Is It Possible To Receive A Corrupted Copy Of Windows

Feb 4, 2013

The PC in question is a Dell OptiPlex 580 which came with an OEM installation of Windows 7 Pro x64.Is it possible to purchase a bad copy of Windows?What exactly do I mean by bad copy? I'm not talking about a pirated copy with a fake license. I mean, is it possible the copy of Windows that came installed on my system is damaged, corrupt, or incomplete? All the data on the OEM disc was transferred from somewhere, from something. When the manufacturer created this disc, is it possible that something went wrong? Why do I want to know? Well, here is my story:About two years ago I purchased a brand new PC from Dell. I noticed within the first week or so, practically right out of the box, the PC crashed and displayed a BSOD. The PC crashed again about a week later. I was a little concerned when I saw the first crash, but the second got my attention for sure. However, every time I tried investigating an error code, the probable cause was always vague. I couldn't find anything that pointed to that one silver bullet fix.I looked for answers everywhere, often on boards such as this one. The fixes suggested to me were numerous, well thought out, but all too often varied. It's the hardware! I's the software! It's a third party driver! It's Windows! Whatever the suggestion, I tried it, but nothing worked.I am not a computer expert, guru, or whiz of any kind. I'm just a guy that has been able to troubleshoot or fix numerous issues over the years with the assistance of great people who contribute to forums like this one. But in regards to this particular issue, no matter what I have looked for, no matter what test I have used, I have never been able to identify the cause of these BSOD, nor have I been able to prevent them from continuing.Here are a few things I can tell you about this PC. I don't have any weird/uncommon software installed (just your basic things like Office, Acrobat, etc.). I'm not overclocking anything. I've checked the power supply and it is fully functional. I have run more memory tests then I care to remember. I've scanned for malware over and over again. I have run diagnostics to check for damage on the hard drive. I've uninstalled and reinstalled drivers. I've run stress tests on the drivers trying to force a crash. I physically removed a graphics card that I thought might be the issue, never plugging it back in. I've opened up the PC and reseated everything. I've kept the insides clean. I've checked the temperature inside the machine. But in two years of working on this computer, I have never found a single hardware defect with this system. And not one single tweak I have made to it has kept it from crashing. Even when I reformatted the hard drive and did a full reinstallation of Windows, which was the recommendation of Dell's paid software support team, the PC quickly went back to more BSOD. If someone told me they reinstalled Windows on their system but it kept crashing, I would probably assume there was a hardware issue too. But again, I have searched and searched for evidence that the hardware is broken, but cannot find anything.All of this makes me wonder; maybe the PC arrived with the problem. Perhaps the OS was initially installed with a bad copy of Windows? Maybe when used that same disc to reinstall the OS, I just put the same problem back into the computer.It has been suggested to me that I conduct a Repair Install of Windows to fix some issues I discovered. Recently I ran the sfc/ scannow command and received a message stating that there were corrupt sectors that could not be repaired. But I am afraid to try to fix it with the OEM CD. This is the same CD that failed to fix the issue when I did a full install. Is it possible that if I use this same disc again that I could be replacing the same corrupt system files all over again?I am curious to hear feedback from others. Have any of you had an experience like this one? Is it possible that the OEM CD I received is damaged?

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Receive A Corrupted Version Of Windows?

Feb 4, 2013

I have a question about a desktop workstation I purchased from Dell. The PC in question is a Dell OptiPlex 580 which came with an OEM installation of Windows 7 Pro x64. Please bear with the length of my post, and forgive me if I am not posting this in the correct forum. I�m not sure if there is a correct forum for this question, but here goes:Is it possible to purchase a bad copy of Windows? What exactly do I mean by �bad copy�? I�m not talking about a pirated copy with a fake license. I mean, is it possible the copy of Windows that came installed on my system is damaged, corrupt, or incomplete? All the data on the OEM disc was transferred from somewhere, from something.

about two years ago I purchased a brand new PC from Dell. I noticed within the first week or so, practically right out of the box, the PC crashed and displayed a BSOD. The PC crashed again about a week later. I was a little concerned when I saw the first crash, but the second got my attention for sure.However, every time I tried investigating an error code, the probable cause was always vague. I couldn�t find anything that pointed to that one �silver bullet� fix. I looked for answers everywhere, often on boards such as this one. The fixes suggested to me were numerous, well thought out, but all too often varied. �It�s the hardware! It�s the software! It�s the hard drive! It�s a third party driver! It�s Windows!� Whatever the suggestion, I tried it, but nothing worked. I am not a computer expert, guru, or whiz of any kind. I�m just a guy that has been able to troubleshoot or fix numerous issues over the years with the assistance of great people who contribute to forums like this one. But in regards to this particular issue, no matter what I have looked for, no matter what test I have used, I have never been able to identify the cause of these BSOD, nor have I been able to prevent them from continuing.

Here are a few things I can tell you about this PC. I don�t have any weird/uncommon software installed (just your basic things like Office, Acrobat, etc.). I�m not overclocking anything. I�ve checked the power supply and it is fully functional. I have run more memory tests then I care to remember. I�ve scanned for malware over and over again. I have run diagnostics to check for damage on the hard drive. I�ve uninstalled and reinstalled drivers. I�ve run stress tests on the drivers trying to force a crash. I physically removed a graphics card that I thought might be the issue, never plugging it back in. I�ve opened up the PC and reseated everything. I�ve kept the insides clean. I�ve checked the temperature inside the machine. But in two years of working on this computer, I have never found a single hardware defect with this system. And not one single tweak I have made to it has kept it from crashing. Even when I reformatted the hard drive and did a full reinstallation of Windows, which was the recommendation of Dell�s paid software support team, the PC quickly went back to more BSOD. If someone told me they reinstalled Windows on their system but it kept crashing, I would probably assume there was a hardware issue too. But again, I have searched and searched for evidence that the hardware is broken, but cannot find anything.

All of this makes me wonder; maybe the PC arrived with the problem. Perhaps the OS was initially installed with a bad copy of Windows? Maybe when used that same disc to reinstall the OS, I just put the same problem back into the computer. It has been suggested to me that I conduct a Repair Install of Windows to fix some issues I discovered. Recently I ran the �sfc/ scannow� command and received a message stating that there were corrupt sectors that could not be repaired. But I am afraid to try to fix it with the OEM CD. This is the same CD that failed to fix the issue when I did a full install. Is it possible that if I use this same disc again that I could be replacing the same corrupt system files all over again? I am curious to hear feedback from others. Have any of you had an experience like this one? Is it possible that the OEM CD I received is damaged?

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Transfer Data Through Windows 7 By Copy And Paste Perfect Copy?

Jan 15, 2012

I have one internal drive with 1 TB. The data there is very important to me , so I bought External removable drive for backup. Now, I want to copy the data from one drive to the second drive but I have to be sure I have a perfect copy of the data. The data is mostly songs movies and documents. I'm using windows 7.

My question is this:

1.If I'll transfer the data through windows 7 by copy and paste, I could be sure i have a perfect copy? 2.There are tools for comparison Between the original data to the data that was copied?

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Can't Install Windows 7 32 Bit - Receive BSOD

May 6, 2012

My friend recently installed windows 7 ultimate 32 bit on his laptop, everything went perfect and is running fine.

He then decided to also upgrade his desktop, he had successfully installed it and was able to get to the log in screen without any problems, once typing in his password and logging into to windows, the screen would flicker and go black and blue and sometimes the pc would shut itself off. The error which we could make out before the screen went off was 'Kernel driver has stopEd responding.' something to that effect, I can't remember the exact message. But we managed to figure it was an issue with the nvidia drivers, as it seems to be a wide spread problem with nvidia GeForce cards (my friend has a 8600gt). Now since then we decided to format the hard drive and perform a fresh install of windows 7. Now this wer things get interesting.

We booted from CD and ran the windows 7 installation, when the screen comes up to ask which partition/hard drive you want to install on, we formatted the hard drive on this screen and then tried to perform an installation, the installation started, but stopped at some point and we received a blue screen, now weneva we attempt to boot from cd, the windows installations files are loaded and the windows starting logo is displayed, but then we receive the BSOD.

I cannot provide you with any dump files as there is not operating system, but I have taken a picture of the BSOD that we receiving.

System specs:

Biostar Tforce 965PT
Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 512mb
3gb Ram
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13ghz

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Receive A Windows Reinstall CD With New Laptop?

Apr 26, 2012

bought an HP DM4 yesterday an noticed there wasnt anything in the box regarding recorvery disk or windows reinstall disk.An IT co worker informed me that i should have recieved a windows disk just incase my computer OS died on me and i needed to reinstall i missing somthing here or do i have to call hp for them?

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Send And Receive Emails With Windows 7?

May 26, 2011

I want send and receive emails with windows 7

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Windows 7 X84 Cannot Receive Wireless Signal From X64 Unless Unsecured

May 21, 2012

i just built a new Windows 7 Machine and i installed x64 bit for the first time and this is my main computer with a WRT54GL Router hooked up and i moved my old machine out to my living room, but when i try to connect to it wirelessley the x86 wont even see my network at all, i have SSID broadcast on, the only way it will see it is if i disable security and WPA2 then it shows up but as soon as i put the security back on it wont connect/see it at all. Can anyone help me i have no idea whats going on, my previous machine i had out in my living room was windows xp and it could connect to my x86 win 7 fine, but now i cannot get it to work, i even bought a new wireless usb adapter to try and it still wont see it unless i unencrypt it.

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Windows Media Center - Receive Email

Mar 21, 2010

How to get your Emails in Windows 7 Media Center ?

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When Install Windows 7 Receive Blue Screen

May 26, 2012

after installing window 7 and loading for first use then i receive blue screen.

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Copy Discs To ISO Files And Burn These Even If Copy Protected

Nov 11, 2011

What is the best free program that can copy discs to ISO files and also burn them, even if they are copy protected?

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Windows 7 Update Sp1 - Receive The Error Code: 800B0100?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm working on a Brand New Dell Inspiron 1525 with W7 OS. I was in the middle of catching it up on all the updates and they went in fine except it when it got to Service Pack 1, It will not install SP1. I receive the error code: 800B0100 I also went thru the steps of "Get help with this error" and it went thru "Windows Update troubleshooter" said the problem was "fixed", however still failed the next 4 tries, any suggestions? THX!!!

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[WiFi] Windows Did Not Receive Any Response From The Wireless Router

Jun 19, 2012

I have a D-Link DIR615 router which I've been using for the past 5 months (no problems whatsoever). After i've got my laptop from the support service I can't seem to successfully connect to my home network.

My phone can connect with no problem to my router. My laptop sees other wireless networks. This is how it goes: when I try to connect it immediately says "unable to connect" when I run the diagnostics I get the "windows did not receive any response from the wireless router" message. I can only connect after like 30 mins of changing the wireless settings (usually SSID and security) from my router + rebooting it countless times. Even then, I usually check "automatically connect" and the next day after I arrive from work, it doesn't really connect automatically and can't even connect to it (unable to connect message). Even typing a wrong passphrase when it's secured it doesn't say "wrong passphrase" but "unable to connect".

Another very wierd thing is that my wireless network disappears from the network list after a few minutes, I still see other secured wireless networks.

I can connect to a wireless network made by phone (wifi hotspot) with no problems.

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Unable To Receive Email In Windows Live Mail?

Feb 23, 2011

Installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1 yesterday. Today, Windows Live Mail is asking for my username and password for my Comcast mail account. The name & password provided are correct. When I OK, the box just keeps reappearing. When I cancel, error message states a wrong password was provided. I am using Firefox as my browser. When I try to open my Comcast mail from the Comcast site, it times out. I AM able to send emails from Live Mail...

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Outlook 2002 Won't Work With Windows 7 - Only Can Receive Emails

Nov 21, 2011

Just installed my old Outlook 2002 on new Windows 7 computer. It won't send email but receives fine.

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Unable To Send Or Receive Emails From Home - Windows Live

Dec 5, 2012

I am trying to trouble shoot my boss' laptop. We have tried to set him up on Windows Live to use while he is at home and on the road. We have a server and it is setup/configured on his laptop correctly as it works EVERYWHERE else besides his home. I am guessing it is a Firewall or Router Setting issue. Since I don't go to his home, I am unable to trouble shoot it there - His family has an IPAD an ITOUUCH a personal computer and another laptop and they all send and receive mail fine. It is just my boss' laptop - Windows 7 - Home Edition - 64bit - Dell. Thinking maybe I need to change the port # in the settings on Microsoft Live. BTW - we do have him set up to use the Exchange by logging into our IP - but he just cannot seem to get the hang of doing that - even though i have everything shortcutted and instructions on the desktop...Also have had him just use Log Me In - and he doesn't like the small screen..

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Have Copied Files Named 'Copy Of' Instead Of '- Copy'

Mar 17, 2012

How can I get Windows 7 to name copied files using the scheme "Copy of" (used in Windows XP and earlier) instead of the default scheme "- Copy", whenever a file is copied to the same directory as the original file?In other words, if you copy a file named "Foo.txt" in a directory to the same directory, Windows XP would have named that file "Copy of Foo.txt", but Windows 7 names the file "Foo - Copy.txt". I want the copy to be named "Copy of Foo.txt".There are several reasons why I prefer the XP style file name:

1. It is familiar :-)

2. I have existing files that use the XP style file names, and I want all my file copies to use the same naming scheme. I guess I can do a massive file rename across all my backups, but that would solve only one of my problems.

3. Most of my folders are sorted by name, and using XP style would sort all copies together. On other forums it has been suggested that one can simply sort by date (to get the copies sorted together), but that advice assumes that all copies are created after all other files are created, which is actually not often the case.

4. I often work with long file names, which means that the end of the file name is often obscured, unless I have wide windows (not always possible) and use lots of horizontal scrolling every time I want to select a file. Hovering over a file to get its full name is a cumbersome solution.

5. On other forums some have given the advice to always make copies in subfolders, but I often make copies or copies of copies while I work (it allows me to roll back or to check earlier versions of a file quickly, during my work), and using subfolders would slow me down tremendously (not to mention confuse me).

I know that when TeraCopy is made the copy handler, it renames files in a different way than Windows 7 does, though unfortunately not the way Windows XP did it. Also, if one installs a third-party directory program such as Opus, it asks for a file name every time a copy is made, but I need something that simply names the file correctly immediately.

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How Do I Upgrade From Win 7 Evaluation Copy To Original Copy ?

Nov 30, 2009

I have installed windows 7 evaluation copy build 7201 and i want to find out if i will be able to upgrade it to the original copy and how? Any suggestions?

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Outlook 2010 Stops Responding After Pressing Send / Receive Running Windows 7

Oct 22, 2011

After pressing "send/receive" pretty often my Outlook 2010 stops responding, blue ring is spinning and if I click anyplace I'm getting "fog" over screen. When I want to close program, Outlook offers to find fix or restart or shut off, if I choose fix it is searching and after while is restarting program. I have talked to Microsoft techs, they checked, everything was fine, and suggested to restart Outlook if it will happen again. I do not think this is the way how Outlook 2010 should work.

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Windows 7 Getting Corrupted?

Jan 16, 2012

"windows asking for startup repair every 2-3 days and i have to again instakk a new windows but it again gets corrupted i have tried every anti virus but each antivirus says my pc is clean?

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How To Receive D3d

Jan 13, 2012

how can get d3d to play my games

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Can Not Receive Fax

Mar 14, 2012

i can send a fax message, but i can't receive message. i have a HP officejet 6310x printer.

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Corrupted Display In Windows 7?

Sep 10, 2011

I'm having displays issue where either black horizontal lines appear (while in Free-cell viewing photos) when maximized or text and icons are missing from windows such as device manager. In the case of the latter, when moused-over, the graphic or text (which was previously invisible) appears.The video card is an ATI Radeon HD5770 1024 mb GDDR5 PCI-E and both the monitor and computer are about a year old.These problems just started happening out of the blue.Since, I have updated the video card driver numerous times but to no avail.

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Windows 7 Corrupted After Cloning

Aug 12, 2010

I'm transfering all my data to a new hdd using gparted. My ubuntu partition went fine but my windows 7 is corrupted or broken. I tried twice to clone the partition but the new one is behaving oddly. url...first when windows starts theres nothing on the screen, i have to ctrl+alt+del and create a explorer.exe process, then I can't navigate because any attempt to enter "computer" or any explorer windows returns a warning with "no such interface supported". All my data is still there but is currently unusable.I really want to clone it because reinstalling everything is going to be too much time consuming.

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SSD Failure OR Windows 7 Corrupted

Aug 9, 2012

i have a system with a corsair force 3 60GB SSD with Windows 7 on it. Recently, when i tried booting the system, it would not boot into windows, instead it would get stuck on the "Loading Operating System .................................................................." page and then it would ask to load an operating system and press ENTER.

I have inserted the drive into another computer by USB to check the system files and it seems fine, i can read and write to and from the drive and i can see the system files on my other com.

I have also tried booting the Drive from other computers but same issue. I am not sure if its a driver issue or a corrupted windows file.

I have tried other methods, setting the drive to first boot, forcing the system to boot from the drive, setting to ACHI mode, inserting the drive into different SATA ports and controller, all to no avail.

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Windows System Corrupted?

Dec 15, 2012

AMD Phenom II x6 t1055
Biostar A770E3 / A78XAA3S-R03 v6.0
2x4GB Kingston pc3-10600 (1333Mhz), just new installed.
ATI HD5750 True Color
Windows 7 x32 & x64 Ultimate NL Retail

I had some issues after doing what an Anti Virus software asked me to do and register cleaning.Windows looked acting slow and some futures (both still) don't work.I have to mention that I had a bad memory that killed two slots on the main baord.Previously the Windows 7 x32 didn't start completally, it didn't get to the login screen. The mouse pointer was vissable and the screen was black.

I looked on the net for answers, but found non. So, I tried to expermimanted some F8 functions ad the MBR screen. I found one that did work, something for domein users. All the other options didn't work.I got it started (safe mode) and deleted the last month installed software.Did a chkdsk /F and restarted. [URL]I found one site with the command sfc /scannow to check the system files and fix them.After a while (not minutes as it says) I got the notification that not all system files could be fixed.It installed a log file ad WindowsLogCBS about 24MB.How to fix these errors?no reinstallation. I have software that came from GiveawayOfTheDay, the software can only be installed once.Or,After a reinstall, would it be possible to reinstall the software from the Old installation. Actually stupid to do, can have bugs too.

Is there a total Windows 7 x32/x64 repair disk that comes with the programs itseld and can check the net for information and can install and deinstall software for download?I forgot to burn the one that came with Windows 7.I downloaded a Repair disk, but it kept asking for Backup and Command prompt didn't work either.Guess, the DVD program did need those files on the Windows HDD installation too.Autoback up was disabled, don't know how. So, no backup at all. No restore points either.

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Receive Aero Lag When Opening And Closing Windows In Windows 7?

Oct 8, 2012

I receive Aero Lag when opening and closing windows in Windows 7

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How To Receive Sky Anytime +

Jun 20, 2012

how I can connect my Sky HD box to the internet to receive Sky Anytime +.I have a L A N driven by a BT Home hub 2.0 This is upstars with my PC. My TV is downstairs and I have a BT Voyager ADSL Router connected to my Sky HD box and landline. Sky has enabled Anytime + but it doesn't work.

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Can Send Fax But Not Receive?

Sep 9, 2011

I can send fax but not receive

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Cannot Receive Emails

Oct 23, 2011

I wish to receive emails from tadaustralia my provider accounts isp

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Can Send Fax But Not Receive

Dec 6, 2012

I can send but not receive a fax, but on occasion an ad or solicitation will come thru.

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Windows 7 Corrupted Preinstalled On Laptop

Nov 22, 2012

I got a Dell Inspiron N5050, Three weeks of use I started having allot of problems, I restored to factory, three weeks later, same problems came back but Five Times worse. I thought it was a thousand different things and I've found out now that. My issue is a Pre-Installed Corrupted version of Windows 7. Is there anything I can do, short of buying a new version of windows? I've checked for problems with hardware and software, it says there's none, I've tried anti-viruses [Mcafee], Spybot, System Mechanic, Malwarebytes, and all the windows and dell options, every time, everything comes up clean.

So I've no idea why I keep getting a Black Screen, why I sometimes Blue Screen, and why after a Black Screen sometimes it knocks my screen res down very low, or sometimes forces my laptop to zoom in 300%, When it black screens it disconnects my webcam, it sometimes disables my ability to connect to Web Pages, sometimes it disabled my internet, so I am dumbfounded, and after all that, I was told it was a Corrupted Version of Windows.

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