaspersky internet security
i7 processor, asus motherboard,
2 teribite hard drives,850 corsair watt power supply
h50 cpu cooler, 12 gig 1600 speed balastic memory,
evga gtx460 1gb exhaust ddr 5 memory
creative xfi extreme gaamer sound card

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Changing *.exe File I Created To Non-exe Type

Jun 18, 2011

I've created a slideshow file, using FastStone Image Viewer 4.3, and pictures I took myself in our back yard. The file is *.exe and self-executes correctly on my computer. I've scanned it with MSE and it's clean and virus-free.I want to send it to our daughter, using my Hotmail account, as a normal attachment to a normal email msg. But Hotmail blocks it completely since it's an executable file type.So I tried to just rename a copy of it on my hard drive, first, to *.txt. But when I select the *.exe filename and then click Rename, I can't seem to get access to the extension part of the current file name; the exe after the dot. So is there a way I can change the file type in windows from "application" to a type Hotmail so windows won't block as an email attachment? Then tell the recipient to change it back to *.exe on her end?

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Created Folder Only Showing Up In DOS Environment?

Sep 29, 2011

I am attempting to write a batch file and I have run into several issues with the Windows 7 command interpreter. But this one has me completely baffled. In testing my batch file, I typed the command at the cmd line. This is my command:

Start /wait /b Robocopy "%USERPROFILE%My Documents" C:\% COMPUTERNAME% /S /E /M /COPYALL /ZB

When I run this command from the prompt it appears that it worked. But the created folder does not appear in the Windows 7 explorer environment. If I try to manually create this folder again, it tells me the folder already exists.If I do a dir of the root of C:, it shows the folder.... but ony in the DOS environment. Yes, I have changed the folder/file views and allowed system and hidden files to be shown.I have searched the other forums and I have seen nothing posted regarding this type of problem.

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Using A Windows 7 Repair Disc On A PC Was Created By Another PC?

Jan 6, 2013

I have 2 laptops. One, a Sony Vaio has a working Windows 7 home premium OA 64 bit. And another Toshiba Satellite that HAD Windows 7 home premium OA 64 bit. The hard drive in the Toshiba went fubar and is unrecoverable. None of the sectors are readable except the partition table and SMART says that drive failure is imminent. I installed a new blank hard drive in the toshiba.Can I use my Vaio Windows 7 to get this Toshiba Windows 7 working somehow? I created a repair disc on my Vaio but I don't know what to do next for the Toshiba. No the Toshiba does not have any backup recovery disks made from it but I can make whatever discs with my Sony Vaio. I have not done system recovery on windows since the old NT days. It looks like MS made this harder than it was. All I had to do was use my install disc.

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DVD Disc Created On Windows 7 Only Plays On XP?

Dec 14, 2011

I have Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64bit. I recently burnt some files to dvd disc on my pc and they played back fine on mine and a Vista pc.

However, now if I burn files to a dvd disc using any program or Windows Explorer drag/drop the pc does not recognise the disc when ejected and then re-inserted, it just does nothing if I click on the Dvd drive. It doesn't argue about inserting a disc or an error on playback, its just as if the drive is inaccessible, not there. The burnt video files play fine from disc before ejection.

However, if I then insert that disc into my old Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit machine, everything is hunky dorey fine, disc is readable and prompts to auto play cideo files. I have no issue with it. Put it back into Windows 7 and again nothing.

So, the dvd disc is created in Windows 7, plays ok until ejected and then will only play on my old Vista Home Premium machine. I thought maybe session wasn't closed but as far as can see it is.

Most perplexed! I burnt the files ot dvd to sent to a friend who has Vista but has also tried a Windows 7 laptop so am completely stumped. This process worked fine just mere weeks ago for us, I am doing nothing different.

My devices show no sign of problems. Normal shop bought DVD plays on my pc fine so I know the drive is good!

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Cannot Delete Bonjour Created Printers

Nov 5, 2009

I have thoroughly deleted Apple's "Bonjour For Windows" application from my Windows 7 Home Premium PC because it simply would not work. It would not allow me to access or use my Canon MP530 printer which uses a USB connection to our desktop iMac. I tried to delete the "printers" created by Bonjour prior to uninstalling the software. That did not work. Now I cannot delete the printers after the software is thoroughly how I can get rid of these Bonjour-created printers from my Devices and Printers container? I suspect they are interfering with my ability to access and use the printer using a strictly Windows 7 configuration / setup (Which is NOT easy to establish. Contrary to Microsoft advertising, working through a network setup like we have is unclear, the printer is not discovered or discoverable, and the network administrator I'm supposed to check with is ME.)

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Run A Windows 7 Repair Disk That Was Created On A Different PC?

Dec 17, 2012

I have an issue with my desktop PC. I believe I have a corrupted system file since the HDD is no longer bootable; however I have been able to remove the infected drive and install it as a slave on my HTPC. This has allowed me to backup all my important files.My question... I'd like to run a Repair on the existing Windows 7 install but I never created a rescue disk when the OS was operational. Can I create a repair disk using my Windows 7 OS off the HTPC and run it over my desktop PC? Or is the disk specific to the PC the OS belongs to.

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Administrator Folder Created By Windows 7 64 Bit?

Feb 18, 2013

i have two laptop, one is ruuning 64bit Home premium and the other one is running 32 bit Home premium.the 32 bit one was setup a week ago with no additional application, while the 64 bit was installed 2 months ago with 15 other applications installed.i notice that there are 3 folders in "Users" in the 64 bit, and only 2 folders in Users in 32 bit.the one that found in the 64 bit but no in the 32 bit is "Administrator" folder, can someone explain to me what happends?

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Partitioning - Created A Partition And Can't Boot

Oct 20, 2009

I put a clean install of Win 7 onto my laptop and all was well. I went into disk management and shrunk my C: partition a bit to create a new partition.

Having done that, I now cannot boot up. It would seem that something I've done has caused the system reserved partition to become my C: drive and what was C: is now D:! Windows 7 attempts a repair when I boot up, but this fails due to a corrupt registry.

I've put the disk back in to see what that offers and it's here that I noticed that Windows is now on the D: drive. Opening a command prompt confirms how the drive letters have been reassigned.

I'm not 100% sure but assume that it's trying to boot from the system reserved partition and not liking it? I only just installed yesterday so don't mind doing a reinstall if that's the easiest fix, but just wonder if anyone knows what I can do to ensure this doesn't happen again? I presume my partitioning shenanigans are to blame somehow?

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System Reserved Partition Not Created

Dec 22, 2009

When originally installing Windows 7 Ultimate I noticed it created a 100mb system reserved partition. No probs.

Recently I turned on AHCI in my bios and attempted to do a clean install. This time WinPE did not create a reserved partition and despite creating an 80gb partition to install windows on it said “Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.”

Install refused to proceed any further, pointing me to some log files I could not find. I booted from my repair disk and tried to make the partition active, which was already marked as active and tried again. No luck.

I had deleted all partitions on the drive.

So I turned off AHCI and tried again. I missed the "press any key".. and system complained about a "Master boot record error".. I rebooted and tried to do install again. Same issue.

I was able to recover my system from an image I created earlier, but I sure would like to know why the reserved partition was not created, and why windows refused to install. Because I'm going to try again.

I have purchased a new HDD, one that is supposed to be much faster than my old one, which of course has not been formatted. I tried that drive with and without AHCI and had the sasme issues.

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User Profile Is Not Created Properly

Jul 5, 2011

I am experiencing an issue with a single user where here user profile is not created properly. When launching IE9 it opens/shuts and when opening an explorer window from the dock it displays a warning message indicated that not all drives were mounted.This machine is running Windows 7 64 bit and is connected to a domain. Other domain users work. This user has attempted logging onto multiple machines running Windows 7 with the same results.

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Created A New Partition Upon Install - Now The Remainder Is Gone

Dec 16, 2011

I created a new partition upon a brand new Win 7 install. I have a 750 gb HD. Out of the 750, I created a 100 gig partition for the OS (or so I thought). Windows installed just fine, however, My Computer only sees the 100 gig partition, where the windows was installed. I should roughly have 650 gigs left, on a different partition but it is nowhere to be found.

What are my options? This is my first Win 7 install. Do I need to reinstall from scratch? I remember with Win XP it was so easy to create partitions upon new installs.

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