How To Get Progress Bar Visible When Downloading File From Website

Feb 17, 2013

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium with IE 9. How do you get the File Download Bar or what ever they call it to be visable when you are downloading a file from a website. The bar I am talking about shows up at the bottom of the screen and it shows the name of the program file in bold letters and at the right end of the bar you have three options: "RUN" "SAVE" or ("save as)" "CANCEL" Or and "X" at the edge of the bar.

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Can't Choose Destination When Downloading (not Visible)

Oct 3, 2011

When I download something from the web with my new netbook, it looks like this. There's nothing to press and no destionation folder to choose.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Also, any window with a OK/cancel button thing at the bottom of the window, those buttons are not visible and can only be viewed slightly if I drag the window as far up as possible

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One File Not Visible Over Network

Feb 1, 2011

I have a "server" (actually just another workstation with a big disk) running Vista. I access files on it over the network from my notebook running Windows 7. I have a directory on the server where I can see, open and edit all but one file - that one file seems invisible from the notebook. The permissions of the files in this directory seem identical. If I make a copy of the invisible file on the server, the copy is visible, but the original is not. If I rename the original file to something else, then rename the copy to the name of the original, then the file that's invisible is the one with the original name, not the original file. This suggests that its the name that's the problem, not some other property of the file. If I try to rename the copy that I can see to the original name using the notebook, I get a message: "This operation can only be performed when you are connected to the network". This is very odd, because I am connected to the network (evidence the fact that when I create a copy on the sever, it's visible from the notebook). If I make sure that I'm not trying to rename the file to a name that already exists on the server (even though I can't see it from the notebook) it makes no difference - I still get the error message.

By the way, the troublesome file is named OrganGEMA.h.svn-base - I have files elsewhere on the server that are called the exact same thing and they don't cause this problem - it's just this one file in this one directory.

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File Moved To A Shared Folder => Not Visible?

Sep 16, 2012

I'm sharing a folder with other PCs on the network and it works fine, except in this case:1. file in D:folder1 (normal folder)2. move file to D:folder2 (shared folder)3. file not visible from other PCs

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How To Automatically Download File From Website

Aug 20, 2011

I've just made the jump back from Mac to PC . I used to use Mac's automater to download an e- version of my free to distribute daily newspaper, start my mail program, attach the file to an email and send it to my Kindle. It was all quite easy to set up.
I'm looking for a way of doing this in Windows 7 but so far I'm not getting many hits on Google. Task Scheduler doesn't seem quite as flexible. Could anyone help me with how I do this

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File Magically Disappeared, Still Visible In The Windows 7 Search Index?

Aug 10, 2011

I was looking for a file when I noticed it was gone. I fired up the Windows search engine and Search Everything, both of which said the file was still there. When I try to open the search result in any media player, it says the file could not be found.I already restarted my system, but both search engines still say the file exists. Is the file still there? I cannot find it with Undelete Plus, but it did find a lot of files that were recently deleted.

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Creating A Batch File To Auto-login To A Website

Nov 28, 2011

I have created the following batch file to automatically load and login to a site, I created it and tested it on a computer running xp, but I can't get it to work on a windows 7 machine "@ECHO OFF TITLE Water Monitor Auto Start Up mode con: cols=42 lines=1 REM Create a time delay Visual Basic file of 1 second cd c: IF NOT EXIST ECHO Wscript.Sleep 1000 >> 1second.vbs:timeloop REM Using a for loop to count for 20 seconds to allow startup script to finish for %%d in (20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) do TITLE Water Monitor Auto Start Up in %%d Secs && ECHO. && 1second.vbs && cls.

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How To Convert Website File Back To Internet Shortcut

Jan 24, 2012

I have some files which were internet shortcuts, for some reason they are now "Website" files. I cannot open the website from them.

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Disable File Extension Recognition For Uploading Files To Website?

Jul 4, 2011

I need to be able to upload jpeg files to our website and the software package I use for that requires that the filename be entered in lower case in the format "filename.jpg". However, I've recently upgraded from XP to Windows 7 and note that JPG is being added in uppercase after my typed fileneme so that I end up with "filename.jpg.JPG" which is rejected by the uploading software. My web designer tells me that this is attributable to automatic file type recognition in Windows 7, and not to the upload software. How can I switch that off?

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Active X File Not Downloading?

Dec 17, 2011

I am trying to down load an active x program but windows says it is not a registered valid file and wont download it. I have another computer that it works on and have made the settings similar but it wont work. the other computer is running Vista. how do I over ride active x controls

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Downloading An Existing File And Options Don't Pop Up?

Aug 28, 2012

So when I download a file that I already have, it automatically downloads and gives that (1). So lets say I have file: DUDE. When I download it again, it automatically downloads and its file name is : DUDE (1). How do i fix this error.. usually options pop up right? I dont want to have duplicate files.

So... Does any 1 know how to revert this option? Cause I want the options to pop out again..

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Pc Downloading File While Sleep Mode

Oct 14, 2012

How to keep pc downloading file while sleeping i get the idea that its possible, but i cant barely understand or cant follow instructions correctly.

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Computer Goes To Sleep When Downloading Large File

Apr 7, 2012

New xps 17' running 64 bit Windows 7. In firefox when I'm downloading a large file the computer goes to sleep even though the power settings are set not to. I didn't know if this is a Windows 7 problem or a firefox problem.

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After Downloading Silverlight Attempting To Install Get A Message That The File Is Corrupt?

May 20, 2011

Toshiba Laptop running windows 7 64 bit. 4 gigs ram. T4500 processor.In a new house, just installed a new wireless router (linksys WRT something) with encryption.I am having difficulty downloading anything from the internet. Browsing works just fine but whenever I load a video or download a file of any size I get difficulties.After downloading Silverlight or Steam and attempting to install I get a message that the file is corrupt.Google downloader (trying to reinstall chrome) and windows update will both download just fine up a certain point then the download will abruptly stop, even though the internet is still working.This is an ongoing theme with movies as well. They will buffer to a point then the video will be unable to play past that point.I have tried going around the router and using a different browser both to no avail. I ran spybot and had to download updates from 2 different locations because 3 items would not download from the first server. Several problems were found but my problem was not fixxed.

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How Does One Prevent Internet Explorer From Automatically Downloading And Opening A PDF File

May 12, 2010

How does one prevent internet explorer from automatically downloading and opening a PDF file?for example, I click on a link which I do NOT know is a PDF file. I am not given the option to SAVE the file. Instead, it is automatically downloaded and then Adobe PDF opens up in a seperate window. How do I disable this? I have disabled the plug in/add on in IE. With FireFox I was able to set the plug in so that it would always ASK me what to do if it detected I was going to look at a PDF. I could either open it or save it. IE does not give me that option.

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After Downloading A File With Either Firefox 11.0 Or Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 Desktop Freezes Up

Apr 23, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit After downloading a file with either Firefox 11.0 or Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 desktop freezes up. Desktop icons do not select and will not open. Right-clicking the mouse doesn't open the Desktop properties window. However, everything in the Taskbar and Start Menu works!

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MIE9 Progress Bar Gone?

Dec 26, 2011

I know the progress bar wasn't built in to IE9 but I cant do without it and I did have it somehow whether it was a third party item or what don't know but its gone. I know there is a paid one at Xinify but how to restore the stanard progress/status bar to MIE9?

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System Says Operations Are In Progress

Feb 14, 2013

I have Windows 7 on my HP Pavilion dv9820us laptop. From time to time when I shut it down, it will go to a screen that says "Operations in progress" and then something about that it will shut down when it is completed. However, no matter how long I leave it (up to 24 hours) it never finishes. I always end up having to hold the power button to shut it down.

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Way To Restore Progress Bar In Internet Explorer 9

Jun 20, 2011

I want to know if there is a way to restore the progress bar in internet explorer 9. I found a site that wanted me to pay for a plug in but why should I have to pay for it? I want to restore the bar and I think it should be included. Are there any places I can get the plug in for free?

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Failure While Setup Is In Progress - Booting From Partition

Jul 6, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron laptop that got a virus on it. I tried to fix the virus but was just not able to and every time I turned the computer on it would get an error message and ask if I wanted to start windows normally, once in a while I would get a BSOD and it would reset itself. I don't remember what the error messages were because I kinda ignored the problem for a couple months and finally got around to saving what I needed and trying to do a reset. Everything went fine when I went into Dells Datasafe Restore. After it wiped the drive and re-installed I got past the Dell screen at startup and on to the windows screen then suddenly got a flash of a BSOD then the computer restarted. I went through the startup repair and got the message Failure while setup is in progress. I've been searching for a solution for a few hours now and I haven't found one. I don't have a recovery disk (I was just trying to use the partition) and I don't have a windows 7 cd. Where do I go from here?

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Slow Explorer Progress Bar On Large Folder

Apr 19, 2010

Clicking on a large folder in Explorer can cause a slowly-moving green progress bar. In some cases this can take several minutes to complete.

A common cause is thumbnail caching of image and video files, resulting from having properties | customize | "optimize this folder for:" set to pictures, vs documents or General items.

The most likely solution: in Explorer, right click on folder, select properties, customize, under "optimize this folder for:", select either General items, or documents. Set check box "Also apply this template to all subfolders", then click apply.

The slow progress bar is apparently caused by Explorer scanning the folder and all subfolders to pre-render thumbnail images for image and video files. This happens if the "optimize this folder" setting is pictures or videos. This happens when merely clicking on the top-level folder.

If "optimize this folder" is set to documents or General, the thumnails are not rendered until you actually click on the folder or sub-folder containing those.

This was discussed in another thread on this forum, but it was full of speculative remedies, and the actual cause and remedy was not posted until the last thread (and one year after the thread was started): Accessing drives in Windows Explorer takes a long time I'm creating this thread with a more exact title and concise description, to aid in finding the solution based on a symptom search.

While the above is the most likely cause of a slow Explorer progress bar, there are other possible causes. These include clicking on a remote folder on a slow network, general slowdown due to indexing, disk drive or filesystem caching disabled, disk drive retries due to impending hardware failure, corrupted video files or codec, etc.

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"Error Getting File Security" When Downloading ITunes?

Dec 11, 2011

I have been ignoring this for sometime but just bought myself a nano and need the latest itunes in order to use it.

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After All Files Load It Freezes At Restore Progress Screen

Feb 16, 2013

after loading my recovery disc on acer 5534. after all files load it freezes at restore progress screen. If I try restart BOOTMGR missing ctrl alt dlte

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Windows 7 Mapped Drive Latency With Slow Green Progress Bar And Red X

Dec 13, 2010

We are having ongoing problems with Windows 7 and mapped drive latency on our network. Our environment is as follows:Multiple servers running Windows 2008 & 2008 R2, some VMware servers (including our file server). Windows 7 x64 came preloaded on a brand new Lenovo think-pad, 4gb memory. This occurs on 4 different laptops. This problem ALSO occurs in exactly the same way on an HP Compaq x64 desktop running Windows 7 32. All systems are fully patched & up to date on SP's. Running IP 4 & 6 on all servers & Windows 7 machines Connected to GB Cisco switch.We run login scripts via GPOs that map drives (with net use commands) to 3 shares on our file-server, drives G, H and S.A fourth mapped drive to an IBM I-series does NOT experience these issues.

In Windows Explorer, mapped drives may or may not appear with red X's, but when clicked on they hang with a spinner and the green bar at the top of Explorer begins to run. This occurs randomly, but usually not right after boot up. It can take over a minute to complete. Also, in Word, which has references to these drives in file locations, file opening and saves can be very slow as it attempts to access these shares.This issue has delayed our roll out of Windows 7.Its unacceptably slow and cannot be used in a production environment.We have tried every suggestion we can find on the Internet:Turned off auto-tuning, indexing, thumbnails, set auto-disconnect to the max (both 99999 and ffffffff). Server & clients. No luck. Changed properties on the mapped drives to optimize for change.Changes setting on the network cards to disable flow control, set static link speed & duplex. Network drivers have been updated. Even tried using our wireless network and disabling wired change.All bios and hardware updates are change.Turned on and off network change.
Disabled SMB2 on servers & change.Disabled firewalls, and unloaded antivirus (Trend) change.Safe boot with networking & clean boot with no services other than change.

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Force Windows 7 To Save A Programs Progress (ie A Rendering Program Such As Revit) And Restart?

Jul 26, 2011

Is there a way to force Windows to save a programs progress (ie a rendering program such as Revit) and restart, similar to the actions it takes before the computer shuts down after the battery has died?

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Clean Windows 7 Install-loading Files To Scrolling Progress Bar To Blank Desktop W/cursor?

May 5, 2010

When I try to do a clean install of Windows 7 I get the loading files white progress bar you normally get during an installation, it then goes directly to the scrolling progress bar that would normally appear before a Windows startup, and then goes to a blank Windows 7 desktop with only a cursor (that I can move).I have a computer with the following specs:[CODE]I have tried to install with every version I can get my hands on, both 32 and 64 bit. None of them are upgrade versions. I've tried installing on a fresh WD Raptor and an Intel G25 SSD. All other drives have been disconnected. I've moved my memory around and tried with one stick. My mainboard has the latest official BIOS, although there is a new beta.

I ran the Windows 7 compatibility test and didn't see anything that would cause this problem.I have searched the internet and have not been able to find a solution sonstalling Windows XP has never been a problem, just Windows 7, always with the same problem.This is one of the few times when I have not been able to look around a find an existing answer to a problem and I am stumped.

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View Volume Shrink Progress And Cancel Shrink?

Dec 23, 2009

Although there isn't an interface specficially designed for it, you can actually view the progress of a volume shrink operation in Windows 7, and cancel a shrink that is in-progress, using the Disk Defragmenter tool.Volume shrink can take a long time, especially if you have a very full, or fragmented hard drive. Being able to view the shrink progress can be pretty handy!

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"another Installation Already In Progress"

Jan 27, 2012

with several programs, I am having a problem installing. I repeatedly have errors with "another installation already in progress". I know the fix for that by changing it to disabled, restarting, and changing it to manual. But it keeps happening. On the various stuff I try to install, I get errors even AFTER doing that fix. Like ""there was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation." That's the one I'm getting now.

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[64-bit] Libraries Are Not Visible?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a Dell XPS L702X running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, within the explorer window there is a link on the left for Libraries but when you click on it there are no libraries displayed, the window is empty. The Libraries do exist as you can see them in the 'Include in library' dropdown.Ive looked around and i have seen that this is an issue for 64 bit but i have no idea of how to get them to appear.

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No OS Visible In Boot Tab?

Apr 8, 2012

I was recently trying to enable the "No GUI boot" option in the Boot tab of the System Configuration simply because I was tired of waiting for that stupid logo to load before getting into my computer. I figured this was easy enough. Well, I went into the Boot tab and I was unable to click any of the options. I soon realized that this was because I had no OS visible in little white sub-window. I thought this was pretty shocking, it's supposed to say "Windows 7(C:Windows) : Current OS; Default OS" for me since I'm running Win 7 (64 if it matters). I've looked into the issue quite a bit, but almost everyone with this problem seems to have a much more serious problem of not even being able to boot at all. This same research has led me to think that it's something with my bootloader. I've tried running EasyBCD, but it tells me "There are a total of 0 entries listed in the bootloader". If, from inside EasyBCD, I try to go to Tools->Edit Legacy Entries it tells me:"Boot.ini is located on the hidden boot partition and cannot be loaded for user editing by EasyBCD. Please either assign a drive letter to the hidden boot partition or use the Windows XP dual-boot auto-configuration feature instead." I've also tried a second method, which was to boot from my Windows 7 install disc and get to the command prompt and type in (in order): "bootrec /FixMbr", "bootrec /FixBoot", "bootrec /RebuildBcd". The first two commands were successful, and although the last command returned successful, it tells me "Total identified Windows installations: 0".

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Bluetooth Headphones Not Visible

Jan 14, 2013

I guess I should start by saying I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x86.I got a pair of LG HBS700 Bluetooth Headphones for Christmas and couldn't wait to pair them up to my Windows 7 Home Theater PC so I could watch movies after my wife has gone to bed w/o disturbing her.My first problem was I had no bluetooth adapter for the HTPC so I went and purchased a Targus Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth Adapter.Thought I had it all squared away. I installed the latest drivers for the Bluetooth Adapter I had purchased and was on my merry way.Went to the control panel, choose to add a bluetooth device after putting the headset in pairing mode and much to my dismay, Windows 7 can't seem to find the headset... I know the head set works because I'm able to pair it with my cell phone.

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